Annexes to the Agreement Sample Clauses

Annexes to the Agreement. The Annexes to this Agreement shall form an integral part thereof.
Annexes to the Agreement. The following items listed below shall be annexed and be considered as part of this agreement. 16.1 The site plan of the leased land. 16.2 Photocopy of ID card or passport of the lessee. 16.3 Photocopy of the memorandum and Articles of Association of the lessee.
Annexes to the Agreement. 4.6.1. The following annexes to this Agreement shall be an integral part of this Agreement: Annex No. 1: Consent of the Member of the Supervisory Board to run for the Member of the Supervisory Board and declaration of interests
Annexes to the Agreement. 1. The present Agreement is complemented by the following Annexes which form an integral part of it: (a) Annex A - Description of the Contract Area; (b) Annex B - Map of the Contract Area; (c) Annex C - Accounting and Financial Procedures; (d) Annex D - Corporate Guarantee; and (e) Annex E - Financial Guarantee. 2. In the event of discrepancy between the content or the form of Annexes A and B referred to in paragraph 1, Annex A shall prevail. 3. In the event of discrepancy between the content or the form of the Annexes referred to in paragraph 1 and the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail.
Annexes to the Agreement. The Agreement contains the following Annexes:
Annexes to the Agreement. Annex "A" is a description of the area covered and affected by this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Area".
Annexes to the Agreement. All Annexes are to be considered an integral part of the Agreement although they may be maintained and changed separately. All rows are to be ticked (yes or no) Yes No ANNEX 1Contact points Yes ANNEX 2 – Definitions Yes ANNEX 3Service and Service Levels Yes ANNEX 4Technical Standards Yes ANNEX 5 – Regional domain and its specific services and service levels Yes ANNEX 6Change Procedures Yes
Annexes to the Agreement. 25.1. The annexes specified in the Agreement shall be the inseparable and integral part of the Agreement. 25.2. Unless otherwise specified, the annexes regulating the supply of the particular Services shall be applied to the Customer upon the expression by the Customer its intention to use the particular Service. 25.3. When any contradictions and discrepancies regarding the Agreement and its annexes appear, the terms and conditions provided for in the annexes should be followed. 25.4. The binding annexes to the Agreement are the following: 25.4.1. Service Price List.
Annexes to the Agreement. 1 Conditions 2 Final tender 3 Terms of settlement and payments 4 Matrix of risk distribution among the Parties 5 Preconditions for the Agreement's entry into force 6 List of the mandatory insurance agreements 7 List of associated companies 8 Requirements for the property that is being returned 9 Direct agreement Signatures of the representatives of the Parties: THE CONDITIONS THE TENDER 3 Annex to the Agreement TERMS OF SETTLEMENT AND PAYMENTS 4 Annex to the Agreement MATRIX OF RISK DISTRIBUTION AMONG THE PARTIES 1. Design (planning) quality risk 1.1. A technical project of a building or its separate parts prepared under the order of the Granting institution is inaccurate (if the Concessionaire must use the building project or its separate parts) A risk factor manifests when it turns out that the technical project of a building or its separate parts prepared by the Granting institution are inaccurate. The occurrence of a risk factor may imply an additional expenses of the Concessionaire for design services, for the Concessionaire, this could also lead to increased Work costs as well as delay in Works. 1.2. Redesign services are mandatory (if the Concessionaire must use the technical project of the building or its separate parts and the inaccuracies in this technical project of the building are identified) The manifestation of a risk factor means that the technical project of a building or its separate parts prepared by the Granting institution are inaccurate. The occurrence of a risk factor may imply an additional expenses of the Concessionaire for design services, for the Concessionaire, this could also lead to increased Work costs as well as delay in Works. 1.3. A technical project (including a work project) of the building prepared by the Concessionaire or a technical work project is inaccurate The manifestation of the risk factor means the additional design costs that the Concessionaire must reimburse in this case. It is estimated that the manifestation of the risk factor determines the financial flow of the investment costs - the cost of design services that may be incurred both during the investment and in the reinvestment period. 1.4. Project objectives and planned results do not solve the problem for which the Project is initiated. The occurrence of a risk factor means that after the implementation of the Project, the generated results will not be used or will be used in a different than planned scope, or users will not be the target groups of the ...
Annexes to the Agreement. 6.1. The following documents shall be attached hereto: