Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures Sample Clauses

Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. The Parties agree that the Exhibit 1 includes all Trial-related costs, as referenced in the Protocol. Institution will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement or this Attachment A, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre-approved by Pfizer or CRO.
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. Institution will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement, this Attachment 3 or the Budget, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre-approved in writing by Sponsor. 8. Dodatečná vyšetření, léčba nebo postupy. Zdravotnické zařízení neobdrží náhradu za jakákoli dodatečná vyšetření, léčbu nebo postupy, které nevyžaduje protokol nebo které nejsou definovány ve smlouvě, v této příloze 3 nebo v rozpočtu, pokud zadavatel tato vyšetření, léčbu nebo postupy xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx.
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. Payee will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Budget unless such additional testing, treatment, or procedures are pre-approved by CRO in writing. Doplňková vyšetření, léčba nebo postupy. Příjemci nebudou uhrazeny žádné doplňkové postupy, vyšetření, nebo léčba, které nebudou požadovány podle protokolu nebo uvedeny v rozpočtu, s výjimkou případů, kdy byly tyto doplňkové zkoušky, léčba nebo postupy předem písemně schváleny CRO.
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. Payee will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement and/or this Appendix 2, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre-approved by ICON/SPONSOR. Další testy, léčba nebo úkony: Příjemci platby nebudou uhrazeny žádné další testy, léčba ani úkony, které nejsou vyžadovány protokolem nebo nejsou specifikovány ve smlouvě a/nebo v této příloze 2, pokud takové další testy, léčba nebo úkony nebudou předem schváleny společností ICON/ZADAVATELEM. Invoices: ICON will provide the Payee with a quarterly breakdown of payments due for Completed Visit data entered into the CRFs. Payee will raise quarterly invoices based on this information. Faktury: Společnost ICON poskytne příjemci platby čtvrtletní rozpis částek splatných za absolvované návštěvy v rámci studie zadané do CRF. Příjemce platby bude na základě těchto informací vystavovat čtvrtletní faktury. Invoices should clearly identify the following: Na fakturách je nutné jasně uvádět: Payee details & VAT number (if applicable) údaje a DIČ příjemce platby (v příslušných případech); Name, phone number and email address of contact to which queries can be directed. jméno, telefonní číslo a e-mailovou adresu kontaktní osoby, na níž lze směřovat dotazy/připomínky; ICON Study Number 2682/0027 and/or Protocol Number XXXXX číslo studie ICON 2682/0027 a/nebo číslo protokolu XXXXX; PI Name and Site Number jméno hlavního zkoušejícího a číslo pracoviště; ICON PO number (if applicable) číslo objednávky ICON (v příslušných případech); Date, patient number (if applicable) and description (Visit Completion, Start-Up Fee, Pharmacy Fee etc,) of services provided datum, číslo pacienta (v příslušných případech) a popis (absolvování návštěvy, počáteční poplatek, poplatek lékárně) poskytnutých služeb; Any information required under applicable law to be included on the invoice submitted by Payee jakékoli informace, které je podle platných zákonů nutné uvádět na faktuře předložené příjemcem platby. Invoices shall be addressed to: Faktury je nutné vystavit na adresu: ICON Clinical Research Limited ICON Clinical Research Limited, XXXXX XXXXX VAT: IE 8201978R IČ DPH: IE 8201978R. Invoices should be submitted by e-mail to the address below: Faktury je nutné zasílat e-mailem na níže uvedenou adresu: XXXXX XXXXX Failure to send invoices to this address and failure to include the details listed above may result in delayed payment. Pokud nebudo...
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. The Parties agree that the Table of payments includes all Trial-related costs, as referenced in the Protocol. The Payee will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement or this Attachment A, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre-approved by Pfizer or CRO. 11.Dodatočné testovanie/vyšetrenia, liečba alebo procedúry: Zmluvné strany sa dohodli na tom, že v Tabuľke platieb sú zahrnuté všetky výdavky súvisiace s klinickým skúšaním, ako je uvedené v protokole. Príjemcovy platieb nebudú poukázané úhrady za žiadne dodatočné testovanie/vyšetrenie, liečbu alebo procedúry, ktoré sa nevyžadujú na základe protokolu alebo ktoré sa neuvádzajú v Zmluve či v tejto Prílohe A, pokiaľ takéto dodatočné testovanie/vyšetrenie, liečbu alebo procedúry vopred neschválila spoločnosť Pfizer alebo CRO. 12.
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. Provider will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement, this Attachment 3 or the Budget, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre-approved in writing by Sponsor.
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. Payee will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement or this Appendix 2 and Appendix 3, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre- approved by ICON/SPONSOR. Další testy, léčba nebo úkony: Piíjemci platby nebudou uhrazeny žádné další testy, léčba ani úkony, které nejsou vyžadovány protokolem nebo nejsou specifikovány ve smlouve nebo této piíloze 2 a piíloze 0, xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx nebo úkony nebudou piedem schváleny společností ICON/ZADAVATELEM.
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. INSTITUTION/INVESTIGATOR pokryje farmaceutické poplatky související se studií. Tato platba bude provedena po obdržení faktury od ZDRAVOTNICKÉHO ZAŘÍZENÍ. Další testy, léčba nebo úkony: ZDRAVOTNICKÉMU
Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures. The Parties agree that the Exhibit A includes all Trial-related costs, as referenced in the Protocol. Institution/Investigator will not be reimbursed for any additional testing, treatment, or procedures not required by the Protocol or specified in the Agreement or this Attachment A, unless such additional testing, treatment or procedures are pre- approved by CRO and/or Pfizer. V1 Screening / Skríning 5294 0000 0000 V2 M3 (Phone) / M3 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 V3 M6 6089 0000 0000 V4 M9 (Phone) / M9 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 V5 M12 7532 0000 0000 V6 M15 (Phone) / M15 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 V7 M18 6089 0000 0000 V8 M21 (Phone) / M21 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 V9 M24 7532 0000 0000 X00 X00 (Phone) / M27 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 X00 X00 6089 0000 0000 X00 X00 (Phone) / M33 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 X00 X00 7532 0000 0000 X00 X00 (Phone) / M39 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 X00 X00 6089 0000 0000 X00 X00 (Phone) / M45 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 X00 X00 7532 0000 0000 X00 X00 (Phone) / M51 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 X00 X00 6089 0000 0000 X00 X00 (Phone) / M57 (přes telefon) 0000 000 000 V21 M60/End of Study/Early Termination / M60/Ukončení klinického hodnocení/ Předčasné ukončení 7234 2894 4340 V22 Post-Study Follow-Up 28 days after End of Study Visit / Následná návštěva po ukončení klinického hodnocení 28 dní po ukončení klinického hodnocení 1372 549 823 PSC Subtotal with Overhead / Celkem, včetně režijních nákladů 87403 34961 52442 Additional Procedures that may not apply to all Patients / Další procedury, které nemusí byt aplikovatelné na všechny pacienty COST / SUMA SUMA Instituce / Institution SUMA Zkoušející / Investigator Brief Physical Examination / Krátké fyzikální vyšetření To be performed at screening if more than 30 days have elapsed from the B3461028 end of study visit / Platné v skrínigu, pokud od návštěvy ukončení hodnocení B3461028 xxxxxxxx xxx xxx 00 dní 1900 760 1140 Sample collection, processing and prep for shipment for central lab / Sběr vzorků, procesování a příprava na odeslání pro centrální laboratoř To be performed at screening if more than 30 days have elapsed from the B3461028 end of study visit / Platné v skrínigu, pokud od návštěvy ukončení hodnocení B3461028 xxxxxxxx xxx xxx 00 dní 800 320 480 12-Lead ECG / 12 svodové EKG To be performed if previous assessment occurred more than six months prior to the end of study visit / Platné pokud od posledního vykonaní uplynulo 955 382 573 vice než šest měsíců od návštěvy ukonče...

