Responsibility Clausole campione

Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms. To the best of the knowledge of the Issuer (who has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The information included in Part B (the "Information") consists of extracts from or summaries of information that is publicly available in respect of the Share. The Issuer confirms that such information has been accurately reproduced and that, so far as it is aware and is able to ascertain from information published by the Share Company, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced inaccurate or misleading. Signed on behalf of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. As Issuer: By: Duly authorised
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms. To the best of the knowledge of the Issuer (who has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Signed on behalf of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. As Issuer: By: ..Xxxxx XXXXXXX.. Duly authorised
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in the Base Prospectus, as completed and/or amended by these Final Terms. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Issuer (which has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this Base Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Material changes since the date of the Base Prospectus will trigger the need for a supplement under Article 16 of Directive 2003/71/EC which will be filed with both the AFM and the SIX Swiss Exchange.
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms. To the best of the knowledge of the Issuer (who has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The information included in Part B (the "Other Information") consists of extracts from or summaries of information that is publicly available in respect of the Indices. The Issuer confirms that such information has been accurately reproduced and that, so far as it is aware and is able to ascertain from information published by the Index Sponsors, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced inaccurate or misleading. Signed on behalf of BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. As Issuer: By Xxxx authorised
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms.
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in the Base Prospectus, as completed and/or amended by these Final Terms. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Issuer (which has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) the information contained in this Base Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Material changes since the date of the Base Prospectus will trigger the need for a supplement under Article 16 of Directive 2003/71/EC which will be filed with both the AFM and the SIX Swiss Exchange. Nome e Ragione/denominazione sociale dell’Intermediario A BNP Paribas, Filiale di Milano Corporate Actions Tel: (+00) 00 0000 0000 Fax: (+00) 00 0000 0000 Copia a: The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Xxx.xx di Xxxx Xxxxx/Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Tel.: +00 (0) 000 000 0000 Fax: + 00 (0) 000 000 0000 Il sottoscritto portatore (di seguito, il "Portatore") con la presente dichiara:
Responsibility. The Company declines any responsibility for delays or impediments that may arise during the performance of the assistance services in the event of events already excluded under the General and Special Conditions as a result of: - provisions of the local authorities prohibiting the planned assistance intervention - any fortuitous or unforeseeable circumstances - cause of force majeure
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms. To the best of the knowledge of the Issuer (who has taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
Responsibility. The Issuer and the Guarantor accept responsibility for the information contained in this Final Terms. Information set out in Part B hereto relating to the description of the ratings has been extracted from the website of the relevant rating agency. Each of the Issuer and the Guarantor confirms that such information has been accurately reproduced and that, so far as it is aware, and is able to ascertain from such source, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading. Signed on behalf of the Issuer: By: ................................................... Duly authorised Signed on behalf of the Guarantor: By: ................................................... Duly authorised
Responsibility. The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms. The information included in Annex II (Information about the Shares) has been extracted from the relevant Reuters page of the Share issuer and is not necessarily the latest information available. The Issuer confirms that such information has been accurately reproduced and that, so far as it is aware, and is able to ascertain from information published by the Share issuer, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced inaccurate or misleading. IT664 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 2.58 4.3 175% 130% ENEL DE000HV779B4 UI4224 IT665 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 10.356 17.26 167% 125% ENI DE000HV779C2 UI4225 IT666 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 4.596 7.66 200% 140% FIAT DE000HV779D0 UI4226 IT667 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 10.056 16.76 143% 120% GENERALI DE000HV779E8 UI4227 IT668 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 1.536 2.56 160% 130% INTESA SANPAOLO DE000HV779F5 UI4228 IT670 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 0.564 0.94 160% 130% TELECOM ITALIA DE000HV779H1 UI4229 IT671 1 100000 100000 100 11.05.2011 1 6.888 11.48 160% 130% UNIONE DI BANCHE ITALIANE DE000HV779J7 UI4230 Share Reuters Code Bloomberg Code Isin Code Relevant Exchange Website Address Determining Futu ENEL ENEI.MI ENEL IM Equity IT0003128367 Borsa Italiana (MTA) xxx.xxxx.xx 000, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxx, 00000, Xxxxx IDEM ENI ENI.MI ENI IM Equity IT0003132476 Borsa Italiana (MTA) Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 1, Rome, 00144 Italy IDEM FIAT FIA.MI F IM Equity IT0001976403 Borsa Italiana (MTA) Xxx Xxxxx 000, Xxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx IDEM GENERALI GASI.MI G IM Equity IT0000062072 Borsa Italiana (MTA) xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, 0, X.X.Xxx, Trieste, 34132, Italy IDEM INTESA SANPAOLO ISP.MI ISP IM Equity IT0000072618 Borsa Italiana (MTA) Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx IDEM TELECOM ITALIA TLIT.MI TIT IM Equity IT0003497168 Borsa Italiana (MTA) xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxx Xxxxx IDEM UNIONE DI BANCHE ITALIANE UBI.MI UBI IM Equity IT0003487029 Borsa Italiana (MTA) xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 8, Bergamo, 24122, Italy IDEM A: Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG Fax 0000 00 000 00000 - 02/00000000 Tel 02/8862.2746 - 02/8862.2736 email: xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx Certificates su emessi da Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG (i “Certificates”) L’intermediario che detiene in custodia i Certificates per conto dell...