REQUIREMENTS Cláusulas de Ejemplo

REQUIREMENTS a) TITLE • Graduated in Nursing.
REQUIREMENTS. The Supplier must purchase and maintain at its own costs and expense, a commercial general liability insurance from a financially sound and reputable insurance company in order to cover its liability toward the Company, our Customer or any third party resulting from defective Contractual Products and/or Contractual Services, product supplied as well as service provided. This insurance must include coverage for bodily injury, property damage, consequential loss as well as pure financial loss. Requisitos. El Proveedor deberá comprar y mantener bajo su propio costo y gasto un seguro comercial general de responsabilidad civil de una aseguradora solvente y de prestigio con la finalidad de cubrir su responsabilidad hacia la Compañía, nuestro Cliente o cualquier tercero que resulte de los Productos del Contrato y/o Servicios del Contrato defectuosos, productos suministrados, así como el servicio proporcionado. Este seguro deberá incluir una cobertura por lesiones corporales, daños a la propiedad, daños indirectos, así como daños puramente patrimoniales.
REQUIREMENTS. Documentation must be available to the Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica.
REQUIREMENTS a) EDUCATION • Degree in Biomedicine with a Master's in Monitoring and Coordination of Clinical Trials.
REQUIREMENTS. 1. To be in any of the following circumstances: • Spanish national. • National of any other Member State of the European Union or, where appropriate, any other country to which, by virtue of international treaties signed with the Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies in the terms by which it is defined in the Treaty on European Union, or • National of third countries not included in the above cases, provided they meet the requirements of the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain.
REQUIREMENTS a) QUALIFICATION.  Higher Degree in Biotechnology with an official Master's degree.
REQUIREMENTS a) DEGREE • Bachelor or Degree in Health Sciences, Biology, Biotechnology, or Biochemistry. • A Master's in Health Sciences (Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Sciences) is valuable.