ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows: (a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service; (b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service; (c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter. 15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation. 15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used. 15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another. 15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working. 15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned. 15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 16.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after with less than one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year year’s service by December 24 will be entitled to 1.25 days vacation for each complete month of service after computed to June 30, to be taken within the calendar year. New Hire Vacation Chart Employee Start Date Hired Year Vacation Second Year Vacation January 1 7.5 15 February 1 6.25 15 March 1 5 15 April 1 3.75 15 May 1 2.5 15 June 1 1.25 15 July 1 0 15 August 1 0 15 September 1 0 15 October 1 0 15 November 1 0 15 December 1 0 15
16.02 An employee will be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation with pay upon completion of one (1) full year of service prior to December 24, and each subsequent provided such vacation is taken in the year thereafter, up in which it is due less any vacation credits received.
16.03 Employees who shall have completed ten (10) years or more of service prior to and including December 24 of the year in which it is to be taken shall receive four (4) weeks vacation with pay
16.04 Employees who have completed eighteen (18) years or more service to December 24 of the year in which the vacation is to be taken shall receive five (5) weeks' vacation with pay.
16.05 Employees who have completed thirty (30) years of service;or more service prior to December 24 in the year in which the vacation is to be taken shall receive six (6) weeks' vacation with pay.
(b) 4/52nds 16.06 Vacation pay shall be based on the employee's weekly pay, shift premiums being excluded except for those employees on a permanent shift.
16.07 All deductions normally made from an employee's regular pay shall be deducted from the employee's vacation pay.
16.08 The holiday schedule shall be arranged by groups with proper regard for seniority and providing for the continuous and efficient operation of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterdepartment.
15.02 16.09 For other than full-time employeesthose who request and are eligible for, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion minimum of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees weeks vacation will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if in any year between May 15th and September 15th. A department may require vacation requests to be completed by March 1st. In these instances the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall will be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesposted by April 15.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 6.1 Vacation pay shall be entitled accrued for all employees covered by this Agreement, at the following rates:
(a) Employees with up to three (3) years service will be paid vacation pay at the rate of four percent (4%) of gross earnings.
(b) Employees with over three (3) and up to twelve (12) years service will be paid vacation pay at the rate of six percent (6%) of gross earnings.
(c) Employees with over twelve (12) years service, will be paid vacation pay at the rate of eight percent (8%) of gross earnings.
(d) Employees with over twenty (20) years service, will be paid vacation pay at the rate of ten percent (10%) of gross earnings.
6.2 Employees covered by this Agreement shall receive time off for an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds Upon completion of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year year's service, and each subsequent year thereafter up to the third (3rd) year of employment, employees shall receive two (2) weeks annual vacation.
(b) Upon the completion of three (3) years’ service and each year thereafter up to the twelfth (12th) year of employment, employees shall receive three (3) weeks annual vacation.
(c) Upon the completion of twelve (12) years service and each year thereafter, up to employees shall receive four (4) weeks annual vacation.
(d) Upon the completion of twenty (20) years service and including each year thereafter, employees shall receive five (5) completed years weeks annual vacation.
6.3 For the purpose of determining a year's service;, a year of service shall be calculated on the basis of twelve (12) calendar months from the employee’s date of hire.
(b) 4/52nds 6.4 The time of annual vacations shall be fixed by the Company, consistent with the efficient operation of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years business. Preferences of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up vacation time shall be given to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereaftersenior employees.
15.02 For other than full-time employees6.5 The Company shall schedule annual vacations so that all employees will receive their annual vacation in a continuous period. Should an employee elect to split his vacation into two separate periods, all the Company will accommodate the employee whenever it is possible to do so, provided the employee specifically request the Company to do so, in writing.
6.6 All vacation pay that has been accrued under clause 6.1 above, will be paid to employees the Employee on December 15th in each year unless every pay deposit, through the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstancesEmployer’s direct deposit system.
6.7 Employee’s choosing to schedule their vacations during prime time, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time July, August and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make Christmas shall only choose two (2) such requests per year based weeks. After all employees, in order of seniority, have had the opportunity to choose holiday’s in prime time, any remaining weeks shall be picked in a draft order. There will be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the employees allowed to be on earnings to June 30thvacation at the same time. Full-time employees This will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationnot be inconsistent with current Company policy.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent 6.8 The Company may allow up to the time usedtwenty percent (20%) overlap for two (2) days in a week.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds An employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, is not qualified for vacation under Clause (b) hereof, shall be allowed one working day's vacation with pay for each 25 days' compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of that year of service after one 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under Clause (1b) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;hereof.
(b) 4/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 1 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least three years and has completed at least 1,000 days of compensated service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the year commencing after five basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he/she will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (5c) completed years hereof.
NOTE 1: An employee covered by Clause (b) hereof, will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if, on his/her fourth or subsequent service anniversary date, he/she achieves 1,000 days of compensated service; otherwise his/her vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause (a) hereof. Any vacation granted for which the employee does not subsequently qualify will be deducted from the employee's vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employee leaves the service and each subsequent year thereafterfor any reason prior to his/her next vacation, up to ten (10) completed years the adjustment will be made at time of service;leaving.
(c) 5/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings after ten (10) calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 7 years and has completed years at least 1,750 days of service and compensated service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesyears, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingwill continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (d) hereof.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (a) Upon completion of twelve (12) months continuous service, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of ten (10) working days. Payment for such vacation period shall be at the employee’s current wage rate or four percent (4%) of gross wages for the period in which the vacation was earned, whichever is greater. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the Employer and shall not be unreasonably denied.
(b) Upon completion of six (6) months service in the first year of employment, an annual employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation after of five (5) working days which if taken, will be deducted from the total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the Employer and shall not be unreasonably denied.
9.02 Upon completion of three (3) years continuous service, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of fifteen (15) working days. Payment for such vacation period shall be at the employee’s current wage rate or six percent (6%) of gross wages for the period in which the vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
9.03 Upon completion of five (5) years continuous service, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of twenty (20) working days. Payment for such vacation period shall be at the employee’s current wage rate or eight percent (8%) of gross wages for the period in which the vacation was earned, whichever is greater. Upon completion of each additional year of service greater than five (5), an employee shall be entitled to one (1) year additional day of employment with pay, calculated as follows:paid vacation up to a maximum of thirty (30) days.
9.04 Senior employees shall be given preference in the selection of vacation periods. Employees who wish to take their vacation in two (a2) 3/52nds or more periods instead of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafterunbroken period may do so subject to the following: Employees shall select their vacation periods in order of seniority as defined in this Agreement, up however, only one (1) vacation period shall be selected by seniority until all employees in the signing group have had the opportunity to and including five select one (51) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereaftervacation period. Subsequently, up those employees who have chosen to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all take their vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) or more separate periods shall select the second (2nd) and subsequent periods in order of seniority.
9.05 The Employer shall make available a vacation schedule the first working day of each new year and the employees shall indicate by seniority, their vacation selection by March 15th and have such vacation confirmed by March 31st of each year, as per clause 9.04. Employees who bid after March 15th shall have their vacation requests per year based approved on earnings a first come, first serve basis.
9.06 Upon fifteen (15) days written notice, regular employees shall be entitled to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive receive, prior to commencement of their vacation, a payroll advance equivalent to the amount of vacation pay when they take being taken for that vacation period.
9.07 No employee shall be required to work during their annual vacation.
15.03 9.08 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period whose regularly scheduled shift is less than five days per week shall be credited with extra entitled to receive the applicable vacation time equivalent to the time useddays pro-rated.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (with pay in accordance with the following table: Years of Service Vacation Days** Less than 1 1.5 days per month for a maximum of 15 days 1) year -6 15 days 7-11 20 days 12-17 23 days 18-24 25 days 25 and above 30 days Employees who have already reached a vacation entitlement that is greater than Xxxx’x policy as of employment with payJanuary 1, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds 2014, will be grandfathered at their existing entitlement until they reach a higher vacation entitlement under Xxxx’x policy. Vacation must be taken between January 1 of the earnings calendar year in which they are earned and April 30 of that year the following year. The number of years of service after one (attained on December 31 of the vacation year determines vacation eligibility. For example, an employee who reached 7 years of service on November 12, 2012 will be eligible to 20 vacation days starting January 1) year , 2013. The vacation schedule for a part-time employee is the same as that for a full-time employee, except that it is prorated based on time worked. The time worked considered for calculating the prorated vacation is the employee’s scheduled time. For example, if a person is scheduled to work 2 days per week throughout the year, they will earn 2/5ths of the days under the above vacation schedule.
13.1.1 If employment is terminated for any reason, accrued vacation credits shall be paid to the employee.
13.1.2 Employees shall have the right to take their vacations throughout the calendar year, subject to management approval, and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including preference shall be given employees on the basis of Company seniority within their department on a location basis.
13.1.3 Every employee with five (5) completed or more years of service;
(b) 4/52nds service shall, subject to the operational requirements of the earnings for the year commencing after Company, be entitled to have three (3) weeks of their vacation period scheduled consecutively, if they so request. Agreement with such requests shall not be unreasonably withheld. Employees with less than five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereaftershall, up subject to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds the operational requirements of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesCompany, all vacation pay will be paid entitled to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make have two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use weeks of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time usedscheduled consecutively.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:Section l
(a) 3/52nds An employee who, at the beginning of the earnings of that year of service after calendar year, is not qualified for vacation under Clause (b) hereof, shall be allowed one (1) year and working day's vacation with pay for each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;25 days'
(b) 4/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 1 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and has completed at least 750 days of cumulative service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the year commencing after five basis of 1 working day's vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of cumulative service or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he/she will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (5c) completed years of this section.
NOTE 1: An employee covered by Clause (b) of this section will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his/her fourth or subsequent service and each subsequent year thereafteranniversary date he/she achieves 1,000 days of cumulative service; otherwise his/her vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause (a) of this section. Any vacation granted for which the employee does not subsequently qualify will be deducted from the employee's vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employee leaves the service for any reason prior to his/her next vacation, up to ten (10) completed years the adjustment will be made at the time of service;leaving.
(c) 5/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings after ten (10) calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 7 years and has completed years at least 1,750 days of service and cumulative service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the basis of 1 working day's vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days in subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesyears, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingwill continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (d) of this section.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees Section 1 The City shall be entitled grant to an members of the Dover Fire & Rescue Department paid annual vacation after in each calendar year from date of employment based on the following: Upon completion of one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including yr but less than five (5) completed years yrs 96 hrs. On fifth (5th) anniversary but less than fifteen (15) yrs 144 hrs. On fifteenth (15) anniversary but less than twenty (20) yrs 192 hrs. On twentieth :(2Oth) anniversary 216 hrs.
Section 2 Any vacation time in excess of service;
(b) 4/52nds two consecutive weeks in any calendar year shall be taken at the discretion of the earnings for Fire Chief. Provided, further, a maximum of 240 hours vacation time shall be carried forward from one anniversary date into the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterfollowing anniversary date.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesSection 3 When an employee terminates employment with the Fire & Rescue Department for any reason, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the said employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra compensated for an proportionately accrued vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A Section 4 The selection of vacation list dates shall be on a shift basis. The Officer in charge shall grant vacation up to three (3) employees from the same shift the same vacation period provided such scheduling by all employees is for a period of at least one week in duration and further provided said requests are submitted prior to March 15, excepting when specifically approved by the Chief. For requests of less than one week duration and/or submitted after March 15, the Officer in Charge shall grant no more than three (3) employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation datesfrom the same shift at the same time, excepting when specifically approved by the Fire Chief. Both parties agree, however, that In no event shall the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation application of any combination of the business is concerned and therefore scheduling options provided above result in more than three (3) employees on vacation from the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation same shift at any particular the same time, excepting when specifically approved by the Fire Chief. Seniority shall prevail in In the event of a conflict of dates, departmental seniority shall be the determining factor. In the case of a conflict involving equal seniority, the parties shall draw lots to settle the conflic!. In the event of a conflict of dates for two or more consecutive work days, departmental seniority shall be the determining factor. Provided, further, that all vacation requests shall be submitted prior to March 15th of the calendar year in which they are to be taken in order for the above seniority rule to apply. Vacation requests received after March 15th shall be granted on a first come, first served basis. Vacation leave may be denied during prime holiday time if it requires off-duty personnel to fill the vacancy unless the firefighter finds a voluntary substitute to work; such holiday time to mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. Thanksgiving is defined as the 24 hours of the holiday, from 0800 hours to 0800 hours the next day. Christmas is defined as December 24th at 1800 hours to 0800 hours on December 26th New Year's is defined as December 31st at 1800 hours to January 1st at 1800 hours. In order to be considered for approval, all vacation requests Collective Bargaining Agreement Dover Professional Firefighters Association FY09-FY11
Section 5 Section 6 regardless of duration and time of year shall be submitted with a minimum of 24 hours notice. Vacation requests submitted with less than a 24 hour notice may still be approved subject to the discretion of the Fire Chief or designee. In the event that a Firefighter/Paramedic is on leave or absent, he/she may be replaced from the overtime list by a Firefighter/Paramedic to ensure full-time Paramedic-level ambulance coverage. Such overtime shall count as a shift worked on the overtime rotation list. In the event that the City provides additional staffed ambulances, the requirement for one
(1) Firefighter/Paramedic to be assigned to each ambulance may be required by the City subject to the terms set forth above. Employees maintaining a minimum of ninety-six (96) hours of accrued vacation shall be eligible to receive a cash lump sum payment to "buy- down" a portion of such accruals in an amount not to exceed the value of one hundred and forty-four (144) vacation hours per fiscal year. To receive an accrual "buy-down" payment, an employee will be required to complete and submit an accrual buy-down election form during the annual Benefit Open Enrollment process. Payment for the eligible "buy-down" shall be made to the employee in a lump sum on the first full pay period of December during the corresponding benefit plan year unless an alternate payment date is agreed upon between employeesthe employee and the City. Any vacation buy-down payment made to an employee shall be calculated based upon the employee's base hourly rate in effect the first full pay period immediately following July 1 of the corresponding benefit plan year with vacation accruals awarded at 100%. The minimum and maximum hour limitations and application time periods specified herein may be waived solely at the discretion of the City Manager upon written request by the employee.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 13.01 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not entitled to vacation under Article 13.02 shall be entitled to one working day's vacation with pay for each twenty-five days' cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of ten working days until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.02.
13.02 Subject to the provisions of Note 1 below, an annual employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and has completed at least 750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation after scheduled on the basis of one (1) year working day's vacation with pay for each 16-2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.03.
13.03 Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 10 years and has completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with paypay for each 12-1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.04.
13.04 Subject to the provisions of Note 3 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 18 years and has completed at least 4,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.05.
13.05 Subject to the provisions of Note 4 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 28 years and has completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 8-1/3 of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 30 working days. entitlement will be calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all set out in Article 13.04. Any vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee does not subsequently qualify will be deducted from the employee's vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employee leaves the service for any reason prior to his next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving.
13.06 In the application of Article 13.05 the Company will have the option of:
a) scheduling an employee for five weeks' vacation with the employee being paid for the sixth week at pro rata rates; or
b) splitting the vacation on the basis of five weeks and one week.
13.07 In computing service under Articles 13.01, 13.02, 13.03, 13.04 and 13.05 days worked in any position covered by similar vacation agreements shall be accumulated for the purpose of qualifying for vacation with pay.
13.08 An employee shall be compensated for vacation at the rate of pay he would have received pay if he/she earned had he been workingworking during the vacation period.
15.06 13.09 Provided an employee renders compensated working service in any calendar year, time off duty, account bona fide illness, injury, authorized pregnancy leave, to attend committee meetings, called to court as a witness or for uncompensated jury duty, not exceeding a total of 100 days in any calendar year, shall be included in the computation of service in that year for vacation purposes.
13.10 An employee who has become entitled to a vacation with pay shall be granted such vacation within a twelve-month period immediately following the completion of the calendar year of employment in respect of which the employee became entitled to the vacation.
13.11 Applications for vacation from employees filed between December 15th of the previous year and January 31st shall, insofar as it is practicable to do so, be given preference in order of seniority of the applicants. Such applicants will have preference over later applicants. Applicants will be advised in February of the dates allotted them and, unless otherwise mutually agreed, employees must take their vacation at the time allotted.
13.12 Unless otherwise mutually agreed, employees who do not apply for vacation prior to February 1st shall be required to take their vacation at a time to be prescribed by the Company.
13.13 An employee terminating his employment for any reason at a time when an unused period of vacation with pay stands to his credit shall be allowed vacation pay calculated to the date of his leaving the service, as provided for in Articles 13.01, 13.02, 13.03, 13.04 and 13.05.
13.14 A person who enters the service in the current calendar year and leaves in the same year is to be allowed vacation as provided for in Article 13.01.
13.15 An employee who is laid off shall be paid for any vacation due him/her/her at the beginning of the current calendar year and not previously taken and, if not subsequently recalled to service during such year, shall upon application be allowed pay in lieu of any vacation due him/her/her at the beginning of the following calendar year.
13.16 A person who is dismissed for cause and not reinstated within two years of such dismissal or who leaves the service of his own accord shall, if subsequently returned to service be required to qualify again for vacation with pay as provided for in Article 13.01.
13.17 A year's service is defined as 250 days of cumulative compensated service.
13.18 An employee who, while on annual vacation, becomes ill or is injured, shall have the right to terminate (temporarily) his vacation and be placed on weekly indemnity. An employee who is again fit for duty shall immediately so inform the Company officer in charge and will continue his vacation if within his scheduled dates. If the employment remaining vacation falls outside the employee's scheduled dates, such vacation will be rescheduled as may be mutually agreed between the proper officer of the Company and the authorized Local Association representative.
13.19 An employee who, due to sickness or injury, is unable to take or complete his annual vacation in that year, shall, at the option of that employee, have the right to have such vacation carried to the following year.
13.20 An employee who is entitled to vacation shall take same at the time scheduled. If, however, it becomes necessary for the Company to reschedule an employee's scheduled vacation dates, he shall be given at least 15 working days' advance notice of such rescheduling and will be paid at the rate of time and one-half his regular rate of wages for all work performed during the scheduled vacation period. The rescheduled vacation with pay to which he is entitled will be granted at a mutually agreed upon later date. This Article 13.20 does not apply where rescheduling is a result of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any exercising his seniority to a position covered by another vacation time he/she has earnedschedule.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees Section 1 The City shall be entitled grant to an members of the Dover Fire & Rescue Department paid annual vacation after in each calendar year from date of employment based on the following: Upon completion of one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including yr but less than five (5) completed years yrs 96 hrs. On fifth (5th) anniversary but less than fifteen (15) yrs 144 hrs. On fifteenth (15) anniversary but less than twenty (20) yrs 192 hrs. On twentieth :(20th) anniversary 216 hrs.
