Task Orders Sample Clauses

Task Orders. A. Some tasks and Services will be assigned to the Consultant through issuance of Task Orders. After the tasks and Services are identified and communicated to the Consultant by Valley Water Project Manager, Consultant will prepare a proposed Task Order (see Standard Consultant Agreement, Appendix Three Task Order Template). The proposed Task must identify the following: 1) Description of the services, including deliverables; 2) The total Not-to-Exceed Fees for Consultant to complete the services, including estimated number of hours per assigned staff to complete the services; 3) Proposed staff that will be assigned to complete the services, including resumes if not previously provided to Valley Water’s Project Manager; 4) Estimated cost of each other direct cost and reimbursable expense, including any applicable fees; 5) Schedule for completing the services; and 6) Copies of applicable state and federal permits required to complete the services, unless previously provided to Valley Water. B. Consultant agrees that the Not-to-Exceed Fees specified in a proposed Task Order will be the product of a good faith effort in exercising its professional judgment. After an agreement has been reached on the negotiable items, the finalized Task Order will be signed by both Valley Water’s authorized representative referenced in the Standard Consultant Agreement, Appendix One Additional Legal Terms (Appendix One), and Consultant’s authorized representative. C. Consultant must not commence performance of work or services on a Task Order until it has been approved by Valley Water’s authorized representative and Notice to Proceed has been issued by Valley Water Project Manager. No payment will be made for any services performed prior to approval or after the period of performance of the Task Order. The period of performance for Task Orders will be in accordance with dates specified in the Task Order. No Task Order will be written which extends beyond the expiration date of this Agreement. The total amount payable by Valley Water for an individual Task Order will not exceed the amount agreed to in the Task Order.
Task Orders. This non-exclusive Agreement does not guarantee that the City will utilize CONSULTANT in any capacity or for any services identified herein. When the City identifies a need for the CONSULTANT’s services, the City will request a proposal from the CONSULTANT to provide the services requested. The CONSULTANT’s proposal shall be submitted in the format of the sample task order, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” and shall be based on the CONSULTANT’s currently hourly fee set forth in the CONSULTANT’s proposal and attached hereto as Exhibit “B”. If a sub-consultant(s) is to be utilized for services under a task order, the CONSULTANT shall obtain a written proposal from the sub-consultant(s) and attach the same with to the CONSULTANT's proposal submitted to the City. Upon receipt of the CONSULTANT’s proposal, the City shall decide in its sole discretion whether to award the task order to the CONSULTANT. Depending on the lump sum, not to exceed amount of each proposed task order, the task order may be awarded by the City Manager (if within her purchasing authority of $50,000 or less) or the City Commission. If the task order is awarded to the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall commence the identified services upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the City or upon the CONSULTANT's receipt of a fully executed task order for the services. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted by the CONSULTANT.
Task Orders. All orders issued hereunder are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. The contract shall control in the event of conflict with any order. When mailed, an order shall be "issued" for purposes of this contract at the time the Government deposits the order in the mail, or, if transmitted by other means, when physically delivered to the contractor.
Task Orders. Each individual TO may be cost reimbursable, fixed price (FP), or any combination of the two. All Task Orders shall be issued electronically via the SeaPort Portal.
