Description of lots Clauses Exemplaires

Description of lots. (a) Certain words used in the Sale Particulars to describe a lot have special meanings. You can find details of these in the “Important Notices and Explanation of Cataloguing Practice” which forms part of these Conditions of Sale in paragraph L. You can find a key to symbols used in the Sale Particulars under the headings “VAT Symbols, Explanations and Refunds” in paragraph J and “Symbols” in paragraph K.
Description of lots. The indications given in the catalogue are the responsibility of AGUTTES and its expert, subject to the provisions mentioned below. Only indi- cations in French are binding on AGUTTES to the exclusion of translations, which are free. They may be modified or corrected until the time of the sale in writing or orally. These modifications shall be recorded in the report of the sale, which shall have probative force.

Related to Description of lots

  • Inscription Toute inscription doit être accompagnée du versement des acomptes : 25 % du prix de votre séjour (total de la partie hébergement et de la partie suppléments). Les frais de dossiers sont : gratuits pour un séjour inférieur ou égal à moins de 3 nuits, de 15 € pour un séjour inférieur ou égal à 5 nuits, de 30 € pour un séjour supérieur à 5 nuits et de 70 € pour les éligibles VACAF.