VET definition

VET means a legally licensed veterinarian or specialist veterinarian, who is a) duly registered with the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong pursuant to the Veterinary Surgeons Registration Ordinance (Cap. 529 of the Laws of Hong Kong) or in relation to jurisdictions outside of Hong Kong, the body of equivalent standing, and b) legally authorised for rendering veterinary service or practise veterinary surgery in the locality where the treatment is provided to the Insured Pet, but in no circumstance shall include the Policyholder, an insurance intermediary, an employer, employee, immediate family member or business partner(s) of the Policyholder.

Examples of VET in a sentence

  • The school will inform the student and their family of any additional VET fees before the student commences a VET subject.

  • The school will inform the student and their family of any VET fees before the student commences a VET subject.

  • VET fees are not reflected in the estimated course tuition fees above.

  • VET subjects may incur additional tuition fees ranging from $49 to $1,739 per subject, per annum.

  • Once a student commences, they may elect to study a VCE VET subject or the VCE VM which includes VET subjects.

More Definitions of VET

VET means Vocational Education and Training We means the Department of Education in Victoria You or Your means the parents, legal guardian or student who signs this Agreement as the context requires. School: < > Address: < > Year Level: < > < > to < > < > weeks Dependant student enrolments are automatically extended and invoiced beyond the initial enrolment end date outlined above, as the vast majority of students study beyond the initial enrolment period. Please advise the Division at towards the end of the enrolment period if the student is not extending their stay in school. This offer considers the student's visa provided to the Division by the parent(s) or legal guardian at the time of enrolment. Please notify the Division immediately if the student’s visa changes by emailing: if the student has not started at school or if the student has started at school. You must notify the student’s school immediately if Your or the student’s email, residential address, phone numbers or emergency contact details change to ensure that You receive important school information and tuition fee invoices. Students are expected to comply with their school’s Attendance Policy, which requires students to attend school every school day, for the duration of their enrolment at a Victorian government school. All schools record student attendance daily. The school will contact the student’s parents or legal guardian if there is an unexplained absence. Where non-attendance is covered by a medical certificate, the time is included in attendance figures. Refunds or credits are not provided for days absent from school due to local or overseas holidays or other reasons during the period of enrolment. Sponsorship If the student’s fees are sponsored by a person or organisation, fees may be invoiced for up to 12 months instead of each semester, and if any part of the fees remain unpaid by You or the Sponsor, after the due date of any invoice, the enrolment of the student in the ISP may be cancelled and the student may be expelled from a Victorian government school for non-payment of fees. We are not obliged to seek payment of fees from the Sponsor before requiring You to pay the fees by the due date of any invoice. Application fee AUD $ < > Compulsory / Non-refundable Enrolment amendment fee AUD $ < > If applicable / Non-refundable Default administration fe...
VET means 'vocational education and training', as that term is defined in the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
VET means vocational education and training delivered to Participants to gain qualifications for all types of employment and attain specific workplace skills to a nationally agreed industry standard.
VET means Vocational Education and Training • We means the Department of Education in Victoria • You or Your means the parents, legal guardian or student who signs this Agreement as the context requires. < > Address: < > < > to < > < > weeks < >
VET means ‘vocational education and training’, as that term is defined in the Act;
VET or “Vet Nurse” means a legally licensed Veterinarian, Veterinary Nurse or specialist Veterinarian, currently registered and practicing in accordance with the applicable laws in South Africa.
VET means vocational education and training. “Your Fault” includes circumstances where: