Pricing Models. Each type of Service purchased under these Services Terms will be provided under one of the following pricing models.
Pricing Models. Each type of Service purchased under these Services Terms will be provided under one of the following pricing models. 1. 가격책정 모델. 본 서비스 조건에 따라 구매하는 각 종류의 본건 서비스는 아래와 같은 가격책정 모델들 중 하나에 따라
(a) Annual Subscription. Services sold under an “Annual Subscription” pricing model will be designated on an order by an “Annual” interval at a fixed annual fee. We will provide these Services to you for a period of twelve (12) months beginning on the effective date of the order, except as otherwise set forth below. Annual Subscription Services are payable by you in advance following the execution of an order and are renewable thereafter as described further below. 제공됩니다. (a) 연간가입. “연간가입” 가격책정 모델에 따라 판매되는 본건 서비스는 연간 고정요율을 적용하여 “연단위”로 주문서에 지정됩니다. 이하에 달리 명시된 경우를 제외하고, 당사는 주문서의 효력발생일로부터 12개월 동안 귀사에게 해당 본건 서비스를 제공합니다. 귀사의
(b) Hourly. Services sold under an “Hourly” pricing model will be designated on an order by a “Project” interval at an hourly rate for an estimated number of hours. We will deliver these Services at your request on a time and materials basis during the twelve (12) month period beginning on the effective date of the order; the number of hours that we actually deliver may vary from the estimated number of hours listed on the order. For clarity, these types of Services are not provided on a fixed-fee basis and we do not guarantee completion of deliverables within a specific number of hours. If the parties anticipate that the hours to be delivered will exceed the estimated hours set forth on the order, we will request your approval to exceed the estimate and will not deliver those excess hours until we receive your approval; such approval may be provided by email or in an executed change order. We will invoice you periodically for hours delivered and expenses we incur while providing the Services. 연간가입 서비스 비용을 주문서 체결 이후 사전에 지급해야 하며, 연간가입 서비스는 이하에 명시된 바와 같이 추후 갱신 가능합니다. (b) 시간제. “시간제” 가격책정 모델에 따라 판매되는 본건 서비스는 예상 시수에 대한 시간당 요율을 적용하여 “프로젝트” 단위로 주문서에 지정됩니다. 당사는 주문서의 효력발생일로부터 12개월 동안 귀사의 요청에 따라 시간·자재 기준으로 제공하며, 당사가 실제로 제공하는 시수는 주문서상에 기재된 예상 시수와 상이할 수 있습니다. 명확히 하자면, 이러한 종류의 본건 서비스는 고정 요율로 제공되지 않으며, 당사는 특정 시수 이내에 결과물이 완료될 것이라고 보장하지 않습니다. 당사자들이 소요시간이 주문서에
Pricing Models. Respondent shall provide pricing models for the categories listed below as they pertain to the scope of work outlined in Section 6. Prices must be submitted using the attached Price Sheet in Section 7.2 of this solicitation. Pricing models shall include one or more of the following: ▪ Hot-site solutions ▪ Warm-site solutions ▪ Cold-site solutions ▪ Mobile-site solutions ▪ Tape Backup/Archiving Solutions ▪ Disk-Based Backup Solutions ▪ Live-streaming Backup Solutions ▪ Backup Solutions for Web-based programs ▪ Multi-Platform Protection solutions ▪ Virtualization solutions ▪ Cloud Computing solutions ▪ Remote Management solutions ▪ Transfer or assignment of contracts from state agencies to hosting or ―primary‖ data centers. ▪ Location licensing, which will allow for a change in location and transfer of ownership. ▪ Hardware and Software Upgrade costs ▪ Maintenance agreements (standard and consolidated) ▪ Added Value Respondents are encouraged to provided products and services that provide an added value to the state such as training and additional services. ▪ Special Pricing Incentives In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal, the Contractor may submit offerings for special pricing incentives (i.e. tiered discounts, volume or aggregate spend discounts) or other incentives related to areas such as competitive replacement, consolidation and standardization, or other opportunities to support cost savings to the state. Such offerings may be bundled with services as noted in Section 5 of this solicitation.
