INTRODUCTION Cláusulas Exemplificativas

INTRODUCTION. These terms and conditions apply to your use of the guest Wi-Fi service provided by us (“Service”). They set out the conditions on which you can access and use the Services and content that is made available to you through the Internet. In these terms and conditions “us”, “we” or “our”, means the member of the ASK4 group set out at the end of these terms, and the owner or manager of the premises where the Service is provided. You agree to comply with these terms and such other requirements of use as may be notified to you by us while you are using the Service. By using and/or activating the Service and/or clicking the accept button on the login/registration page you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you should not use the Service.
INTRODUCTION. The Claimant is a municipality which has suffered financial and other losses arising from the Fundao Dam Disaster.
INTRODUCTION. 2.1 The Government of Timor-Leste represented by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, is seeking to award a project for the Tibar Bay Port PPP (the "Project") through a fair and transparent competitive bidding process in accordance with the Timor-Leste Law and international best practice (the "Bidding Process"). The Project is further detailed in Annex 2 (Project Description). 2.2 All persons having requested this Prequalification Document in response to the announcement published in Independente,, as well as in two international distribution newspapers of recognized prestige and on the website of the Authority ( (together the "Invitation for Prequalification"), are hereby invited to submit a Prequalification Application (each a "Prospective Bidder"). 2.3 The Authority has engaged IFC to act as Transaction Advisor for the Project. Prospective Bidders shall copy any correspondence sent to the Authority with respect to the Bidding Process to the IFC coordinator as indicated in the Data Sheet (the "IFC Coordinator"). 2.4 This Prequalification Document is issued in accordance with and subject to Decree-Law No. 10/2005 setting out the procurement legal regime (as amended) ("Decree-Law No. 10/2005").
INTRODUCTION. All DSOs in the Energy Community are bundled with one or more energy activities. In most Contracting Parties they are legally bundled with supply activity. In many CPs they are legally bundled with generation and supply. Articles 26, 30 and 31 of Electricity Directive 2009/72/EC2 and Gas Directive 2009/73/EC3 define key requirements for unbundling of Distribution System Operators (DSO) aimed to ensure their independence in a vertically integrated undertaking (VIU) from the supply branch and to prevent market distortion through cross–subsidization and discrimination of other supply companies. Ministerial Council Decision 2011/02/MC-EnC4 requires implementation of the legal provisions by 1 January 20155. A Commission’s Interpretative Note on The Unbundling Regime6 from 22 January 2010 (“Interpretative Note”) explains requirements more in detail. The rules stated in the Directives are minimum requirements; national legislation may define more strict requirements, depending on the organisation of the sector. It is of outmost importance to properly transpose obligations related to DSO unbundling, thus enabling DSOs to perform their role of a fair market facilitator.
INTRODUCTION. Each time syngo.share receives a HL7 message it is checked for syntactic and semantic correctness. If the HL7 message is syntactically incorrect it cannot be parsed by syngo.share and hence neither be stored nor processed. Since the sending third-party system cannot be informed about syntactic errors even if the transmission of an HL7 accept acknowledgment message has been requested, the HL7 connection is closed by syngo.share. To validate the HL7 message semantically, it is checked by syngo.share if the type of the HL7 message can be processed and the receiving facility specified by the HL7 field MSH-6 is related to one of the configured tenants. If the type of the received HL7 message is not supported by syngo.share the received HL7 message is rejected. To this end a HL7 accept acknowledgment message with the acknowledgment code AR or CR (the former code is specified if the original processing rules are applied, the latter one if the enhanced processing rules are used) is sent to the sending third-party system if the receiving of the HL7 message has to be acknowledged. If the type of the received HL7 message can be processed by syngo.share but the receiving facility does not address any of the configured tenants, the HL7 message is stored on the file system within a configured error directory. To inform the sending third-party system about the occurred error, a HL7 accept acknowledgment message with the acknowledgment code AE or CE (the former code is specified if the original processing rules are applied, the latter one if the enhanced processing rules are used) is sent back, if demanded. In case that the syntactic and semantic checks succeed, the received HL7 message is stored by syngo.share and scheduled for processing. If the receiving of the HL7 message has to be acknowledged, this time a HL7 accept acknowledgment message specifying the acknowledgment code AA or CA (the former code is specified if the original processing rules are applied, the latter one if the enhanced processing rules are used) is sent. If a HL7 message is transferred according to the enhanced processing rules it might be necessary to exchange further information with the sending third-party system as soon as the HL7 message has been processed. To this end syngo.share is able to send so called HL7 application acknowledgment messages (see Section 3.3 for further information). If syngo.share sends a HL7 message to a third-party system it always expects that the received HL7 mes- sag...
INTRODUCTION. Este documento descreve as etapas para solucionar problemas de gerenciamento ACI fora da banda (OOB) e dentro da banda (INB).
INTRODUCTION. Este documento descreve o processo de adição de um acesso de contrato de serviço da Cisco a uma conta
INTRODUCTION. Green public spaces play a key role in ensuring social cohesion, the right to health, as well as climate adaptation and resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed the importance of these spaces in urban life both for temporary adaptations for emergency response and to serve as some of the few safe spaces for urban dwellers to remain physically active and interact at a distance. However, public green spaces are not evenly distributed in the city of São Paulo and their use is not physically and socially accessible to all people, despite the city's green coverage representing 48.18% of its territory. Additionally, São Paulo has a population of approximately 3.6 million inhabitants living in precarious areas or informal settlements, presenting a significant imbalance in the spatial distribution of public services and infrastructure, which has a correlation with the social and economic inequalities found in the city.
INTRODUCTION. São Paulo Negócios, the Investment and Export Promotion Agency of the Municipality of São Paulo, created by Municipal Law nº 16.665 of May 23, 2017 and instituted by Municipal Decree nº 57.727 of June 8, 2017 as a private legal entity with non-economic purposes, of collective interest and public utility, linked, by cooperation, to the Municipal Secretariat for Economic Development and Labor, works with the São Paulo City Hall to improve the business environment and attract investment opportunities, promoting economic development of the Municipality. The agency's mission is to contribute to the competitiveness and sustainability of business in the city of São Paulo by promoting investment and export opportunities for products and services. The duties of São Paulo Negócios are: 1. Identify and articulate investment opportunities in the economic sectors defined as strategic by the Executive Branch; 2. Articulate with public and private entities, national or foreign, for the promotion of business opportunities in the Municipality of São Paulo and exports of products and services of the Municipality's companies; 3. Enhance the image of the City of São Paulo, in Brazil and abroad, as a hub for doing business; 4. Articulate institutional partnerships, public and private, to stimulate investments in the Municipality of São Paulo, including acting in networks; 5. Attract new investments, national or foreign, as well as promote and stimulate the expansion of companies installed in the Municipality of São Paulo; 6. Assist in proposing and implementing measures by the Public Administration in order to optimize the business environment in the Municipality; 7. Encourage the creation of forms of solidarity economy, especially cooperatives, to provide job and income opportunities for the homeless population; 8. To act in other activities related to the purposes foreseen in the items of this article; 9. Other activities and projects approved by the agency's Deliberative Council.
INTRODUCTION. The Government of Timor-Leste ("GoTL") wishes to select a private port partner to assist in the financing, construction and operation of the Tibar Bay Port. The International Finance Corporation ("IFC"), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, was retained by the Government in May 2012 as Transaction Advisor for the Project. The Prime Minister has established a Ministerial Working Group, co-chaired by the Ministry of Finance ("MoF") and the Minister of Transport and Communication ("MoTC") to lead this project implementation.