Section 15 Bonds definition

Section 15 Bonds means bonds issued under the Base Prospectus according to S.15 of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act.
Section 15 Bonds means bonds issued under the Base Prospectus according to S.15 of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act. The “Limitations Act” shall mean the Danish Act no. 1238 of 9 November 2015 on the time barring of claims (with later amendments). ”Green Bonds” shall mean SDO/RO Bonds, from which the proceeds are applied to direct or indirect financing or refinancing of projects and activities that meet certain eligibility requirements, with the purpose of advancing climate-friendly or other environmentally sound purposes. The “Capital Market Act” shall mean the Danish Act No. 931 of 6 September 2019 on capital markets (with later amendments). The “Bankruptcy Act” shall mean the Danish Act no. 11 of 6 January 2014 on bankruptcy (with later amendments). ”Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act” shall mean the Danish Act No. 1188 of 19 September 2018 on mortgage loans and mortgage credit bond, etc. ”Bonds” shall mean SDO, RO and Section 15 Bonds issued under the Base Prospectus. ”Executive order on the Issue of Bonds” shall mean the executive order No. 1425 of 16 December 2014 on the issue of bonds, the balance principle and risk management. ”Bondholder” shall mean investors who own Bonds ”Preferential Derivatives Contracts” shall have the same meaning as stated in section 5.4.2.
Section 15 Bonds means bonds issued under tDhaneish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act.Base TheLim“itations Act” shall mean the Danish Act no. 1238 of 9 (with later amendments). ”Green Bonds” shall mean SDO/RO Beodsnaredaspp,lied tfo drireoctmor inwdirhecit ficnahncingthe pr or refinancing of projects and activities that meet certain eligibility requirements, with the purpose of advancingclimate-friendly or other environmentally sound purposes. TheCap“ital Market Act” shanlthle Danmiseh Aact No. 931 of 6 September 2019 on capital markets (with later amendments). TheBank“ruptcy Act” shall mean the Danish Act no. 11 of 6 amendments). ”Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc. Act” shall mean the Danish September 2018 on mortgage loans and mortgage credit bond, etc. ”Bonds” shall mean SDO, RO and Section 15 Bonds issueExecutive order on the Issue of Bonds” shall meaonrdertNho. e1425eofx16eDcecuemtbeir v20e14 on the issue of bonds, the balance principle and risk management. ”Bondholder” shall mean investors who own Bonds ”Preferential Derivatives Contracts” shall have the same5.4.2m. eaning as st

Examples of Section 15 Bonds in a sentence

  • No additional amount will be payable to the holders of Section 15 Bonds in connection with such deferral.

  • According to the terms applying to Section 15 Bonds, interest will not continue to accrue in respect of the deferred payments.

  • In such situations, it will generally be difficult for investors to reinvest the redemption proceeds at a corresponding interest rate, and therefore investors should consider such reinvestment risk before investing in Section 15 Bonds.

  • Claims pertaining to Section 15 Bonds and claims pertaining to other bonds issued pursuant to section 15 of the Danish Mortgage-Credit Loans and Mortgage-Credit Bonds etc.

  • It should be expected that the Issuer will redeem the bonds, if it can issue other Section 15 Bonds at a lower interest rate than the rate currently paid.

  • Section 15 Bonds may be redeemed prior to maturity in certain casesIf the Final Bond Terms stipulate that the Issuer may redeem the bonds prior to maturity, it will probably lower the market value of the Bonds.

  • Any reference in this Base Prospectus to "Bonds" applies to all types of securities issued under this Base Prospectus, ie SDOs, ROs and Section 15 Bonds.

  • To the extent that the claims pertaining to Section 15 Bonds are not covered by the assets of the relevant capital centre, they may be raised against the Issuer's estate in bankruptcy as unsecured claims, cf section 97 of the Danish Bankruptcy Act.

  • However, the Section 15 Bonds in question can be redeemed at the ordinary maturity if Jyske Realkredit issues or has issued new loans to replace these in full or in part.

  • Nykredit will resume payments to holders of Section 15 Bonds from the time the above tests show that the balance principle is no longer breached.

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