Purpose. The primary purpose of non-EU mobility grants under bilateral agreements is to enable students to carry out part of their course abroad, replacing the educational activities provided for their study plan in Sapienza with educational activities of the chosen host University (compatible in terms of the number of activities and training objectives) or to carry out research aimed at writing their thesis 1. Students participating in this exchange programme have the opportunity to obtain recognition of the exams taken at the host University (in terms of grades and credits) if planned before departure with the Academics Supervisor for International Mobility (RAM) through Learning Agreement/Change form and in accordance with the "Regulations for Student Mobility and Recognition of Study and Training Period Abroad" (D.R. register no. 34218 of 13.05.2015). The student in mobility receives a financial contribution and can attend courses and take advantage of the facilities available at the host University without the payment of additional tuition fees 2. The grant awarded with this Call for proposals constitutes a refund of part of the costs of the selected candidate's stay abroad, who will have to provide for all expenses, including those for visa, travel, board and lodging and any fees for participation in international programmes imposed by the host University, as well as taking out a possible insurance policy for medical expenses at the time of departure. During the entire mobility abroad, students must be enrolled at Sapienza and can obtain the degree (degree, masters degree or PhD) only after the period of study abroad is completed.
Purpose. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO entrusts the Institution with conducting the Trial under the conditions set forth in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and with any of its subsequent amendments as well in compliance with any changes to this Agreement/budget derived from these amendments and formalised by a timely exchange of the necessary signed documents.
2.2 The Trial shall be conducted in the strictest compliance with the applicable version of the Protocol accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority, in accordance with current legislation on clinical trials of medicinal products and the ethical principles and codes of conduct underlying the medical activity of the various professionals involved.
2.3 The Trial must also be conducted in accordance with the principles contained in the Convenzione sui Diritti dell'Uomo e la Biomedicina, nella Dichiarazione di Helsinki nella versione aggiornata, nella Dichiarazione di Istanbul del 2008, nelle vigenti regole della Buona Pratica Clinica, e in conformità delle leggi applicabili in tema di trasparenza e prevenzione della corruzione, nonché di protezione dei dati personali secondo la normativa vigente.
2.4 Con la sottoscrizione del presente Contratto, le Parti dichiarano di conoscere e accettare il contenuto di quanto sopra richiamato.
2.5 Il Promotore e lo Sperimentatore principale, avendo l’obbligo di tutelare la salute dei pazienti, quando ricorrano le circostanze, possono adottare urgenti e adeguate misure a tutela della sicurezza dei pazienti, quali la sospensione temporanea dello studio (interruzione del trattamento per i pazienti già coinvolti nella sperimentazione, ovvero interruzione dell’inclusione di nuovi soggetti), anche in assenza delle necessarie approvazioni dal parte del Comitato Etico e dell’Autorità Competente, fermo restando l’obbligo per il Promotore di informare immediatamente il Comitato Etico e l’Autorità Competente, oltre che i partecipanti allo studio in merito ai nuovi eventi, alle misure intraprese e al programma di provvedimenti da adottare, completando tempestivamente le procedure previste dalla Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the updated version of the Helsinki Declaration, the 2008 Declaration of Istanbul, the applicable rules of Good Clinical Practice, and in accordance with the applicable laws on transparency and the prevention of corruption, as well as protection of personal data in accordance with current ...
Purpose. Appropriate enforcement is necessary to ensure: • compliance with legislation enforced by the service • deterrence, prevention of harm and control of risk • Improvement in protection for individuals, the general public, consumers, the environment, businesses and traders alike • reparation and redress where possible. The service recognises the importance of achieving and maintaining a consistent, balanced and fair approach to enforcement, and will apply legal powers consistently and fairly, whatever the circumstances. Decisions will not be influenced by the age, gender, disability, language, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs or sexual orientation of the subject, victims or witnesses.
Purpose. The purpose of this Consortium Agreement is to specify with respect to the Project the relationship among the Parties, in particular concerning the organisation of the work between the Parties, the management of the Project and the rights and obligations of the Parties concerning inter alia liability, Access Rights and dispute resolution.
Purpose. 2.1 These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: "Contract Terms") govern the provision of the Service, by EVERY SWS to the companies, identified by means of data provided at the time of acceptance of the Contract Terms (hereinafter jointly, "Customers" and severally "Customer").
2.2 Contract Terms cater exclusively to natural or legal persons acting for purposes related to their professional activities, trade or business, in any case with a VAT number and can only be accepted by persons duly empowered to undertake in the name and on behalf of the Customer. Customer is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of information provided to EVERY SWS also under and for the purposes set out in Presidential Decree n. 445/2000 and subsequent amendments and also undertakes to communicate to EVERY SWS any errors, omissions, or changes in the data provided throughout the contract period.
2.3 For the duration of the Contract Terms, as further specified in Article 11 below, EVERY SWS grants the Customer a non- exclusive, non-transferable, without territorial limitations, right to get access and use the Service solely in the context of its internal business and in accordance with the provisions in the Contract Terms.
