RSA Software definition
Examples of RSA Software in a sentence
RSA will acknowledge receipt of a conforming error report within two (2) business days and (A) will use its continuing best efforts to provide a correction for any Level 1 Severity error to OEM as early as practicable; and (B) will use its reasonable efforts to include a correction for any Level 2 Severity error in the next release of the RSA Software.
OEM may not in any way sell, lease, rent, license, sublicense or otherwise distribute the RSA Software or any part thereof or the right to use the RSA Software or any part thereof to any person or entity except as part of a Bundled Product.
RSA does not warrant that the RSA Software or any portion thereof is error-free.
Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, or unless such additional rights are granted in the Product Notice, Customer may only use one production copy of the RSA Software.
Customer shall not use any third-party product embedded in or bundled with the RSA Software as a standalone program or in any way independently from the Software.