Examples of Transferred Customers in a sentence
Transferred Customers shall remain on Default Energy Service until the Company receives a valid Electronic Enrollment from a registered Supplier or notice from the Customer in the case of Self-Supply Service.
Based on the above background and reasons, in particular, (i) thorough control vested to the Group on product quality under the Purchase Order arrangement and timely delivery to customers; and (ii) potential future business opportunities which may arise directly between the Group and the Transferred Customers, and after taking into account of our further analysis to be discussed below, we consider that there is a commercial justification for the Company to enter into the New Master Agreement.
We are advised that settlement period with the Transferred Customers will not have material change after the implementation of the New Master Agreement such that the Transferred Customers will settle to the Group upon delivery of products.
Based on the results of discussions in subparagraph C1d., the Committee on Public Art may call for open meetings with specified parties to further discuss the acquisition.
Compensation for Transferred Customers) of the proposed agreement allows for the compensation of lost revenue due to the transfer of customers.