MATERIAL. Bronze bars have chemical composition according to the table here below. On demand, it is possible to supply bars in different alloys. CuSn5Zn5Pb5-C EN 1982 Min 83,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 (CC491K) Max 87,0 2,0 0,10 6,0 6,0 6,0 0,01 0,3 0,1 0,25 0,01 - Altre prescrizioni/Other prescription: Cu=Cu+Ni CuSn12-C EN 1982 Min 85,0 11,0 (CC483K) Max 88,5 2,0 0,6 0,7 13,0 0,5 0,01 0,2 0,05 0,15 0,01 0,2 CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C EN 1982 Min 76,0 4,0 8,5 4,0 (CC333G) Max 83,0 6,0 0,03 0,1 0,50 10,5 5,5 0,1 3,0 Altri/Others: Bi 0,01% max; Cr 0,05% max; Mg 0,05% max
MATERIAL. Non-public Information. During the course of the Study, Investigator and other employees of Institution may have access to material non-public information about Gilead and its research partners that are publicly traded companies. In order to avoid any potential or actual conflict of interest, neither Institution nor Investigator will trade in any securities of Gilead or its research partners, or recommend that others do so, during the term of the Study when in possession of material non-public information of Gilead. This Section 9.2 will not restrict Institution or Investigator, or entity of which Institution may be a part, from participating in pooled investment vehicles such as mutual funds. 9.2 Informazioni sostanziali non pubbliche. Nel corso dello Studio, lo Sperimentatore e gli altri dipendenti dell’Istituto potrebbero avere accesso a informazioni sostanziali non pubbliche su Gilead e su società quotate in borsa che sono partner di Gilead per la ricerca. Al fine di evitare qualsiasi conflitto di interessi, potenziale o effettivo, né l’Istituto né lo Sperimentatore dovranno scambiare titoli azionari di Gilead o dei suoi partner nella ricerca, né dovranno consigliare ad altri di farlo, per il periodo di validità dello Studio, qualora in possesso di informazioni sostanziali non pubbliche di Gilead. Questa Sezione 9.2 non impedirà all’Istituto, allo Sperimentatore o all’entità di cui l’Istituto potrebbe far parte, di partecipare a strumenti di investimento combinato, come i fondi comuni.
MATERIAL. The material may be of non-eu origin (any duties for export at your expense). Unless stated above, annealing, use and condition of the material supplied will be those indicated on the certificate (in any case is excluded the use for safety parts). In case of cut material the weight we're going to bill includes any decrease due to the cutting process. The material provided is not suitable for the production of security details or structural parts, not having the characteristics laid down by the norms, unless Rolafer receives a specific written request from the buyer, duly accepted in writing on the order confirmation by Rolafer. In the absence of written confirmation from Rolafer, the material will be delivered without the features for security or structural applications.
MATERIAL. There will be no material containing fluorine inside the capsule.