Definizione di Screen Rate Determination

Screen Rate Determination if Screen Rate Denomination is specified in the relevant Note Final Terms as the manner in which the Interest Rate is to be determined, as follow: (A) if the Reference Rate is a composite quotation or customarily supplied by one entity, the Calculation Agent will determine the Reference Rate which appears on the Relevant Screen Page as of the Relevant Time on the relevant Interest Determination Date; (B) in any other case, the Calculation Agent will determine the arithmetic mean of the Reference Rates which appear on the Relevant Screen Page as of the Relevant Time on the relevant Interest Determination Date; (C) if, in the case of (A) above, such rate does not appear on that page or, in the case of (B) above, fewer than two such rates appear on that page or if, in either case, the Relevant Screen Page is unavailable, the Calculation Agent will: (1) request the principal Relevant Financial Centre office of each of the Reference Banks to provide a quotation of the Reference Rate at approximately the Relevant Time on the Interest Determination Date to prime banks in the Relevant Financial Centre interbank market in an amount that is representative for a single transaction in that market at that time; and (2) determine the arithmetic mean of such quotations; and (D) if fewer than two such quotations are provided as requested, the Calculation Agent will determine the arithmetic mean of the rates (being the nearest to the Reference Rate, as determined by the Calculation Agent) quoted by major banks in the Principal Financial Centre of the Relevant Currency, selected by the Calculation Agent, at approximately 11.00 a.m. (local time in the Principal Financial Centre of the Specified Currency) on the first day of the relevant Interest Period for loans in the Specified Currency to leading European banks for a period equal to the relevant Interest Period and in an amount that is representative for a single transaction in that market at that time, and the Interest Rate for such Interest Period shall be the sum of the Margin and the rate or (as the case may be) the arithmetic mean so determined; provided, however, that if the Calculation Agent is unable to determine a rate or (as the case may be) an arithmetic mean in accordance with the above provisions in relation to any Interest Period, the Interest Rate applicable to the Notes during such Interest Period will be the sum of the Margin and the rate or (as the case may be) the arithmetic mean last determined in relat...
Screen Rate Determination. Applicable - Reference Rate: 3 month EURIBOR - Interest Determination Date: Second TARGET2 Settlement Day prior to the start of each Interest Period - Specified Time: 11:00 am, Brussels time - Relevant Screen Page: Reuters ‘EURIBOR01’
Screen Rate Determination. Applicable ⎯ Reference Rate: 3 month EURIBOR (which is calculated on an Actual/360 basis) ⎯ Interest Determination Date(s): The second day on which the TARGET System is open prior to the start of each Interest Period

Examples of Screen Rate Determination in a sentence

  • Where a manner of determination other than ISDA Determination or Screen Rate Determination is specified in the applicable Final Terms as the manner in which the Rate of Interest is to be determined, the Rate of Interest for each Interest Period shall be determined in the manner so specified (including, if so specified, by reference to the Technical Annex to the Terms and Conditions).

  • Note Provisions: Applicable as per Condition 4.14 of General Terms and Conditions (i) Settlement Currency: EUR (ii) Dual Currency Exchange Rate: EUR/RUB, is obtained by crossing EUR/USD and USD/RUB The Notes are denominated in RUB but all the payments in respect of the Notes shall be made in EUR (iii) Method of calculating the fixing of Dual Currency Screen Rate Determination Exchange Rate: - Dual Currency Valuation Date In respect of the Issue Date, the Dual Currency Valuation Date is 14 November 2016.

  • The Interest Rate in respect of Floating Rate Certificates for each Interest Accrual Period shall be determined in the manner specified in the applicable Final Terms and, except as otherwise specified in the relevant Final Terms, the provisions below relating to either ISDA Determination or Screen Rate Determination shall apply, depending upon which is specified hereon.

  • Note Provisions: Applicable as per Condition 4.14 of General Terms and Conditions (i) Settlement Currency: EUR (ii) Dual Currency Exchange Rate: EUR/BRL, is obtained by crossing EUR/USD and USD/BRL The Notes are denominated in BRL but all the payments in respect of the Notes shall be made in EUR (iii) Method of calculating the fixing of Dual Currency Screen Rate Determination Exchange Rate: - Dual Currency Valuation Date In respect of the Issue Date, the Dual Currency Valuation Date is 14 November 2016.

Related to Screen Rate Determination

  • Interest Period End Final Date" is as defined in Condition 32(a) and Condition 32(b)(i);

  • Early Termination Reference Price means, subject to any adjustment in accordance with Product Condition 4, an amount (which shall be deemed to be a monetary value in the Underlying Currency) as determined by or on behalf of the Calculation Agent to be the lowest level of the Index on the Termination Date; and

  • Scheduled Trading Day Single Share Basis.

  • Benchmark Portafoglio di strumenti finanziari tipicamente determinato da soggetti terzi e valorizzato a valore di mercato, adottato come parametro di riferimento oggettivo per la definizione delle linee guida della politica di investimento di alcune tipologie di fondi interni/OICR/linee/combinazioni libere.

