Purpose Clausole campione

Purpose. The primary purpose of non-EU mobility grants under bilateral agreements is to enable students to carry out part of their course abroad, replacing the educational activities provided for their study plan in Sapienza with educational activities of the chosen host University (compatible in terms of the number of activities and training objectives) or to carry out research aimed at writing their thesis 1. Students participating in this exchange programme have the opportunity to obtain recognition of the exams taken at the host University (in terms of grades and credits) if planned before departure with the Academics Supervisor for International Mobility (RAM) through Learning Agreement/Change form and in accordance with the "Regulations for Student Mobility and Recognition of Study and Training Period Abroad" (D.R. register no. 34218 of 13.05.2015). The student in mobility receives a financial contribution and can attend courses and take advantage of the facilities available at the host University without the payment of additional tuition fees 2. The grant awarded with this Call for proposals constitutes a refund of part of the costs of the selected candidate's stay abroad, who will have to provide for all expenses, including those for visa, travel, board and lodging and any fees for participation in international programmes imposed by the host University, as well as taking out a possible insurance policy for medical expenses at the time of departure. During the entire mobility abroad, students must be enrolled at Sapienza and can obtain the degree (degree, masters degree or PhD) only after the period of study abroad is completed.
Purpose. 2.1 These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: "Contract Terms") govern the provision of the Service, by EVERY SWS to the companies, identified by means of data provided at the time of acceptance of the Contract Terms (hereinafter jointly, "Customers" and severally "Customer").
Purpose. 2.1 Il Promotore/CRO affida all’Ente l’esecuzione della Sperimentazione alle condizioni indicate nel presente Contratto, in accordo col Protocollo, con gli eventuali successivi emendamenti, nonché con le modifiche al presente Contratto/budget da questi derivanti e formalizzate mediante i necessari atti di modifica tempestivamente sottoscritti. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO entrusts the Hospital with the conduct of the Trial under the conditions indicated in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol, with any subsequent amendments, as well as with any amendments to this Agreement/budget deriving from and formalized through the necessary amendments promptly signed.
Purpose. E’ indetta una selezione per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca dal titolo “Modellizzazione sismologica dei margini convergenti” da svolgersi presso il Dipartimento di Geoscienze sotto la supervisione del Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, in qualità di Responsabile Scientifico del progetto di ricerca. A selection announcement has been published to award 1 research grant for the research project entitled “Seismological modelling of convergent margins” to be conducted at the Department of Geosciences under the supervision of Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, who is the Research Project Supervisor. L’assegno di ricerca, di durata 12 mesi e di importo annuo, lordo percipiente, di Euro 28.450,00 è bandito ai sensi del vigente Regolamento per il conferimento di assegni di ricerca ai sensi dell’art. 22 della Legge 240/2010 nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca sopra citato, nell’Area Scientifica di Ateneo n. 04 – Scienze della Terra, Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare GEO/10 The research grant, which shall last for 12 months and be for a gross amount for the grant holder of 28.450,00 Euro per annum, is issued in accordance with the current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards pursuant to Art. 22 of Law no. 240/2010 for the aforementioned research project, in University Scientific Area no. 04 – Earth Sciences and Scientific Sector and Discipline GEO/10 L’assegno di ricerca, finanziato dal Progetto ERC StG 758199 NEWTON, ha per oggetto lo svolgimento dell’attività di ricerca di seguito specificata: Le nuove tecniche di inversione della componente anisotropa del tensore elastico verranno messe a punto e testate mediante l’utilizzo di modelli geodinamici che riproducono realisticamente l’evoluzione di margini convergenti e l’anisotropia associata alla formazione di micro-strutture nelle rocce del mantello. Successivamente, la nuova tecnica di inversione verrà impiegata nelle due aree di studio del progetto The purpose of this research grant, which is funded by project ERC StG 758199 NEWTON, is to grant research into: The new anisotropic inversion techniques will be improved and tested by means of geodynamic models which reproduce realistically the evolution of convergent margins and the anisotropy associated with the strain-induced fabrics in mantle rocks.Subsequently, the new inversion technique will be applied to the two case studies of the NEWTON project, e.g., the Mediterranean and Cascadia convergent marg...
