Variation to the Agreement. 5.1 Should either party wish to discuss a significant variation to the agreement, representatives shall meet to agree such variations. Significant variations will be added to this Agreement as supplementary appendices.
Variation to the Agreement. The parties agree that nothing in this Agreement shall preclude them from entering into negotiations to vary this Agreement where a specific need is mutually agreed. Any variation to this Agreement will be in accordance with provisions of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Act 1979. The Consultative Committee will be convened should the need arise.
Variation to the Agreement. 21.1 Following the formation of a binding agreement, no deletion from, addition to, or variation of the Agreement shall be valid or of any effect unless a Variation Notice has been issued and the changes proposed agreed in writing and signed by the Parties.
21.2 If either one of the Parties wishes to vary this Agreement then it shall serve on the other a Variation Notice, dated and signed by the Authorised Officer, which shall set out the nature of the variation sought and the reasons for it.
21.3 If either one of the Parties receives a Variation Notice then within 28 Days of receipt it shall notify the other whether or not it agrees to the variation and if not, the reasons.
21.4 Where the Council serves a Variation Notice and the Service Provider does not respond within the 28 – Day period, the Variation shall be implemented from the date proposed within the Notice. Supporting People block subsidy contract
Variation to the Agreement. It is recognised that this Agreement can be varied in writing with the consent of both parties during the currency of the Agreement provided that such variation is approved by the Office of Employment Advocate.
Variation to the Agreement. The Bank may for any reason or at any time make any changes or additions to the Agreement including for the following reasons:
Variation to the Agreement. (a) If any provision of this Agreement is declared or determined to be illegal or invalid by final determination of any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining parts, terms or provisions of this Agreement will not be affected, and the illegal or invalid part, term or provision will be deemed not to be part of this AWA.
(b) Other than as provided for in clause 18(a) above this AWA may only be altered with the written agreement of each party.
Variation to the Agreement. 11.1 Any amendment or variation to this Agreement shall be recorded in writing and shall be signed by or on behalf of both Parties.
11.2 The Council may issue the Service Provider with written variations to the scope or specification of the Services, provided that a requirement to provide the Services to the Service Specifications shall not be a variation.
11.3 Variations issued pursuant to clause 11.2 shall be valued by the Council at fair rates and prices, having regard to the rates and prices set out in this Agreement.
Variation to the Agreement. 2.1. With effect from the Date of this Deed, the Agreement is varied as set out in this clause 2.
2.2. Delete the words “By 31 March 2019” in clause 5.4.1 of the Agreement and replace them with the words “By 30 June 2019”. At the end of clause 5.4.1 insert the words “The Foundation will also provide performance measures by 31 March 2019 for Projects that commence prior to 1 July 2019.”
2.3. Insert the following words at the end of clause 5.5.4 of the Agreement: “The Annual Work Plan must set out the Projects to be performed in that Financial Year as part of the Activity. The Projects should each have specified targets including an expected environmental outcome and provide for reporting on achievement of the targets”.
Variation to the Agreement. 6.1 Should either party wish to discuss a significant variation to the agreement, representatives shall meet to agree such variations. Significant variations will need to be approved at a Full Council meeting of Monmouth Town Council following which the agreed variation(s) will be added to this Agreement as supplementary appendices.
Variation to the Agreement. 6.1 This Agreement can be varied by written agreement between the parties.
6.2 If You wish to vary any terms and conditions of this Agreement during the Activity Period, You must obtain the CBF's written consent to do so beforehand.
6.3 If You have not spent or legally committed all CBF funding at the completion of the Activity Period, You must obtain the CBF’s written consent to retain the funds for an agreed purpose and for a specified period.