Section 2 Any vacation time in excess of service;
(b) 4/52nds two consecutive weeks in any calendar year shall be taken at the discretion of the earnings for Fire Chief. Provided, further, a maximum of 240 hours vacation time shall be carried forward from one anniversary date into the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterfollowing anniversary date.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesSection 3 When an employee terminates employment with the Fire & Rescue Department for any reason, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the said employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra compensated for an proportionately accrued vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A Section 4 The selection of vacation list dates shall be on a shift basis. The Officer in charge shall grant vacation up to three (3) employees from the same shift the same vacation period provided such scheduling by all employees is for a period of at least one week in duration and further provided said requests are submitted prior to March 15, excepting when specifically approved by the Chief. For requests of less than one week duration and/or submitted after March 15, the Officer in Charge shall grant no more than three (3) employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation datesfrom the same shift at the same time, excepting when specifically approved by the Fire Chief. Both parties agree, however, that In no event shall the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation application of any combination of the business is concerned and therefore scheduling options provided above result in more than three (3) employees on vacation from the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation same shift at any particular the same time, excepting when specifically approved by the Fire Chief. Seniority shall prevail in In the event of a conflict of dates, departmental seniority shall be the determining factor. In the case of a conflict involving equal seniority, the parties shall draw lots to settle the conflict. In the event of a conflict of dates for two or more consecutive work days, departmental seniority shall be the determining factor. Provided, further, that all vacation requests between employees.shall be submitted prior to March 15th of the calendar year in which they are to be taken in order for the above seniority rule to apply. Vacation requests received after March 15th shall be granted on a first come, first served basis. Vacation leave may be denied during prime holiday time if it requires off-duty personnel to fill the vacancy unless the firefighter finds a Collective Bargaining Agreement Dover Professional Firefighters Association FY12-FY14 Section 5
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Effective January 1st, and every January 1st thereafter, all employees will receive full vacation credits for the fiscal year.
a) Vacation entitlement will be calculated on the anniversary date of hire, and entitlement will be pro-rated in the first year of graduation to an enhanced entitlement.
b) Employees on the active payroll with one (1) full year continuous service shall be entitled to two weeks vacation with pay.
c) Employees on the active payroll with three (3) full years continuous service, and thereafter, shall be entitled to three (3) weeks vacation with pay.
d) Employees on the active payroll with five (5) full years continuous service, and thereafter shall be entitled to four (4) weeks vacation with pay.
e) Employees on the active payroll with twelve (12) years continuous service, and thereafter, shall be entitled to five (5) weeks vacation with pay.
f) Employee on the active payroll with twenty-two (22) years continuous service, and thereafter, shall be entitled to six (6) weeks vacation with pay.
g) An employee who has completed thirty (30) years of continuous service shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including additional five (5) completed years days vacation with pay as a one time occurrence.
h) Vacation shall be scheduled with preference given to senior employees provided that all employees with two (2) weeks or more entitlement shall be entitled to two weeks continuous vacation between June 15 and August 31.
i) For the purpose of service;calculating vacation credits, employees on the short-term disability plan, or workplace safety and insurance board, will continue to accumulate vacation credits for absences up to, and including, a seventeen (17) week period. Employees on long term disability benefits will not accumulate vacation credits during their absence. Employees may request unpaid vacation to which they are entitled if short of vacation credits. If any employee leaves their employment at the Xxxx Xxxxx Home, and has already taken paid vacation without earning adequate credits, the employer would then have the option to proceed to have the unearned vacation credits refunded to the Xxxx Xxxxx Home.
(bj) 4/52nds Vacation may be taken at anytime between January 1st and December 31st in any vacation year. Vacations are not cumulative and cannot be carried over into the next vacation year. Selection of vacation periods will be in accordance with seniority and subject to the employer’s requirements as to the sufficient availability of staff. Any unused vacation credits, as of December 31st in any vacation year, will be paid out in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.
k) Vacation preference for vacation during peak summer months, will be submitted to the Staffing Clerks, in writing, no later than April 15th and the employer will endeavor to return approved change of schedule forms no later than May 15th. Requests for Christmas vacation will be submitted to the Staffing Clerks, no later than September 15th and the employer will endeavor to return approved change of schedule forms no later than October 1st.
l) Requests for vacation during other non peak period times of the earnings for year must be submitted to the year commencing after Staffing Clerks, in writing at least two (2) weeks in advance of the requested vacation period, and will be considered based on the employer’s requirements as to the sufficient availability of staff.
m) When an employee has accumulated vacation with pay credits of four (4), five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.six
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 17.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual earn vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated pay as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one less than eight (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed 8) years of service, 3/52 of gross earnings;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five eight (5) completed 8) years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten and including the completing of fourteen (1014) completed years of service, 4/52 of gross earnings;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten fourteen (1014) completed years of service up to and each subsequent year thereafterincluding twenty-one (21) years of service, 5/52 of gross earnings;
(d) after twenty-one (21) years of service, 6/52 of gross earnings.
15.02 For other 17.02 Employees shall be entitled to annual vacation leave as follows:
(a) less than fulleight (8) years of service, an annual leave of three (3) weeks;
(b) after eight (8) years of service up to and including the completion of fourteen (14) years of service, an annual leave of four (4) weeks;
(c) after fourteen (14) years of service up to and including twenty-time employeesone (21) years of service, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstancesan annual leave of five (5) weeks;
(d) after twenty-one (21) years of service, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion an annual leave of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two six (26) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationweeks.
15.03 17.03 Employees who are hospitalized become ill or make use of require compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time usedused by supplying appropriate evidence of such need.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 17.04 When a statutory holiday as outlined in Article 16 occurs during an employee’s vacationvacation period, the Employer shall grant an extra dayday consecutive with the employee’s vacation regular vacation. Payments shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingin accordance with payments under Article 16.
15.06 If 17.05 Vacation schedule forms shall be posted by April 1 of each year. Employees shall indicate their preference by April 15 and the Employer shall approve the schedule by May 1. In case of conflict, the senior employee(s) will be given priority over junior employee(s).
17.06 When employment of an employee is terminatedterminates, the Employer shall pay, in addition to all other amounts due the employee, all vacation pay himearned but not received.
17.07 Vacation pay will be paid to all employees on each pay cheque through the regular payroll process or, if requested by the employee, the Employer will bank vacation pay for payouts at a time or times as directed by the employee.
17.08 Where an employee has not used all of his/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list leave with pay, the employee shall be submitted entitled to carry over up to fifteen (15) days to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation datesfollowing fiscal year. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must Carry over beyond fifteen (15) days shall be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesby mutual consent.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees Section 1 The City shall be entitled grant to an members of the Dover Fire & Rescue Department paid annual vacation after in each calendar year from date of employment based on the following: Upon completion of one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including yr but less than five (5) completed years yrs 96 hrs. On fifth (5th) anniversary but less than fifteen (15) yrs 144 hrs. On fifteenth (15) anniversary but less than twenty (20) yrs 192 hrs. On twentieth :(20th) anniversary 216 hrs.
Section 2 Any vacation time in excess of service;
(b) 4/52nds two consecutive weeks in any calendar year shall be taken at the discretion of the earnings Fire Chief. Provided, further, for the year commencing after five (5) completed years period of service and each subsequent year thereafterJuly 1, up to ten (10) completed years 2014 through June 30, 2015, a maximum of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-240 hours vacation time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra carried forward from one anniversary date into the following anniversary date, and thereafter a maximum of 300 hours of vacation time equivalent to may be carried at any given time. Collective Bargaining Agreement Dover Professional Firefighters Association FY14-FY17
Section 3 When an employee terminates employment with the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacationFire & Rescue Department for any reason, an extra day’s vacation said employee shall be granted if the holiday is one compensated for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any a proportionately accrued vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A Section 4 The selection of vacation list dates shall be on a shift basis. The Officer in charge shall grant vacation up to three (3) employees from the same shift the same vacation period provided such scheduling by all employees is for a period of at least one week in duration and further provided said requests are submitted prior to March 15, excepting when specifically approved by the Chief. For requests of less than one week duration and/or submitted after March 15, the Officer in Charge shall grant no more than three (3) employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation datesfrom the same shift at the same time, excepting when specifically approved by the Fire Chief. Both parties agree, however, that In no event shall the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation application of any combination of the business is concerned and therefore scheduling options provided above result in more than three (3) employees on vacation from the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation same shift at any particular the same time, excepting when specifically approved by the Fire Chief. Seniority shall prevail in In the event of a conflict of dates, departmental seniority shall be the determining factor. In the case of a conflict involving equal seniority, the parties shall draw lots to settle the conflict. In the event of a conflict of dates for two or more consecutive work days, departmental seniority shall be the determining factor. Provided, further, that all vacation requests between employees.shall be submitted prior to March 15th of the calendar year in which they are to be taken in order for the above seniority rule to apply. Vacation requests received after March 15th shall be granted on a first come, first served basis. Vacation leave may be denied during prime holiday time if it requires off-duty personnel to fill the vacancy unless the firefighter finds a voluntary substitute to work; such holiday time to mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. Thanksgiving is defined as the 24 hours of the holiday, from 0800 hours to 0800 hours the next day. Christmas is defined as December 24th at 1800 hours to 0800 hours on December 26th. New Year's is defined as December 31st at 1800 hours to January 1st at 1800 hours. In order to be considered for approval, all vacation requests regardless of duration and time of year shall be a minimum duration of two
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 13.01 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not entitled to vacation under Article 13.02 shall be entitled to one working day's vacation with pay for each twenty-five days' cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of ten working days until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.02.
13.02 Subject to the provisions of Note 1 below, an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with payemployee who, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and has completed at least 750 days of that year cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of service after one (1) year and working day's vacation with pay for each 16-2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent year thereafteryears, up he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.03.
13.03 Subject to and including five (5) completed years the provisions of service;
(b) 4/52nds Note 2 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 10 years and has completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the year commencing after five (5) completed years basis of service and one working day's vacation with pay for each 12-1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent year thereafteryears, up he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.04.
13.04 Subject to ten (10) completed years the provisions of service;
(c) 5/52nds Note 3 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings after ten (10) calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 18 years and has completed years at least 4,500 days of service and cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent year thereafteryears, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Article 13.05.
15.02 For other than full-time employees13.05 Subject to the provisions of Note 4 below, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless an employee who, at the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion beginning of the payment calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at that time least 28 years and has completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the balance on December 15th. Partbasis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 8-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation1/3 of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 30 working days.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 17.1 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not qualified for vacation under Clause 17.2 hereof, shall be allowed one working day's vacation with pay for each 25 days' cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under Clause 17.2.
17.2 Subject to the provisions of Note (1) below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and has completed at least 750 days' cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 16-2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause 17.3. NOTE (1): An employee covered by Clause 17.2 will be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year vacation
17.3 Subject to the provisions of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two Note (2) such requests per year based below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 10 years and has completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on earnings the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 12-1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause 17.4. NOTE (2): An employee covered by Clause 17.3 will be entitled to June 30th. Full-time employees vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his eleventh or subsequent service anniversary date he achieves 2,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise his vacation entitlement will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationbe calculated as set out in Clause 17.2.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent 17.4 Subject to the time usedprovisions of Note (3) below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 18 years and has completed at least 4,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause 17.5. NOTE (3): An employee covered by Clause 17.4 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his nineteenth or subsequent service anniversary date he achieves 4,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise his vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause 17.3.
15.04 Vacations cannot 17.5 Subject to the provisions of Note (4) below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 28 years and has completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 8-1/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 30 working days. NOTE (4): An employee covered by Clause 17.5 will be accumulated from one year entitled to anothervacation on the basis outlined therein if on his twenty-ninth or subsequent service anniversary date he achieves 7,250 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise his vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause 17.4.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during (i) Scheduling an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s employee for five weeks' vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which with the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.being paid for the sixth week at pro rata rates; or
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that (ii) Splitting the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as on the operation basis of the business is concerned five weeks and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesone week.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Wage Agreement, Wage Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 17.1 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not qualified for vacation under Clause 17.2 hereof, shall be allowed one working day's vacation with pay for each 25 days' cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under Clause 17.2.
17.2 Subject to the provisions of Note (1) below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and has completed at least 750 days' cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 16-2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause 17.3. NOTE (1): An employee covered by Xxxxxx 17.2 will be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year vacation
17.3 Subject to the provisions of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two Note (2) such requests per year based below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 10 years and has completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on earnings the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 12-1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause 17.4. NOTE (2): An employee covered by Xxxxxx 17.3 will be entitled to June 30th. Full-time employees vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his eleventh or subsequent service anniversary date he achieves 2,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise his vacation entitlement will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationbe calculated as set out in Clause 17.2.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent 17.4 Subject to the time usedprovisions of Note (3) below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 18 years and has completed at least 4,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent years, he will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause 17.5. NOTE (3): An employee covered by Xxxxxx 17.4 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his nineteenth or subsequent service anniversary date he achieves 4,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise his vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause 17.3.
15.04 Vacations cannot 17.5 Subject to the provisions of Note (4) below, an employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 28 years and has completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 8-1/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 30 working days. NOTE (4): An employee covered by Xxxxxx 17.5 will be accumulated from one year entitled to anothervacation on the basis outlined therein if on his twenty-ninth or subsequent service anniversary date he achieves 7,250 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise his vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause 17.4.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during (i) Scheduling an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s employee for five weeks' vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which with the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.being paid for the sixth week at pro rata rates; or
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that (ii) Splitting the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as on the operation basis of the business is concerned five weeks and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesone week.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Wage Agreement, Wage Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees An Employee shall be entitled to an receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation after upon completion of one (1) year of employment service with pay, calculated as follows:
the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall paid for such vacation on the basis of four (a4) 3/52nds percent of the earnings of that year of service after gross wages earned in each year. An Employee shall receive twenty-one (121) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such requests per vacation on the basis of six (6%) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8%) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10%) percent of gross wages earned during his fourteenth (14th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under (a), and above, if the Employee has worked less than a normal year based on earnings and he is not entitled to June 30th. Fullthe full annual vacation days they shall be pro-time employees will receive rated in accordance with vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period earned. An Employee shall be credited entitled to select the periods desirable to him for his vacation periods on the basis of his seniority with extra the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time equivalent off, subject to the time used.
15.04 Vacations canCompany having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. The Employee's request will not be accumulated from one year unreasonably denied. An Employee terminating his employment shall be paid all vacation pay due him up to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacationthe date of leaving, an extra day’s vacation calculated in accordance with Section (a) and (18) months of the date of lay-off shall be granted if the holiday is one same vacation entitlement as he possessed prior to the lay-off. ANNUAL VACATION PAY ON TERMINATION An Employee terminated or laid off for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment lack of an employee is terminated, the Employer work shall pay him/her for be entitled to request payment of any vacation pay due him at the time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list of lay-off in accordance with ARTICLE .Federal or Provincial Government shall be submitted recognized upon proclamation and included as a paid holiday Twelve (12) Hour Employees If it is not to take a holiday listed above and an Employee is called to work on that day, he shall be granted an alternate day off lieu thereof. This day off shall be addition to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference pay and leave for the day worked as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail provided for in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesbelow.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall (a) Temporary employees will be entitled to an annual receive vacation after pay at the rate of four percent (4%) of their regular earnings. [Effective January 1, 1999 temporary employees with one thousand two hundred (11200) year hours will receive vacation pay at the rate of employment with pay, six percent (6%) of their regular earnings] Temporary employees shall receive their earned vacation pay upon termination or calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds up to November 30th and paid before December 31st of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;in which the vacation pay was earned.
(b) 4/52nds Temporary employees who have completed 1827, 1957.5, or 2088 hours worked in a fifteen (15) month period depending on the seniority unit he/she is assigned to, shall be eligible for annual vacation leave in accordance with the provisions of this Clause and Clause 18.1, except that the earnings first vacation year is the calendar year in which the anniversary of eligibility occurs. Temporary employees eligible for the year commencing after five annual vacation shall not be entitled to vacation pay as in (5a) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;above.
(c) 5/52nds of The calendar year in which an employee qualifies for vacation leave under (b) will be considered the earnings after ten (10) completed years first partial year of service for purposes of vacation entitlement, and each subsequent subject to Clause 18.7 any unused vacation entitlement earned during that year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests on the final pay day of that year.
(d) Upon qualifying for vacation leave a temporary employee will be paid any earned vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, owing to that date and thereafter will earn vacation leave in accordance with Clause 18.2.
(e) Vacation leave shall be scheduled in accordance with the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion provisions of the payment at Collective Agreement, except that employees hired for vacation relief or for seasonal operations may be restricted as to the time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per of year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their may schedule vacation.
15.03 Employees (f) Vacation schedules, once approved by the Employer, may be rescheduled if it is displaced by an emergency or because the employee is absent on an approved WCB claim.
(g) Temporary employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate qualify for vacation leave during their vacation period pursuant to Article 30.8(b) shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to covered by the time usedprovisions of Clauses 18.6, 18.7, 18.8, and 18.10.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 17.01 An employee on the active payroll of the Company with less than one (1) year's continuous service as of May 31st will be entitled to one (1) day's vacation with pay for each calendar month worked up to May 31st, up to a maximum of ten (10) working days.
17.02 An employee on the active payroll of the Company with one (1) year's continuous service as of May 31st will be entitled to two (2) weeks' vacation with pay.
17.03 An employee on the active payroll of the Company with three (3) years' continuous service as of May 31st will be entitled to three (3) weeks' vacation with pay.
17.04 An employee on the active payroll of the Company with nine (9) years' continuous service as of May 31st will be entitled to four (4) weeks' vacation with pay.
17.05 An employee on the active payroll of the Company with seventeen (17) years' continuous service as of May 31st will be entitled to five (5) weeks' vacation with pay.
17.06 An employee on the active payroll of the Company with twenty-four (24) years' continuous service as of May 31st will be entitled to six (6) weeks' vacation with pay.
17.07 Pay for each week of vacation will be computed by multiplying the employee's regular straight-time hourly rate by the number of hours in the employee's normal work week, or computed on the basis of two percent (2%) of the gross wages earned by the employee during the period June 1st to May 31st immediately preceding the year in which the vacation is taken, whichever is the greater.
17.08 On termination of employment, an employee will receive vacation pay, determined as mentioned above, for vacations earned but not taken.