Pricing Models. Each type of Service purchased under these Services Terms will be provided under one of the following pricing models. a. Annual Subscription. Services sold under an “Annual Subscription” pricing model will be designated on an order by an “Annual” interval at a fixed annual fee. We will provide these Services to you for a period of twelve (12) months beginning on the effective date of the order, except as otherwise set forth below. Annual Subscription Services are payable by you in advance following the execution of an order and are renewable thereafter as described further below. b.
Pricing Models. Respondent shall provide pricing models for software meeting the categories in Section 6.1,
Pricing Models. Respondent shall provide pricing models for the categories listed below as they pertain to the scope of work outlined in Section 6. Prices must be submitted using the attached Price Sheet in Section 7.2 of this solicitation. Pricing models shall include one or more of the following: Hot-site solutions Warm-site solutions Cold-site solutions Mobile-site solutions Tape Backup/Archiving Solutions Disk-Based Backup Solutions Live-streaming Backup Solutions Backup Solutions for Web-based programs Multi-Platform Protection solutions Virtualization solutions Cloud Computing solutions Remote Management solutions Transfer or assignment of contracts from state agencies to hosting or ―primary‖ data centers. Location licensing, which will allow for a change in location and transfer of ownership. Hardware and Software Upgrade costs Maintenance agreements (standard and consolidated) Added Value Respondents are encouraged to provided products and services that provide an added value to the state such as training and additional services. Special Pricing Incentives In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal, the Contractor may submit offerings for special pricing incentives (i.e. tiered discounts, volume or aggregate spend discounts) or other incentives related to areas such as competitive replacement, consolidation and standardization, or other opportunities to support cost savings to the state. Such offerings may be bundled with services as noted in Section 5 of this solicitation.
Pricing Models. BT may request the Supplier to provide a quotation based on one or more of the pricing models detailed below for any Work Package requirement. The Supplier should provide a quote on the basis of the pricing model identified by BT, but may offer an alternative model for consideration by BT in addition to that requested by BT.
Pricing Models. Respondent shall provide pricing models for Microsoft software licensing and maintenance based on the Microsoft Government Select MVLP-D 50,000 unit level; and Microsoft Education Select MVLP-A designation status. Prices must be submitted using the attached Price Sheet in Section 7.1 of this solicitation. Pricing models shall include the following:
a) All proposals must provide a manufacturer’s cost plus percentage based on the Microsoft products to a qualified Microsoft Large Account Reseller.
b) Transfer or assignment of contracts from state agencies to hosting or “primary” data centers.
c) Location licensing, which will allow for a change in location and transfer of ownership.
d) Replacement Products
e) Competitive upgrade costs including Upgrade Advantage
f) Option to purchase Microsoft’s official documentation and CDs must be included in bid proposals; CD-ROM sets per product pool (Applications, Systems, Server), as applicable.
g) Maintenance agreements
h) Added Value such as tiered discounts, additional service, etc.
Pricing Models. Each type of Service purchased under these Services Terms will be provided under one of the following pricing models. 1. 定價模型。依據本服務條款購買之各類服務,將根據下列定價模型提供。
a. Annual Subscription. Services sold under an “Annual Subscription” pricing model will be designated on an order by an “Annual” interval at a fixed annual fee. We will provide these Services to you for a period of twelve (12) months beginning on the effective date of the order, except as otherwise set forth below. Annual Subscription Services are payable by you in advance following the execution of an order and are renewable thereafter as described further below. b.
Pricing Models. Accuware products and technologies are available as SaaS, running on our Amazon cloud servers, or as a Standalone Enterprise Installation, running on a local server or a private cloud server. The pricing for the cloud based, SaaS version, is based on a one-time payment, upfront, and on an annual fee, from the second year, for maintenance.