Utilities and Public Access Each Individual Property has rights of access to public ways and is served by water, sewer, sanitary sewer and storm drain facilities adequate to service such Individual Property for its respective intended uses. All public utilities necessary or convenient to the full use and enjoyment of each Individual Property are located either in the public right-of-way abutting such Individual Property (which are connected so as to serve such Individual Property without passing over other property) or in recorded easements serving such Individual Property and such easements are set forth in and insured by the Title Insurance Policies. All roads necessary for the use of each Individual Property for their current respective purposes have been completed and dedicated to public use and accepted by all Governmental Authorities.
RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION 29 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and/or data received from COUNTY, or arising out 30 of, or developed, as a result of this Agreement for the purpose of personal or professional research, or 31 for publication. 32
PUBLICATION AND PUBLICITY The CONSULTANT agrees that it shall not for any reason whatsoever communicate to any third party in any manner whatsoever concerning any of its CONTRACT work product, its conduct under the CONTRACT, the results or data gathered or processed under this CONTRACT, which includes, but is not limited to, reports, computer information and access, drawings, studies, notes, maps and other data prepared by and for the CONSULTANT under the terms of this CONTRACT, without prior written approval from the COMMISSION, unless such release or disclosure is required by judicial proceeding. The CONSULTANT agrees that it shall immediately refer any third party who requests such information to the COMMISSION and shall also report to the COMMISSION any such third party inquiry. This Article shall not apply to information in whatever form that comes into the public domain, nor shall it restrict the CONSULTANT from giving notices required by law or complying with an order to provide information or data when such order is issued by a court, administrative agency or other authority with proper jurisdiction, or if it is reasonably necessary for the CONSULTANT to defend itself from any suit or claim. All approved releases of information, findings, and recommendations shall include a disclaimer provision and all published reports shall include that disclaimer on the cover and title page in the following form: The opinions, findings, and conclusions in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Mississippi Department of Transportation, Mississippi Transportation Commission, the State of Mississippi or the Federal Highway Administration.
OMB Standards Unless specified otherwise within this agreement, the Subrecipient shall procure all materials, property, or services in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR 84.40−48.
Advertising and Publicity No Credit Party shall issue or disseminate to the public (by advertisement, including without limitation any “tombstone” advertisement, press release or otherwise), submit for publication or otherwise cause or seek to publish any information describing the credit or other financial accommodations made available by the Lenders pursuant to this Agreement and the other Loan Documents without the prior written consent of the Administrative Agent. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to prohibit any Credit Party from making any submission or filing which it is required to make by applicable law or pursuant to judicial process; provided, that, (i) such filing or submission shall contain only such information as is necessary to comply with applicable law or judicial process and (ii) unless specifically prohibited by applicable law or court order, the Borrower shall promptly notify the Administrative Agent of the requirement to make such submission or filing and provide the Administrative Agent with a copy thereof.
Health, Safety and Security 14.1 The Employer recognizes a responsibility to provide an environment intended to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the Employer agrees: (a) to maintain a Joint Health and Safety Committee (the JHSC) with broad representation drawn from all sectors of the University, including at least one (1) person appointed by the Association; (b) to cooperate with the Association in making every reasonable provision for the safety, health and security of Members; (c) to take reasonable measures to maintain the security of the buildings and grounds while at the same time maintaining reasonable access for Members who have a need for such access at times other than during regular working hours; (d) to ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) person to any representative committee whose terms of reference specifically include the health, safety or security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities; (e) to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, and relevant regulations thereto, as amended from time to time (the “Act”); (f) that Members may refuse unsafe work pursuant to and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act for so doing; (g) that Members report any known or potential dangers to their Xxxx; (h) In addition, the Employer agrees: i) to provide Members with health and safety training, personal protective equipment, and access to health and safety programs, policies and procedures; ii) to provide resources for the JHSC; iii) to compensate a CASBU Member who is eligible to be, and serves as, the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC when that service is outside the period of the Member’s contract; iv) to provide training for the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC directly related to their duties and responsibilities in connection with the JHSC; v) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to be present during workplace safety testing and audits and receive written copies of any reports and recommendations from the testing/audits and a copy of a draft report if one is provided to the Employer; vi) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to have advance notice when advance notice is given by the Ministry of Labour of any Ministry of Labour inspection and to accompany a Ministry of Labour Inspector during an inspection and receive a copy of any report produced by the inspector. 