Employment Conditions In accepting the option, you acknowledge that: (a) Any notice period mandated under any applicable laws shall not be treated as service for the purpose of determining the vesting of the option; and your right to receive shares of Common Stock in settlement of the option after termination as an employee, if any, will be measured by the date of your termination as an employee and will not be extended by any notice period mandated under the applicable law. Subject to the foregoing and the provisions of the Plan, the Company, in its sole discretion, shall determine whether your status as an employee or other service-provider has terminated and the effective date of such termination. (b) The vesting of the option shall cease upon, and no portion of the option shall become vested following, your termination as an employee or other service-provider for any reason except as may be explicitly provided by the Plan or this Stock Option Agreement. Unless otherwise provided in the Plan or this Stock Option Agreement, the unvested portion of the option at the time of your termination as an employee or other service-provider will be forfeited. (c) The Plan is established voluntarily by the Company. It is discretionary in nature and it may be modified, amended, suspended or terminated by the Company at any time, subject to Section 8.6.5 of the Plan. (d) The grant of the option is voluntary and occasional and does not create any contractual or other right to receive future grants of options, or benefits in lieu of options, even if options have been granted repeatedly in the past. (e) All decisions with respect to future option grants, if any, will be at the sole discretion of the Company. (f) You are voluntarily participating in the Plan. (g) The option is an extraordinary item that does not constitute compensation of any kind for service rendered to the Company (or any Subsidiary), and which is outside the scope of your employment contract, if any. In addition, the option is not part of normal or expected compensation or salary for any purpose, including, but not limited to, calculating any severance, resignation, termination, redundancy, end-of-service payments, bonuses, long-service awards, pension or retirement benefits or similar payments. (h) The future value of the underlying shares of Common Stock is unknown and cannot be predicted with certainty. If you obtain shares upon settlement of the option, the value of those shares may increase or decrease. (i) No claim or entitlement to compensation or damages arises from termination of the option or diminution in value of the option or shares of Common Stock acquired upon settlement of the option resulting from your termination of employment or service (for any reason whether or not in breach of the local law) and you irrevocably release the Company and each Subsidiary from any such claim that may arise. If, notwithstanding the foregoing, any such claim is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have arisen then, by signing this Stock Option Agreement, you shall be deemed irrevocably to have waived your entitlement to pursue such a claim.
Employment Condition The Participant must be employed by the Employer on the last day of the Plan Year, irrespective of whether he satisfies any Hours of Service condition under Option (d), with the following exceptions: (Choose (1) or at least one of (2) through (5))
SAFETY CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT A. The District and its employees shall be safety conscious in their conduct and actions and shall cooperate in the implementation of the District's safety program. B. Employees shall report any unsafe or unhealthy conditions directly to their supervisor. The District shall conduct investigations of employee reports and take appropriate measures as soon as possible. The employee shall be informed by the principal or designee of the results of the investigation and of whatever action is to be taken. Safety violations will be corrected within ten (10) working days whenever possible. C. Teachers shall not be required to work under unsafe conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health and safety. D. First aid supplies and first aid treatment shall be available to employees at each school site. A first aid kit shall be provided for each District vehicle used to transport pupils and shall be taken on all field trips. E. Personal protection equipment required by an employee's job duties shall be available from the principal or designee at each school site. F. An employee shall immediately report any assaults in connection with his/her employment to the principal or immediate supervisor who shall report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement agency and the District Office. 1. An employee may exercise the same degree of physical control over a pupil that a parent would be legally privileged to exercise, but which in no event shall exceed the amount of physical control reasonably necessary to maintain order, protect property, or protect the health and safety of pupils. 2. An employee shall receive applicable insurance and leave benefits for any injury incurred under the provisions of this Paragraph. 3. Employees shall be reimbursed for damage to personal property resulting from assault under the provisions of this Paragraph. 4. When the continued presence of a pupil in a class represents a physical danger to a teacher, the teacher may request that the principal institute suspension procedures in accordance with District policy. 5. The District's "Student Discipline Policy" shall be made available to employees.
Termination Conditions This Agreement terminates upon the earlier of any of the following events: a.
PRESENT CONDITIONS AND BENEFITS All rights, benefits and working conditions which employees now enjoy, receive or possess as employees of the Employer shall continue to be enjoyed and possessed insofar as they are consistent with this Agreement but may be modified by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union.
Public Employees Retirement System “PERS”) Members.
Sick Leave Credit-Based Retirement Gratuities 1) A Teacher is not eligible to receive a sick leave credit gratuity after August 31, 2012, except a sick leave credit gratuity that the Teacher had accumulated and was eligible to receive as of that day. 2) If the Teacher is eligible to receive a sick leave credit gratuity, upon the Teacher’s retirement, the gratuity shall be paid out at the lesser of, a) the rate of pay specified by the board’s system of sick leave credit gratuities that applied to the Teacher on August 31, 2012; and b) the Teacher’s salary as of August 31, 2012. 3) If a sick leave credit gratuity is payable upon the death of a Teacher, the gratuity shall be paid out in accordance with subsection (2). 4) For greater clarity, all eligibility requirements must have been met as of August 31, 2012 to be eligible for the aforementioned payment upon retirement, and the Employer and Union agree that any and all wind-up payments to which Teachers without the necessary years of service were entitled to under Ontario Regulation 01/13: Sick Leave Credits and Sick Leave Credit Gratuities, have been paid. 5) For the purposes of the following boards, despite anything in the board’s system of sick leave credit gratuities, it is a condition of eligibility to receive a sick leave credit gratuity that the Teacher have ten (10) years of service with the board: i. Near North District School Board ii. Avon Maitland District School Board iii. Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx District School Board
Employee Termination A) Regular employees other than those serving a probationary period, shall give twenty-eight (28) calendar days written notice of termination to a representative designated by the Employer with the authority to accept such written notice. B) In addition to the twenty-eight (28) calendar day notice, regular employees in positions above the level of general staff nurse shall inform the Employer of their intention to terminate as soon in advance as possible. C) The period of notice as set forth in (A) above must be for time scheduled to be worked and must not include accrued vacation, unless such vacation has been previously scheduled and approved in accordance with Article 45.03 -
Continuing Employment (a) Continuing employment means full-time or fractional-time employment that does not have a fixed end date or a contingency upon which the employment contract will come to an end. (b) All employment other than fixed-term employment and casual employment will be continuing employment. (c) Notwithstanding subclause 16.0(b) above, the University may employ a person in Continuing (Contingent Funded Research) employment on a full-time or fractional-time basis in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Supported Employment Reporting After the DORS consumer has completed the first month of Supported Employment job coaching and monthly thereafter, ALLOVER HEALTHCARE GROUP shall complete the Employment Service Progress Form (Attachment D). The Form is required each month whether ALLOVER HEALTHCARE GROUP is sending an invoice to DORS or not.