17.09 When an employee goes on vacation, he/she will continue to be paid in accordance with the normal payroll schedule at the appropriate rate of vacation pay as established in Article 17.07. Upon completion of full vacation entitlements, the Company shall calculate the percentage of gross earnings as established in Article 17.07 and if the percentage method exceeds regular earnings amount paid, the employee will be reimbursed the difference on his/her return to work.
17.10 No later than February 1st of each year the Employer shall post a schedule on the Bulletin Board and each employee shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired and such request must be completed by March 1st of each year. Before March 15th of each year the Employer will prepare and post the vacation schedule in accordance with the employee's preference and seniority and the plant requirements. Employees shall be able to book vacations during the Christmas Holidays in accordance with seniority and plant requirements.
17.11 For the purposes of determining a year's employment to qualify an employee for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in the year in which the employee earns vacation entitlement, he/she shall be eligible for vacations as above set forth. Such hours worked will include overtime hours, General Holidays and vacations. If less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours have been worked, the employee shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated vacations as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agreeabove set forth, however, that only the applicable pay percentages shall apply.
17.12 Any employee filling in for vacation schedule must relief in a retail store shall be practical insofar as the operation given reasonable notice of the business is concerned location, commencement and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesend date.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 27.01 A regular employee shall become entitled to a vacation with pay in accordance with the table below, in the year in which they are to complete the required number of Net Credited Years of Service: Years of Service Net Credited Weeks of Vacation Less than one year 1.25 days per completed month of work From one (1) to four (4) 3 weeks From five (5) to nine (9) 4 weeks From ten (10) to nineteen (19) 5 weeks From twenty (20) to twenty-four (24) 6 weeks From twenty-five (25) and more 7 weeks Any new employee hired after January 1, 2014 will not be eligible for 6thor 7th week.
27.02 For the purposes of this paragraph, for a regular employee, employed or re-employed on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month, service shall be counted from the first day of that month; for a regular employee, employed or re-employed on or after the sixteenth (16th) day of the month, service shall be counted from the first (1 set) day of the month following.
27.03 Vacation entitlement is for a full calendar year. The vacation for a year must be taken between January 1 of that year to April 30 of the following year.
27.04 An employee shall not have the right to carry forward all or part of their vacation from one vacation period to another.
27.05 Where a paid holiday falls on a day of the annual vacation, an employee shall be entitled to an annual additional day off with pay. This day may be taken by extending the vacation after one by one
(1) year of employment with payday, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of or on a day convenient to the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year employee and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for Employer in the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterperiod outlined in Article 27.03.
15.02 For other than full-time employees27.06 Where an employee is taken ill or meets with an accident before leaving work on the last day of work preceding the vacation and is prevented from taking the vacation, all the Employer may reschedule the vacation later in the period outlined in Article 27.03.
27.07 An employee shall be paid during vacation at his/her Average Daily Earnings (ADE), but vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion for vacations of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on weeks or more shall not be less than four percent (4%) of the employee's earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationfor the preceding calendar year.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized 27.08 Where an employee resigns, is laid off or make use is dismissed before the end of compassionate leave during their the year, the employee may have taken unearned vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent and owes funds to the time usedEmployer. The Employer will recover monies resulting from unearned vacation from employees’ final pay.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (a) No later than January 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a vacation list or lists on the Bulletin Board, and each employee shall, in order of seniority, apply for his vacation on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be entitled completed by March 1st of each year.
(b) It is the Employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees sign up for vacations in an annual expedient manner and eliminate any delays on the part of any employee in exercising his entitlement for vacation after selection. No employee will be by-passed without notice in writing from the Employer.
(c) Vacation entitlement should be limited to two (2) employees from route/ABM and one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of from the earnings of that year of service after Cash Cage at any one time. Terrace and Quesnel only one (1) year person off at any time. Through peak periods (June 15 through September 15 and each subsequent year thereafter, up December 10 through January 10). Employees wishing to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds split their vacation shall exercised seniority right in the chose of the earnings for first vacation period, providing only a maximum of two consecutive weeks are posted in prime time. They are entitled to post the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra remaining vacation time equivalent available to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment them outside of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular prime time. Seniority shall prevail in the event choice of the second vacation period, but only after all other first choice vacation periods have been posted. Time limit on first vacation period will be March 31, as the vacation planner is posted January 1. Only one (1) employee will be allowed vacation during the period December 10 through January 10.
(d) Inasmuch as the Employer will recognize the vacation period(s) selected by the employee(s), the Employer reserves the right to amend vacation schedules to a conflict time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Employer in order to ensure continuous operation capability and efficiency.
(e) The difference between the hours of pay entitlement and the percentage entitlement applied to their annual gross earnings for the previous year to which they are receiving their vacation requests between employeesshall be paid out once per year on the last vacation request of the year.
14.02 The vacation entitlement are as follows: of Earnings
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 16.01 The period January 1st to December 31st will be recognized as the vacation year.
16.02 Employees who commence employment after January 1st in any year will have their vacation time adjusted to the remainder of the vacation year during the first year of employment.
16.03 Vacation scheduling shall be done by seniority for vacation requests received after September 1, and prior to November 1st based on the following principles:
(a) On a seniority basis, each employee will be allowed one (1) shift cycle between May 1st and September 30th. If he chooses to elect less than a full shift cycle, this will be considered to have utilized this opportunity.
(b) The remainder of time available during May 1st and September 30th will be allocated by seniority.
(c) No more than two (2) employees per crew (defined as everybody on a shift reporting to a single supervisor) may be on vacation at one time except for shift overlap days.
(d) After November 1st, vacation requests are considered on a first come, first served basis.
(e) All vacations are subject to management approval.
(f) Management shall have the option to schedule the vacation in the current vacation year of any employee who has not scheduled his vacation by November 10th of the vacation year.
16.04 The employee’s vacation pay will be based on the employee’s gross earnings from January 1st to December 31st .
16.05 Employees shall be entitled to vacation in accordance with the following schedule: paid at the rate of 6% of gross annual earnings. earnings. earnings. earnings. earnings.
16.06 For the purposes of Clause 16.05 continuous service will include years of service with the Company. In addition, prior service in oil and gas and other industries will be considered towards reaching the four (4) weeks vacation entitlement only. The calculation of prior service to be included will be based on an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with payemployee’s resume and employee file or other written proof, calculated as followsand the criteria used will be:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after Direct experience in a similar position and indirect experience in other positions will have years credited at one hundred percent (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;100%).
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings The service date, for the year commencing after five purposes of reaching the four (54) completed years week vacation entitlement only will be back-dated to a maximum of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years credit to accommodate years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of continuous service and each subsequent year thereafteras per Clause 16.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:Section l
(a) 3/52nds An employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, is not qualified for vacation under Clause (b) hereof, shall be allowed one working day's vacation with pay for each 25 days' cumulative service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of that year 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under Clause (b) of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;this section.
(b) 4/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 1 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and has completed at least 750 days of cumulative service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the year commencing after five basis of 1 working day's vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of cumulative service or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he/she will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (5c) completed years of this section.
NOTE 1: An employee covered by Clause (b) of this section will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his/her fourth or subsequent service and each subsequent year thereafteranniversary date he/she achieves 1,000 days of cumulative service; otherwise his/her vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause (a) of this section. Any vacation granted for which the employee does not subsequently qualify will be deducted from the employee's vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employee leaves the service for any reason prior to his/her next vacation, up to ten (10) completed years the adjustment will be made at the time of service;leaving.
(c) 5/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings after ten (10) calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 7 years and has completed years at least 1,750 days of service and cumulative service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the basis of 1 working day's vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days in subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesyears, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingwill continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (d) of this section.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 (a) All employees will submit their vacation requests in writing by February 1st of each year to the operations supervisor or designate. Employees will signify their first and, if applicable, second, third and fourth choices for vacation. Vacations will be allocated in order of seniority. Employees who do not submit their vacation requests by February 1st of each year will not be allocated vacation based on seniority. Employees who are away from the workplace between February 1st and March 15th are responsible for making themselves available by telephone, email, or otherwise to complete vacation scheduling in seniority order. Such vacation shall be entitled to an annual vacation after taken in one (1) year unbroken period unless requested by the employee, who shall have the sole right to decide whether their vacation shall be in one period or split. The Employer reserves the right to regulate the number of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after employees to be absent at one (1) year time. The Employer will give to each employee in writing the answer as to whether vacation is approved or denied by March 15th of each year, once vacation has been awarded, it only may be changed by mutual agreement between both parties.
(b) An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate his vacation entitlement and each subsequent year thereafterpayment.
(c) Upon completion of one (1) year's service, up to employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with eighty (80) hours' pay, or four percent (4%) of annual gross earnings, whichever is greater.
(d) Any employee completing three (3) years of service shall receive three (3) weeks' vacation with one hundred and including twenty (120) hours' pay, or six percent (6%) of annual gross earnings, whichever is greater.
(e) Any employee completing seven (7) years of service shall receive four (4) weeks' vacation with one hundred and sixty (160) hours' pay, or eight percent (8%) of annual gross earnings, whichever is greater.
(f) Any employee completing ten (10) years of service shall receive five (5) completed years weeks' vacation with two hundred (200) hours' pay, or ten percent (10%) of service;annual gross earnings, whichever is greater.
(bg) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five Any employee completing twenty (520) completed years of service shall receive six (6) weeks' vacation with two hundred and each subsequent year thereafterforty (240) hours' pay, up to ten or twelve percent (1012%) completed years of service;annual gross earnings, whichever is greater.
(ch) 5/52nds For the purposes of determining a calendar year's employment to qualify an employee for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in an employee's calendar year, running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be eligible for vacations as set forth above. If on leave of absence but excluding sickness, compensation or maternity leave, vacation pay shall only be at the percentage rate applicable to such employee that year and not on weekly earnings; provided however, this entitlement shall not exceed a period of fifty-two (52) weeks.
(i) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid Employer before he is entitled to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationhe received while in the employ of the Employer.
15.03 Employees who (j) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he has had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive full entitlement as set out above, that is if less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours have been worked the percentage applies; if more than fifteen hundred (1500) hours are hospitalized or make use worked the greater shall apply. This clause shall only apply to termination of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time usedemployment.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year (k) Prior to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s employee going on his vacation, an extra day’s vacation the Employer shall be granted if furnish the holiday is one employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee would have received is receiving vacation pay, how the vacation pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If was calculated, i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages, and shall include all overtime payments, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employment of an employee has to pay income tax and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earnedentitled to.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees An Officer shall be entitled to an receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation after upon completion of one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of four (4) percent of gross wages earned in each year. An Officer shall receive twenty-one (121) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such requests per vacation on the basis of six (6) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten 0) percent of gross wages earned during his fifteenth (15th) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive forty two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of (22) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (12) percent of gross wages earned during his and succeeding years of service. An Officer with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive an additional two (2) percent of gross wages earned during his thirtieth (30th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under (a), (e) and above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year based on earnings and is not entitled to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive the annual vacation days allowed, they shall be prorated in accordance with the vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period earned. Vacation pay shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to the time used.
15.04 Vacations canon the prior to his vacation. Vacation pay shall not be accumulated from one year used to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during offset while an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation Officer is employed except by mutual agreement with the Officer who shall be granted if obliged to advise the holiday is one Guild. The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, income tax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If period, at the employment same time an Officer receives his vacation pay. For the purposes of an employee is terminatedthis Article, the Employer term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowance, previous vacation pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earnedand engine servicing pay.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 19.1 Vacations with pay at the regular rates shall be entitled granted to an annual employees on the following basis:
(a) Three (3) weeks after one (1) years service and each subsequent year of service up to and including four (4) years of service.
(b) Employees with five (5) years of service shall be granted three (3) weeks vacation after plus one additional day vacation. For each additional year of service thereafter, one additional day of vacation will be granted up to a maximum of six (6) weeks vacation.
19.2 The cutoff date for the purposes of calculating vacation leave shall be established as at December 31st. Employees who have less than one (1) year of employment service with paythe Employer shall be granted vacation with pay based on one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days for each month of service.
19.3 Vacation shall be granted between May 1 and October 31, calculated unless otherwise mutually agreed upon. Vacation lists shall be posted as followsfar in advance as possible, in places accessible to employees. Employees shall indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Employees with the longest service with the Credit Union will have priority; however, both parties agree that the vacation schedule must be practical as far as the operation of the business is concerned. Vacation schedules shall be prepared and posted not later than December 31st of each year. If an employee voluntarily moves to another branch or department after the vacation schedule has been established and posted, the employee will not have seniority rights that will interfere with the current scheduled vacations of the employees.
19.4 A winter holiday bonus will be granted to employees under the following conditions:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year Employees with eighteen (18) months or more consecutive years of service after one attained prior to taking the winter vacation are eligible.
(1b) year The qualifying period for such a bonus shall be between November 1st and April 30th.
(c) For each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years consecutive days of service;
(b) 4/52nds of annual vacation taken during the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstancesqualifying period, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion one (1) additional paid day of vacation, such day to be taken consecutively with the payment at that time and the balance on December 15thwinter vacation. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two The maximum bonus which any employee may receive is five (25) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationdays during any one qualifying period.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 19.5 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s 's vacation, an extra day’s days’ vacation shall be granted granted, if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she pay, had the employee been working.
15.06 19.6 If the employment of an employee is terminatedterminated at any time after the commencement of employment, the Employer shall pay him/her such employee, in addition to all other amounts due, one day's pay for any each day of vacation time he/she has earned, but not previously granted.
15.07 A 19.7 If as a result of illness or injury an employee is hospitalized, or confined to bed under a doctor's care, for four (4) working days or more during a vacation list leave, upon providing medical evidence, the employee shall be submitted considered as on sick leave for the number of days the employee was so hospitalized or confined. The employee shall be allowed to reschedule the remainder of the vacation leave.
19.8 Effective July 1, 2000, non-fulltime employees' service for the purpose of vacation entitlement will be defined as time spent with Cornerstone Credit Union Financial Group Ltd. This provision is not retroactive. All non-fulltime employees' service as of June 30, 2000 will be set at equal to seniority to that date.
19.9 An employee may carry over one (1) week of annual vacation beyond the December 31st cut-off. Employees must advise the Employer of their intention to carry over vacation credits a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days prior to year-end, otherwise unused accumulated vacation credits shall be paid to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesemployee.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees The Unlicensed employee shall receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation and shall be entitled to an paid annual vacation after pay of four (4)percent gross wages earned during each year until eligible for the increased benefits. An employee shall receive twenty-one (121) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of six (6) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
service. An employee shall receive twenty-eight (a28) 3/52nds consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of the earnings of that year of service after one seven (17) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) year thereafter, up to of service. An employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10) completed percent of gross wages earned during his fifteenth (15th) year of service. An employee shall receive forty-two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty-two (22) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (12) percent of gross wages earned during his second year of service. An employee with (30) years of service with the company shall receive an additional two (2) percent of gross wages earned during his thirtieth (30) and succeeding years of service;
. In all cases under (c) 5/52nds of a), (e), and above, if the earnings after Unlicensed employeehas worked less than a normal year and he is not entitled to the annual vacation days allowed, they shall be in accordancewith his vacationpay earned. Annual vacations may be taken in conjunctionwith time off but shall be taken the ten (10) completed years months followingthe year in which service was rendered. Vacation pay shall be accumulatedthroughoutthe year and shall be paid to the employeeon the pay day prior to his vacation. The dollar value shall be shown on the employee's monthly pay statement. An employee shall be entitledto selectthe period desirableto him for his vacation period on the basis of service seniority with the Company, subjectto the Company having the right to approve the vacation scheduleas a whole. For the purpose of this Article, the term "grosswages" shall include all monies credited as a result of wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowances and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, the previous vacation pay. Employeesterminating their employment shall be paid all vacation pay will be paid due them, up to employees on December 15th the date of leaving, calculated in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstancesaccordancewith Section (a), (e), and Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, the employee will receive shall have the option of taking his vacation pay requested at that time or a portion without taking vacation days, subject only to the provisions of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15thCanada Labour Code. Part-time employees All Unlicensed Personnel will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30thgiven the following paid statutory holidays and any Federal or Province of proclaimed StatutoryHoliday. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.New Year's Day Canada Day Remembrance Day Good Friday Day Christmas Day Easter Monday Victoria Day Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Boxing Day
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 12.01 Employees shall who have completed less than one year's continuous employment will be entitled to an annual one (1) week of vacation with pay after completing their probation period or vacation pay amounting to four (4) percent of earnings.
12.02 Employees who have completed one (1) year of continuous employment will receive three (3) weeks vacation with pay, calculated as follows:.
12.03 Employees who have completed eight (a8) years continuous employment will receive four (4) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one weeks vacation with pay.
12.04 Employees who have completed sixteen (116) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including years continuous employment will receive five (5) weeks vacation with pay.
12.05 Employees who have completed twenty-four (24) years of service;continuous employment will receive six (6) weeks vacation with pay.
12.06 Employees who have completed thirty-two (32) years of continuous employment will receive seven (7) weeks vacation with pay.
12.07 If a paid holiday falls or is observed during an Employee's vacation period, the Employee will be granted an additional day of vacation for each such holiday in addition to their regular vacation time.
a) All Employees will, whenever conveniently possible, be granted the vacation period preferred by the Employee, or at such time as will be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee. Preference in choice of vacation dates will be determined by seniority of service with the Employer.
b) 4/52nds of Subject to the earnings for foregoing, the Employer shall arrange vacations requested between Christmas and New Year's Day such that Employees requesting vacation during that time shall, as necessary, rotate from year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafteryear.
15.02 For other than full-time employees12.09 Where an Employee becomes ill during their vacation, all vacation pay the Employee will be paid deemed to employees be on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when sick leave for a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. maximum for five
12.10 Part-time employees will shall be allowed entitled to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationas shown in the table below.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s 12.11 All annual vacation shall be granted if taken within the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingentitlement year.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 14.01 Vacations will be granted on the basis of calendar years of service with the Company. A calendar year will be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
14.02 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after who have completed or subsequently complete one (1) calendar year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the an employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will shall receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive weeks’ vacation at four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings, excluding vacation pay when previously paid, from the calendar year in which they take their earned the vacation.
15.03 14.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave will not be called out to work during their scheduled week(s) of vacation. The vacation period week shall be credited considered seven (7) consecutive days to coincide with extra the calendar week as defined in Article 17.
14.04 Should a general holiday occur while an employee is on vacation, the employee shall receive another day off with pay at the end of their vacation time equivalent period, in lieu of said general holiday.
