Variation to the Agreement Sample Clauses
Variation to the Agreement. 5.1 Should either party wish to discuss a significant variation to the agreement, representatives shall meet to agree such variations. Significant variations will be added to this Agreement as supplementary appendices.
Variation to the Agreement. The parties agree that nothing in this Agreement shall preclude them from entering into negotiations to vary this Agreement where a specific need is mutually agreed. Any variation to this Agreement will be in accordance with provisions of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Act 1979. The Consultative Committee will be convened should the need arise.
Variation to the Agreement. 21.1 Following the formation of a binding agreement, no deletion from, addition to, or variation of the Agreement shall be valid or of any effect unless a Variation Notice has been issued and the changes proposed agreed in writing and signed by the Parties.
21.2 If either one of the Parties wishes to vary this Agreement then it shall serve on the other a Variation Notice, dated and signed by the Authorised Officer, which shall set out the nature of the variation sought and the reasons for it.
21.3 If either one of the Parties receives a Variation Notice then within 28 Days of receipt it shall notify the other whether or not it agrees to the variation and if not, the reasons.
21.4 Where the Council serves a Variation Notice and the Service Provider does not respond within the 28 – Day period, the Variation shall be implemented from the date proposed within the Notice. Supporting People block subsidy contract
Variation to the Agreement. It is recognised that this Agreement can be varied in writing with the consent of both the Employer and the employees covered by the Agreement during the currency of the Agreement provided that such variation is approved by the OEA in accordance with the Workplace Relations Act 1996.
Variation to the Agreement. The parties to the Xxxxxxxx Enterprise Agreement 2005 acknowledge that this Agreement can be varied during its term, only by full consent of all the parties, and subject to approval of the variation at the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales
35.1 Permanent employees who are required to work another employee's shift (that is normally being a single engagement of 7 hours or longer which they were not rostered to work) are entitled to either:
(a) be paid at the base rate of pay plus shift penalties plus an emergency relief allowance of 10% for those hours worked; or
(b) accrue flexi time for additional hours worked. In the case of an employee who has a negative time in lieu balance, these extra hours must be accrued as time in lieu until such time as the employee has a positive time in lieu balance.
35.2 Employees must indicate on their timesheets if they wish to be paid for these extra shifts, otherwise it will be assumed that they wish to accrue this as time in lieu.
35.3 Employees must record the reason for working the additional hours or shift in the appropriate register at the residential unit.
35.4 Employees are prohibited from working more than 17 hours without a four hour rest break or sleepover, unless exceptional circumstances exist. In which case, they must have direct approval from the Program Manager in advance of such working hours.
35.5 Permanent employees who are required to work additional hours to their roster which are less than a full shift must accrue this time as flexi time, except in the case where the amount of hours worked in one single engagement is more than 7 hours.
Variation to the Agreement. This Agreement may be varied during its term in accordance with the Act.
Variation to the Agreement. (a) If any provision of this Agreement is declared or determined to be illegal or invalid by final determination of any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining parts, terms or provisions of this Agreement will not be affected, and the illegal or invalid part, term or provision will be deemed not to be part of this AWA.
(b) Other than as provided for in clause 18(a) above this AWA may only be altered with the written agreement of each party.
Variation to the Agreement. Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, this Agreement shall not be varied or cancelled, unless both Parties shall expressly agree to such variation or cancellation in writing.
Variation to the Agreement. The parties agree to review clause 20.2 (b) regarding the span of ordinary hours by 31 December 2009 with a view to identifying opportunities to extend ordinary hours that meet both business and employee needs. Any agreed extension of ordinary hours will be negotiated and implemented during the life of the Agreement as a variation to the Agreement.
Variation to the Agreement. The terms of the agreement may be varied by mutual agreement between TCC and Sport Bay of Plenty.