PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS Clausole campione

PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS. As per GeM provisions 100 percent payment shall be done upon completion of scope of supply after delivery and acceptance of the same by the co nsignee.
PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS i. Payment for 80% of contract value shall be made within 10 days from generation of CRAC a nd receipt and acceptance of Performance Security (Security Deposit)
PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS. As per GeM provisions , 100 percent upon receipt and acceptance of material by the consignee and submission and acceptance of Security Deposit, PBG. Offered Price against this bid should not be disclosed in any manner in submission of techno-co mmercial documents. Disclosure of price before price bid opening may render the bid as non-re sponsive and shall be eligible for rejection of bid.
PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS. As per GeM provisions, 100 percent payment shall be done upon completion of scope of supply after delivery and acceptance of the same by the consignee. Offered Price against this bid should not be disclosed in any manner in submission of techno-commercial documents. Di sclosure of price before price bid opening may render the bid as non-responsive and shall be eligible for rejection of bid
PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS. As per GeM. Offered Price against this bid should not be disclos ed in any manner in submission of techno-commercial documents. Disclosure of price bef ore price bid opening may render the bid as non-responsive and shall be eligible for rejec tion of bid.
PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS. As per GeM. Offered Price against this bid should not be disclosed in a ny manner in submission of techno-commercial documents. Disclosure of price before price bid opening may render the bid as non-responsive and shall be eligible for rejection of bid. Offered Price against this bid should not be disclosed in any manner in submission of techno-co mmercial documents. Disclosure of price before price bid opening may render the bid as non-re sponsive and shall be eligible for rejection of bid.
PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS i) FOR SCHEDULE I and III: Scope- Supply of goods only bAs per GeM provisions , 100 percent upon receipt and acceptance of material by the consign ee and submission and acceptance of Security Deposit and PBG.


  • Criteri generali I criteri generali, la cui descrizione analitica è distintamente riportata ai successivi punti 4.1.1 - 4.2.1 - 4.3.1 - 4.4.1 - e relativi a ciascuna tipologia di costo, sono ispirati al fine di adeguarli il più possibile alla realtà operativa.