14.05 Employees shall make any vacation requests in writing to the time usedCompany. Vacation requests are subject to the approval of the Company, which approvals will be based on the operational needs of the Company. Vacation requests will be made at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the commencement of the vacation request.
15.04 Vacations can14.06 Annual vacation will be taken within the calendar year and shall not be accumulated from one year carried over to anothersubsequent years.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during 14.07 In the event that an employee’s employee leaves the employ of the Company he/she shall be paid any accrued but unused vacation on his/her final pay cheque.
14.08 The Company shall pay vacation pay through direct deposit on the regular payday as if the employee had worked. However, the employee may request vacation pay be paid on the regular payday immediately preceding the commencement of the vacation, an extra day’s vacation so long as such request is made with four (4) weeks written notice to the Company prior to such payday.
14.09 The Company shall be granted if furnish the holiday is one employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay himreceiving his/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that pay and how the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeespay was calculated.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 9.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after who have not completed one (1) year years' employment, shall be paid vacation pay based on four percent (4%) of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the his total earnings of that year of service after previous to June 1st and may take one (1) week's vacation.
9.02 Employees who have completed one (1) year's employment on their anniversary date of any year shall receive and take a vacation of two (2) weeks with pay based on four percent (4%) of total earnings for the past year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to EXCEPT:
9.03 Employees who have completed three (3) years of employment on their anniversary date shall receive and including take a vacation of three (3) weeks with pay based on six percent (6%) of his total earnings for the past year and each year thereafter, EXCEPT:
9.04 Employees who have completed seven (7) years of employment on their anniversary day shall receive and take vacation of four (4) weeks with pay based upon eight percent (8%) of his total earnings for the past year and each year thereafter, EXCEPT:
9.05 Employees who have completed twelve (12) years of employment on their anniversary date shall receive and take vacation of five (5) completed years weeks with pay based upon ten percent (10%) of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the his total earnings for the past year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full9.06 Employees who have completed twenty-time employees, all five (25) years of employment on their anniversary date shall receive and take vacation of six (6) weeks with pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in based upon twelve percent (12%) of his total earnings for the past year and each year unless thereafter. (Employer Agrees August 14th, 2012)
9.07 The Employer shall post a vacation schedule sheet on the employee requests employee's bulletin board no later than October 31st of each year and the employees shall post their desired vacation pay when a holiday is takenperiod on the schedule no later than December 14th. In such circumstancesOn or after December 15th, the Employer shall confirm vacation periods on an individual basis, by seniority, to be completed no later than December 31st. Failure of an employee will receive to choose a vacation pay requested at that time or period during the interview shall result in being given the choice of openings existing after December 31st.
9.08 The period from May 15th inclusive to September 15th shall be considered as "Prime Vacation Time" and any vacation taken during this period shall be a portion maximum of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests weeks per year based on earnings employee. The Employer shall allow a minimum of one (1) employee off at any time including “Prime Time”. Additional employees may request time off during this period if special circumstances exist. Approval would not be unreasonably withheld. An employee may choose to June 30th. Full-take his vacation period in one continuous period at any time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationother than "Prime Vacation Time" as described herein.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use 9.09 The period of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during taken by an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s employee for annual vacation shall be granted if scheduled in accordance with his regularly scheduled work week.
9.10 All annual vacations shall be taken within the holiday is one twelve (12) month period commencing from their anniversary date.
9.11 Any employee wishing to change his vacation schedule may do so subject to availability and mutual agreement between the parties.
9.12 The term "gross earnings" as used for the calculation of vacation pay, as described within this Collective Agreement, shall include all earnings in the entitlement years described above, including annual vacation pay which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingduring the entitlement year.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees An Officer shall receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (I) year of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of four (4) percent of gross wages earned in each year. An Officer shall receive twenty-one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion (2) years of service with the Company. He be paid for such vacation on the basis of six (6%) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7)years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8%) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive thirty-five (35)consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15)years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10%)percent of gross wages earned during his fourteenth (14th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under and above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year and he is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro-rated in accordance with vacation pay earned. An Officer shall be entitled to an annual select the periods desirable to him for his vacation after one (1) year periods on the basis of his seniority with the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right approve the overall vacation schedule. The Officer's request will not be unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, previous vacation pay. An Officer terminating his employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, shall be paid all vacation pay will be paid due him up to employees on December 15th the date of leaving, calculated in each year unless accordance with Articles and An Officer who has been laid off and is re-employed by the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion same Company within eighteen (18) months of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Partdate of lay-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation off shall be granted if the holiday same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the lay-off. As a general rule vacation pay is one for which not to be used to offset red days while an Officer is employed except by mutual agreement with the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list Officer who shall be submitted obliged to advise the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesGuild.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after 10.08 After one (1) year of employment service every employee shall be be granted two (2) weeks vacation with pay, calculated as follows:
. After two (a2) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year years of service after employees shall be granted (3) weeks vacation with pay. After four (4) years of service employees shall be granted four (4) weeks vacation with pay. After eleven (11) years of service an employee shall be granted five (5) weeks vacation with pay. After fifteen (15) years of service an employee shall be granted six (6) weeks vacation with pay. After twenty (20) years of service an employee shall be granted seven (7) weeks of vacation with pay.
10.09 An employee leaving the service at any time in his/her vacation year before he/she has had his/her vacation shall be entitled to a proportionate payment of salary or wages in lieu of such vacation. When an employee dies, his/her estate shall be credited with the value of vacation credits owing to him/her.
10.10 All employees shall be granted the vacation period at such time as may be mutually agreed upon by the District and the employee. Preference in choice of vacation dates shall be determined by seniority of service. However, requests for vacations are to be deposited with the employee's immediate supervisor prior to March 31st of each year. Employees shall give two choices. Employees not having their request in by March 31st shall be scheduled by the District.
10.11 Where an employee is hospitalized (certified by a Medical Practitioner,) on bereavement if funeral attended, or any other approved leave during his/her period of vacation, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for such absence. The period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation period or reinstated for use at a later date, by mutual agreement, in the contract year.
10.12 Employees may, if they request, receive on the last day preceding commencement of their annual vacation, any pay cheques which may fall due during the period of their vacation.
10.13 For each period of thirty (30) consecutive days an employee is absent from work in the year preceding the employees anniversary date in any year, there shall be deducted from the vacation pay to which he/she would otherwise be entitled in the succeeding year, one twelfth (1/12) of such vacation pay. Only time spent on vacation for which the employee is paid or time lost because of sickness or accident and compensated under other provisions of this agreement shall be considered as time worked. An employee absent in excess of one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up due to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay sickness or accident will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year eligible to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s accrue further vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if entitlements until he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment returns to active employment. Time worked is defined as: - Regular time worked - Bank time taken - Statutory Days - First day of WCB Claim and time on an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted accepted WCB Claim to the employees requesting them to indicate maximum allowed under the Collective Agreement, which is 18 months - While using their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that frozen sick leave entitlements - While using their 6 days sick leave paid by the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.employer - Jury duty - Approved Union time off - Floater - Bereavement Leave
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (a) An employee shall be entitled to an annual eligible for vacation after with pay on the following basis:
(1) following completion of one (1) year of employment with payservice - two (2) weeks’ vacation provided that upon completion of the first six (6) months of the employee’s first year of service, calculated as follows:and following appointment to the “Permanent Service” such employee may, if he so requests and the department head consents, be granted one
(a1) 3/52nds week’s vacation prior to his anniversary date and the second week at a time after the anniversary date;
(2) following completion of the earnings three (3) years’ service - three (3) weeks’ vacation;
(3) following completion of that seven (7) years’ service - four (4) weeks’ vacation;
(4) following completion of fourteen (14) years’ service - five (5) weeks’ vacation;
(5) following completion of twenty-one (21) years’ service - one additional day of vacation for each additional year of service to a maximum of five additional days vacation.
(b) The vacation year shall be the calendar year. Employees shall be eligible to receive vacation at any time after January 1st provided that the Employer shall be entitled to recover the value of any vacation taken prior to entitlement where the employee leaves the service other than by death or retirement.
14.02 Permanent and probationary employees, upon termination of employment, will be entitled to be paid for annual vacation accruals under their personal applicable subsection of Article 14.01.
14.03 Temporary employees, upon termination with less than one (1) year year’s completed continuous service with the Employer shall be entitled to annual vacation pay in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, Chapter 147, R.S.O. 1970 and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafteramendments thereto.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all 14.04 An employee on vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee observed will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation with pay.
(a) Where an employee dies on or before January 1st in any year and prior to receiving vacation in that year, such employee shall have paid to his estate an amount equivalent to the salary or wages that would normally have been paid to him on account of vacation.
(b) An employee shall be paid his or her full calendar years vacation entitlement in the year of retirement, less that portion of the entitlement used prior to the retirement.
14.06 Where an employee qualifies for sick leave (when covered by weekly indemnity), during his period of vacation, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for such absence. The period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation period or reinstated for use at a later date - whatever is mutually acceptable to the employee and the Employer.
14.07 The Employer shall post a vacation schedule not later than November 15th, upon which employees shall indicate prior to November 30th, their vacation requests for the period January 1st to April 15th of the following year. The Employer shall approve vacation requests made in the above manner on a seniority basis not later than December 15th. Vacation requests made after December 15th, for this period shall be granted if in writing on a first come basis within two working days of the holiday is one request. The Employer shall post a vacation schedule not later than March 1st upon which employees shall indicate prior to March 31st their vacation requests for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingbalance of the calendar year. The Employer shall approve vacation requests made in the above manner on a seniority basis not later than April 15th. Vacation requests made after April 15th, shall be granted in writing on a first come basis within two working days of the request.
15.06 If the employment of an 14.08 An employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any entitled to four (4) weeks or more vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted may carry over to the employees requesting them next year, up to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict one (l) week of vacation requests between employeesentitlement provided the request is submitted in writing on or before November 15th, to his or her Department Head for approval which may be granted based upon the Employer’s ability to operate.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees An Employee shall receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one year of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of four (4) percent of gross wages earned in each year. An Employee shall receive twenty-one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of two (2).years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of six (6) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service, An Employee shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten percent of gross wages earned during his fifteenth (15th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive forty two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty-two (22) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (12) percent of gross wages earned during his twenty-second and succeeding years of service. An Employee with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive an additional two (2) percent of gross wages earned during his thirtieth (30th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under (a), (e) and above, if the Employee has worked less than a normal year and is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be prorated in accordance with the vacation pay earned. Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to the Employee on the pay-day prior to his vacation. Vacation pay shall not be used to offset red-days while an Employee is employed except by mutual agreement with the Employee who shall be obliged to advise the Guild. The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, income tax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for the period, at the same time an Employee receives his vacation pay. An Officer shall be entitled to an annual select the periods desirable to him for his vacation after one (1) year periods on the basis of his seniority with the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approved the over-all vacation schedule. The Employee’s request will not be unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term “gross wages“ shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowance, previous vacation pay and engine servicing pay. An Employee terminating his employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, shall be paid all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent due him up to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 date of leaving, calculated in accordance with Sections (a), When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s in a vacation period the provisions of Article shall apply. An employee who has been laid off and is re-employed by the same employer within eighteen (18) months of the date of layoff shall be granted if the holiday same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the layoff. Where an Officer is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of scheduled or elects to retire within any given year such an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list Officer shall be submitted entitled to utilize all vacation allowances accrued during the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that year of retirement including the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesimmediate preceding year should he so choose.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) calendar year as an employee, shall receive two (2) weeks vacation at four percent (4%) of employment with paytheir annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed four (4) years continuous service and thereafter, calculated as follows:
an employee shall receive three (a3) 3/52nds weeks vacation at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the earnings of that calendar year of service after dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving said vacation. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed eight (8) years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks vacation at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving said vacation. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed twelve (12) years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee shall receive five (5) weeks vacation at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving said vacation. Effective April the number of years required to be entitled to a certain number of vacation weeks will be reduced by one (Iy)ear. Employees entitled to vacations as set forth above shall be given their vacations within six (6) months of their anniversary date, and at a time suitable to the Employer and employee, based on seniority. Employees, at their option, shall have the right to split their vacation into separate consisting of a minimum of one (1) year week at a time. The Employer will do its utmost to co-operate with any employee's vacation requirements where extenuating problems exist. Definition one week is seven (7) calendar days. For the purposes of determining a calendar year's employment to qualify an employee for vacations and each subsequent year thereaftervacation pay, up the Parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of seventeen hundred (1700) hours in an employee's calendar year, running from anniversary date to anniversary date, shall be eligible for vacation as set forth above. If on Leave of Absence, but excluding sickness or vacation pay shall only be at the percentage rate applicable to such employee that year, and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds not on weekly earnings. In the event that an employee leaves the employee of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up Employer before is entitled to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per weeks vacation, shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer. In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he has had his vacation he earned for the previous year, shall receive four percent six percent eight percent or ten percent as the case may be, of pay for the year based on earnings to June 30thin which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid. Full-time employees will receive The employee must request vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent one (1) week prior to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s scheduled vacation, an extra day’s and the Employer shall pay such vacation pay by direct deposit on the regular payday. The Employer shall be granted if furnish the holiday is one employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee would have received is receiving vacation pay, how the vacation pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 was calculated, and shall include all overtime payments, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax. Annual vacation must be taken between January and December of the current contract year, and may not be carried over to the following year. Vacation lists shall be posted February of each year, and employees shall designate their choice of vacation time before April If the employment of an employee is terminatedfails to designate choice of vacation time on such listing while posted, vacation time shall be granted in seniority by the Employer. The Employer shall post the final vacation schedule by May and it shall remain posted for the balance of the year. Once posted, this vacation schedule will not be altered unless mutually agreed to between the Employer shall pay him/her and the concerned. The following classifications will be recognized as separate groups for any determining allocation of vacation: Full-time Permanent Part-Time Each classification may allow up to ten percent (10%) per day to be on vacation time he/she has earnedsimultaneously.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees No later than January of each year, the Employer shall post a vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employeeshall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of both parties. Such vacations shall be entitled to an annual vacation after taken in one (1) year unbroken period unless requested by the employee who shall have the sole right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May and September 30" each year. However, employeesso taking their vacation during the aforesaid period of employment with paytime may only take three (3) consecutive weeks for such vacation. Employees taking their vacation either before or after the aforesaidperiod of time may take it in one (1) unbroken period. The Employershallallow a minimum of three (3) Bulk Drivers and/or Relief Bulk Drivers, calculated as follows:
six (a6) 3/52nds DeliveryMerchandisers and two (2) Merchandisers to be away during any one (1) period. One time every three (3) years the Company will grant the employee the right to a five week vacation in the summer, provided the employee is going out of the earnings country. An employee who is returning from vacation shall be contacted by the Company, in advance, to confirm his shift, days of that year the week and start time which contact will include a personal or electronic message. Where the employee has been unable to receive such message then it shall be his responsibility to contact the Company. No penalty shall be paid to the employee who reports back to work at the wrong shift, day or start time. An employee who is on vacation shall not be recalled to work. With approval from the Company, where occurs, senior employeesmay volunteer to take vacation to avoid junior employees from being laid off. Once the employee's vacation request is granted, the Employer shall his request in writing. In keepingwith the Employer's vacation policy,employees who complete twenty-five (25) years of service after shall receive two (2) weeks in addition to their normal vacation entitlement. Each fifth year thereafter, an employee shall receive an additional two (2) weeks vacation in addition to their normal vacation entitlement. Current employees who, as at December have already received a bonus vacation related to (25) years of service with the Company shall continue to receive the bonus vacation awarded at five (5) year increments thereafter. Employees who have not received any benefit under this provision on or prior to December shall not be eligible for such benefit in the future. Employees who transfer from or to any branch of Cola Bottling Company will maintain their seniority for the purpose of annual vacations only from the date of latest hiring. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five three (53) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the as an employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will shall receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive consecutive weeks vacation of fourteen (14) days with eighty (80) hours pay when at the rate they take were receiving at the date of taking their vacation.
15.03 Employees who , or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during receiving their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if whichever is the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workinggreater.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 24.1 Permanent full-time employees shall be entitled to an earn annual vacation after at the following accrual rates:
a) Three (3) weeks of vacation from their date of permanent employment up to and including seven (7) years of continuous service.
b) Four (4) weeks of vacation in the eighth (8th) year of service up to and including the fourteenth (14th) year of continuous service.
c) Five (5) weeks of vacation in the fifteenth (15th) year of service up to and including the twenty-third (23rd) year of continuous service.
d) Xxx (6) weeks of vacation in the twenty-fourth (24th) and for each subsequent year of continuous service.
24.2 Permanent part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation with pay as provided in 24.1 but the weekly rate of pay will be the same as that received on average over the preceding two (2) pay periods.
24.3 Non-permanent employees shall not accumulate vacation leave but shall be paid vacation pay at the rate of four percent (4%), based on the evaluated rate of pay until they have accumulated 2080 hours with The City, at which time they shall be paid vacation pay at the rate of six percent (6%).
24.4 When a non-permanent 4,160-hour employee achieves permanent status, their accrued hours of work shall be credited for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
24.5 Employees must utilize their vacation entitlement each year or the remainder; however, if the above has been applied, an employee may carry over one (1) week per year of employment with payto a maximum accumulation equal to their annual entitlement, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds upon approval of the earnings Department Head.
24.6 Subject to the Employer's requirements all employees shall be entitled to take their annual vacation when they so desire. Should a dispute arise between employees, preference as to when an employee may take their vacation shall be governed by seniority only once per calendar year.
24.7 If a holiday falls or is observed during or adjacent to an employee's annual vacation, that day shall not be considered a day of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;vacation but shall be paid as a holiday in accordance with this section.
(b) 4/52nds 24.8 Vacation pay on termination shall be calculated on the basis of the earnings number of hours of vacation earned at the evaluated rate of pay under this Agreement, but not expended.
24.9 Employees must apply for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to leave at least ten (10) completed years of service;working days before the date they wish to commence this leave.
(c) 5/52nds of 24.10 Where the earnings after City is having difficulty recruiting to specific positions and/or classifications, it may recognize equivalent service with another employer in establishing vacation accrual rates according to the current collective agreement, and/or to waive the benefit waiting period on hire as an incentive to candidates to accept employment.
24.11 All vacation requests shall be either accepted or rejected in writing within ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time days or a portion earlier following receipt of the payment at that time written request and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to anotherunreasonably. denied.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 All employees shall receive annual vacations in accordance with the following.
10.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after who have not completed one (1) year years' employment on June 1st of employment with payany year, calculated as follows:
shall be paid vacation pay based on four percent (a4%) 3/52nds of the his total earnings of that year of service after previous to June 1st and may take one (1) week's vacation.