2.4 The customer will access the service through authentication details that it will choose independently or that will be allotted by EVERY SWS. In the latter case, at the first access, the al primo accesso, il Cliente dovrà impostare una nuova password, che sarà conosciuta solo da lui. Il Cliente potrà facoltativamente impostare anche un suo User-ID diverso da quello assegnatogli. Il Cliente sarà responsabile della custodia e dell’utilizzo di tali credenziali, che verranno utilizzate sotto la sua esclusiva responsabilità.
2.5 Le Condizioni Contrattuali dovranno essere accettate e saranno vincolanti, in quanto compatibili, anche in ipotesi di offerta di versioni gratuite del Servizio (qualora disponibili) o di concessione di periodi di “Try&Buy”, normalmente concessi per un massimo di 30 (trenta) giorni.
2.6 Il Servizio verrà erogato da EVERY SWS tramite infrastrutture tecnologiche hardware e software nella disponibilità di EVERY SWS e aventi sede sul territorio dell’Unione Europea.
Purpose. To bring to the Built Environment team expertise as part of the Faculty’s continued commitment towards the provision of industrially-relevant academic programmes in the discipline of Quantity Surveying. To fully participate as part of the Built Environment team in developing and implementing future academic provision towards sustainable growth within both the subject area and wider Faculty context, including summer schools, international activities and initiatives towards widening participation. To contribute to the research profile of the Built Environment subject area through the identification, pursuit and completion of research activity deemed appropriate in targeting the research objectives of the wider Faculty and University.
Purpose sotto la supervisione del Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, in qualità di Responsabile Scientifico del progetto di ricerca. L’assegno di ricerca, di durata 12 mesi e di importo annuo, lordo percipiente, di Euro 21.304,00 è bandito ai sensi del vigente Regolamento per il conferimento di assegni di ricerca ai sensi dell’art. 22 della Legge 240/2010 nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca sopra citato, nell’Area Scientifica di Ateneo n. 04 – Scienze della Terra, Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare GEO/06 e GEO/09. L’assegno di ricerca, finanziato dalla Convenzione MAPEI, ha per oggetto lo svolgimento dell’attività di ricerca di seguito specificata: La prima fase di ricerca sarà dedicata alla scelta dei materiali (malte-cementi) di varie epoche e composizione. Una fase importante dell'attività sarà costituita invece dalla preparazione di leganti specifici con vario contenuto di SCM al fine di caratterizzare reazioni specifiche. I materiali storici e di laboratorio saranno analizzati in microscopia ottica (OM), catodoluminescenza (CL) ed elettronica (SEM-EDS) per analizzare le caratteristiche mineralogiche-petrografiche e microstrutturali della matrice legante e valutare il grado e l’estensione delle reazioni. La diffrazione ai raggi X di polvere (XRPD), la NMR a stato solido (MAS-SS-NMR), e spettroscopie vibrazionali (FTIR, Raman) saranno eseguite sulle frazioni leganti fini separate per sedimentazione e saranno quindi selezionati micro- volumi di campioni, in modo da essere in grado di A selection announcement has been published to award 1 research grant for the research project entitled “Characterization of pozzolanic reaction in mortars and concretes” to be conducted at the Centre CIRCE under the supervision of Professor Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, who is the Research Project Supervisor. The research grant, which shall last for 12 months and be for a gross amount for the grant holder of 21.304,00 Euro per annum, is issued in accordance with the current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards pursuant to Art. 22 of Law no. 240/2010 for the aforementioned research project, in University Scientific Area no. 0GEO/06 and GEO/09. The purpose of this research grant, which is funded by Convenzione MAPEI, is to grant research into: The first phase of research will be dedicated to the choice of materials (mortar-cements) of various eras and compositions. An important phase of the activity will be the preparation of specific ligands with various SCM content in order to characterize specific...
Purpose. Il Promotore/CRO affida all’Ente l’esecuzione della Sperimentazione alle condizioni indicate nel presente Contratto, in accordo col Protocollo, con gli eventuali successivi emendamenti, nonché con le modifiche al presente Contratto/budget da questi derivanti e formalizzate mediante i necessari atti di modifica tempestivamente sottoscritti. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO entrusts the Hospital with the conduct of the Trial under the conditions indicated in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol, with any subsequent amendments, as well as with any amendments to this Agreement/budget deriving from and formalized through the necessary amendments promptly signed.
Purpose. 2.1 The purpose of this CWA is to establish a strategic cooperation on “Towards zero emission road transport” aimed at maximising synergies between the Parties and specifically between the N/R Funds amanaged by the Regione Piemonte and the 2ZERO Work Programmes. This is in the interest of aligning regional objectives, R&I priorities, R&I topics and resources to contribute to the objectives of 2ZERO as well as to the implementation of the SRIA and complementarities identified by the Parties.
2.2 The CWA aims at seeking potential possibilities for parallel and sequential funding from relevant activities and programmes at European, national, and regional level in particular those supporting the deployment and uptake of innovative solutions, training, and regional development which are key to achieving greater scientific, socio-economic and environmental results.
Purpose. 4.1 The Trentino Guest Card entitles the Holder to receive the Related Services supplied by the Suppliers. The other subjects indicated on the back of the Trentino Guest Card are also entitled to use the Related Services, as indicated and within the limits specified here under in para.