Purpose. To bring to the Built Environment team expertise as part of the Faculty’s continued commitment towards the provision of industrially-relevant academic programmes in Construction Management. To fully participate as part of the Built Environment team in developing and implementing future academic provision towards sustainable growth within both the subject area and wider Faculty context, including summer schools, international activities and initiatives towards widening participation. To contribute to the research profile of the Built Environment subject area through the identification, pursuit and completion of research activity deemed appropriate in targeting the research objectives of the wider Faculty and University.
Purpose. (Hereinafter, the clause will be formulated for the three distinct events of sale: with immediate transfer of title, sale with deferred transfer of title and sale of future property) Immediate transfer: By signing this Contract, the Seller transfers the title to the Buyer, who accepts. Deferred transfer: By signing this Contract, the Buyer undertakes to transfer the title, by the date of... to the Buyer. Sale of future property: By entering into this Contract, the Seller sells to the Buyer (specify the quantity and type of the Property subject to sale, e.g.: 8 quintals of hay, of apples, of...), the title of which shall be physically transferred upon the Property coming into existence (e.g. from the trees).
Purpose. (a) Le Parti convengono di agire entrambe in qualità di Titolari del trattamento in materia di trattamento dei dati personali. Le Parti si impegnano ad attenersi rigorosamente al Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (“GDPR”) e alle leggi nazionali vigenti di attuazione del GDPR dello stato membro (“Leggi in materia di protezione dei dati”). (a) The Parties agree that both acts as independent Data Controllers regarding the processing of personal data. The Parties commit themselves to strictly comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and applicable national member state laws implementing the GDPR (“Data Protection Laws”).
Purpose. 1. Subject to the terms of this MOU and the laws, rules, regulations and national policies from time to time in force in each Party’s country, the purpose of this MOU is to establish and define, in general terms, areas of mutual interest and opportunities for cooperation and collaboration between the Parties on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
Purpose. 1.1 These general terms and conditions ("GC") define the contractual terms applicable to the performance of services specified in the subsequent Article 2 ("Services"), which the Service Provider ("Supplier") undertakes to perform for MG3 Fastener Solutions S.p.A. ("MG3") Accordingly, the Supplier acknowledges and agrees that the GC constitute the sole governing framework for the performance of the Services, thereby novating any previous agreement on the same matter. Therefore, with the order confirmation, these clauses are expressly accepted by the Supplier, without any requirement for written confirmation by the latter.
Purpose. 2.1 Il Promotore affida all'Ente l'esecuzione della Sperimentazione alle condizioni indicate nel presente Contratto, in accordo col Protocollo, con gli eventuali successivi emendamenti, nonché con le modifiche al presente Contratto/budget da questi derivanti e formalizzate mediante i necessari atti di modifica tempestivamente sottoscritti. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Institution with the conduct of the Trial according to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol, with any subsequent amendments, as well as with the changes to this Agreement/budget deriving from these and formalized through the required modification documents stipulated in a timely manner. 2.2 La Sperimentazione deve essere condotta nel più scrupoloso rispetto del Protocollo, nella versione vigente, accettata dallo Sperimentatore principale e approvata dal Comitato Etico e dall’Autorità Competente, in conformità alla vigente normativa in materia di sperimentazioni cliniche di medicinali e ai principi etici e deontologici che ispirano l'attività medica dei professionisti a vario titolo coinvolti. 2.2 The Trial must be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the current version, as accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority, in compliance with current legislation on clinical trials on medicinal products and the ethical and deontological principles that inspire the medical activities of professionals in various roles. 2.3 La Sperimentazione deve essere altresì condotta in conformità ai principi contenuti nella Convenzione sui Diritti dell'Uomo e la Biomedicina, nella Dichiarazione di Helsinki nella versione aggiornata, nelle vigenti regole della Buona Pratica Clinica, e in conformità delle leggi applicabili in tema di trasparenza e prevenzione della corruzione, nonché di protezione dei dati personali secondo la normativa vigente. 2.3 The Trial must also be conducted in accordance with the principles contained in the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the Declaration of Helsinki in the updated version, in the current Good Clinical Practice guidelines, and in compliance with applicable laws regarding transparency and prevention of corruption, as well as the protection of personal data according to current legislation. 2.4 Con la sottoscrizione del presente Contratto, le Parti dichiarano di conoscere e accettare il contenuto di quanto sopra richiamato. 2.4 By signing this Ag...