10.02 Employees who have completed one (1) year's employment on June 1st of any year shall receive and take a vacation of two (2) weeks with pay based on four percent (4%) of total earnings for the past year prior to June 1st that year and each subsequent year thereafter, up EXCEPT:
10.03 Employees who have completed four (4) years of employment prior to June 1st of any year shall receive and including take a vacation of three (3) weeks with pay based on six percent (6%) of his total earnings for the past year prior to June 1st of that year and each year thereafter, EXCEPT:
10.04 Employees who have completed ten (10) years of employment prior to June 1st of any year shall receive and take a vacation of four (4) weeks with pay based on eight percent (8%) of his total earnings for the past year prior to June 1st of that year and each year thereafter, EXCEPT:
10.05 Employees who have completed fifteen (15) years of employment on June 1st of any year shall receive and take a vacation of five (5) completed years weeks with pay based on ten percent (10%) of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the his total earnings for the past year commencing after five prior to June 1st of that year and each year after.
10.06 Effective April 1, 2007, employees who have completed twenty (520) completed years of service employment on June 1st of any year shall receive and take a vacation of six (6) weeks with pay based on twelve percent (12%) of his total earnings for the past year prior to June 1st of that year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterafter.
15.02 For other 10.07 The Employer shall post a vacation schedule sheet on the employee's bulletin board no later than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in October 31st of each year unless and the employee requests employees shall post their desired vacation pay when a holiday is takenperiod on the schedule no later than March 31st. In such circumstancesOn or after April 1st, the Employer shall confirm vacation periods on an individual basis, by seniority, to be completed no later than May 1st. Failure of an employee will receive to choose a vacation pay requested at that time or period during the interim shall result in being given the choice of openings existing after May 1st.
10.08 The period from June 15th inclusive to September 15th shall be considered as "Prime Vacation Time" and any vacation taken during this period shall be a portion maximum of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests weeks per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationemployee.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (a) No later than February 1st of each year the Employer shall post a vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March 15th of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of both parties. Such vacations shall be entitled to an annual vacation after taken in one (1) year unbroken period unless agreed to by both the employee and the Employer. If employees choose their vacations must be given between May 15th and September 30th of employment with payeach year. However, calculated as follows:the Employer shall have the right to determine the maximum number of employees on each job to be on vacation at any one (1) time.
(ab) 3/52nds An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the earnings of that year of service after date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including three (3) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks vacation.
(d) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete three (3) years as an employee shall receive three (3) consecutive weeks vacation.
(e) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete eight (8) years as an employee shall receive four (4) consecutive weeks vacation.
(f) Employees hired prior to January 1st, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as 'senior employees') who have completed or subsequently complete twelve (12) years as an employee shall receive five (5) completed years of service;weeks vacation. This does not apply to employees hired on or after January 1st, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as 'standard employees').
(bg) 4/52nds For purposes of determining a calendar year's employment to qualify an employee for vacations, the earnings parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in an employee's calendar year running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be eligible for vacations as above set forth. If less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours are worked, the year commencing after five percentage only shall apply.
(5h) completed Part time employees shall be entitled to vacations based on the calendar years of service they have with the Employer, regardless of the hours they work in each or any calendar year during this employment. Their vacation pay shall only be calculated on the percentage basis and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten entitlement as set out in (10i) completed years of service;herein.
(ci) 5/52nds At each pay period, the Employer shall place to each employee's vacation account an amount equal to four point two percent (4.2%) or six point three percent (6.3%), eight point four percent (8.4%), or ten point five percent (10.5%), as the case may be, of his gross pay for the pay period. The employee is entitled to know the amount accumulated in his vacation fund at any time.
(j) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterEmployer he shall receive the total amount accumulated in his vacation account.
15.02 For other than full-time employees(k) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the Employer shall furnish the employee requests vacation pay when with a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, statement showing the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received is receiving his or her vacation pay, the gross amount of pay if he/she had been workingon which the vacation pay was calculated, including all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a separate cheque for the vacation pay accumulated in the employee's vacation account.
15.06 If (l) In the employment event that there is an error of an employee is terminatedshort payment of fifteen dollars ($15.00) or more, this shall be corrected and any monies owing be paid within four (4) hours after the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation been notified of the business is concerned and therefore error. Errors of less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) will be corrected on the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesnext pay day.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees
1. Vacations with pay at regular rates or a fraction of the employee's total earnings, whichever is the greater, shall be entitled to an annual vacation granted on the following schedule:
a) Three (3) weeks (3/52nds) after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service and after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to nine (9) years' service;
b) Four (4) weeks (1/13th) after nine (9) years' service and including five after each subsequent year up to nineteen (19) years' service;
c) Five (5) completed years of weeks (5/52nds) after nineteen (19) years' service and after each subsequent year up to twenty-four (24) years' service;
d) Xxx (b6) 4/52nds weeks (6/52nds) after twenty-four (24+) years' service.
2. Vacations shall be granted between May 1st and October 31st unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the Co-operative and the employee.
3. A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees each year requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Employees with the longest service with the Co- operative will have priority. However, both parties agree that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the earnings for business is concerned. The Co-operative, therefore, must make the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterfinal decision on such matters.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken4. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s 's vacation, an extra day’s vacation 's vacation, consecutive with the regular vacation, shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had they been working.
15.06 If the employment 5. The annual vacation cutoff for all employees shall be April 30th of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earnedeach year.
15.07 A vacation list 6. Vacation pay for part-time employees shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate calculated by dividing their preference as to vacation datesprevious fifty- two (52) weeks of gross income by fifty-two (52). Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict (For example: $10,000 divided by 52 = $192.31 for each week of vacation requests entitlement.)
7. Any employee becoming seriously ill or injured, who is hospitalized while on vacation, shall be allotted use of sick pay and shall be allowed to reschedule vacation for the same amount of time as that for which they were ill or injured.
8. Employees may take their vacation in day(s), one-week or two-week increments. Employees may take their vacation in longer than two-week increments with mutual agreement between employeesthe employee and the Co-operative.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 16.01 No later than February 15th of each year, the Employer shall require employees to apply for his vacation at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March 15th of each year. The Employer will then post the holiday schedule by April lst of each year and employees' holidays shall be scheduled in order of seniority. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the employee and the Employer.
16.02 Vacations shall not be scheduled in increments greater than two (2) weeks unless the Employer has consented.
16.03 An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment. The employee may have the option of a pay out at any time for any unused vacation. Such pay out to be made over a two (2) week period.
16.04 Upon completion of six (6) months service in his first year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to an annual receive a paid vacation after of one (1) year of employment week, which if taken, will be deducted from his total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with pay, calculated as follows:the Company.
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after 16.05 Employees who complete one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to two (2) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation each year with eighty (80) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
16.06 Employees who have completed two (2) years and including up to eight (8) years as an employee shall receive three (3) consecutive weeks' vacation each year with one hundred and twenty (120) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
16.07 Employees who have completed eight (8) years and up to fifteen (15) years as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks' vacation each year with one hundred and sixty (160) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
16.08 Employees who have completed fifteen (15) years and up to twenty (20) years as an employee shall receive five (5) completed years weeks' vacation each year with two hundred (200) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of service;
taking their vacation, or ten percent (b10%) 4/52nds of the their annual gross earnings for the year commencing for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
16.09 Employees who have completed twenty (20) years and thereafter as an employee shall receive six (6) weeks' vacation each year with two hundred and forty (240) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or twelve percent (12%) of their annual gross earnings for the year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
16.10 Absence due to any illness will be deemed to be time paid for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
16.11 In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
16.12 In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after five he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not been paid over fifteen hundred (51500) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterhours, up to he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), ten percent (10) completed years %), or twelve percent (12%), as the case may be, of service;
(c) 5/52nds of his pay for the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterin which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-16.13 All part time employees will be allowed paid as each cheque is paid. The vacation pay is based on the gross earnings for the pay period. The percentage factor will be as follows: Complete one (1) year and up to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings years - 4% Complete two (2) years and up to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationeight (8) years - 6% Complete eight (8) years and up to fifteen (15) years - 8% Complete fifteen (15) years and up to twenty (20) years -10% Complete twenty (20) years - 12%.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall A18.1 Vacation entitlement will be entitled to an annual vacation after based on completed years of service as at the employee’s anniversary date. Vacation pay will be based on a percentage of gross earnings during the previous calendar year.
A18.2 An employee who has completed less than one (1) year of continuous employment with paythe Company will be entitled to one (1) day of vacation for each completed month of employment to a maximum of ten (10) days vacation with vacation pay of 4% of the employees gross earnings during the previous year.
A18.3 Upon completion of continuous employment with the Company for the number of years hereinafter listed, calculated vacation will be granted and vacation pay shall be paid on the basis of 17.1 as follows:
(a) 3/52nds after the completion of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five year: two (52) completed years of serviceweeks at 4%;
(b) 4/52nds after the completion of the earnings for the year commencing after five four (54) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten years: three (103) completed years of serviceweeks at 6%;
(c) 5/52nds after the completion of the earnings after ten (10) completed years years: four (4) weeks at 8%;
(d) after the completion of service nineteen (19) years: five (5) weeks at 10%
(e) after the completion of twenty-seven (27) years: six (6) weeks at 12%
A18.4 An employee who, while on annual vacation, becomes ill or is injured and each subsequent qualifies for short term disability, shall have the right to re-schedule his vacation and be placed on weekly indemnity. `An employee who is again fit for duty shall immediately, inform the Company and will continue his vacation, if within his scheduled dates. If the remaining vacation falls outside the employee’s scheduled dates, such vacation will be rescheduled as may be mutually agreed between the proper officer of the Company and the authorized Local Union representative. An employee who, due to sickness or injury, is unable to take or complete his annual vacation in that year thereaftershall, at the option of that employee, have the right to have such vacation carried to the following year.
15.02 For other than full-A18.5 An employee who is entitled to vacation shall take same at the time employeesscheduled. If however, all it becomes necessary for the Company to reschedule an employee’s scheduled vacation pay dates, he shall be given at least fifteen (15) days’ advance notice of such rescheduling and will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 ½) his regular rate of wages for all work performed during the scheduled vacation period. The rescheduled vacation with pay, to employees which he is entitled, will be granted at a mutually agreed upon later date. This Clause does not apply where rescheduling is a result of an employee exercising his seniority to a position covered by another vacation schedule. NOTE: Under this Clause, mileage-rated or trip-rated drivers will be paid at a rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the mileage rate for payments made on December 15th that basis, at one and one-half (1 ½) times the straight time hourly rate for payments made on that basis, and one and one-half (1 ½) times the trip rate for payments made on that basis.
A18.6 Provided an employee renders compensated working service in each any calendar year, time-off duty due to bona fide illness, or injury, authorized maternity leave, leave to attend committee meetings, call to court as a witness, or for uncompensated jury duty, not exceeding a total of one hundred (100) days in any calendar year, shall be included in the computation of service in that year unless for vacation purposes.
A18.7 Employees desiring an advance vacation payment must make their application for same not later than five (5) weeks prior to commencing their vacation. The advance vacation payment shall be four percent (4%) of the employee’s previous year’s earnings, less the appropriate amount (approximately thirty percent (30%) to cover standard deductions
A18.8 An employee who is entitled to a vacation with pay shall be granted such vacation with a twelve (12) month period immediately following the completion of the calendar year of employment in respect of which the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, became entitled to the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during A18.9 Employee shall be required to submit their vacation period request to the Company before January 31st of each year. Following the company will post an approved vacation schedule no later than February 27th of each year. Preference for vacation entitlement will be determined by seniority of those employees whose applications are received by January 31st in each year. Vacation request received after January 31st of each year will be allocated based on the dates they are received, on first received first scheduled basis.
A18.10 Unless otherwise mutually agreed, employees who do not apply for vacation prior to June 1st shall be credited required to take their vacation at a time to be prescribed by the Company.
A18.11 An employee terminating his employment for any reason at a time when an unused period of vacation with extra pay stands to his credit shall be allowed vacation time equivalent calculated to the time useddate of his leaving the service, as provided for in A18.2 or A18.3, and, if not granted, shall be allowed pay in lieu thereof.
15.04 Vacations canA18.12 An employee who is laid off, may on agreement, be paid for any vacation due him at the beginning of the current calendar year and not previously taken and, if not subsequently recalled to service during such year shall, upon application, be accumulated from one year to anotherallowed pay in lieu of any vacation due him at the beginning of the following calendar year.
15.05 When A18.13 If a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday period is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment vacated as a result of an employee is terminatedterminating, the Employer vacated period may be given to the senior employee who applies in writing, to change his annual vacation to that period, providing there are sufficient employees available to meet the Company’s requirements. Where vacation relief duties are required, employees shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earnedapply in writing and assignments will be made on the basis of qualification and seniority.
15.07 A A18.14 An employee who qualifies for one (1) or more weeks’ annual vacation list shall not be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take granted less than one (1) week’s vacation at any particular one time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees An Employee shall receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (I) year of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of four (4) percent of gross wages earned in each year. An Employee shall receive twenty-one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of six (6%) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8%) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of (15) years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10%) percent of gross wages earned during his fourteenth (14th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under and above, if the Employee has worked less than a normal year and he is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro-rated in accordance with vacation pay earned. An Employee shall be entitled to an annual select the periods desirable to him for his vacation after one (1) year periods on the basis of his seniority with the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. The Employee's request will not be unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, previous vacation pay. An Employee terminating his employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, shall be paid all vacation pay will be paid due him up to employees on December 15th the date of leaving, calculated in each year unless accordance with Section and An Employee who has been laid off and is re-employed by the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion same Company within eighteen (18) months of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Partdate of lay-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation off shall be granted if the holiday same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the lay-off. As a general rule vacation pay is one for which not to be used to offset red days while an Employee is employed except by mutual agreement with the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list Employee who shall be submitted obliged to advise the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesGuild.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 23.1 Permanent employees shall be entitled to an annual to:
a) Three (3) weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:service and for each subsequent year up to and including eight (8) years of service.
b) Four (a4) 3/52nds weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay in the earnings of that ninth (9th) and each subsequent year of service after up to and including the fifteenth (15th) year of service.
c) Five (5) weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay in the sixteenth (16th) and each subsequent year of service up to and including the twenty-fourth (24th) year of service.
d) Six (6) weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay in the twenty-fifth (25th) and for each subsequent year of service.
23.2 Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation with pay as provided in 23.1 but the weekly rate of pay will be the same as that received on average over the preceding two (2) pay periods.
23.3 Non-permanent employees shall not accumulate vacation leave but shall be paid vacation pay at the rate of four percent (4%), based on the evaluated rate of pay until they have accumulated 2080 hours with The City, at which time they shall be paid vacation pay at the rate of six percent (6%).
23.4 When a non-permanent 4,160 hour employee achieves permanent status, their accrued hours of work shall be credited for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
23.5 Employees must utilize their vacation entitlement each year or the remainder; however, if the above has been applied, an employee may carry over one (1) week per year and each subsequent year thereafterto a maximum accumulation equal to their annual entitlement, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds upon approval of the earnings Department Head.
23.6 Subject to the Employer's requirements all employees shall be entitled to take their annual vacation when they so desire. Should a dispute arise between employees, preference as to when an employee may take their vacation shall be governed by seniority only once per calendar year.
23.7 If a holiday falls or is observed during or adjacent to an employee's annual vacation, that day shall not be considered a day of vacation but shall be paid as a holiday in accordance with this section.
23.8 Vacation pay on termination shall be calculated on the basis of the number of hours of vacation earned at the evaluated rate of pay under this Agreement, but not expended.
23.9 Employees must apply for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to leave at least ten (10) completed years of service;working days before the date they wish to commence this leave.
(c) 5/52nds of 23.10 Where The City is having difficulty recruiting to specific positions and/or classifications, it may recognize equivalent service with another employer in establishing vacation accrual rates according to the earnings after current collective agreement, and/or to waive the benefit waiting period on hire as an incentive to candidates to accept employment.
23.11 All vacation requests shall be either accepted or rejected in writing within ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time days or a portion earlier following receipt of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationwritten request.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 9.1 Annual Vacations shall be signed by each employee in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the applicable sections of this agreement. Vacation sign-up sheets for each classification shall be available for signing by September 1 and completed by October 15 of the year proceeding the year in which the vacation shall be taken. If an employee has not been signed within forty-eight (48) hours of being given the sheet, the right to sign shall pass to the next employee. The employee may sign at any time after the list has been passed, but shall not have the option of signing time taken by the other employees the list has been passed to. Annual vacations shall be granted to employees consistent with the efficient operation of the service. Employees shall be granted their vacations at a time convenient to the Employer with the understanding that every endeavor shall be made to arrange the vacation periods at a time satisfactory to the employees.
9.2 An employee is not entitled to take any vacation until having completed six (6) months' continuous service.
9.3 An employee is not entitled to take any vacation in the year of hire.
9.4 Each new employee shall be entitled to an annual a vacation after with pay in the year in which they complete their first year of service. Vacation shall be one-twelfth of ten (10) days for each full month of service during the calendar year of hire, calculated to the nearest full day.
9.5 All vacation blocks shall commence on the first or eighth day of a pay period unless mutually agreed to between the supervisor and the employee.
9.6 Holidays may be taken one or more days at a time at the discretion of the Employer.
9.7 Except as outlined in .8 below, each employee who banks vacation pay and signs for vacation entitlement shall receive one (1) year day's pay for each day of employment with payvacation, calculated as follows:where said pay shall be equal to the employee's wage rate in effect at the time the vacation is taken multiplied by the daily maximum straight hours of their classification (to a maximum of eight (8) hours).
9.8 Each employee in .7 above who does not average the daily maximum straight time hours of their classification shall have their average daily hours used in the calculation in .7 above, where average daily hours shall be equal to the number of hours worked each day (anot exceeding eight (8) hours daily) 3/52nds divided by the number of the earnings of that year of service after one days worked (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including not exceeding five (5) completed days weekly).
9.9 Each employee on the Health Plan who does not hold a full-time position or is not on the two hundred and forty (240) day cost shared benefits, shall receive vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate.
9.10 Each employee on the Health Plan who holds a full-time position shall bank vacation pay, but, if they are terminated or laid off, they shall receive pay in lieu of any outstanding vacation earned in the previous calendar year plus pay for vacation earned in the current year to the date of termination, where said pay shall be equal to their gross earnings multiplied by the percentage corresponding to their years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years . Years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service corresponding percentage rates are shown in columns 1 and each subsequent year thereafter3 respectively in .17 below.
