Performance Indicators The HSP’s delivery of the Services will be measured by the following Indicators, Targets and where applicable Performance Standards. In the following table: INDICATOR CATEGORY INDICATOR P=Performance Indicator E=Explanatory Indicator M=Monitoring Indicator 2022/23 Organizational Health and Financial Indicators Debt Service Coverage Ratio (P) 1 ≥1 Total Margin (P) 0 ≥0 Coordination and Access Indicators Percent Resident Days – Long Stay (E) n/a n/a Wait Time from Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) Determination of Eligibility to LTC Home Response (M) n/a n/a Long-Term Care Home Refusal Rate (E) n/a n/a Quality and Resident Safety Indicators Percentage of Residents Who Fell in the Last 30 days (M) n/a n/a Percentage of Residents Whose Pressure Ulcer Worsened (M) n/a n/a Percentage of Residents on Antipsychotics Without a Diagnosis of Psychosis (M) n/a n/a Percentage of Residents in Daily Physical Restraints (M) n/a n/a
Performance Measure Grantee will adhere to the performance measures requirements documented in
Goal The goals of the Department’s grants are to: 1. Reduce delinquency, increase offender accountability, and rehabilitate juvenile offenders through a comprehensive, coordinated, community-based juvenile probation system;
Ongoing Performance Measures The Department intends to use performance-reporting tools in order to measure the performance of Contractor(s). These tools will include the Contractor Performance Survey (Exhibit G), to be completed by Customers on a quarterly basis. Such measures will allow the Department to better track Vendor performance through the term of the Contract(s) and ensure that Contractor(s) consistently provide quality services to the State and its Customers. The Department reserves the right to modify the Contractor Performance Survey document and introduce additional performance-reporting tools as they are developed, including online tools (e.g. tools within MFMP or on the Department's website).
Program Goals CalHFA MAC envisions that these monies would be used to complement other federal or lender programs designed specifically to stabilize communities by providing assistance to homeowners who have suffered a financial hardship and as a result are no longer financially able to afford their first-lien mortgage loan payments or their Property Expenses when associated with a Federal Housing Administration (“FHA”) Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (“HECM”) loan, only.
Performance Expectations The Charter School’s performance in relation to the indicators, measures, metrics and targets set forth in the CPF shall provide the basis upon which the SCSC will decide whether to renew the Charter School’s Charter Contract at the end of the charter term. This section shall not preclude the SCSC from considering other relevant factors in making renewal decisions.
Performance Measures The System Agency will monitor the Grantee’s performance of the requirements in Attachment A and compliance with the Contract’s terms and conditions.
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 10.1 The Supplier shall at all times during the Framework Period comply with the Key Performance Indicators and achieve the KPI Targets set out in Part B of Framework Schedule 2 (Goods and/or Services and Key Performance Indicators).
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 4.1 The Performance Plan (Annexure A) sets out- 4.1.1 the performance objectives and targets that must be met by the Employee; and 4.1.2 the time frames within which those performance objectives and targets must be met. 4.2 The performance objectives and targets reflected in Annexure A are set by the Employer in consultation with the Employee and based on the Integrated Development Plan, Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) and the Budget of the Employer, and shall include key objectives; key performance indicators; target dates and weightings. 4.2.1 The key objectives describe the main tasks that need to be done. 4.2.2 The key performance indicators provide the details of the evidence that must be provided to show that a key objective has been achieved. 4.2.3 The target dates describe the timeframe in which the work must be achieved. 4.2.4 The weightings show the relative importance of the key objectives to each other. 4.3 The Employee’s performance will, in addition, be measured in terms of contributions to the goals and strategies set out in the Employer’s Integrated Development Plan.
Performance Measurement The Uniform Guidance requires completion of OMB-approved standard information collection forms (the PPR). The form focuses on outcomes, as related to the Federal Award Performance Goals that awarding Federal agencies are required to detail in the Awards.