Examples of Your Client in a sentence
The AMC reserves the right to reject the application and refund the application amount, post acceptance of the application, in the event that the required KYC information is not provided or not found adequate.Further, in accordance with SEBI Circulars MIRSD/SE/Cir- 21/2011 dated October 5, 2011 and MIRSD/Cir-5/2012 dated April 13, 2012 on Uniform Know Your Client (KYC) read with AMFI Best practices guidelines circular no.
The Know Your Client requirements in case of foreign investors viz.
If You are an Agent, You may order and use the Services on behalf of Your Client identified in Your order solely for Your Client’s Purpose, and You are responsible for Your Client’s compliance with this Agreement and order.
You will promptly inform Oracle if You are aware of any breach of such end user agreement by Your Client.
In case of Know Your Client (KYC) complied folios, Investors are required to submit the documents to the intermediaries of KYC Registration Agency (KRA), as may be specified by them, from time to time.
Oracle may make Service Analyses publicly available; however, Service Analyses will not incorporate Your Content or Confidential Information in a form that could serve to identify You, Your Client or any individual.
Government of India, vide Gazette notification dated November 26, 2015, had authorized the Central Registry of Securitization and Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India (CERSAI), to act and perform the functions of Central KYC Records Registry (CKYCR) including receiving, storing, safeguarding and retrieving the Know Your Client (KYC) records of an investor in digital form.
The know Your Client requirements in case of foreign investors viz.
We may debit Your Client Account with the shortfall We believe will happen in any later period.
Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI), Sub accounts and Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) as specified in SeBI Circular No. CIr/MIrSD/11/2012 dated September 5, 2012 shall be considered for the purpose of identification of beneficial ownership of the investor.For collection of information/documentation from investors/ Unitholders, SeBI has prescribed uniform know Your Client (kYC) requirements vide Circular No(s).