Examples of Terminal Area in a sentence
In addition, the Authority may recover one or more of the Airline’s Gates and Related Terminal Area assigned as Airline Premises to be used as Per Use Gates if: (a) the Airline’s Gate Utilization for such preferentially assigned Gate(s) over the most recent one hundred eighty (180) day period is less than the Utilization Threshold; and (b) the CEO determines that there is a reasonable need for use of such Gate(s) on a common use basis.
The Airline shall have the right to use Per Use Gates and Related Terminal Area in accordance with the Resolution and the Authority Rules and Regulations.
Normally, the overlying controlled airspace is Class E airspace beginning at either 700´ or 1200´ AGL and may be determined by consulting the relevant VFR Sectional or Terminal Area Charts.
J., Mulfinger, D., “Design Considerations for a New Terminal Area Arrival Scheduler,” 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference (ATIO), Fort Worth, TX, Sept.
Paragraph704.h of this guidance should be used to determine consistency of the master plan forecast levels and the Terminal Area Forecast (TAF).