Subject Clausole campione

Subject. Il Promotore affida all'Ente l'esecuzione della Sperimentazione alle condizioni indicate nel presente Contratto, in accordo col Protocollo, con gli eventuali successivi emendamenti, nonché con le modifiche al presente Contratto/budget da questi derivanti e formalizzate mediante i necessari atti di modifica tempestivamente sottoscritti. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments and formalized by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
Subject. Article 4)
Subject. 2.1 Il Promotore tramite la CRO affida all'Ente l'esecuzione della Sperimentazione alle condizioni indicate nel presente Contratto, in accordo col Protocollo, con gli eventuali successivi emendamenti, nonché con le modifiche al presente Contratto/budget da questi derivanti e formalizzate mediante i necessari atti di modifica tempestivamente sottoscritti. 2.1 The Sponsor through the CRO assigns to the Institution the task of conducting the Trial at the conditions laid down in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, as well as any changes made to this Agreement/budget as a result of said amendments and formalized through the promptly signed required amending acts. 2.2 La Sperimentazione deve essere condotta nel più scrupoloso rispetto del Protocollo, nella versione vigente, accettata dallo Sperimentatore principale e approvata dal Comitato Etico e dall’Autorità Competente, in conformità alla vigente normativa in materia di sperimentazioni cliniche di medicinali e ai principi etici e deontologici che ispirano l'attività medica dei professionisti a vario titolo coinvolti. 2.2 The Trial must be conducted in the strictest compliance with the Protocol, in the version in force that has been accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority, in accordance with legislation in force on clinical drug trials and with the ethical and deontological principles that inspire the medical activity of the professionals involved. 2.3 La Sperimentazione deve essere altresì condotta in conformità ai principi contenuti nella Convenzione sui Diritti dell'Uomo e la Biomedicina, nella Dichiarazione di Helsinki nella versione aggiornata, nelle vigenti regole della Buona Pratica Clinica, e in conformità delle leggi applicabili in tema di trasparenza e prevenzione della corruzione, nonché di protezione dei dati personali secondo la normativa vigente.
Subject. ALLIANZ TRAVEL reimburses any additional costs incurred to purchase new travel tickets (airline, maritime or rail tickets) in lieu of unused usable ones for the late arriv al of the Insured at the place of departure of the outward flight after one of the following unpredictable and objectively do c um e nt ed circ um- stances: a) an accident to the means of transport during the journey; b) stop of circulation ordered by the competent aut horities; c) stopping or slowing down of road circulation due to bad weather conditions.
Subject. ALLIANZ TRAVEL reimburses the sums paid by the Insured as a penalty for the cancellation or any changes in the booking defined by AIR FRANCE in the contract if the Insured has to cancel the trip due to one of the following documented reasons which are involuntary, and which may not be predicte d when the f light ticket is booked: a) disease, including being diagnosed with an epidemic or a pandemic disease such as COVID-19, accident or death. b) pregnancy disorders, if occurred after booking; c) intolerance of vaccinations; of the Insured or one of his/her family member, the trip partner if insured and included in the same documents, the business partner /co-owner of the com- pany or f irm of the Insured or his/her direct superior; d) material damages to the residence as a result of natural disasters or theft, which require the presence of the insured; e) dismissal or suspension from employment (temporary layoff, redundancy) of the Insured or his/her new recruitment; f) submission of a request for divorce by the spouse of the Insured; g) conv ocation of the Insured for military/civilian service; h) conv ocation of the Insured before the competent authorities for the adoption of minors; i) appointment of the Insured to jury service or to give evidence to the judicial authorities; j) thef t of the documents of the Insured which are essential for travel abroad if it is impossible for them t o be re - c re at ed bef ore the planned departure date; k) the Insured cannot reach the place of departure of the trip following: - an accident to the means of transport during the journey to the place of departure of the flight; - adv erse weather conditions occurring in the place of residence;
