VFR definition
Examples of VFR in a sentence
Where no separation minima applies, such as for VFR aircraft outside of Class B/Class C airspace, or a TRSA, issue traffic advisories to those aircraft on your frequency when in your judgment their proximity warrants it.
USAF/USN UNDERGRADUATE PILOTSTo identify aircraft piloted by solo USAF/USN undergraduate student pilots (who may occasionally request revised clearances because they normally are restricted to flight in VFR conditions), the aircraft identification in the flight plan shall include the letter “Z” as a suffix.
IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive flight information service if requested.
VFR arriving aircraft that have previously been radar vectored and the vectoring has been discontinued.b. Issue cautionary information to any aircraft if in your opinion, wake turbulence may have an adverse effect on it.
TRAFFIC ADVISORIESUnless an aircraft is operating within Class A airspace or omission is requested by the pilot, issue traffic advisories to all aircraft (IFR or VFR) on your frequency when, in your judgment, their proximity may diminish to less than the applicable separation minima.