15.02 For other than full9.11 Employees who transfer to another location and/or classification with a different vacation sign-up shall, whenever possible, retain their previous vacation schedule. In the event the employee's vacation has to be rescheduled, it shall be done at a time employees, all mutually agreeable to the Employer and the employee.
9.12 Any employee who is scheduled to commence annual vacation pay will be paid and becomes sick or is away sick on their last working day before their vacation commences may have the vacation deferred and rescheduled at a time mutually agreed to employees on December 15th in each year unless between the Employer and the employee requests provided that they produce a Company medical form and return to work form duly completed by a medical practitioner and that the request for the deferment is mutually satisfactory to the Employer and the Union.
9.13 Any employee who actually commences vacation pay and then becomes ill or injured, may have that portion of their vacation deferred providing the reason is substantiated in the same manner as stated in the preceding paragraph. Any employee requesting a vacation deferment shall do so within seventy-two (72) hours of returning to work. (The intent of this clause is to reschedule vacations, or part thereof, when the employee‘s vacation has been considerably disrupted, i.e. hospitalization, bed-ridden, etc.)
9.14 Any vacation deferred shall be rescheduled at a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, time mutually agreeable to the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period Employer and the employee shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When given a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment minimum of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds An employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, is not qualified for vacation under Clause (b) hereof, shall be allowed one working day's vacation with pay for each 25 days' cumulative compensated service, or major portion there of, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of that year of service after one 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under Clause (1b) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;hereof.
(b) 4/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 1 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least three years and has completed at least 1,000 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the year commencing after five basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, he/she will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (5c) completed years hereof.
NOTE 1: An employee covered by Clause (b) hereof, will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on his/her fourth or subsequent service anniversary date he/she achieves 1,000 days of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten cumulative compensated service; otherwise his/her vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in Clause (10a) completed years of service;hereof. Any vacation granted for which the employee does not subsequently qualify will be deducted
(c) 5/52nds Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, an employee who, at the beginning of the earnings after ten (10) calendar year, has maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 7 years and has completed years at least 1,750 days of service and cumulative compensated service, shall have his/her vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day's vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employeesyears, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingwill continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under Clause (d) hereof.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees An Employee shall be entitled to an receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation after upon completion of one (1) year of employment service with pay, calculated as follows:
the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of four (a4) 3/52nds percent of the earnings of that year of service after gross wages earned in each year. An Employee shall receive twenty-one (121) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such requests per vacation on the basis of six (6%) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8%) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10%) percent of gross wages earned during his fourteenth (14th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under and above, if the Employee has worked less than a normal year based on earnings and he is not entitled to June 30th. Fullthe full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro-time employees will receive rated in accordance with vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period earned. An Employee shall be credited to select the periods desirable to him for his vacation periods on the basis of his seniority with extra the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time equivalent off, subject to the time used.
15.04 Vacations canCompany having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. The Employee's request will not be accumulated from one year unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, previous vacation pay. An Employee terminating his employment shall be paid all vacation pay due him up to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacationthe date of leaving, an extra day’s vacation calculated in accordance with Section and An Employee who has been laid off and is re-employed by the same Company within eighteen (18) months of the date of lay-off shall be granted if the holiday same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the lay-off. As a general rule vacation pay is one for which not to be used to offset red days while an Employee is employed except by mutual agreement with the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list Employee who shall be submitted obliged to advise the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesGuild.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 14.01 Vacation entitlement is based on an employee’s continuous service as of May 1st each year. In an employee’s first year, vacation shall be entitled prorated from the employee’s start date to an annual vacation after May 1st.
(a) After one (1) year of employment service, three (3) weeks annual vacation with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) pay at his regular rate of pay or 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of serviceemployee's total earnings;
(b) After eight (8) years of service, four (4) weeks annual vacation with pay at his regular rate of pay or 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of serviceemployee's total earnings;
(c) After fourteen (14) years of service, five (5) weeks annual vacation with pay at his regular rate of pay or 5/52nds of the earnings after ten employee's total earnings.
(10d) completed After forty (40) years of service and each subsequent year thereafterservice, six (6) weeks annual vacation with pay at his regular rate of pay or 6/52nds of the employee's total earnings.
15.02 For other than full-time employees14.02 If the employment of any employee is terminated at any time, all the Company shall pay to him vacation pay to the date of termination calculated in accordance with Article 14.01.
14.03 When a holiday falls within an employee's annual vacation, such employee shall be granted one (1) additional day's vacation with pay or pay in lieu of such additional day, the additional day to be given either at the beginning or end of the ordinary vacation period, at the option of the Company, or another day mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Company.
(1) All employees shall select their vacation dates in order of date of hire and said selections shall be made before April 15th of each year. The vacation year will fluctuate with payroll cycles but will be paid set prior to employees on December 15th in each year unless vacations being booked for the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is takenyear. In general terms, the vacation year will begin within a week of May 1st and end within a week of April 30th the following year. The Company shall make the vacation schedules available to the employees the first full week in January of each year. Each employee’s time to choose in all rounds will be one (1) business day with exceptions of illness, accident or death in the family; where reasonable attempts will be made to contact such circumstancesemployee. If an employee is away for other reasons, such employee shall leave possible selections or contact information with management. If reasonable attempts to make contact with said employee cannot be made, the employee will receive select upon the soonest available opportunity.
(2) Round One: Six (6) employees (3 days and 3 nights on separate vacation pay requested schedules), may be on vacation at that time or a portion any one time. All employees shall have the opportunity to select up to four (4) weeks of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make vacation, only two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use weeks of compassionate leave during their vacation period which shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent fall between the first full week of July to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When last full week ending August 31st and the weeks including Christmas/New Years. Any week that has a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation in it or observed in it will be scheduled in full week increments. All weeks in Round One shall be granted if the holiday scheduled in full week increments, Monday to Friday or Sunday to Thursday; whichever is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingapplicable.
15.06 If (3) Round Two: When all employees have completed their initial selection of vacation time in Round One, the employment employees shall select their remaining entitlements in order of their date of hire on any dates not previously selected.
(4) When an employee is terminatedrequires a change in the posted vacation schedule after April 15th, a written notice must be presented to the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earnedCompany two (2) weeks in advance, unless mutually agreed between the Company and the Union.
15.07 A (5) The vacation list schedules shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference posted in a common area and updated as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail required.
14.05 If an employee qualifies for bereavement leave in accordance with Article 15.04 or in the event of serious illness or accident to the employee which prevents him/her from attending work during the period his/her vacation has been scheduled and/or which required hospitalization, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for the period of illness/hospitalization if the employee provides a conflict medical certificate covering the period during which the vacation was displaced. The period of vacation requests between employeesso displaced shall be taken at a later date mutually agreed to by the employee and the employer.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall 8.01 Every employee who, during the life of this Agreement, completes a year of continuous employment with the Company, will qualify for a vacation with pay, unless he has already been granted and has taken a vacation with pay in respect of that year of employment. Normally no vacation will be entitled granted prior to an annual vacation after the completion of the first full year of service; however, the Company will consider requests for the granting of one (1) week of vacation after six (6) months of service. After the first year of employment employment, vacations may be taken up to three months in advance of the employee's anniversary date, subject to the following;
(i) Vacation entitlements for two years cannot be combined under this provision;
(ii) Employees will receive as a vacation advance the applicable percentage of their earnings in the previous calendar year. On their anniversary date they will receive the appropriate adjustment of either more vacation pay or a rebate to the Company if an overpayment was made.
8.02 The length of vacation to which each employee will be entitled will be governed by the total length of his continuous service with paythe Company, and will be determined from the schedule in clause 8.04 below.
8.03 The amount of pay to which each employee will be entitled in respect of his vacation will be determined in accordance with clause 8.04 below. The earnings on which the calculation will be based shall be total earnings from the Company for the year of service in respect of which the vacation is granted.
8.04 Schedule of Vacation with pay entitlement during the life of this Agreement % of Gross Length of Service Length of Vacation Earnings Payable 1 but less then 3 yrs. 2 weeks 4% 3 but less than 8 yrs. 3 weeks 6% 8 but less then 13 yrs. 4 weeks 8% 13 but less than 19 yrs. 5 weeks 10% After 19 year' service 6 weeks 12%
8.05 If an employee's vacation pay calculated as follows:on the basis of his regular hourly rate, multiplied by forty (40) hours each week of vacation to be taken, would be greater than the amount to be paid under clause 8.04 above, then he will be paid the greater amount, provided, however, that if during the year of service in respect of which the vacation is granted the employee has been absent from work (in the aggregate) for more than ninety (90) working days, exclusion of days absent on Workers' Compensation, then vacation pay shall be calculated only on the percentage basis set out in clause 8.04.
8.06 Employees who are on vacation shall receive their vacation pay on their regular payroll deposit day.
8.07 The Company will post a blank holiday schedule on the bulletin board at each branch by January 15 of each year. The employees must have completed posting their vacation request before February 15. Any employee not having posted his request by this date will be assigned a vacation period by the Branch Manager. Employees will be allowed to choose weeks in which general holidays fall. The holiday schedule shall only contain the names of employees covered by this Agreement who are members of the Union.
(a) 3/52nds Each employee, in order of seniority at each branch shall then designate the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up dates they desire to and including five (5) completed years of service;have as their vacation period.
(b) 4/52nds of All employees entitled to more than two (2) weeks vacation may receive them in one lump sum provided that not more than three (3) weeks are taken during the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up period June 15 to ten (10) completed years of service;September 15.
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service Employees qualifying for three, four, five and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all six weeks vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they may take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.three
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 14.01 Vacation entitlement is based on an employee’s continuous service as of May 1st each year. In an employee’s first year, vacation shall be entitled prorated from the employee’s start date to an annual vacation after May 1st.
(a) After one (1) year of employment service, three (3) weeks annual vacation with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) pay at his regular rate of pay or 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of serviceemployee's total earnings;
(b) After eight (8) years of service, four (4) weeks annual vacation with pay at his regular rate of pay or 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of serviceemployee's total earnings;
(c) After fifteen (15) years of service, five (5) weeks annual vacation with pay at his regular rate of pay or 5/52nds of the earnings after ten employee's total earnings.
(10d) completed After forty (40) years of service and each subsequent year thereafterservice, six (6) weeks annual vacation with pay at his regular rate of pay or 6/52nds of the employee's total earnings.
15.02 For other than full14.02 If the employment of any employee is terminated at any time, the Company shall pay to him vacation pay to the date of termination calculated in accordance with Article 14.01.
14.03 When a holiday falls within an employee's annual vacation, such employee shall be granted one (1) additional day's vacation with pay or pay in lieu of such additional day, the additional day to be given either at the beginning or end of the ordinary vacation period, at the option of the Company, or another day mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Company.
(1) The employees shall select their vacation dates in order of seniority and said selections shall be made before April 15th of each year. The Company shall make the vacation schedule available to the employees on or before March 15th of each year.
(2) Round One: Where possible, all employees shall have the opportunity to receive up to three (3) weeks of vacation between May 1st and September 1st of each year, only two (2) weeks of which shall fall between July 1st and August 31st each year; these two (2) weeks will be scheduled in full week increments (Monday to Friday).
(3) Round Two: When all employees have completed their initial selection of vacation time in Round One, the employees shall select their remaining entitlements in order of seniority on any dates not previously selected, and where possible, including prime time.
(4) When an employee requires a change in the posted vacation schedule after April 15th, a written notice must be presented to the Company.
(5) The final vacation schedule shall be posted in the lunch room.
14.05 Part-time employees, all employees shall have their vacation pay will calculated at the second pay period following the anniversary date of their employment. Upon the request of any employee, such pay shall be paid to employees issued on December 15th in each year unless a cheque separate and apart from the employee requests vacation employee's regular pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15thcheque. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will may also receive any vacation pay when accrued prior to their actual vacation to be taken, provided that they take their request this vacation pay one (1) pay period prior to the vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 14.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her qualifies for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail bereavement leave in accordance with Article 15.04 or in the event of serious illness or accident to the employee which prevents him/her from attending work during the period his/her vacation has been scheduled and/or which required hospitalization, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for the period of illness/hospitalization if the employee provides a conflict medical certificate covering the period during which the vacation was displaced. The period of vacation requests between employeesso displaced shall be taken at a later date mutually agreed to by the employee and the employer.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 17.01 The vacation year shall be entitled anniversary date to an annual vacation after anniversary date.
17.02 Employees with one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year or more of service after one shall be granted two (12) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including weeks of vacation with pay at a rate of four percent (4%) of gross earnings. Employees with five (5) completed years or more of service;
service shall be granted three (b3) 4/52nds weeks of the earnings for the year commencing after vacation with pay at a rate of six percent (6%) of gross earnings. Employees with ten (10) years or more of service shall be granted four (4) weeks of vacation with pay at a rate of eight percent (8%) of gross earnings. Employees with fifteen (15) years or more of service shall be granted five (5) completed years weeks of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to vacation with pay at a rate of ten percent (10%) completed years of gross earnings.
17.03 The Employer in arranging the vacation schedule shall recognize the seniority and preference of employees. The Union and the Employer agree that the vacation scheduling will then be arranged so as to ensure that a sufficient number of employees are always on duty in order to maintain the required degree of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter. No request will be unreasonably denied.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation 17.04 Vacation pay shall be paid on the next pay period following the specific day requested by the employee.
17.05 Vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless out at the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion end of the payment academic year layoff, at that time the end of the vacation year if applicable, or when requested. Requests must be provided in writing on a Vacation Request Form and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make allow two (2) such requests per weeks’ notice from the pay period end date for administration purposes.
17.06 All vacation weeks must be used in the vacation year based on earnings which covers July 1 to June 30th30. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during shall not be entitled to carry forward their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to anotherthe next.
15.05 When 17.07 An employee who terminates his/her employment for whatever reason and has not received his/her vacation pay allowance as provided herein will receive at time of termination a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if hepercentage of his/she had been workingher earnings as stipulated in Article 17.02 above.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted 17.08 All employees will move to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agreeaccrual process described in this article, however, that and the vacation schedule must transition will be practical insofar as the operation completed within two pay periods of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would ratification date. The accrual balance will be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between included on employees’ pay statements.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 19.01 An employee shall earn vacation credits at the following rates:
a) One and two-thirds days per month during the first four (4) years of employment with the Employer;
b) Two and one-twelfth days per month during the fifth and each subsequent year of employment with the Employer;
19.02 In scheduling vacation an employee may use the full number of vacation credits which he/she has earned and not used as of the date of the scheduling together with such additional credits as he/she would earn under 18.01 if he/she were to continue to be employed by the employer until March 31st closest in time thereafter.
19.03 Vacations shall be entitled scheduled in consultation with the Clinic Director. Efforts will be made to accommodate employee preferences where such preferences are not demonstrably in conflict with the needs of the Clinic. In the case of a conflict between two (2) or among more than two (2) employees' preferences, seniority will govern.
19.04 Upon termination of employment for any reason, an annual employee will be paid the value of vacation after credits earned in accordance with Article 19.01 and unused at the date of termination.
19.05 Upon termination of employment, for any reason, an employee who has used vacation credits in excess of those earned in accordance with Article 19.01 shall pay to the Board the value of those excess vacation credits. Such payment will be calculated on the basis of the rates applicable to the employee as set out in Schedule A. The sum so calculated is a debt owing to the employer by the employee and may be deducted by the Employer from any payments owing to the employee upon termination of employment.
19.06 It is assumed that, normally, accrued vacation credits will be used with relative promptitude by employees. However, so as to avoid the excessive accumulation of vacation credits, on January 15th and March 31st of each year, the number of days, if any, of validly accrued but unused vacation credit standing to the account of each employee shall be calculated. Each employee shall be promptly notified of the results of this calculation. Any such validly accrued but unused vacation credit, as of March 31st in a given year, must be used by May 31st in that year, provided that in exceptional cases the Clinic Director may upon timely request by the employee extend this deadline to August 31st in that year,
19.07 The period of employment as an articling student is fifty-two (52) weeks (one (1) year of year) from the date upon which the employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of articling student commenced. An articling student must use all accrued vacation credit within that year of service after one (1) year and period. For each subsequent year thereafterarticling year, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other no later than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) weeks after the last articling student has commenced employment, the Clinic Director and the articling students shall meet to schedule vacation entitlements. Any unused vacation credit existing at the end of the period of employment will thereafter be lost to such requests per year based on earnings an employee. The staff lawyers shall be directed by the Clinic Director to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive assist the Articling Students with maintaining their workload in a manner that accommodates the set vacation pay when they take their vacationschedule.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use 19.08 When a paid holiday falls within an employee's vacation period, another day of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall credit will be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time usedgranted at a mutually agreeable time.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year 19.09 Where during a vacation an employee becomes ill or is injured to another.
15.05 When such an extent as to necessitate in the written opinion of a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacationlicensed medical practitioner, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which a period of inactivity of three (3) days or more, the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay may substitute unused sick leave then available to him/her for any the vacation time he/she days during which the illness or injury necessitated inactivity. The vacation days for which sick leave has earnedbeen substituted shall re-accrue to the credit of the employee and may be rescheduled in accordance with Article 19.03.
15.07 A 19.10 Where during a vacation list period, an employee suffers a bereavement as defined in Article 20, bereavement leave may, at the request of the employee, be substituted for the said vacation period. The vacation period for which bereavement leave has been substituted shall re-accrue to the vacation credit of the employee and, thereafter, be rescheduled pursuant to Article 19.03.
19.11 In addition to the vacation credits described in Article 19.01, an employee shall be submitted entitled during the Christmas period to an extra three (3) days paid vacation, hereinafter called the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation datesChristmas Break. Both parties agree, however, Scheduling the Christmas Break will be at the discretion of the Clinic Director who shall bear in mind that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation intention of the business parties is concerned that each employee shall have a period free from work of not less than seven (7) consecutive days, taking into account weekends during the period and therefore the Employer is able Christmas and Boxing Day holidays.