14.2 The parties agree that all personal communications must adhere to the Personal Harassment and Discrimination Policy and the Nipissing University Acceptable Use Policy. Effective June 10, 2006, universities are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). All records in the custody and control of the University will be subject to FIPPA with exceptions as defined by the Act. Persons may request and have a right to access University information or records. A record is defined under the Act as any record of information however recorded, whether in printed or electronic form, film, or otherwise and includes drafts, post-it notes, margin notes, hard drive files, emails, voice mails, electronic agendas, address books, and recording devices. 14.3 Unless required under FIPPA, and for the purposes of this Article, files are documents under a Member’s control and stored on University property, either in paper or electronic form. Such files do not include the Member’s official file in the Xxxx’x office nor the Personnel File of the Member in the Human Resources office. 14.4 On termination of a Member’s employment for any reason other than cause, the Employer will permit, by appointment only, accompanied access for a period of fifteen (15) working days (or longer with the agreement of the Xxxx) by the former Member or the Member’s executors to the Member’s files, whether in paper or electronic format. The purpose of the allowed access is for transferring required documents to other faculty, the Chair, or the Xxxx. Where files are not required to support continued student academic needs or ongoing operational requirements, the former Member or designate may remove or destroy their personal files. Items that are clearly of a personal nature or are owned by the former Member such as furniture, pictures, books, etc., may be removed at this time.
Ownership and Publication of Materials All reports, information, data, and other materials prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this agreement are the property of the City. The City has the exclusive and unrestricted authority to release, publish or otherwise use, in whole or part, information relating thereto. Any re-use without written verification or adaptation by the Consultant for the specific purpose intended will be at the City’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. No material produced in whole or in part under this agreement may be copyrighted or patented in the United States or in any other country without the prior written approval of the City.
DELIVERY AND PUBLISHING 4.1. Xxxxxxx Science offers publishing via a variety of methods. The parties agree that, at a minimum, and subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Work shall be published in the subscription journal specified, in Schedule 3: Publishing. Additionally, if so specified in the space provided in Schedule 3: Publishing in respect of “Open Access Plus”, and subject to the commercial terms specified therein and the other terms of this Agreement, the Work shall be made available, by Xxxxxxx Science, on an open access basis under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC- BY 4.0), a copy of which is available at: xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode . 4.2. The Assignor may, if so specified in the space provided in Schedule 1: Details of the Work, opt to have Xxxxxxx Science, or its third party contractor, provide a short animated video summarising the salient aspects of the Work, on the basis that all rights, title and interest in such short animated video shall become part of the Work for the purposes of this Agreement. The provision of such service by Xxxxxxx Science or its third party contractor shall be subject to the prevailing terms and rates relating to such service. Such animated video shall be made available, by Xxxxxxx Science, on an open access basis under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0), a copy of which is available at xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/, and Xxxxxxx Science shall retain all rights to exploit the video commercially. 4.3. The Assignor undertakes to provide to Xxxxxxx Science, by the deadline specified in Schedule 1: Details of the Work (the “Submission Deadline”), an electronic copy of the Work in a high-quality, professionally prepared, production-ready format. The Assignor undertakes to ensure that all pages of the Work so submitted have been proof-read carefully, and that all diagrams, illustrations, figures and captions, are of excellent quality, with regard to both substance and form. 4.4. The Assignor represents and warrants that the Work has been prepared in accordance with the relevant Guidelines, and checked for all possible linguistic inconsistencies and errors, including grammar, style and typography, by someone with a high command of the English language and familiarity with academic writing in the English language. (“Guidelines” means the Instructions to Authors available on the Xxxxxxx Science website, as well as the Aims & Scope applicable to the relevant Xxxxxxx Science publication). Xxxxxxx Science’s nominated service provider, Xxxxxxx Science, offers English language support services which Assignor may elect to utilise in respect of the Work by completing the applicable box in Schedule 1: Details of the Work. The provision of such services by Xxxxxxx Science shall be subject to Xxxxxxx 2 [v.122016] Science’s prevailing terms and rates relating to such type of optional support.
