Market Disruption Clausole campione

Market Disruption. Market Disruption Event" means, in relation to Warrants relating to a single Index or Basket of Indices, in respect of an Index:
Market Disruption. Market Disruption Event" means, in relation to Warrants relating to a single Share or a Basket of Shares, in respect of a Share:
Market Disruption. Market Disruption Event" means, in relation to Certificates relating to a single Share or a Basket of Shares, in respect of a Share, the occurrence or existence of (i) a Trading Disruption, (ii) an Exchange Disruption, which in either case the Calculation Agent determines is material, at any time during the one hour period that ends at the relevant Valuation Time, or (iii) an Early Closure. The Calculation Agent shall give notice as soon as practicable to the Holders in accordance with General Condition 11 of the occurrence of a Disrupted Day on any day that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Strike Date, an Averaging Date, an Observation Date or a Valuation Date, as the case may be or on a Knock-in Determination Day or a Knock-out Determination Day, as the case may be.
Market Disruption. In the event of the occurrence of Market Disruption Event on a Valuation Date, a Payment Date or the Settlement Date, the obligations of the Issuer which are due on such date may be delayed, which delay could be lengthy. A Market Disruption Event includes, but is not limited to, any suspension or limitation of trading on the Exchange or any Related Exchange, the declaration of a general moratorium in respect of banking activities in the country where the Exchange or any Related Exchange is located, the inability of the Issuer (or its affiliate) to unwind its hedge or related trading position relating to the Underlying due to illiquidity and any Emerging Market Disruption Event. Force majeure. The Issuer reserves the right to delay payments and other obligations to the holder of equity certificates where events occur outside the reasonable control of the Issuer or any of its affiliates and result in the Issuer being unable to fulfil its obligations when such obligations are due including (without limitation) failure of telecommunication or computer facilities, industrial disputes, civil unrest or acts of governmental, regulatory or supranational bodies subject to a maximum period specified in the applicable Final Terms. After such date, all obligations of the Issuer in respect of the relevant Securities shall be discharged.
Market Disruption. Market Disruption Event means, in relation to Securities relating to a single Index or Basket of Indices other than Securities relating to a Commodity Index, in respect of an Index: Trading Disruption means any suspension of or limitation imposed on trading by the relevant Exchange or Related Exchange or otherwise and whether by reason of movements in price exceeding limits permitted by the relevant Exchange or Related Exchange or otherwise (i) relating to any Component Security on the Exchange in respect of such Component Security or (ii) in futures or options contracts relating to the Index on the Related Exchange. Exchange Disruption means any event (other than an Early Closure) that disrupts or impairs (as determined by the Calculation Agent) the ability of market participants in general to effect transactions in, or obtain market values for (i) any Component Security on the relevant Exchange in respect of such Component Security or (ii) futures or options contracts relating to the Index on the Related Exchange. Early Closure means the closure on any Exchange Business Day of any relevant Exchange or Related Exchange in respect of any Component Security prior to its Scheduled Closing Time unless such earlier closing is announced by such Exchange or Related Exchange, as the case may be, at least one hour prior to the earlier of (i) the actual closing time for the regular trading session on such Exchange or Related Exchange, as the case may be, on such Exchange Business Day and (ii) the submission deadline for orders to be entered into on the relevant Exchange or Related Exchange system for execution at the relevant Valuation Time on such Exchange Business Day. Commodity Index Cut-Off Date means, in respect of an applicable determination date:
Market Disruption. Market Disruption Event means, in relation to Securities relating to a single Share or Basket of Shares, in respect of a Share: Insolvency means that by reason of the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, bankruptcy, insolvency, dissolution or winding-up of or any analogous proceeding affecting the Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, (i) all the Shares of that Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, are required to be transferred to a trustee, liquidator or other similar official or (ii) holders of the Shares of that Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, become legally prohibited from transferring them. Merger Date means the closing date of a Merger Event or, where a closing date cannot be determined under the local law applicable to such Merger Event, such other date as determined by the Calculation Agent. Merger Event means, in respect of any relevant Shares, any (i) reclassification or change of such Shares that results in a transfer of or an irrevocable commitment to transfer all of such Shares outstanding to another entity or person, (ii) consolidation, amalgamation, merger or binding share exchange of a Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, with or into another entity or person (other than a consolidation, amalgamation, merger or binding share exchange in which such Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, is the continuing entity and which does not result in a reclassification or change of all of such Shares Nationalisation means that all the Shares or all or substantially all the assets of the Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, are nationalised, expropriated or are otherwise required to be transferred to any governmental agency, authority, entity or instrumentality thereof.
Market Disruption. Market Disruption Event" means, in relation to Securities relating to a single Share or a Basket of Shares, in respect of a Share, the occurrence or existence of (a) a Trading Disruption, (b) an Exchange Disruption, which in either case the Calculation Agent determines is material, at any time during the one hour period that ends at the relevant Valuation Time, or (c) an Early Closure. The Calculation Agent shall give notice as soon as practicable to the Holders in accordance with W&C Security Condition 10 or Note Condition 16, as applicable, of the occurrence of a Disrupted Day on any day that, but for the occurrence of a Disrupted Day, would have been the Strike Date, an Averaging Date, an Observation Date, the Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date or a Valuation Date as the case may be.
Market Disruption