ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with Clause 8 paragraph 23 (Part 1A) and paragraph 22 (Part1B) of the Order Form. The Contracting Body in sending an acknowledgement following receipt of the signed completed Order Form from the Supplier shall form a binding Call-Off Contract. This Framework Agreement Schedule 6 (Award Criteria) is designed to assist Contracting Bodies when drafting an Invitation to Quote ("ITQ") or Further Competition.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with the paragraph 14 of the Order Form.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with paragraph 23 of the completed Part 1A / paragraph 22 of the completed Part 2A Order Form (Relationship Agreement) AND paragraph 3 of the completed Part 1B/Part 2B Order Form (Booking Form). The Contracting Body in sending an acknowledgement following receipt of the signed completed Order Form from the Supplier shall form a binding Call-Off Contract. This Framework Agreement Schedule 6 (Award Criteria) is designed to assist Contracting Bodies when drafting an Invitation to Quote ("ITQ") or Further Competition.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with the paragraph 14 of the Order Form. This Framework Schedule is designed to assist Contracting Bodies when drafting an Invitation to Quote ("ITQ") or Further Competition. A contract may be awarded on the basis of most economically advantageous tender ("MEAT") as set out in the Award Criteria for Further Competitions. This will include details of the evaluation criteria and any weightings that will be applied to that criteria.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order the Sprint II Service Provider shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Customer within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with the provisions of clause 5.7 of the Framework Agreement. Order Number: Dated:…………….. (To be quoted on all correspondence relating to this Order.)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with the paragraph 14 of the Order Form. The following criteria and weightings shall be applied to the Framework Suppliers' compliant tenders submitted through direct award. 1 Technical Merit, Cost Effectiveness. 40% 2 Technical Merit, Security Provision. 15% 3 Technical Merit, Delivery Requirements 10% 4 Technical Merit, Collection Requirements 8% 5 Technical Merit, Application of KPI’s 7% 6 Technical Merit, Category Requirements 5%
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Lead/Customer Organisation shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with the paragraph 8 of the Service Order. Annex A, to Schedule G: Sample Expression of interest letter for SERVICE PROVIDERS Insert Title of Department Supplier Address Address Tel: Fax: Email: Date: Our Ref Tender Title: Dear xxxxx The purpose of this letter is to give you early indication of a Request for Quote that will be sent to you via xxxxx solution, called xxxxxxx. This is a web-based application used to manage the sourcing process, from capturing supplier responses to Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ) and Invitation to Tenders (ITT), through to evaluation and contract management. This order is being requested under the Aggregated News Framework, and is subject to the provisions of the framework and incorporates the terms of the call-off agreement. The proposed service requirements are for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The xxxxx event for this procurement is provisionally planned to be opened xxxxxxx with xx working days for you to submit your quotation. Invitations will be automatically sent to you via xxxxxx, however if you wish to be excluded from this event then please send an e-mail or letter to myself as per my contact details above. I look forward to your responses. Yours sincerely, xxxxx xxxxx
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with Clause 8 paragraph 23 (Part 1A) and paragraph 22 (Part1B) of the Order Form. The Contracting Body in sending an acknowledgement following receipt of the signed completed Order Form from the Supplier shall form a binding Call-Off Contract. This Framework Agreement Schedule 6 (Award Criteria) is designed to assist Contracting Bodies when drafting an Invitation to Quote ("ITQ") or Further Competition. Contracting Bodies who wish to adopt this process must follow the procedures as set out below: Determine its requirements in accordance with paragraph 1.2 of Framework Agreement Schedule 5 (Ordering Procedures); Identify all Suppliers capable of meeting the Contracting Body’s Statement of Requirements; and If there is only one Supplier capable of meeting the Contracting Body’s Statement of Requirements or the Contracting Body determines which Supplier’s offering provides the most economically advantageous solution utilising information available to it such as an award tool provided to it by the Authority, which enables the Contracting body to determine the most economically advantageous solution based on information submitted at ITT stage all of the terms of the proposed contract for the supply of Allied Health Professionals / Health Science Services have been laid down in the Framework Agreement and that the Call-Off Contract does not require amendment or any supplementary terms and conditions, then, in such circumstances, the Contracting Body may place a direct Order with that Supplier under this Direct Award process. If a Contracting Body decides to place a direct Order with the Supplier under this Direct Award process, the specimen Order Form set out in Framework Agreement Schedule 4 (Order Form and Call-Off terms) should be used.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of the Order Form signed by the Supplier in accordance with Clause 6 of the Framework Agreement, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of such receipt to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with the paragraph 15 of the Order Form. This Framework Schedule is designed to assist Contracting Bodies when drafting an Invitation to Quote ("ITQ") or Further Competition. A Call-Off Agreement may be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender ("MEAT") and compliance to requirements. The following criteria shall be applied to the Services set out in the Supplier’s tenders submitted through the Further Competition Procedure. Full criteria shall be issued for each ITQ or Further Competition.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ORDER. On receipt of an Order, the Contracting Body shall send an acknowledgement of that Order to the Supplier within two (2) Working Days, in accordance with paragraph 23 of the completed Part 1A / paragraph 22 of the completed Part 2A [Delete as appropriate] Order Form (Relationship Agreement) AND paragraph 3 of the completed Part 1B/Part 2B [Delete as appropriate] Order Form (Booking Form). The Contracting Body in sending an acknowledgement following receipt of the signed completed Order Form from the Supplier shall form a binding Call-Off Contract. This Framework Agreement Schedule 6 (Award Criteria) is designed to assist Contracting Bodies when drafting an Invitation to Quote ("ITQ") or Further Competition.