INSURANCE Cláusulas Exemplificativas
INSURANCE. The Individual contractor shall pay UNDP promptly for all loss, destruction or damage to the property of UNDP caused by the Individual contractor, or of any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them in the performance of the Individual Contract. The Individual contractor shall be solely responsible for taking out and for maintaining adequate insurance required to meet any of its obligations under the Individual Contract, as well as for arranging, at the Individual contractor’s sole expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance as the Individual contractor may consider to be appropriate to cover the period during which the Individual contractor provides services under the Individual Contract. The Individual contractor acknowledges and agrees that none of the insurance arrangements the Individual contractor may make shall, in any way, be construed to limit the Individual contractor’s liability arising under or relating to the Individual Contract.
INSURANCE. During the Term, Pfizer or its Affiliates shall self-insure or procure and maintain such types and amounts of general liability insurance to cover liabilities related to its activities under this Agreement as is normal and customary in the pharmaceutical industry generally for companies that are similarly situated and providing similar manufacturing and supply services. For absolute clarity, this shall not include, nor constitute, product liability insurance to cover any third party/patients claims and such general liability insurance shall not impact Purchaser’s indemnification obligation as set out in this Agreement.
INSURANCE. In the event of accidents, loss, theft or improper operation of the rented vehicle, or in the event of any breach of contractual obligations herein, you shall be liable for the repair costs incurred as a result thereof or, in the case of a total write-off, for the replacement value of the rented vehicle less its residual value, unless you can demonstrate that you are not at fault for the damage or loss. Additionally, you shall be liable for additional losses and costs such as any reduction in value, towing, and recovery costs, as well as expert’s fees to assess vehicle value or damages. You are responsible for all injury, damage and loss you cause to yourself or others. You will provide liability, collision and comprehensive insurance covering you, us, and the Vehicle. If state law requires us to provide auto liability insurance, we provide auto liability insurance (Policy) that is excess to all other valid and collectible insurance whether primary, secondary, excess or contingent. The Policy provides bodily injury and property damage liability coverage with limits no higher than minimum limits set by the financial responsibility laws of the State whose laws apply to the loss. You and we reject PIP, medical payments, no-fault, uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage and other optional protection, where permitted by law. To the extent such protection is imposed by law, that protection will be for the minimum limits required by law. The Policy is void if you breach this Agreement or fail to cooperate in a loss investigation by us or our insurer. This is a contract for rental of the Vehicle. We may repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. We may monitor the Vehicle through telematic devices. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from all judgments, claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle. We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. Renters and Authorized Drivers are responsible for all damage or loss Renters or Authorized Drivers cause to others. Renters and Authorized Drivers agree to provide autoliability, collision, under-insured and uninsured policies, and comprehensive insurance covering Renters, Authorized Drivers, and us as a thi...
INSURANCE. 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the general law, the risks of loss or deterioration of the vehicle are borne by the adherent.
2. The adherent undertakes to subscribe to the insurance policies for the benefit of CDUP-UP, covering property damage on property and property and non-property damage caused to third parties arising from faulty conduct.
3. The Client undertakes to pay to the Insurer, through CDUP-UP, the premium arising from the insurance contract.
4. In the case of unilateral termination of the contract before the period agreed by either party, there is no refund of the amount paid.
5. In the event of conviction, in solidarity, based on the non-contractual civil liability regime, U.Porto has, under the general terms of the applicable law, the right of recourse on the adherent.
6. The insurance coverages and deductibles are:
a) Liability: • Damage caused to third parties as a result of movement. • Compensation Limit: 50.000 € • Applicable Deductible: 10% of the losses, minimum of 50 € and maximum of 350,00 €
b) Theft or Robbery: • Applicable Deductible: 300,00€.
1. At the end of the contract, the adherent is obliged to return the vehicle, in good condition, within the stipulated period.
2. In case of non-compliance with the return deadline applies, for each day of delay the amount of 3,00 € (three euros).
INSURANCE. 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of general law, the risk of loss or deterioration of the vehicle shall be borne by the member.
2. The member undertakes to take out insurance policies for the benefit of CDUP-UP, covering damage to property and damage to property and non property caused to third parties as a result of culpable driving.
3. The Client undertakes to pay the Insurer, via CDUP-UP, the premium arising from the insurance contract.
4. In the event of unilateral cancellation of the contract before the period agreed by either party, there is no refund of the amount paid.
5. In the event of a conviction, on a solidarity basis, based on non- contractual civil liability, U.Porto has, under the general terms of the applicable law, a right of recourse against the member.
6. The insurance covers and excesses are:
a) Civil liability: ● Damage caused to third parties as a result of driving; ● Limit of indemnity: €50,000 ● Applicable excess: 10% of the damage, minimum €50 and maximum €350.00
b) Theft or robbery: ● Applicable excess: €300.00.
INSURANCE. 5.1 The participant shall have adequate insurance coverage. The sending institution will ensure that students are clearly informed about issues related to insurances. It shall always highlight what is mandatory or recommended. [For mandatory insurances, the responsible who takes the insurance (for studies: institution or participant and for traineeships: receiving organisation, sending institution or student) must be stated. The following information is optional but recommended: the insurance number/reference and the insurance company. This depends highly on the legal and administrative provisions in the sending and receiving country.]
