Operation Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Operation. The purpose of this Protocol and Justification is to regulate the terms, conditions and justifications for the Partial Spin- Off, pursuant to articles 000, 000, 000 and 229 of the Brazilian Corporate Law, which will be submitted for resolution at the General Meetings of the Parties. 1.1.1. If approved, the Partial Spin-Off will result in: (a) the absorption of the entire Demerged Assets of CPFL Geração by CPFL Energia, without implying any discontinuity of CPFL Geração's activities or business units; (b) the reduction of CPFL Geração's capital Este documento foi assinado digitalmente por Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx e Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Para verificar as assinaturas vá ao site xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx:000 e utilize o código 75DC-42E2-2AA2-6252.
Operation. An elected agency member of the Troika is mandated to work in the Troika for three years, counting from the day after the last meeting of the annual Joint Review in year n to the day of the last meeting of the Annual Review in year n+2. In “incoming” year n the new member (Deputy Chair) will back up, support and substitute the Chair when necessary. After the last day of the Annual Review, the vice-chair will work jointly with the outgoing Chair to prepare the commitments ceremony, after which they will take over the Chair. In chair-year n+1, the member HoC will take the chair of the Troika-plus. The member HoM will chair HoMs and strategic HoCs meetings, as well as co-chair the Annual Review and mid-year PAF Planning Meeting and the policy dialogue meetings with the GoM. The member HoC will chair the Troika-plus, the HoCs, and the PAF- CoG meetings, and co-chair the JSC. The member Economist will chair the EWG and the Review Aide-Memoire drafting team. In year n+1 the chair is responsible for the smooth funcionamento regular dos mecanismos dos PAPs e do Secretariado dos PAPs. No ano n+2 “cessante” espera-se que o membro dirija e apoie as operações especiais, os grupos de trabalho ad hoc, etc. com base nas experiências ganhas anteriormente, assim como, jogar um papel importante na articulação e harmonização dos PAPs com o DPG.