Entry into force. Article VIII
Entry into force. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month after the Contracting Parties have notified each other through diplomatic channels that the proce- dures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.
Entry into force. This resolution and all the provisions thereof shall entry into force on the date to be indicated in the official communication to be addressed to all members, as referred to in Article VIII, Section 1 (c) of the Agreement.
Entry into force. This Convention shall enter into force three months after the date of deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, ac- ceptance, approval, or accession, but only with regard to those States Parties which have deposited their respective instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, or ac- cession on or before that date.
Entry into force. (1) This Agreement (with the exception of the obligation of euro-area Member States to issue Guarantees under this Agreement) shall, upon at least five (5) euro-area Mem- ber States comprising at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total guarantee commitments set out in Annex 1 (the "Total Guarantee Commit- ments") providing written confirmation sub- stantially in the form of Annex 3 to EFSF that they have concluded all procedures nec- essary under their respective national laws to ensure that their obligations under this Ag- reement shall come into immediate force and effect (a "Commitment Confirmation"), en- ter into force and become binding between EFSF and the euro-area Member Sates pro- viding such Commitment Confirmations.
(2) The obligation of euro-area Member States to issue Guarantees under this Agree- ment shall enter into force and become bind- ing between EFSF and the euro-area Member States which have provided Commitment Confirmations only when Commitment Con- firmations have been received by EFSF from euro-area Member States whose Guarantee Commitments represent in aggregate ninety per cent (90%) or more of the Total Guaran- tee Commitments. Any euro-area Member State which applies for stability support from the euro-area Member States or which bene- fits from financial support under a similar programme or which is already a Stepping- Out Guarantor shall be excluded in comput- ing whether this ninety per cent (90%) threshold of the Total Guarantee Commit- ments is satisfied.
(3) This Agreement and the obligation to provide Guarantees in accordance with the voimaan ja sitovat jäljellä olevia euroalueen jäsenvaltioita (jotka eivät ole antaneet si- toumusvahvistuksiaan siihen mennessä, kun sopimus tai velvollisuus myöntää takauksia tulee 1 artiklan 1 tai 2 kohdan nojalla voi- maan) siitä lähtien, kun kyseiset euroalueen jäsenvaltiot antavat ERVV:lle sitoumusvah- vistuksensa, joista on toimitettava jäljennök- set komissiolle.
Entry into force. Tämä pöytäkirja tulee voimaan kolmen- 1. This Protocol shall enter into force thirty kymmenen päivän kuluttua sen jälkeen, kun kaksikymmentäkaksi ratifioimis-, hyväk- symis- tai liittymiskirjaa on talletettu Yh- distyneiden Kansakuntien pääsihteerin hu- ostaan.
Entry into force. Article 17
Entry into force. This Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the date of deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession.
Entry into force. The present Convention shall enter into force twelve months from the date of the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratificati- on, acceptance, approval or accession.
Entry into force. This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit with the Depositary of the twenty-fifth instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, in- cluding the instruments of fifteen States each having an operational nuclear power plant.