  • DETERMINA per le motivazioni espresse nella parte narrativa e qui integralmente richiamate:

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • DETERMINAZIONE (con firma digitale)

  • Spese di soccombenza Sono le spese che la parte che perde una causa civile dovrà pagare alla parte vittoriosa. Il giudice decide se e in che misura tali spese devono essere addebitate a una delle parti (vedi alla Voce Diritto civile).

  • Premio annuo Importo che il Contraente si impegna a corrispondere annualmente secondo un piano di versamenti previsto dal contratto di assicurazione.

  • Margine di solvibilità requisito patrimoniale che permette di garantire che le imprese siano finanziariamente solide e quindi in grado di onorare i propri impegni in caso sopravvengano rischi imprevisti, rappresentando una garanzia della stabilità finanziaria delle stesse. Il margine di solvibilità disponibile corrisponde, in linea di mas- sima, al patrimonio libero dell’Impresa di Assicurazione, cioè al netto del patrimonio vincolato a copertura delle riserve tecniche. Il margine di solvibilità richiesto corrisponde al requisito patrimoniale minimo che l’impresa deve soddisfare, nel rispetto della normativa comunitaria vigente.

  • Volatilità Grado di variabilità di una determinata grandezza di uno strumento finanziario (prezzo, tasso, ecc.) in un dato periodo di tempo.

  • CODICE CIVILE Art. 1341 – Condizioni generali di contratto Le condizioni generali di contratto predisposte da uno dei contraenti sono efficaci nei confronti dell’altro, se al momento della conclusione del contratto questi le ha conosciute o avrebbe dovuto conoscerle usando l’ordinaria diligenza. In ogni caso non hanno effetto, se non sono specificamente approvate per iscritto, le condizioni che stabiliscono, a favore di colui che le ha predisposte, limitazioni di responsabilità, facoltà di recedere dal contratto o di sospenderne l’esecuzione, ovvero sanciscono a carico dell’altro Contraente decadenze, limitazioni alla facoltà di opporre eccezioni, restrizioni alla libertà contrattuale nei rapporti coi terzi, tacita proroga o rinnovazione del contratto, clausole compromissorie o deroghe alla competenza dell’autorità giudiziaria.

  • CRITERIO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa

  • Early Termination Date Not Applicable Valuation Date: 8, or in respect of an Emerging Market Disruption Event only, 180 Issuer Call Date: 8, or in respect of an Emerging Market Disruption Event only, 180 Reset Date: As stated in Product Condition 1, on the 15th day of each calendar month Settlement Currency: EUR Settlement Date: Means (i) the sixth Business Day following the Termination Date if an Early Termination Event has occurred, (ii) the third Business Day following the Issuer Call Date if an Issuer Call has occurred and otherwise (iii) the third Business Day following the Valuation Date Redemption Date: Not Applicable Standard Currency: As stated in Product Condition 1 Underlying Currency: EUR Valuation Date(s): The Exercise Date Valuation Time: The time with reference to which the Index Sponsor calculates the "opening-auction price" of each Share that comprises the relevant Index on the Exchange Amendments to General Conditions and/or Product Conditions: Amendments to the Offering Procedure for the Securities: As specified in Additional Condition 1 Not Applicable ISIN: GB00B85WT870 Common Code: Not Applicable Fondscode: Not Applicable WKN: Not Applicable

  • Ricorrenza annuale L’anniversario della data di decorrenza del contratto di assicurazione.

  • Data di Scadenza Data prevista come termine di efficacia delle coperture assicurative relative a ciascuna Adesione al Contratto ed a partire dalla quale cessano gli effetti delle stesse.

  • Codice di condotta commerciale è il Codice di condotta commerciale per la vendita di energia elettrica e di gas naturale ai clienti finali, approvato con deliberazione 8 luglio 2010, ARG/com 104/10, come successivamente modificato e integrato;

  • Codice Fiscale XXXXXX00X00X000X DATA FIRMA: 20/04/2017 16:09:42

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • Annualità assicurativa Il periodo compreso fra la data di effetto e la data di scadenza anniversaria, o tra due date di scadenza anniversaria fra loro successive, o tra l’ultima data di scadenza anniversaria e la scadenza finale dell’assicurazione.

  • Spese di giustizia le spese del processo penale che vengono poste a carico dell’imputato in caso di sua condanna.

  • Criteri di valutazione Lo studente dovrà mostrare di avere acquisito le seguenti competenze:

  • Scheda di Polizza Il documento, annesso a questa Polizza per farne parte integrante, nel quale sono

  • Periodo di Carenza Sono i primi 3 (tre) giorni di malattia e/o infortunio non professionale o seguenti a quello dell’infortunio professionale, in cui l’INPS/INAIL non erogano al Lavoratore alcun trattamento indennitario. Infatti, le indennità riconosciute dall’INPS o dall’INAIL decorrono solo dal 4° (quarto) giorno di malattia/infortunio.

  • Modulo di Adesione il documento che firma l’Assicurato e che contiene i suoi dati anagrafici, l’importo del premio dallo stesso dovuto e la durata della Polizza.

  • Codice CPV principale 45233141-9