Related to Additional Testing, Treatment or Procedures

  • Additional Wet Weather Procedure 14.15.1 Remaining On Site a) for more than an accumulated total of four hours of ordinary time in any one day; or b) after the meal break, as provided for in clause 17.1 of the Award, for more than an accumulated total of 50% of the normal afternoon work time; or c) during the final two hours of the normal work day for more than an accumulated total of one hour, the Enterprise will not be entitled to require the employees to remain on site beyond the expiration of any of the above circumstances.

  • Project Delivery Order Procedures The TIPS Member having approved and signed an interlocal agreement, or other TIPS Membership document, may make a request of the awarded vendor under this Agreement when the TIPS Member has services that need to be undertaken. Notification may occur via phone, the web, email, fax, or in person. Upon notification of a pending request, the awarded vendor shall make contact with the TIPS Member as soon as possible, but must make contact with the TIPS Member within two working days. Scheduling of projects (if applicable) may be accomplished when the TIPS Member issues a Purchase Order and/or an Agreement or Contract that will serve as “the notice to proceed” as agreed by the Vendor and the TIPS Member. The period for the delivery order will include the mobilization, materials purchase, installation and delivery, design, weather, and site cleanup and inspection. No additional claims may be made for delays as a result of these items. When the tasks have been completed the awarded vendor shall notify the client and have the TIPS Member or a designated representative of the TIPS Member inspect the work for acceptance under the scope and terms in the Purchase Order and/or Agreement or Contract. The TIPS Member will issue in writing any corrective actions that are required. Upon completion of these items, the TIPS Member will issue a completion notice and final payment will be issued per the contractual requirements of the project with the TIPS Member. Any Construction contract prepared by the TIPS Member’s Legal Counsel may alter the terms of this subsection, “Scheduling of Projects”.

  • Other Procedures To the extent not expressly provided for herein, each Discounted Term Loan Prepayment shall be consummated pursuant to procedures consistent with the provisions in this Subsection 4.4(l), established by the Administrative Agent acting in its reasonable discretion and as reasonably agreed by the Borrower.

