RETURNS Clausole campione

RETURNS. 9.1. Notwithstanding the provisions in the case of product faults and defects, Xxxxxx does not accept product returns unless expressly authorized in writing. In any case, the right of return is subject to the following conditions: • the products must be intact and returned in their original packaging, complete with all their parts; • the shipping costs for returning the products will be charged to the Customer; • the shipment, till Inarca confirms having received the goods at its warehouse, is under the complete responsibility of the Customer.
RETURNS. After 30 days from delivery, XXXXXXXX S.p.A. does not accept return of goods. All returns of Products will be subject to prior XXXXXXXX S.p.A. written approval in according to the procedure in force at the time. The article returned shall be credited at the charged purchase price ,less the costs for checking and re-packing. All returns of Products owing to causes non dependent on GHISALBA S.p.A., may or not be accepted with a depreciation of 20% if in the original packaging, 30% if returned without the original packaging, but in any case must result not tampered with.
RETURNS. The Seller is not obligated to accept returns of products, unless this has been expressly agreed in writing.
RETURNS. Returns of goods, for any reason, are not accepted without the expressly written prior Supplier’s authorization.]
RETURNS. Product return is permitted in the following cases: 1. Products are mistakenly sent by Teleflex Medical S.r.l.; 2. Products have faults or defects reported, pursuant to Art. 4 of these General Sales Conditions; 3. Products are damaged during transportation, pursuant to Art. 5 of these General Sales Conditions; 4. Products are subject to manufacturer recall; 5. There is a specific Supplier-Client agreement. The return must include regular transportation documentation. The following information is required to validate the return: • Reason for the return • Order date • Delivery date • Transport document number • Product code • Return quantity • Product lot number • Number of return packages All returns must be authorized in advance by the Supplier before the Client dispatches them. In mancanza di autorizzazione, il reso non potrà essere accettato e i Prodotti verranno automaticamente rispediti al Cliente, con addebito del prezzo e dei costi di spedizione. Nei casi sopra indicati ai numeri 1 e 5 il materiale reso deve essere in confezione originale integra di vendita e con etichetta originale. In mancanza di ciò il reso non potrà essere accettato e i Prodotti verranno automaticamente rispediti al mittente, con addebito del prezzo e dei costi di spedizione. In generale, nei casi sopra indicati ai numeri 1 e 5, i resi di Prodotti: (i) danneggiati, oppure (ii) privi della confezione e dell’etichetta originale, oppure (iii) per i quali la validità residua (c.d. “shelf life”), intesa come periodo entro il quale il Prodotto è utilizzabile, sia inferiore a 24 mesi o comunque sia inferiore a ½ del periodo di validità complessiva del Prodotto, verranno respinti, con addebito del prezzo e dei costi di spedizione. I Prodotti resi saranno sottoposti ad ispezione ed a successiva eventuale accettazione da parte di Teleflex Medical S.r.l.. Nei casi sopra indicati ai numeri 2 e 3, prima di autorizzare il reso, Teleflex Medical S.r.l. valuterà, di volta in volta, se procedere con la sostituzione del Prodotto, mediante autorizzazione al reso dello stesso ed invio del Prodotto sostitutivo, oppure mediante la riparazione del Prodotto. Nei casi sopra indicati ai numeri 2 e 3, in caso di esito negativo dell’ispezione condotta da Teleflex Medical S.r.l., che non rilevi i vizi o difetti denunziati o il danneggiamento avvenuto durante il trasporto, i Prodotti verranno respinti, con addebito del prezzo e dei costi di spedizione. If unauthorized, the return will not be accepted and the ...
RETURNS. 9.1) Unless as otherwise agreed in writing, products shall be returned FCA - Brandoni S.p.A., Xxx Xxxxxx 000, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx - Incoterms 2010 published by the International Chamber of Commerce in their latest version in force at the time of delivery - and shall be in transit at the risk of the Customer, even if returned carriage paid invoiced to the Customer.
RETURNS. In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the period of 14 days pursuant to art. 57 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 starting from the date of receipt of the products. In the case of multiple purchases made by the buyer with a single order and delivered separately, the 14- day term starts from the date of receipt of the last product. The transport costs for the return are borne by the buyer. The user who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal (reserved exclusively for individuals) will be able to know the methods and make a request by accessing the "Returns" section in the links at the bottom of the website. Returns of which have not been requested and given specific approval won’t be accepted.
RETURNS. On authorized returns, arrived at our premices without the original and intact packaging, will be retained the 10% of the minimum value with a minimum penalty of 50,00. The parties expressly agree that the products object of the purchase and sale agreement shall remain exclusive property of the Seller until the date of full payment of the same by the Buyer. Consequently, the Seller shall have the right to claim immediate return of unpaid products, at the charge and expense of the Buyer.
RETURNS. 3. With reference to Section 3.12 (b) of the Agreement, the Seller acknowledges and agrees that in Italy the end customer shall not have the possibility to exercise his right of withdrawal by returning the Seller's products sold via the Online Marketplace to MMSRG' s retail outlets located in Italy.