Threatened or Endangered Species. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Project section of the EA.) The Engineer shall perform biological services.
a. Surveys for Protected Species or Habitat of Protected Species based on the most current State and TPWD Memorandum of Understanding With Natural Resources Agencies and Memorandum of Agreement Between State and TPWD for Finalization of 2013 MOU. The Engineer shall:
1) Perform surveys of protected species or habitat of protected species. This shall include:
a) All species listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as threatened or endangered or proposed for listing as threatened or endangered (50 CFR 17.11-12),
b) All species that are candidates for review for listing by USFWS as threatened or endangered (per most recently updated list in Federal Register),
c) Species listed as threatened or endangered species or species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) by the State of Texas Threatened and Endangered Species Listings, Texas Park and Wildlife Department (TPWD),
d) Species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (50 CFR 10.13) and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668-668c).
2) Examine existing data to determine the likelihood that rare species, protected species, their habitat, or designated critical habitat (per 50 CFR §17.94-95) could be impacted by the Transportation Activity. Existing data shall include the Element Occurrence Identification (EOID) records of the TPWD Natural Diversity Database, following the Guidelines set forth in DocuSign Envelope ID: 4542C97A-A0BF-4F41-B2F5-F020508C38AA the most current version of TPWD’s Guidelines for TXNDD Data Analysis in TxDOT Environmental Documents.
3) Perform an effect determination pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for all federally listed species. A determination of impact must be included for all state-listed species. The determination of effect and impact must be supported by evidence, and may require a detailed assessment. Any technical reports used to support the determination(s) must be referenced and provided to the State.
4) Determine whether critical habitat is present in the study area and whether the Transportation Activity will affect that critical habitat.
5) Perform species-specific habitat surveys, presence or absence surveys for protected species, or critical habitat (per 50 CFR 17.94-95) and rare species.
6) Conduct surveys for the presence or absence of protecte...
Threatened or Endangered Species. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) The Engineer shall perform biological services.
Threatened or Endangered Species. At least one independent biologist, engaged by the public utility and approved by the Pinelands Commission, qualified in the identification of threatened and endangered plants and animals and their habitats, as delineated at N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.27 and 6.33, shall be present during such times and locations where clearing and/or construction activities are being undertaken proximate to habitat identified as suitable for threatened and endangered species. The biologist(s) shall ensure that clearing and/or construction techniques being utilized do not adversely impact any habitat critical to the survival of any threatened and/or endangered species of animals or plants and that any such plants and animals discovered during construction are protected. Additionally, the biologist shall ensure that all threatened and endangered species BMPs identified in the plans delineated in Attachment A are being followed at all times during construction.
Threatened or Endangered Species. The Engineer shall perform biological services.
Threatened or Endangered Species. The Engineer shall review the October 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Biological Opinion prepared as part of a previous assessment of the project area, and coordinate with the USFWS to determine if the previous Biological Opinion can be updated/amended or if new coordination is necessary. Activities relative to threatened or endangered species shall include:
Threatened or Endangered Species. If it is determined that habitat for any threatened or endangered (T&E) species could potentially occur within or adjacent to the project site, a biologist qualified will conduct T&E assessments and/or surveys. It will be the biologist’s responsibility to follow survey protocol and obtain all applicable permits to conduct the survey which will include, but may not be limited to: Review and conduct an initial threatened or endangered species assessment (USFWS IPaC) for all Federal and State listed T&E species in Larimer County that could potentially occur in or be affected by the project. This should include the five species that occur downstream of the project site along the South Platte River. If it is determined that habitat or potential habitat for any listed species occurs, formal consultation following Section 7 with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) should occur as well as consultation with Colorado Parks & Wildlife for state listed species. The results of the survey will be documented in a Biological Resources Report, and a concurrence letter from the USFWS will be obtained.
Threatened or Endangered Species. Summary References Land Use Controls None
Threatened or Endangered Species. Buyer, at Buyer’s expense, may obtain a report from a natural resources professional to determine if there are any threatened or endangered species or their habitats as defined by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department or the U.S.
Threatened or Endangered Species. In accordance with the requirements of an approved Species Management Plan as required pursuant to Environmental Condition No. 4, at least one biologist qualified in the identification of each of the threatened or endangered plants and animals and their habitats, as defined at N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.27 and 6.33, shall be present at any location within the Business Park site where activities in furtherance of the implementation of the Closure and Redevelopment Plans are taking place. The biologist(s) shall ensure that all activities conducted in accordance with the Closure and Redevelopment Plans do not adversely impact any habitat critical to the survival of any threatened or endangered species of plants or animals, other than permitted by the terms of this Agreement, and that any such plants or animals discovered during construction are protected.
Threatened or Endangered Species. 7.10.1. Task includes but is not limited to: • Contact the MnDNR and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to obtain information on threatened or endangered species locations, including information from the MnDNR Natural Heritage Database and County Biological Survey Mapping. • Determine effects of the project on identified species and coordinate mitigation commitments for any impacts.