Subject. Whereas the Insured described in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter called „the Insured“) whose Occupation and Employer are as stated in the said Xxxxxxxx and who on the commencing day (stated in the said Schedule) of this insurance was the holder of the Licence (hereinafter called „the Licence“) stated in the said Schedule together with a Certificate of Validity (hereinafter called „the Certificate“) forming part thereof (the Insured being required by law to hold such licence in connection with his said Occupation) by a proposal and declaration dated as stated in the said Schedule (which said proposal and declaration shall be the basis al this contract and are deemed to be incorporated herein) has applied to the Company stated in the Schedule (hereinafter called „the Company“) for the insurance hereinafter provided and has paid the premium stated in the said Schedule as consideration for such insurance during the Period of Insurance stated in the said Schedule. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED that if the insured shall suffer bodily injury or illness or classified illness and such bodily injury or illness or classified illness shall be the sole and direct cause whereby during the said Period of Insurance or after but not beyond a period a twelve months after the expiry of the said Period or Insurance: (1) The Insured shall be disabled from carrying on his said Occupation pursuant to the Licence and the Certificate but neither the Licence nor the Certificate shall have been lost to him or (2) There shall be imposed at any time whether by endorsement upon the Licence of the Cer- tificate or otherwise any special limitations on or in connection with the exercise of the privileges conferred by the Licence and/or the Certificate such imposition involving loss of income or (3) The Licence and/or the Certificate shall be lost to the Insured then the Insured shall be subject to the terms conditions provisions and exclusions of this Policy become entitle to the payment by the Company of such as may be appropriate of the sums shown in the Table of Benefits hereinafter contained.
Subject. 1. The Università degli Studi di Pavia’s Department of Mathematics announces a public call for applications, considering qualifications and interviews, for the assignation n. 1 B-type research grants for research activities specified below: COMPETITION CODE RESEARCH PROGRAMME 001 “Problemi di controllo e di dinamiche a lungo termine associati a modelli tumorali e di stampa 3D” – “Optimal control and long-term dynamics for mathematical models of tumor growth and 3d printing” SCIENTIFIC-DISCIPLINARY SECTOR DURATION IN YEARS: DEPARTMENT: MAT/05 1, possibly renewable Department of Mathematics “Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx” 2. The aim of research grants is to allow qualified candidates to conduct research at the University. 3. The grant, including eventual renewals, cannot exceed six years in duration except during periods in which the grant has been has been utilised concurrently with a research doctorate without a scholarship, within the established duration of the relative course. Eventual renewals are dependent upon a positive evaluation of the research activities by the Department Board, as well as an availability of funds.
Subject. 1. The purpose of this announcement is to select 22 students interested in participating in the Summer School. 2. The Summer School will focus on subject matters regarding the following topic areas: • Philosophy and theory of translation - from here on in referred to as topic area A • Translating for the theatre - from here on in referred to as topic area B • Translating for the visual arts - from here on in referred to as topic area C 3. The Summer School will be organised as follows: • open conferences in interdisciplinary format dedicated to the three topic areas; • in-depth seminars for the individual topic areas solely for students enrolled in the Summer School. 4. No registration or enrollment fees are required. The selected candidates will be guaranteed meals, accommodation and transport to and from the School premises, as such expenses shall be borne by the Department of Excellence of Human Sciences. In addition, following verification of the conditions described in Art. 9 of this notice, a € 500.00 scholarship shall be conferred to selected candidates as reimbursement for their travel expenses. 5. The expenses incurred shall be borne by the Excellence Project of the Department of Human Studies - code DIP_ECCEL_DSU – Supervisor: Professor Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx.
Subject. 1.1 The Parties acknowledges and accepts that, with regard to the processing of Personal Data, the Customer is the Data Controller. As such, it is the only responsible for the correctness and legitimacy of the Personal Data, for its use under the terms of the Contractual Agreements and for the legitimacy of the ways in which it has been acquired. 1.2 The Customer appoints EVERY SWS, in compliance with Article 28 of the GDPR, as the Data Processor for the Processing of Personal Data in connection with the provision of the Services.