20.01 Paid sick leave will be granted to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at maximum of eighteen (18) days in any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees No later than January 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a vacation list or lists on the Bulletin Board, and each employee shall, in order of seniority, apply for vacation on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March of each year. It is the Employer's responsibility to ensure that employees sign up for vacations in an expedient manner and eliminate any delays on the part of any employee in exercising entitlement for vacation selection. No employee will be by-passed without notice in writing from the Employer. Vacation shall be entitled to an annual vacation after taken in one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of unbroken period unless requested by the earnings of that year of service after employee who shall have the sole right to decide whether vacation shall be in one (1) period or split. However, employees may only split such vacation within the period of May 15th through September 15th after all employees on the vacation list in order of seniority, have had an opportunity to have holidays during this period. Employees may only take two (2) weeks vacation throughout the period of May 15th to September 15th. If any weeks are available after all the selections have gone down the seniority list, then the process will begin again from the top. inasmuch as the Employer will recognize the vacation selected by the the Employer reserves the right to amend vacation schedules to a time mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Employer in order to ensure continuous operating capability and efficiency. The vacation entitlements are as follows: One (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including two (2) weeks hours Three (3) years three (3) weeks hours Eight (8) years four (4) weeks hours Fifteen (15) years five (5) completed weeks hours Twenty-one (21) years of service;
six (b6) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than weeks hours Regular full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Fullregular part-time employees will receive vacation pay when on the basis of their hours of pay entitlement at the rate of pay they take were receiving at the date of taking their vacation or at the percentage entitlement applied to their annual gross earnings for the anniversary year for which they are receiving their vacation.
15.03 Employees , whichever is the greater. For the purposes of determining an anniversary year of employment to qualify a regular full-time or regular part-time employee for vacation and vacation pay, the parties agree that when a regular full-time or regular part-time employee has worked a minimum of twelve hundred and fifty (1250) hours in the employee's anniversary year, the employee shall be eligible for vacations and vacation pay as set out herein. It is understood that an employee's date of hire as a regular full-time or regular part-time employee shall be used to determine the start of anniversary year. Vacation pay shall be given prior to an employee leaving on vacation. To ensure that the vacation pay is available it is recommended that the employee request vacation pay two (2) weeks' prior to taking ion. Regular full-time and regular part-time employees who are hospitalized shall have worked less than twelve hundred and fifty (1250) hours in their last anniversary year, will be paid the appropriate percentage of their gross pay; that is four percent six percent eight percent ten percent or make use twelve percent based on their length of compassionate leave service, earned during their vacation period last completed anniversary years. Vacation time off shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent taken on a pro rata basis. In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before is entitled to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s two (2) weeks vacation, shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings received while in the employ of the Employer. In the event of a regular full-time or regular part-time employee leaving the employ of the Employer after had vacation earned for the previous anniversary year, shall receive four percent six percent eight percent ten percent or twelve percent as the case may be, of pay for the anniversary year in which ends employment for which no vacation has been paid. Prior to an extra day’s vacation employee going on vacation, on request in writing with sufficient notice, the Employer shall be granted if furnish the holiday is one employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee would have received is receiving vacation pay, how the vacation pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If was calculated (i.e. on a percentage or weekly guarantee). A separate payroll will be made up for payment of vacation benefits. Casual employees shall receive vacations and vacation pay in accordance with the employment minimum requirements of an employee is terminated, the Employer Federal Labour Code and shall receive their vacation pay him/her each pay period. An employee's regular part-time and regular full-time seniority date shall apply for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to entitlements over and above the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation minimum requirements of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular timeFederal Labour Code. Seniority shall prevail in In the event of a conflict an employee relocates from one branch to another within the bargaining unit, the employee shall retain overall seniority for determination of vacation requests between employeesentitlement and branch seniority for vacation selection.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) An employee terminating their service with the City during their first year of employment shall be paid vacation pay in accordance with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds the provisions of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterEmployment Standards Code.
15.02 For other An employee who has completed less than fullseven (7) years service shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of one and one-time employees, all quarter (1 1/4) days per month of continuous service. When such an employee takes their vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless they shall receive as vacation the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, monthly accrual for the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when period for which they take are taking their vacation.
15.03 Employees An employee who are hospitalized or make use has completed seven (7) years but less than fourteen (14) years shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of compassionate leave during one and two-thirds (1 2/3) days per month of continuous service. When such an employee takes their vacation they shall receive as vacation the monthly accrual for the period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time usedfor which they are taking their vacation.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to anotherAn employee who has completed fourteen (14) years shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of two and one-twelfth (2 1/12) days per month of continuous service. When such an employee takes their vacation, they shall receive as vacation the monthly accrual for the period for which they are taking their vacation.
15.05 An employee who has completed twenty-one (21) years of service shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of two and one-half (2 1/2) days per month of continuous service. When a statutory holiday occurs during such an employee’s employee takes their vacation, an extra day’s they shall receive as vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one monthly accrual for the period for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingthey are taking their vacation.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list schedule shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation posted by April 1 of the business is concerned each year and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular timefinalized by May 31 of each year. Seniority shall prevail in determination of dates at which vacation will be received. In Transit, first choice for vacation dates will be decided on a rotating basis.
15.07 Carry-over vacation may be permitted, when requested in writing, from one year to the event following year, but accumulation is limited to the number of a conflict days an employee can accrue in sixteen (16) months. Total vacation in any one calendar year will not exceed eight (8) weeks.
15.08 Taking of vacation requests between employeesleave is subject to the approval of the Manager.
15.09 If an employee becomes hospitalized for a period in excess of three (3) working days during a period of annual vacation leave and meets the conditions as set out in Article 13, the employee shall be granted sick leave for the period of illness and their annual vacation leave credits shall be restored to the extent of any corresponding sick leave granted, provided that it does not exceed the amount of vacation leave that the employee had applied for before becoming ill.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 23.01 Annual vacation with pay based on continuous service shall be entitled granted to an annual employees covered by this Agreement as follows:
a) Two (2) weeks vacation to employees after completing one (1) year of employment service.
b) Three (3) weeks vacation to employees commencing with paythe regular vacation period in the year in which their third (3rd) anniversary falls.
c) Four (4) weeks vacation to employees commencing with the regular vacation period in the year in which their tenth (10th) anniversary falls. In 2004, calculated as follows:four (4) weeks vacation to employees commencing with the regular vacation period in the year in which their ninth (9th) anniversary falls.
d) Five (a5) 3/52nds of weeks vacation to employees commencing with the earnings of regular vacation period in the year in which their sixteenth (16th) anniversary falls.
e) Six (6) weeks vacation to employees commencing with the regular vacation period in the year in which their twenty-four (24th) anniversary falls. In 2004, six (6) weeks vacation to employees commencing with the regular vacation period in the year in which their twenty-third (23rd) anniversary falls.
f) Commencing 2004, seven (7) weeks vacation to employees commencing with the regular vacation period in the year in which their twenty-eighth (28th) anniversary falls. It is mutually understood that year of service after there could be cases where an employee has used vacation that they have not yet earned. That being the case, said employee will reimburse the City for vacation monies owed.
23.02 Any employee with four (4) weeks vacation or more will be entitled to take one (1) week of vacation in single days. For each week of single days selected, a minimum of three (3) days must be taken in any given unsigned week. Single day vacation entitlement will be signed for after all employees have signed for full weeks of vacation entitlement.
23.03 Only two (2) vacation weeks may be taken between June 1st and Labour Day. The remainder of vacation entitlement may be taken outside the prime time vacation sign-up period.
23.04 The employee may take his/her four (4) weeks at any time on his/her tenth (10th) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;or after. This could only occur once.
(b) 4/52nds 23.05 Vacation sheets for operators will be posted September 1st of the previous year. Vacation sheets for mechanics, utility and mobility will be posted by December 1st of the previous year.
23.06 Vacation pay will be your entitled percentage of your gross earnings for or your appropriate guaranteed hours per week entitlement, whichever is greater, with the year commencing after five ending June 30th and beginning July 1st.
23.07 Vacation entitlement may be taken between January 1st and December 31st of a calendar year.
23.08 (5a) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to Prime time is defined as the ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterweek period preceding Labour Day.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 8.01 Vacations shall be entitled scheduled from April 1st to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of September 30th unless otherwise mutually agreed by the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time Employer and the balance employee. So far as is practical and consistent with the Employer maintaining an efficient operation, vacations shall be granted during the time requested by the employees. The applications for vacation shall be granted on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30thbasis of, and in order of, respective employee's seniority in selection of vacation dates. Full-time employees shall select dates prior to part-time employees. Full-Time Employees Part-Time Employees
8.02 Part-time employees who have completed one (1) calendar year of continuous employment with the Employer will receive have the opportunity to schedule two (2) weeks vacation. Such time off will be without pay. Part-time vacation pay when they take their vacationschedules will be completed by seniority following the selection by full-time employees.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized 8.03 Part-time employees with thirteen (13) or make use more years of compassionate leave continuous employment with the Employer will have the opportunity to schedule three (3) weeks' time off during their vacation period shall prime time. Such time off will be without pay.
8.04 A part-time employee proceeding to full-time employment will be credited with extra the number of hours accumulated during the employee's continuous service with the Employer as a part-time employee, provided the employee's service is continuous from part-time to full-time. The credited hours will be balanced with the annual hours of a regular full-time employee to establish the appropriate yearly credit for future vacation time equivalent to the time usedentitlements, as provided above.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated 8.05 The Employer agrees to provide vacation pay on a "total compensation" or normal week’s pay, whichever is greater. Total compensation shall mean "all monies received directly from one year to anotherthe Employer" (wages, overtime, bonuses, premiums, vacation pay, sick-leave-credit payments, and other items of similar nature).
15.05 When 8.06 The Employer will provide part-time employees with their vacation pay for the previous year within thirty (30) days after the year end.
8.07 Where a statutory holiday General Holiday occurs during an employee’s 's vacation, an extra day’s 's vacation with pay shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if had he/she had been working. Where an employee received three (3) or more weeks vacation with pay and a General Holiday occurs during the employee's paid vacation, an extra day's pay may be given in lieu of an extra day's vacation with pay if, in the opinion of the Employer, an extra day's vacation with pay interferes with vacation schedules or hampers operations.
15.06 If 8.08 All time lost (up to thirty-one (31) consecutive days) because of sickness, or non- occupational accident, all time lost due to occupational accident, all time absent on paid full-time vacation, and paid General Holidays shall be considered as time worked for the employment purpose of determining the vacation allowance to which a full-time employee is entitled.
8.09 All employees, whose absence due to non-occupational accident or sickness or unpaid leave of absence extends beyond thirty-one (31) consecutive days and results in less than forty (40) hours' pay per week, shall have their vacation pay prorated in the subsequent vacation year.
8.10 Where the services of an employee is terminatedare retained by the purchaser of the business, the Employer shall pay himhis/her service (for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list entitlement purpose only) shall be submitted deemed to be uninterrupted by the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation sale or purchase of the business is concerned and therefore shall be binding upon the purchaser, in accordance with prevailing statutes. The previous Owner shall pay out any/all vacation pay owed up to the date of the sale of the business.
8.11 Employees entitled to two (2), three (3), four(4) or five (5) weeks vacation and who terminate their employment shall receive payment for vacation allowance in an amount equal to four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), and ten percent (10%), respectively, of the total wage and salary earned by the employee during the period of employment for which no vacation allowance has been paid.
8.12 Provided the full-time employee advises the Employer, in writing, at least one (1) month before the commencement of his/her vacation the Employer is able agrees to make schedule a final decision as Friday/Saturday, or Sunday/Monday combination of days off to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in extend the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesemployee's vacation, once per year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after with pay in accordance with the following table: Years of Service Vacation Days** Less than 1 1.5 days per month for a maximum of 15 days 1-6 15 days 7-11 20 days 12-17 23 days 18-24 25 days 25 and above 30 days Employees who have already reached a vacation entitlement that is greater than Xxxx’x policy as of January 1, 2014, will be grandfathered at their existing entitlement until they reach a higher vacation entitlement under Xxxx’x policy. Vacation must be taken between January 1 of the calendar year in which they are earned and April 30 of the following year. The number of years of service attained on December 31 of the vacation year determines vacation eligibility. For example, an employee who reached 7 years of service on November 12, 2012 will be eligible to 20 vacation days starting January 1, 2013. The vacation schedule for a part-time employee is the same as that for a full-time employee, except that it is prorated based on time worked. The time worked considered for calculating the prorated vacation is the employee’s scheduled time. For example, if a person is scheduled to work 2 days per week throughout the year, they will earn 2/5ths of the days under the above vacation schedule.
13.1.1 If employment is terminated involuntarily all vacation credits shall be paid out in cash. If the employee quits it is understood vacation credits not taken prior to leaving the
13.1.2 Employees shall have the right to take their vacations throughout the calendar year, subject to management approval, and preference shall be given employees on the basis of Company seniority within their department on a location basis.
13.1.3 Every employee with five (5) or more years of service shall, subject to the operational requirements of the Company, be entitled to have three (3) weeks of their vacation period scheduled consecutively, if they so request. Agreement with such requests shall not be unreasonably withheld. Employees with less than five (5) years of service shall, subject to the operational requirements of the Company, be entitled to have two (2) weeks of their vacation period scheduled consecutively.
13.1.4 In special circumstances a maximum of one (1) year's annual vacation may be carried forward to the next vacation year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:by mutual agreement between the Company and the employee.
(a) 3/52nds 13.1.5 In the event of the earnings death of that year an employee, the value of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up any vacation credits which are accrued to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will employee shall be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationestate.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 1. Annual vacations shall be entitled taken during the period from May 1 to an annual vacation October 31 unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the Co-operative and the employee, and brought to the attention of the Union. Such vacations shall be taken on the following basis:
(a) after one (1) year of employment service – three (3) weeks’ vacation with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds pay computed at 3/52 of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of servicehis/her total earnings;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of serviceservice – four (4) weeks’ vacation with pay computed at 1/13 of his/her total earnings;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten twenty (1020) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter– five (5) weeks’ vacation with pay computed at 5/52 of his/her total earnings;
(d) after twenty-five (25) years of service – six (6) weeks’ vacation with pay computed at 3/26 of his/her total earnings.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken2. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agreeIt is agreed that employees with the longest service with the Co-operative will have priority, however, both parties agree that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore concerned. The Co-operative, therefore, must make the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and where arrangements of the vacation schedule may jeopardize the operation of the business.
3. When a holiday occurs during an employee's vacation, an extra day's vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which employees the employee would be able to take have received pay had he/she been working. If granting an extra day's vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in will hamper operations or interfere with the event of a conflict arrangements of vacation requests schedules, an extra day's pay in lieu of an extra day's vacation, in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement, shall be given if agreed upon between the Co-operative and the employee.
4. When employment of an employee is terminated, the Co-operative shall pay in addition to all other amounts due the employee, all vacation time earned but not taken by the employee.
5. For all employees, the annual cut off date for vacation pay shall be April 30 of each year.
6. Full-time and regular part-time employees who are ill or disabled because of injury during their scheduled vacation and as a result are hospitalized for twenty-four (24) hours or more, may elect to go on sick leave, and in such cases will have the balance of the vacation rescheduled without disruption to current vacation schedules.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees G10.01 Annual Vacations shall be signed by each employee in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the applicable sections of this agreement. Vacation sign-up sheets for each classification shall be available for signing by September 1 and completed by October 15 of the year proceeding the year in which the vacation shall be taken. If an employee has not been signed within forty-eight (48) hours of being given the sheet, the right to sign shall pass to the next employee. The employee may sign at any time after the list has been passed, but shall not have the option of signing time taken by the other employees the list has been passed to.
G10.02 An employee is not entitled to take any vacation until having completed six (6) months' continuous service.
G10.03 An employee is not entitled to take any vacation in the year of hire.
G10.04 Each new employee shall be entitled to an annual a vacation after with pay in the year in which they complete their first year of service. Vacation shall be one-twelfth of ten (10) days for each full month of service during the calendar year of hire, calculated to the nearest full day.
G10.05 All vacation blocks shall commence on the first or eighth day of a pay period unless mutually agreed to between the supervisor and the employee.
G10.06 Holidays may be taken one or more days at a time at the discretion of the Employer.
G10.07 Except as outlined in .8 below, each employee who banks vacation pay and signs for vacation entitlement shall receive one (1) year day's pay for each day of employment with vacation, where said pay shall be equal to the employee's wage rate in effect at the time the vacation is taken multiplied by the daily maximum straight hours of their classification (to a maximum of eight (8) hours).
G10.08 Each employee in .7 above who does not average the daily maximum straight time hours of their classification shall have their average daily hours used in the calculation in .7 above, where average daily hours shall be equal to the number of hours worked each day (not exceeding eight (8) hours daily) divided by the number of days worked (not exceeding five (5) days weekly).
G10.09 Each employee on the Health Plan who does not hold a full-time position or is not on the two hundred and forty (240) day cost shared benefits, shall receive vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate.
G10.10 Each employee on the Health Plan who holds a full-time position shall bank vacation pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds but, if they are terminated or laid off, they shall receive pay in lieu of any outstanding vacation earned in the previous calendar year plus pay for vacation earned in the current year to the date of termination, where said pay shall be equal to their gross earnings multiplied by the percentage corresponding to their years of that year service. Years of service after and corresponding percentage rates are shown in columns 1 and 3 respectively in .17 below.
G10.11 Employees who transfer to another location and/or classification with a different vacation sign-up shall, whenever possible, retain their previous vacation schedule. In the event the employee's vacation has to be rescheduled, it shall be done at a time mutually agreeable to the Employer and the employee.
G10.12 Any employee who is scheduled to commence annual vacation and becomes sick or is away sick on their last working day before their vacation commences may have the vacation deferred and rescheduled at a time mutually agreed to between the Employer and the employee provided that they produce a Company medical form and return to work form duly completed by a medical practitioner and that the request for the deferment is mutually satisfactory to the Employer and the Union.
G10.13 Any employee who actually commences vacation and then becomes ill or injured, may have that portion of their vacation deferred providing the reason is substantiated in the same manner as stated in the preceding paragraph. Any employee requesting a vacation deferment shall do so within seventy-two (72) hours of returning to work. (The intent of this clause is to reschedule vacations, or part thereof, when the employee‘s vacation has been considerably disrupted, i.e. hospitalization, bed- ridden, etc.)
G10.14 Any vacation deferred shall be rescheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Employer and the employee shall be given a minimum of two (2) weeks' notice once the rescheduling has been determined. The employee may waive this notice period.
G10.15 Vacation entitlements are based on a calendar year system. Regular employees described in .7 and .8 above, who have completed the number of years of service shown under column one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafterin any year, up shall be entitled to and including five (5) completed years the corresponding number of service;
(b) 4/52nds days of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all annual vacation with pay will be paid to employees on December 15th shown in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make column two (2) such requests per to be taken during that year based on earnings and subsequent years. (Refer to June 30thPast Service Credits provision of this Agreement). Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationDefinition: "year" or "years" shall mean the number of year(s) plus one (1) day.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.(2) (3)
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 6.1 Vacation pay shall be entitled accrued for all employees covered by this Agreement at the following rates;
(a) Employees with up to three (3) years service will be paid vacation pay at the rate of four percent (4%) of gross pay.
