Sensitive areas definition

Sensitive areas means government-designated areas that have been recognized for their
Sensitive areas means those areas designated by the NPDES authority in coordination with state and federal agencies, as appropriate, Outstanding National Resource Waters, National Marine Sanctuaries, waters with threatened or endangered species and their habitat, waters with primary contact recreation, public drinking water intakes or their designated protection areas, and shellfish beds, as set forth in Section II.C.3. of the CSO Policy.
Sensitive areas means government-designated areas that have been recognized for their importance to Montana's wildlife, wilderness, culture, and historic heritage, including but not limited to national wildlife refuges, state wildlife management areas, federal areas of critical environmental concern, state parks and historic sites, designated wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, designated wild and scenic rivers, or national parks, monuments, or historic sites.

Examples of Sensitive areas in a sentence

  • The County will conduct these checks for any worker it believes will have unsupervised access to County designated Security Sensitive areas.

  • Sensitive areas within the facility, such as power and network connection are also controlled within the protected facility.

  • In addition to the project layout, the following detail must be depicted:• Materials handling and storage; • Waste management areas (collection, storage, transfer, etc.); • Sensitive areas; • Incident and emergency equipment locations; and Location of responsible parties.

  • Sensitive areas such as High Conservation Value Vegetation (HCV) should be off-limits to clearing other than for clearly identified conservation and emergency management purposes.

  • Sensitive areas, as defined by Clean Water Services (CWS) standards.❑ 13.

More Definitions of Sensitive areas

Sensitive areas means designated Outstanding National Resource Waters, National Marine Sanctuaries, waters with threatened or endangered species and their habitat, waters where primary contact recreation is common, public drinking water intakes or their designated protection areas, shellfish beds, and areas within one hundred (100) feet from a public recreation area, a school, a day care center, a hospital or a similar establishment with potentially sensitive populations.
Sensitive areas means designated Outstanding Resource Waters, designated National Marine Sanctuaries, waters with threatened or endangered species and their habitat, waters where primary contact recreation occurs, public drinking water intakes or their designated protection areas, and shellfish beds.
Sensitive areas means any of the following areas or ecosystems: critical aquifer recharge areas, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, geologically hazardous areas, frequently flooded areas, and wetlands, as defined in RCW 36.70A and this Chapter. Sensitive areas are synonymous with and commonly referred to as critical areas, including within RCW 36.70A.
Sensitive areas means schools, parks, dwellings, occupied buildings or structures, public roadways, waters of the state, or other areas in which off-target movement may endanger humans, animals, crops, or the environment.
Sensitive areas means areas in the watershed located within five (5) miles upstream of any stream or river drinking water intake structure.
Sensitive areas means: See “Critical areas.”
Sensitive areas means specially protected areas of land which are delineated by State or Federal mandates.