Task Orders. All Services must be authorized by a written Task Order. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the City is under no obligation to issue any Task Orders. As needed, upon the written approval of the Commissioner, the Department will issue a TOR specifically referencing this Contract, identifying the project, and setting forth the Services to be performed pursuant to a Task Order and a desired completion date. Contractor must respond by submitting a Task Order Proposal which must include: a cover letter, understanding and approach, project schedule, budget, fee, detailed cost breakdown in such detail as required for the specific task, documentation required to substantiate compliance with MBE/WBE or DBE participation requirements as applicable, a list of key personnel, and any other required information specified in the TOR, all of which must conform to the terms of the TOR and the terms and conditions of this Contract. Contractor must not respond to any TOR not approved in writing by the Commissioner. Costs associated with the preparation of Task Order proposals are not compensable under this Agreement and the City is not liable for any additional costs. Following Contractor's submission of the Task Order Proposal, the Commissioner and the Chief Procurement Officer will review the proposal and may elect to approve it, reject it, or use it as a basis for further negotiations with the Contractor regarding the scope of the project and the project completion date. If the City and the Contractor negotiate the scope of the project and the project completion date, the Contractor must submit a revised Task Order Proposal (based upon such negotiations) to the City for approval. Task Orders are subject to the approval of the Chief Procurement Officer and no Task Order will become binding upon the City until it is approved, in writing, by the Chief Procurement Officer; provided that Task Orders for under $10,000 may be approved by the Commissioner only. Absent approval of a Task Order by the Chief Procurement Officer (or, if the Task Order is under $10,000, by the Commissioner) and issuance of a Purchase Order, the City will not be obligated to pay or have any liability, under any theory of recovery (whether under the Agreement, at law or in equity), to the Contractor for any Services provided by the Contractor pursuant to a Task Order, or otherwise. Some Task Order services are subject to the approval by a state or federal agency or other third party, therefore Cont...
Task Orders. 5.1. Any Services to be provided by Consultant shall only be performed pursuant to Task Orders that provide a detailed description of either the services or tasks to be performed and the personnel to be provided, the time frame for the work to be performed, the not to exceed amount to be charged, and any estimated expenses. 5.2. All personnel to be assigned to work under this Contract shall be authorized through the use of a written Task Order, and compensated according to the guidelines established herein for the services provided. 5.3. Consultant shall provide a complete detailed proposal for each Task Order. The Task Order may be written to cover one or more Consultant employees from the attached list of positions in the Exhibit B, Rates Tables. 5.4. Task Orders and any and all amendments to Task Orders shall be in writing and signed by LAWA and the Consultant. 5.5. This is a non-exclusive Contract and the City and LAWA are only obligated to Consultant for the scope and amount authorized within any given executed Task Order.
Task Orders. Task Orders shall be in a format acceptable to County and approved in writing by the PM prior to the A-E proceeding with the Services. Task Orders shall only be issued for specific deliverables, and not for general or administrative work such as preparation/negotiation of task order proposals, amendments, invoices, accounting reports, progress reports, or other invoice backup; internal project management activities (i.e. earned value analysis); processing subcontractor invoices; discussions internally or with County regarding said items, contract terms, or billing practices; or internal budget/expenditure review. A- E shall provide the PM with a written proposal for each proposed Task Order. County and A-E will initially negotiate Task Order proposals on a lump sum basis. Prior to approval of the Task Order, A-E shall provide a detailed breakdown of the labor and materials costs that are the basis of the A-E’s proposal. The breakdown shall be in accordance with the fee schedules listed in Exhibit C. Payments shall be made for each deliverable milestone reached and progress payments made on a percent-completion basis not to exceed that amount agreed to for each deliverable milestone. As an aggregate Agreement awarded to more than one A-E firm, County may consider the lump sum proposal of each A-E prior to assigning a Task to a particular firm. If no agreement can be reached between County and any A-E on a lump sum basis, then A-E’s compensation may be determined on a time-and-materials basis according to the rates set forth in Exhibit C. In the event that A-E believes that unforeseen circumstances or a request or decision by the County might change the scope of a Task Order, or increase the cost of or extend the delivery date of that Task Order, A-E shall immediately notify the County of such change. If A-E does not notify the County within seven (7) calendar days of discovery of such a circumstance, request, or decision, A-E shall be liable for any resulting additional cost or extension of delivery date. Amendments to Task Orders may be considered when changes exceed the Task Order amount and: (i) there is a major change in the Scope of Services; (ii) the change causes a major delay; and/or (iii) the change renders the Contract fee structure inappropriate.