5.2 [For studies and traineeships] Acknowledgement that health insurance coverage has been organised shall be included in this agreement. [Usually basic coverage is provided by the national health insurance of the participant as well during his/her stay in another EU country through the European Health Insurance Card. However, the coverage of the European Health Insurance Card or private insurance may not be sufficient, especially in case of repatriation and specific medical intervention. In that case, a complementary private insurance might be useful. It is the responsibility of the sending institution of the student to ensure that the participant is aware of health insurance issues.]
5.3 [Optional for studies, mandatory for traineeships] Acknowledgement that liability insurance coverage (covering damages caused by the student at the workplace [/study place if foreseen for studies]) has been organised and of how it has been organised shall be included in this agreement. [A liability insurance covers damages caused by the student during his/her stay abroad (independently whether he/she is at work or not). Varying arrangements with respect to liability insurance are in place in different countries engaged in transnational learning mobility for traineeships. Trainees therefore run the risk of not being covered. Therefore it is the responsibility of the sending institution to check that there is liability insurance covering in a mandatory way at least damages caused by the participant at the work place. Annex 1 provides clarity if this is covered by the receiving organisation or not. If not made compulsory by the national regulation of the receiving country, this might not be imposed on the receiving organisation.]
5.4 [Optional for studies, mandatory for traineeships] Acknowledgement accident insurance coverage related to the ...
INSURANCE. Seller shall, at all times during the performance of this Purchase Order, provide and maintain insurance in a form satisfactory to Buyer with insurance companies satisfactory to Buyer and authorised to do business in the jurisdiction of Buyer as follows: (a) Worker’s Compensation insurance or the statutory equivalent covering Seller’s obligations under all applicable laws and Employer’s Liability insurance not less than $1,000,000 USD or Brazilian Reais equivalent per occurrence; (b) General Liability insurance, including contractual liability and products liability, with limits not less than $1,000,000 USD or Brazilian Reais equivalent combined single limit per occurrence bodily injury and property damage; (c) Automobile Liability insurance, with limits not less than $1,000,000 USD or Brazilian Reais equivalent combined single limit per occurrence bodily injury and property damage – such Automobile Insurance will apply to all owned and non-owned vehicles; and (d) Umbrella Excess Liability coverage not less than $4,000,000 USD or Brazilian Reais equivalent per occurance. As to all insurance policies required to be carried hereunder, Seller shall: (1) cause its insurers to waive their rights of subrogation against Buyer Group; (2) name Buyer Group as additional insured except in the case of Worker’s Compensation and the statutory equivalent; (3) acknowledge that its insurance is primary and ensure that no claims for contribution are made against any of Buyer’s insurance policies; and (4) pay all deductible amounts as to all insurance coverage that it provides. Upon request by Xxxxx, Seller shall promptly deliver to Buyer certificate(s) of all insurance coverage provided by Seller, as set forth above, which certificates shall provide that no insurance coverage will be cancelled or changed without thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Buyer. The liabilities assumed by Seller under this Purchase Order will be specifically covered under, but not limited by, Seller’s General Liability Insurance as set forth above.
INSURANCE. Seller agrees to carry (and to ensure its subcontractors carry), at its sole expense, Commercial General Liability Insurance, including Contractual Liability Insurance, Products Liability/Completed Operations Insurance, covering all operations and work hereunder in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability for all liability arising out of the injury to or death of one or more persons in any one occurrence, or destruction of property in any one occurrence. Such insurance shall include Buyer Group as an additional insured with respect to all operations and work hereunder and such insurance shall provide that it applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought. Such insurance shall contain a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of Buyer Group and
INSURANCE. 25.1. Supplier shall ensure that risk prevention measures will be fully complied with at all times in conformity with the best International standards. Supplier shall ensure that its facilities are fully insured and that the coverage corresponds to the costs of reconstruction and/or substitution, with respect to any damage that its facilities may sustain as a result of fire in additional hazards.
25.2. Supplier represents that it has insurance coverage for:
i. its properties, raw materials and finished products, while in its possession or in its custody or control;
ii. any risk of damage to individuals, including employees of the Supplier, goods and Products, that may occur within Supplier’s facilities for reasons attributable to the Supplier;
iii. Its responsibility for the Products, including its responsibility for claims by FCA or third parties pursuant to these General Purchasing Conditions.
INSURANCE. Without limitation to its obligations and responsibilities under the Order, PROVIDER represents to hold and maintain, at its own expense, and throughout the whole duration of the Order, all necessary insurance policies to cover all financial consequences of the liability that would arise out of or be in connection with the performance of the Order, for any injury, damage or loss whatsoever that it may cause to CLIENT, its Personnel, representatives, Affiliated Companies, customers or any Third Party while performing the Order. The insurance coverage will not relieve PROVIDER of any of its responsibility for injury, damage or loss in excess of insurance limits or otherwise. Such insurance will be maintained with a reputable insurance carrier and will notably include (i) Commercial General Liability and Products Liability or Professional liability (“errors and omissions”) insurance and, (ii) cyber coverage addressing privacy & confidentiality breach and network security. Upon CLIENT’s request, PROVIDER will promptly provide it with a certificate from the insurer(s) or the insurer’s authorized representative, or in the case of self-insurance, an authorized corporate officer evidencing such insurance coverage. All these insurance policies must be taken out by PROVIDER to allow it to notify CLIENT at least thirty (30) Days before any cancellation or modification of these insurance policies.