Status Clausole campione

Status. The Securities constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer and rank pari passu among themselves and with all other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer save for those preferred by mandatory provisions of law.
Status. The Securities represent general contractual obligations of the relevant Issuer and are not secured by any property of such Issuer. The Securities rank equally among themselves and, save for such exceptions as may be provided by Applicable Law, pari passu with all other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of such Issuer but excluding any debts for the time being preferred by Applicable Law and any subordinated obligation.
Status. The Securitiez reprezent general contractual obligationz of the relevant Izzuer and are not zecured by any property of xxxx Xxxxxx. The Securitiez rank equally among themzelvez and, zave for xxxx exceptionz az may be provided by Applicable Law, pari passu with all other unzecured and unzubordinated obligationz of xxxx Izzuer but excluding any debtz for the time being preferred by Applicable Law and any zubordinated obligation.
Status. La Parte Finanziata dovrà preservare il proprio status giuridico di banca.
Status. (a) La Parte Finanziata dovrà preservare lo status giuridico di Banca o Intermediario Finanziario, a seconda dei casi.
Status. (a) Status of Notes
Status. The Securities are unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Issuer and rank pari passu and rateably without any preference among themselves and equally with all other unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Issuer from time to time outstanding.
Status. 9.2.1 Le Società sono validamente costituite ed esistenti ai sensi della legge del paese in cui sono state costituite e si trovano nel pieno e libero esercizio dei propri poteri, salve le norme applicabili ad Aimeri in relazione alla Procedura di Pre-Concordato e alla Procedura di Concordato.
Status. Articolo 5
Status. 1. Alle forze e al personale partecipanti all'operazione Concordia si applica l'accordo tra l'Unione europea e l'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia sullo status delle forze dirette dall'Unione europea nell'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia e sulle relative modalità di attuazione.