  • Other Procurement Procedures National Competitive Bidding

  • Order Procedure 7.1 Subject to the Supplier's fulfillment of all of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement, ISR intends to purchase Machine/s from the Supplier by issuing a written Purchase Order dully signed by ISR all on a non-exclusive basis ("Purchase Order"). 7.2 The time of issuance of Purchase Orders and the quantity of the Machines in each Purchase Order shall be subject to ISR's discretion and Supplier herby waives any claim and/or demand against ISR including for loss of income and/or profits. 7.3 During the Agreement Period, ISR in its sole discretion, shall have the option to purchase from the Supplier up to four (4) more additional Machines and ancillaries (the “Optional Machines”). The terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply, mutatis mutandis, to the Optional Machines subject to Section 8.6. For the prevention of any doubt, it is hereby expressly emphasized that ISR is under no obligation whatsoever to order certain or any amount of Optional Machines from Supplier. 7.4 Upon receipt of a Purchase Order by email, Supplier shall confirm via email receipt of the Purchase Order to ISR's contact person. An original document of such confirmation shall be sent to ISR via air mail. 7.5 The Parties’ contact persons are as follows, or any replacement contact persons as notified in writing by one Party to the other: For ISR: Mr. Israel Railways Ltd. Address: Telephone: E-mail: ("IPM") For the Supplier: ("SPM") Each Party shall, in writing without undue delay, notify the other Party of changes in contact persons, addresses or facsimile numbers, if any. 7.6 Supplier will endeavor to furnish a secured electronic mail service or other equivalent means, in accordance with ISR safety requirements, which will be used by both Parties for the purpose of ordering procedure, requests, queries, reports etc. 7.7 The following original documents will be supplied by Supplier to ISR:

  • New Procedures New procedures as to who shall provide certain of these services in Section 1 may be established in writing from time to time by agreement between the Fund and the Transfer Agent. The Transfer Agent may at times perform only a portion of these services and the Fund or its agent may perform these services on the Fund's behalf;

  • Minimum Standard of Treatment 1. Each Party shall accord to a covered investment treatment in accordance with the customary international law minimum standard of treatment of aliens, including fair and equitable treatment and full protection and security. 2. The concepts of “fair and equitable treatment” and “full protection and security” in paragraph 1 do not require treatment in addition to or beyond that which is required by the customary international law minimum standard of treatment of aliens. 3. A breach of another provision of this Agreement, or of a separate international agreement, does not establish that there has been a breach of this Article.

  • Testing Procedures Testing will be conducted by an outside certified Agency in such a way to ensure maximum accuracy and reliability by using the techniques, chain of custody procedures, equipment and laboratory facilities which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All employees notified of a positive controlled substance or alcohol test result may request an independent test of their split sample at the employee’s expense. If the test result is negative the Employer will reimburse the employee for the cost of the split sample test.

  • Loop Testing/Trouble Reporting Telepak Networks will be responsible for testing and isolating troubles on the Loops. Telepak Networks must test and isolate trouble to the BellSouth portion of a designed/non-designed unbundled Loop (e.g., UVL-SL2, UCL-D, UVL-SL1, UCL-ND, etc.) before reporting repair to the UNE Customer Wholesale Interconnection Network Services (CWINS) Center. Upon request from BellSouth at the time of the trouble report, Telepak Networks will be required to provide the results of the Telepak Networks test which indicate a problem on the BellSouth provided Loop. Once Telepak Networks has isolated a trouble to the BellSouth provided Loop, and had issued a trouble report to BellSouth on the Loop, BellSouth will take the actions necessary to repair the Loop if a trouble actually exists. BellSouth will repair these Loops in the same time frames that BellSouth repairs similarly situated Loops to its End Users. If Telepak Networks reports a trouble on a non-designed or designed Loop and no trouble actually exists, BellSouth will charge Telepak Networks for any dispatching and testing (both inside and outside the CO) required by BellSouth in order to confirm the Loop’s working status. In the event BellSouth must dispatch to the end-user’s location more than once due to incorrect or incomplete information provided by Telepak Networks (e.g., incomplete address, incorrect contact name/number, etc.), BellSouth will xxxx Xxxxxxx Networks for each additional dispatch required to repair the circuit due to the incorrect/incomplete information provided. BellSouth will assess the applicable Trouble Determination rates from BellSouth’s FCC or state tariffs.

  • Notice of Network Changes If a Party makes a change in the information necessary for the transmission and routing of services using that Party’s facilities or network, or any other change in its facilities or network that will materially affect the interoperability of its facilities or network with the other Party’s facilities or network, the Party making the change shall publish notice of the change at least ninety (90) days in advance of such change, and shall use reasonable efforts, as commercially practicable, to publish such notice at least one hundred eighty (180) days in advance of the change; provided, however, that if an earlier publication of notice of a change is required by Applicable Law (including, but not limited to, 47 CFR 51.325 through 51. 335) notice shall be given at the time required by Applicable Law.