LEAVE AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 38 Annual Leave 38.1 Employees (other than casuals) will be entitled to 4 weeks paid annual leave per annum, provided that Continuous Shiftworkers shall be entitled to one additional week’s paid annual leave. 38.2 An Employee’s entitlement to paid annual leave accrues progressively during a year of service according to the Employee’s ordinary hours of work, and accumulates from year to year. 38.3 The Employer must maintain a leave accrual system that accurately accrues annual leave progressively throughout the year in accordance with this Agreement. 38.4 Annual Leave is paid at the Ordinary Rate being paid to the Employee immediately prior to the taking of the Annual Leave, plus 17.5% loading. 38.5 Taking of Annual leave (a) Other than the Easter and Christmas Shutdown outlined in clause 38.7, the Employer and Employee shall seek to reach agreement on the taking of annual leave at a mutually convenient time. The Employer will not otherwise unreasonably refuse an Employee’s request to take annual leave. (b) The Employer cannot otherwise direct an Employee to take Annual Leave unless the Employer directs an Employee to take excessive accrued Annual Leave in accordance with clauses 38.6 – 38.8 of the Award.
Health & Safety (a) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Home, in order to prevent injury and illness and abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended from time to time. (b) A Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) shall be constituted in accordance with the Act, which shall identify potential dangers, recommend means of improving the health and safety programs and obtaining information from the Employer or other persons respecting the identification of hazards and standards. The committee shall meet at least every three months or more frequently if the committee decides. The Employer agrees to accept as a member of its Joint Health and Safety Committee at least one (1) ONA representative selected or appointed by the Union from the Employer. Scheduled time spent in such meetings is to be considered time worked for which representative(s) shall be paid by the Employer at his or her regular or overtime rate. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and copies shall be sent to the Committee members within two (2) weeks following the meeting, if possible. Minutes of the meetings shall be posted on the workplace health and safety bulletin board. (c) The Employer shall provide the time from work with pay and all related tuition costs and expenses necessary to certify the worker representative. Where an inspector makes an inspection of a workplace under the powers conferred upon him or her under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Employer shall afford a committee member representing workers the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. Where a committee member is not available, the Employer shall afford a worker selected by a Union, because of knowledge, experience and training, to represent it, the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. (d) Two (2) representatives of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, one (1) from management and one (1) from the employees, shall make monthly inspections of the work place and shall report to the health and safety committee the results of their inspection. The members of the Committee who represent the workers shall designate a member representing workers to inspect the workplace. Where possible that member shall be a certified member. The Employer shall provide the member with such information and assistance as the member may require for the purpose of carrying out an inspection of the workplace. Scheduled time spent in all such activities shall be considered as time worked. (e) The Joint Health and Safety Committee and the representatives thereof shall have access to Incident/Accident Report Form required in S.51, S.52 and S.53 of the Act and the annual summary of data from the WSIB relating to the number of work accident fatalities, the number of lost workday cases, the number of lost workdays, the number of non-fatal cases that required medical aid without lost workdays, the incidence of occupational injuries, and such other data as the WSIB may decide to disclose. It is understood and agreed that no information will be provided to the Committee which is confidential. This information shall be a standing item recorded in the minutes of each meeting. (f) The Union will use its best efforts to obtain the full co-operation of its membership in the compliance of all safety rules and practices. (g) The Employer will use its best efforts to make all affected direct care employees aware of residents who have serious infectious diseases. The nature of the disease need not be disclosed. Employees will be made aware of special procedures required of them to deal with these circumstances. The parties agree that all employees are aware of the requirement to practice universal precautions in all circumstances. (h) The parties further agree that suitable subjects for discussion at the Union-Management Committee and Joint Health and Safety Committee will include aggressive residents. The Employer will review with the Joint Health and Safety Committee written policies to address the management of violent behaviour. Such policies will include but not be limited to: i) Designing safe procedures for employees, ii) Providing training appropriate to these policies, iii) Reporting all incidents of workplace violence. (i) The Employer shall: i) Inform employees of any situation relating to their work which may endanger their health and safety, as soon as it learns of the said situation, ii) Inform employees regarding the risks relating to their work and provide training and supervision so that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to safely perform the work assigned to them, When faced with occupational health and safety decisions, the Home will not await full scientific or absolute certainty before taking reasonable action(s) that reduces risk and protects employees. iii) Ensure that the applicable measures and procedures prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act are carried out in the workplace. (j) A worker shall, i) Work in compliance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the regulations, ii) Use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the worker's Employer requires to be used or worn, iii) Report to his or her Employer or supervisor the absence of or defect in any equipment or protective device of which the worker is aware and which may endanger himself, herself or another worker, and iv) Report to his or her Employer or supervisor any contravention of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or the regulations or the existence of any hazard of which he or she knows.