Examples of School Information in a sentence
The California School Information Services (CSIS) arm of FCMAT assists the California Department of Education with the implementation of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and also maintains DataGate, the FCMAT/CSIS software LEAs use for CSIS services.
The California School Information Services (CSIS) division of FCMAT assists the California Department of Education with the implementation of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).
Keeping Girls in School (Ministry of Education, Science Vocational Training and Early Educatio Sub-component 2b - System Strengthening and Consolidation MGE /T/01Training Plan for MGE to implement the Keeping Girls in School initiative 40,000 March 2016 to May 201MGE /T/02Training of staff as per the training plan 135,000 Feb 2017MGE /T/03Training of the primary users of the Keeping Girls in School Information System Module 25,000 Dec 2015MGE /T/04Workshops and consultations for the action plan.
Keeping Girls in School (Ministry of Education, Science Vocational Training and Early Education) Sub-component 2b - System Strengthening and Consolidation MGE /T/01Training Plan for MGE to implement the Keeping Girls in School initiative 40,000 March 2016 to May 2016MGE /T/02Training of staff as per the training plan135,000 Feb 2017MGE /T/03Training of the primary users of the Keeping Girls in School Information System Module 25,000 Dec 2015MGE /T/04Workshops and consultations for the action plan.
The School Information (England) Regulations 2008, regulation 5 requires the local authority to publish no later than 12 September in the offer year a composite prospectus for primary and secondary schools.