Redemption Clausole campione

Redemption. Unless previously redeemed or cancelled, each Security will be redeemed on the Redemption Date as set out in the table in Element C.20 below. The Certificates may also be redeemed early on occurrence of an Additional Disruption Event, an Optional Additional Disruption Event, an Extraordinary Event, a Potential Adjustment Event or if performance of the Issuer's obligations under the Securities becomes illegal, or becomes illegal or impractical by reason of force majeure or act of state. The amount payable under the Securities on early redemption will be the fair market value of each Security.
Redemption. Unless previously redeemed or cancelled, each Security will be redeemed on the Redemption Date as set out in the table in Element C.20 below.
Redemption. The Maturity Date for the Securities shall be September 7, 2026, provided that if such day is not a payment business day, the final redemption amount will be paid on the next succeeding payment business day. • Unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled, each Security will be redeemed by the Issuer on the maturity date by payment of a final redemption amount of U.S.$ 2,000 per Calculation Amount of Securities. Representative of holders of Securities: Not applicable; the Issuer has not appointed any person to be a representative of the holders of Securities.
Redemption. Unless previously redeemed or cancelled, each Security will be redeemed as set out in Element C.18. The Certificates may also be redeemed early on occurrence of an Additional Disruption Event, an Optional Additional Disruption Event, an Extraordinary Event, a Potential Adjustment Event or if performance of the Issuer's obligations under the Securities becomes illegal, or becomes illegal or impractical by reason of force majeure or act of state. The amount payable under the Securities on early redemption will be the fair market value of each Security. Element Title Representative of Securityholders No representative of the Securityholders has been appointed by the Issuer. Please also refer to item C.8 above for rights attaching to the Securities.
Redemption. Subject to any purchase and cancellation or early redemption, the Notes will be redeemed on 6 January 2020 at an amount determined in accordance with the following formula: Autocall New Chance. The Notes may be redeemed early for tax reasons or illegality at the fair market value. The Issuer may redeem in case of an early redemption event all but not some only of the Notes early on 4 July 2016, 4 January 2017, 4 July 2017, 4 January 2018, 4 July 2018, 4 January 2019 and 4 July 2019. Payments shall be made by transfer to an account denominated in the relevant currency with a bank in the principal financial centre of that currency Element Title The redemption amount will be calculated by reference to basket of shares (the Underlying Reference(s)) The redemption amount will be calculated according to the following formula: Autocall New Chance (details on the formula and figures above) Exercise of the Notes: Notes (issued in the form of certificates) listed or admitted to trading on the "electronic securitised derivatives market" (SeDex) organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. will be automatically exercised on the Maturity Date. Noteholders may, prior to the relevant time on the Maturity Date, renounce automatic exercise of such Note by the delivery of a duly completed renouncement notice to the Italian Paying Agent, substantially in the form set out in Part 3 of Schedule 4 to the Agency Agreement. Representative of holders Not Applicable – No representative of the Noteholders has been appointed by the Issuer.
Redemption. (a) All Types of Securities (b) Callable and Trigger Securities (c) Italian Securities
Redemption. Amount: An amount determined in accordance with Section 2 (3).
Redemption. Valuation Date: Scheduled Trading Day immediately preceding the Exercise Date.
Redemption. All Types of Securities