Task Orders. At the request of the State, Contractor shall provide ad-hoc tasks related to tasks already defined in this Attachment A. The State may initiate Task Orders by requesting Task Order proposals from the Contractor. Each Task Order proposal shall be set forth in the form Attached as Appendix 1 to this Contract. No Task Order entered into hereunder shall in any way amend, conflict with or supersede this Contract and any such provisions of a Task Order which purport to amend, conflict or supersede this Contract shall be void and have no effect. 1. Task Orders shall not be used to modify the scope of services, change the Maximum Term or other terms under this Contract. The total amount of all Task Orders which may be approved in accordance with the Task Order process is $15,000.00, as further described in Attachment B. 2. Task Orders shall be initiated only with the approval of the State Authorized Representative. 3. The Contractor may submit proposed modifications or refuse any Task Order submitted by the State. 4. The State will respond to Contractor’s proposed modifications or refuse the proposed modifications. 5. A Task Order which is agreed to by the Contractor and the State shall be deemed fully approved when the Task Order Form is signed by all parties indicated in the approval signatures section of the form, before any work specified in the Task Order Form may commence. 6. The Task Order specification of work (“SOW”) must be included with or affixed to the Task Order Form and this specification must indicate the schedule, scope, source of funds, payment provisions, points of contact, ownership of data, any applicable data use agreement, and a description of the specific work to be performed. 7. A Task Order may not substantially deviate from the scope of this contract or deviate from any term in any part or attachment to or of this contract. 8. The task order process shall not be used in lieu of the amendment process where an amendment is appropriate. 9. Task Orders may be initiated at the discretion of State. 10. Changes to a Task Order shall be accomplished by written modification as agreed to by both the State and Contractor and will be reflected in a new Task Order. The State shall use the Task Order Form attached to this contract, as Exhibit 2, to initiate a Task Order.
Task Orders. The Contractor shall submit a written request for substitution(s) on a task order to the KO. In the event a requirement to increase the level of effort occurs, the Contractor shall submit a written request along with supporting documentation to add personnel to the labor category specified under the task order.
Task Orders. 6.1.1 Task orders placed against the basic contract will define periods of performance within which the Contractor must accomplish the required work. Each task order will contain the agreed to PWS, type(s) of services(s) Contractor shall perform, specific deliverable items, and the negotiated fixed price cost for performing the work. 6.1.2 The Government, at any time prior to final payment of the task order, may change task order requirements by issuing a modification. No changes or corrections to a task order will be affected, or accepted by the Government, without the KO's issuance of a written modification to the Task Order. The Contractor is not to assume any adjustments to the Task Order in any form, until or unless the KO issues a modification. 6.1.3 Per FAR 16-505(b)(2), all awardees need not be given an opportunity to be considered for a particular task order if the KO determines that (1) the agency need for the supplies or services is so urgent that providing a fair opportunity would result in unacceptable delays; (2) only one awardee is capable of providing the supplies or services required at the level of quality required because the supplies or services ordered are unique or highly specialized; (3) the order must be issued on a sole-source basis in the interest of economy and efficiency as a logical follow-on to an order already issued under the contract, provided that all awardees were given a fair opportunity to be considered for the original order; (4) there is a conflict of interest with the existing contract on a specific site or installation; (5) an awardee loses their accreditation during the period of performance; or (6) it is necessary to place an order to satisfy a minimum guarantee. 6.1.4 Per FAR 16.505(a)(10)(i), no protest under FAR 33.1 is authorized in connection with the issuance or proposed issuance of an order under a task order contract except for 1) a protest on the grounds that the order increases the scope, period, or maximum value of the contract or 2) a protest of an order valued in excess of $10 million. 6.1.5 Per FAR 16.505(b)(8) A Task Order and Delivery Order Contract Ombudsman is responsible for review of complaints to ensure that all Contractors are afforded a fair opportunity to be considered, consistent with the procedures set forth in the contract. The ombudsman for task orders awarded under this contract is the Deputy Director of Contracting and may be reached at the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engine...