LEGAL BASIS Cláusulas de Ejemplo

LEGAL BASIS. Article 19 of the Council Regulation (EEC) 1210/1990 modified by Regulation 933/1999 on the establishment of the European Environment Agency, which opens the membership of the Agency up to non-EU countries. • The proposed Council Decision on the conclusion of the agreement between the European Community and the Switzerland concerning Switzerland’s participation in the European Environment Agency and the European Environment Information and Observation Network, to which this legislative financial statement is annexed.
LEGAL BASIS. The Council decision of ratification constitutes the basic act, in the sense of Article 49 of the Financial Regulation, of the financial contributions of the Community to AEWA as a Contracting Party thereto (financial contributions to international conventions are considered as subscriptions under Article 160 of the Financial Regulation). This action is undertaken in the framework of the Treaty establishing the European Community (in particular Articles 174 and 175). Participation in international environmental agreements is an important policy component of Decision 1600/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme, OJ L 242, 10.9.2002, p. 1-15. This expenditure is carried out under Budget line 07 02 02 (formerly B7-811), which is listed as an institutional prerogative of the Commission (cf. budgetary comments).
LEGAL BASIS. The legal basis of the processing of your data is the contractual relationship existing between you and the educational body. Personal data may be transferred in the following cases: - Banking entities for the fulfilment of payments, - To the insurance Company that the School may have entered in to a contract for the management of accidents that students may suffer. - To the Ministry of Education and University and, where appropriate, Ministry of Education for the exercise of their powers. - For the Ministry of Health in order to carry out labour risk prevention campaigns or vaccination that may organized and to the health centre if needed. In any case, data transfers will be done under regulation, and the data transfer may not be used for purposes other than those that motivate their collection.