VFR definition

VFR means the symbol used to designate the visual flight rules;
VFR means visiting friends and relatives.

Examples of VFR in a sentence

  • Where no separation minima applies, such as for VFR aircraft outside of Class B/Class C airspace, or a TRSA, issue traffic advisories to those aircraft on your frequency when in your judgment their proximity warrants it.

  • USAF/USN UNDERGRADUATE PILOTSTo identify aircraft piloted by solo USAF/USN undergraduate student pilots (who may occasionally request revised clearances because they normally are restricted to flight in VFR conditions), the aircraft identification in the flight plan shall include the letter “Z” as a suffix.

  • IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive flight information service if requested.

  • VFR arriving aircraft that have previously been radar vectored and the vectoring has been discontinued.b. Issue cautionary information to any aircraft if in your opinion, wake turbulence may have an adverse effect on it.

  • TRAFFIC ADVISORIESUnless an aircraft is operating within Class A airspace or omission is requested by the pilot, issue traffic advisories to all aircraft (IFR or VFR) on your frequency when, in your judgment, their proximity may diminish to less than the applicable separation minima.

More Definitions of VFR

VFR for any Interest Period with respect to any Group II Series of Notes, is an interest rate equal to the quotient, expressed as a percentage, of (i) the amount of interest accrued during such Interest Period with respect to all Group II Series of Notes, divided by (ii) the average daily Aggregate Principal Balance of all such Group II Series of Notes during such period.
VFR means the Visual Flight Rules;
VFR means Visual Flight Rules, as defined in Annex 2 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation (Tenth Edition — July 2005);
VFR means Visual Flight Rules as specified by DGCA;
VFR has the meaning given to it in paragraph 9 of Annex A of the Lease and paragraph 6 of Annex B of the Lease, as applicable.
VFR means visual flight rule.
VFR means the symbol used to designate the visual flight rules. ‘VFR flight’ means a flight conducted in accordance with the visual flight rules. ‘visibility’ means visibility for aeronautical purposes is the greater of:a) the greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognized when observed against a brightbackground;b) the greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1 000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit background. GM1 Article 2(141) Visibility(a) The two distances which may be defined by a given visibility have different values in air of a given extinction coefficient. Visibility based on seeing and recognizing an object is represented by the meteorological optical range (MOR) Article 2(141)(a). Visibility based on seeing and identifying lights varies with the background illumination Article 2(141)(b).(b) The definition of visibility applies to the observations of visibility in local routine and special reports, to the observations of prevailing and minimum visibility reported in METAR and SPECI and to the observations of ground visibility. ‘visual meteorological conditions’ mean meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, equal to or better than specified minima. ‘VMC’ means the symbol used to designate visual meteorological conditions. Article 3ComplianceThe Member States shall ensure compliance with the common rules and provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation without prejudice to the flexibility provisions contained in Article 14 of the Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and the safeguards contained in Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004. Article 4Exemptions for special operations1. The competent authorities may, either on their own initiative or based on applications by the entities concerned, grant exemptions to individual entities or to categories of entities from any of the requirements of this Regulation for the following activities of public interest and for the training necessary to carry out those activities safely:(a) police and customs missions;(b) traffic surveillance and pursuit missions;(c) environmental control missions conducted by, or on behalf of public authorities;(d) search and rescue;(e) medical flights;(f) evacuations;(g) fire fighting;(h) exemptions required to ensure the security of flights by heads of State, Ministers and comparable State functionaries.2. The competent authori...