Applicability Voorbeeldclausules

Applicability. These conditions are supplementary to the General Conditions drawn up by the Sociaal-Economische Raad (Articles 1 to 24). These additional general terms and conditions, as well as the General Terms and Conditions, apply to all agreements, as well as to all amendments to agreements concluded between the customer and Kraamzorg Poppie.
Applicability. 1. These general conditions are applicable to the agreement.
Applicability. 2.1. These General Purchasing Terms apply to all quote requests, orders and contracts relating to the delivery of Goods, as stated under article 1, on behalf of the Client.
Applicability. 2.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to all Agreements between the Maker and DPG Media, including those that arise when the Maker, on their own initiative, offers a Contribution for publication, once or on a regular basis. If the Contribution is submitted on the Maker's own initiative, this will be explicitly recorded in writing.
Applicability. 2.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to and, as such, form part of all agreements service, Assignment agreements, and (supplementary) follow-up Assignments, that pertain to services being rendered by Contractor, its legal successor(s), its managing director(s) and employees, to all ensuing and/or related contracts and/or legal relationships between Client and Contractor, as well as to all offers and quotations made by Contractor.
Applicability. 1 These general terms and conditions apply to: all offers, quotations, instructions, legal relationships and agreements, under whatever name, in which the Contractor undertakes/will undertake to perform Work for the Principal, as well as to all Work resulting from the same for the Contractor.
Applicability. 3.1 Notwithstanding any different communication in the past or the future, the Customer accepts, by sending a request for a quotation and/or an order and/or concluding an agreement with Recor Bedding NV that only the following rules apply to all contractual, pre-contractual and extra-contractual present or future legal relationships between Recor Bedding NVand the Customer (in hierarchically descending order, the next one in the absence or silence of the preceding one): (1) the written agreement between Recor Bedding NVand the Customer; (2) the written and/or electronic order confirmation issued by Recor Bedding NV (3) these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery; (4) Article 4-88 of the Vienna Convention on the Sale of Goods; (5) the Unidroit Principles; (6) the Belgian Law with the exception of the Articles 1-3 and 89-101 of the Vienna Convention on the Sale of Goods.
Applicability. 14.1 These General Visitor Conditions apply to any Agreement that is concluded between PAR-T BV and the Visitor irrespective of the manner in which this Agreement is concluded, and to any visit made by the Visitor to the Event Location.
Applicability. 1. These general terms and conditions apply to every offer from ABCspecialist and to every distance contract that has been concluded between ABCspecialist and the customer.
Applicability x. Xxxxxxx & Meure advocaten is a cost-sharing partnership where each partner works individually for his own account and at his own risk. The only attorneyat-law subject to any liability is the attorney-at-law with whom a services agreement has been concluded. Attorney-at-law X. Xxxxxxx, attorney-at-law mrs. K.E. Xxxxxx - Xxxxxxxx and the secretaries are employed by AH legal BV and only act for AH legal BV’s account and at its risk.