(b) Employees with three (3) to twelve (12) years service will be paid vacation pay at the rate of six percent (6%) of gross pay.
(c) Employees with twelve (12) years service or more, will receive vacation pay at the rate of eight percent (8%) of gross pay.
6.2 Employees covered by this Agreement shall receive time off for an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds Upon completion of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year year's service, and each subsequent year thereafter up to the third (3rd) year of employment, employees shall receive two (2) weeks annual vacation.
(b) Upon completion of three (3) years service and each year thereafter, up to and including five the twelfth (512th) completed years year of service;
employment, employees shall receive a three (b3) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;week annual vacation.
(c) 5/52nds Upon completion of twelve (12) years service, and each year thereafter, employees shall receive a four (4) week annual vacation.
6.3 For the purpose of determining a year's service, any year during which an employee works thirteen hundred (1300) hours, shall be considered a year's service. A year shall date from the employee's date of commencement of employment, and shall consist of twelve (12) consecutive months.
6.4 For the purpose of determining total hours worked in any year, absence by reason of compensable accident or illness shall be credited as hours worked.
6.5 The time of annual vacation shall be fixed by the Company, consistent with the efficient operation of the earnings after ten (10) completed years business. Preferences of service and each subsequent year thereaftervacation time shall be given to the senior employee.
15.02 For other than full-6.6 The Company shall schedule annual vacations so that all employees will receive their annual vacation in a continuous period. Should an employee elect to split his vacation into two (2) separate periods, the Company will accommodate the employee whenever it is possible to do so, provided the employee specifically requests the Company to do so in writing.
6.7 Vacation pay accrued under Section 6.1 above, will be paid to the employee on the payday immediately following the commencement of the vacation, through the direct deposit system, to be paid based on time employeesoff requested. If an employee wishes to receive vacation pay prior to his vacation, all a written request must be received by the Payroll Department at least two (2) weeks in advance of that employee's vacation.
6.8 All accrued vacation pay will be paid to employees out on December 15th the last pay period in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationOctober.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees The Company shall continue to grant vacations with pay to all employees. The terms of this policy shall be as follows: the shall run con- currently with the shutdown period or periods. Employees who are entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds vacations in excess of the length of the Plant’s shutdown period or periods must make their requests in writing before March of the current vacation year. Preference will be given to employees for the choice of designated vacation periods on the basis of their seniority in the section, provided that such preference does not unduly affect the efficient operation of the plant. Employees will be notified of their vacation periods not later than April of the current vacation year, and once established, individual vacation periods shall not thereafter be changed, except with the consent of both parties concerned. The “vacation year” which be used in com- puting vacation payment, shall be period from the pay period in May of the pre- ceding year to the last pay period of April in the current year inclusively. shall be eligible to receive two weeks’ xxxx- tion and a vacation payment equal to four percent of the employee’s total earnings during the vacation year. Every on the payroll who at July of that the then current year, shall have not less than five years’ continuous service and not more than twelve years shall be eligible to receive three weeks’ vacation and a vacation payment equal to six percent of the year. Every employee on the payroll who at July of the then current year, shall have not less than twelve years’ continuous service and not more than twenty-two years shall be eligi- ble to receive four weeks’ vacation and a vacation payment equal to eight percent of the employee’s total earnings during the xxxx- tion year. Every employee on the payroll who at July of the then current year, shall have not less than twenty-two years’ continuous service shall be eligible to receive five weeks’ vacation and a vacation payment equal to ten per- cent of the employee’s total earnings during the vacation year. Every employee who completes their fifth, twelfth and twenty-second year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds on December 3 of the then current year shall receive after their anniversary date of the then cur- rent year an additional week’s vacation and an additional vacation payment equal to two percent of the employee’s total earnings during the vacation year as defined in Section When an employee’s scheduled vacation period includes a holiday listed in Section an addi- tional day’s vacation with pay shall be granted. In computing total earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years purpose of service and each subsequent year thereafterdetermining vacation payment, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent the following: (a) Wages for hours worked, All payments not already credited and which have been made in accordance with the pro- visions Death in the Immediate Family, Article Annual Vacations, Article Union Committees and Stewards, and Article Jury Duty Absence and Payment; Wages lost while absent from work due to the time used.
15.04 Vacations canillness (not be accumulated exceeding One Hundred and Eighty days); Wages lost due to temporary layoffs caused by material shortages or equipment break-downs for periods up to five days and Wages lost while absent from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment work because of an employee is terminated, industrial accident or illness compensable under the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earnedWorker’s Compensation Act.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 1. Annual vacations shall be entitled taken during the period from May 1 to an annual vacation April 30 unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the Co-operative and the employee, and brought to the attention of the Union. Such vacations shall be taken on the following basis:
(a) after one (1) year of employment service – three (3) weeks’ vacation with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds pay computed at 3/52 of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of servicehis/her total earnings;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of serviceservice – four (4) weeks’ vacation with pay computed at 1/13 of his/her total earnings;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten twenty (1020) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter– five (5) weeks’ vacation with pay computed at 5/52 of his/her total earnings;
(d) after twenty-five (25) years of service – six (6) weeks’ vacation with pay computed at 3/26 of his/her total earnings.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken2. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agreeIt is agreed that employees with the longest service with the Co-operative will have priority, however, both parties agree that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore concerned. The Co-operative, therefore, must make the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and where arrangements of the vacation schedule may jeopardize the operation of the business.
3. When a holiday occurs during an employee's vacation, an extra day's vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which employees the employee would be able to take have received pay had he/she been working. If granting an extra day's vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in will hamper operations or interfere with the event of a conflict arrangements of vacation requests schedules, an extra day's pay in lieu of an extra day's vacation, in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement, shall be given if agreed upon between the Co-operative and the employee.
4. When employment of an employee is terminated, the Co-operative shall pay in addition to all other amounts due the employee, all vacation time earned but not taken by the employee.
5. For all employees, the annual cut off date for vacation pay shall be April 30 of each year.
6. Full-time and regular part-time employees who are ill or disabled because of injury during their scheduled vacation and as a result are hospitalized for twenty-four (24) hours or more, may elect to go on sick leave, and in such cases will have the balance of the vacation rescheduled without disruption to current vacation schedules.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 (a) No later than January 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a vacation list on the Bulletin Board whereon all employees shall indicate their vacation preferences for the vacation year. Employees shall have until February 15th, to make their selections and the Employer will post, by March 1st, the completed vacation schedule. The vacation year, for the purpose of scheduling and taking vacations shall be entitled defined as March 1st to an annual vacation after February 28th of the following year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of both parties. Such vacations shall be taken in one (1) year unbroken period unless requested by the employee who shall have the sole right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 1st and September 30th each year. However, employees so taking their vacation during the aforesaid period of employment with pay, calculated as follows:time may only take three (3) consecutive weeks for such vacation. Employees taking their vacation either before or after the aforesaid period of time may take it in one (1) unbroken period.
(ab) 3/52nds An employee's anniversary date of latest hiring shall be used as the earnings date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment. Employees who transfer from or to any branch of that year Coca-Cola Bottling Company will maintain their seniority for the purpose of service after annual vacations only from the date of latest hiring.
(c) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to three (3) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks vacation of fourteen (14) days with eighty (80) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(d) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete three (3) years as an employee shall receive three (3) consecutive weeks vacation of twenty-one (21) days with one hundred and including twenty (120) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(e) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete eight (8) years as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks vacation of twenty-eight (28) days with one hundred and sixty (160) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(f) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete fifteen (15) or more years of continuous service with the Employer shall receive five (5) completed years weeks vacation of service;
thirty-five (b35) 4/52nds days with two hundred (200) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of the taking their vacation, or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterfor which they are receiving their vacation, up to ten (10) completed years of service;whichever is the greater.
(cg) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized have previously completed or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.subsequently complete twenty-five
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Less Than One Year Employees who have less than one year's service with the Employer, shall be granted vacations on the basis of days with pay for each month or major fraction thereof of service prior to June but not to exceed a total of fifteen (15) working days. One Year and Over Employees who have completed one (1) year's service with the Employer as of June shall be granted three weeks vacation with pay. Over Nine Years Employees who will have completed the following years of service with the Employer as of December shall be granted annual vacation with pay according to the following schedule: Years of Service As of December years years years Termination Subject to the provisions of an employee leaving the service of the Employer at any time in his vacation year before he has had his vacation, shall be entitled to vacation with pay pro-rated in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Vacation Time An employee shall be entitled to receive his vacation in an annual unbroken period unless otherwise mutually agreed upon between the employee concerned and the Employer. The Employer will make every reasonable effort to grant an employee his vacation after one (1) year when specified by the employee. Preference in choice of employment vacation time shall be given to employees with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds a greater length of continuous service. Paid Should any of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafterholidays provided for in Article Paid Holidays, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs fall during an employee’s vacation's vacation period, an then such employee shall be entitled to any extra day's vacation with pay. Service For the purpose of this Article, service shall not include any periods of absence greater than twenty-five working days where the employee receives no pay or is compensated by an insurance plan and where periods of absence greater than (25) working days occur during the vacation year, the employee’s annual vacation with pay shall be granted if pro-rated in accordance with the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingfull periods of absence.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after with less than one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year years' service by December will be entitled to one day's vacation for each complete month of service after computed to June to be taken within the calendar year. An employee will be entitled to two (2) weeks' vacation with pay upon completion of one (1) full year of service prior to December and each subsequent provided such vacation is taken in the year thereafterin which it is due less any vacation credits received. Employees who shall have completed three (3) years or more service prior to December in the year in which the vacation is due, up shall receive three (3) weeks vacation with pay. Employees who shall have completed ten years or more of service prior to and including December of the year in which it is to be taken shall receive four (4) weeks vacation with pay Employees who have completed eighteen (18) years or more service to December of the year in which the vacation is to be taken shall receive five (5) weeks' vacation with pay. Employees who have completed thirty (30) years of service;
or more service prior to December in the year in which the vacation is to be taken shall receive six (b6) 4/52nds weeks' vacation with pay. Vacation pay shall be based on the employee's weekly pay, shift premiums being excluded except for those employees on a permanent shift. All deductions normally made from an employee's regular pay shall be deducted from the employee's vacation pay. The holiday schedule shall be arranged by groups with proper regard for seniority and providing for the continuous and efficient operation of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years department. For those who request and are eligible for, a minimum of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees weeks vacation will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if in any year between May 15th and September 15th. A department may require vacation requests to be completed by March 1st. In these instances the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall will be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.posted by April
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 14.01 No later than January 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a vacation list or lists on the Bulletin Board, and each employee shall, in order of seniority, apply for his/her vacation on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March lst of each year. It is the Employer's responsibility to ensure that employees sign up for vacations in an expedient manner and eliminate any delays on the part of any employee in exercising his/her entitlement for vacation selection. No employee will be by-passed without notice in writing from the Employer. It is incumbent upon each employee to utilize all vacation entitlement within the employee’s allotted twelve (12) months. No Vacation hours will be carried over to the next year. Vacation shall be entitled to an annual vacation after taken in one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of unbroken period unless requested by the earnings of that year of service after employee who shall have the sole right to decide whether his/her vacation shall be in one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafterperiod or split. However, up to and including five (5) completed years employees may only split such vacation within the period of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing May 15th through September 15th after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th the vacation list in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is takenorder of seniority, have had an opportunity to have holidays during this period. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make Employees may only take two (2) such requests per year based on earnings weeks vacation throughout the period of May 15th to June 30thSeptember 15th. Full-time employees If any weeks are available after all the selections have gone down the seniority list, then the process will receive begin again from the top. Inasmuch as the Employer will recognize the vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to period(s) selected by the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminatedemployee(s), the Employer shall pay him/her for any reserves the right to amend vacation schedules to a time he/she has earnedmutually agreed upon by the employee and the Employer in order to ensure continuous operating capability and efficiency.
15.07 A 14.02 The vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference entitlements are as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.follows:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (i) Three (3) weeks vacation with pay shall be entitled to an annual vacation granted after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and for each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;.
(bii) 4/52nds Four (4) weeks vacation with pay shall be granted to an employee after completion of the earnings for the year commencing after five eight (5) completed 8) years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;.
(ciii) 5/52nds Five (5) weeks vacation with pay shall be granted to an employee after completion of the earnings after ten fifteen (1015) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all (iv) Six (6) weeks vacation with pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if to an employee after completion of twenty-five (25) years of service and each year thereafter.
(v) Annual vacations shall be taken within the calendar year in which the required service is completed, or not later than the last Saturday in April of the following year, except with the approval of the Department Head concerned
(vi) The parties agree that the Company will track vacation in ¼ hour increments.
2. Where leave of absence without pay for a period in excess of thirty (30) days has been taken, vacation leave shall be reduced proportionately from the first day of such leave of absence. This does not apply to Adoption, Parental or Pregnancy and Maternity Leaves, in which vacation time entitlement will remain based on years of service, while vacation pay entitlement will be calculated based on earned vacation pay. Periods of thirty (30) days or less shall not be cumulative.
3. An employee who leaves the Company's service shall be allowed pay in lieu of earned vacation leave.
4. Every effort shall be made so that annual vacation periods shall be between May 1st and October 31st. Employees with three (3) years or more cumulative service shall not be required to take their vacation outside this period.
5. Where a holiday falls within an employee's annual vacation such employee shall, at the employee's option, receive one (1) extra days pay in lieu of the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of or an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.additional
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 23.1 Permanent employees shall be entitled to an annual to:
a) Three (3) weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:service and for each subsequent year up to and including eight (8) years of service.
b) Four (a4) 3/52nds weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay in the earnings of that ninth (9th) and each subsequent year of service after up to and including the fifteenth (15th) year of service.
c) Five (5) weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay in the sixteenth (16th) and each subsequent year of service up to and including the twenty-fourth (24th) year of service.
d) Six (6) weeks of vacation at evaluated rate of pay in the twenty-fifth (25th) and for each subsequent year of service.
23.2 Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation with pay as provided in
23.1 but the weekly rate of pay will be the same as that received on average over the preceding two (2) pay periods.
23.3 Non-permanent employees shall not accumulate vacation leave but shall be paid vacation pay at the rate of four percent (4%), based on the evaluated rate of pay until they have accumulated 2080 hours with The City, at which time they shall be paid vacation pay at the rate of six percent (6%).
23.4 When a non-permanent 4,160 hour employee achieves permanent status, their accrued hours of work shall be credited for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
23.5 Employees must utilize their vacation entitlement each year or the remainder; however, if the above has been applied, an employee may carry over one (1) week per year and each subsequent year thereafterto a maximum accumulation equal to their annual entitlement, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds upon approval of the earnings Department Head.
23.6 Subject to the Employer's requirements all employees shall be entitled to take their annual vacation when they so desire. Should a dispute arise between employees, preference as to when an employee may take their vacation shall be governed by seniority only once per calendar year.
23.7 If a holiday falls or is observed during or adjacent to an employee's annual vacation, that day shall not be considered a day of vacation but shall be paid as a holiday in accordance with this section.
23.8 Vacation pay on termination shall be calculated on the basis of the number of hours of vacation earned at the evaluated rate of pay under this Agreement, but not expended.
23.9 Employees must apply for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to leave at least ten (10) completed years of service;working days before the date they wish to commence this leave.
(c) 5/52nds of 23.10 Where The City is having difficulty recruiting to specific positions and/or classifications, it may recognize equivalent service with another employer in establishing vacation accrual rates according to the earnings after current collective agreement, and/or to waive the benefit waiting period on hire as an incentive to candidates to accept employment.
23.11 All vacation requests shall be either accepted or rejected in writing within ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time days or a portion earlier following receipt of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationwritten request.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation All full-time employees after one (1I)year of service shall receive two (2) year of employment weeks vacation with pay, calculated as follows:
. full-time employees after three (a3) 3/52nds years of the earnings continuous service shall receive three (3) weeks vacation with pay. full-time employees after eight (8) years of that year continuous service shall receive four (4) weeks vacation with pay. All full-time employees after eighteen (18) years of continuous service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including shall receive five (5) completed years weeks vacation with The first two (2) weeks of service;
(b) 4/52nds vacations shall be scheduled from April to September inclusive unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Co-operative and the employee. It is further agreed that the third fourth fifth week of vacation for employees entitled to same may be scheduled at the discretion of the earnings Co-operative. For the purpose of vacation allowance, a full-time employee means an employee, who has completed one (I) calendar year of continuous service with the Co-operative, comprising of not less than two hundred twenty-five (225) days of actual work. The annual vacation cut off for all employees shall be April Employees are required to take the annual vacation to which they are entitled and no carryover of vacation benefits will be allowed from one year commencing after to the next, except with the prior approval of Management. Employees who have worked thirty (30) days but less than one (I)year who terminate their employment or go on leave for a period longer than one month, will receive a vacation allowance to an amount equal to four (4%) percent of the total salary and wages earned for which no vacation allowance has been paid. Employees entitled to two three four (4) or five (5) completed years of service weeks vacation and each subsequent year thereafterwho terminate their employment shall receive payment for vacation allowance in the amount equal to four (4%) percent, up to six (6%) percent, eight (8%) percent or ten (10%) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds percent respectively of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service total wage and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless salary earned by the employee requests during the period of employment for which no vacation pay when allowance has been paid. For those who go on leave for a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee period longer than one month will have option to receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent allowance immediately or upon their return to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated work from one year to another.
15.05 such When a statutory holiday Statutory Holiday occurs during an employee’s 's vacation, an extra day’s 's vacation with pay shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Retail Bakery Deli Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (a) No later than January 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March 1st of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of both parties. Such vacations shall be entitled to an annual vacation after taken in one (1) year unbroken period unless requested by the employee who shall have the sole right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 1st and September 30th each year. However, employees so taking their vacation during the aforesaid period of employment with paytime may only take three (3) consecutive weeks for such vacation. Employees taking their vacation either before or after the aforesaid period of time may take it in one (1) unbroken period. The Employer shall allow a minimum of three (3) Bulk Drivers and/or Relief Bulk Drivers, calculated as follows:six (6) Delivery Merchandisers and two (2) Merchandisers to be away during any one (1) period. One time every three (3) years the Company will grant the employee the right to a five week vacation in the summer, provided the employee is going out of the country. An employee who is returning from vacation shall be contacted by the Company, in advance, to confirm his shift, days of the week and start time which contact will include a personal or electronic message. Where the employee has been unable to receive such message then it shall be his responsibility to contact the Company. No penalty shall be paid to the employee who reports back to work at the wrong shift, day or start time. An employee who is on vacation shall not be recalled to work. With approval from the Company, where a layoff occurs, senior employees may volunteer to take vacation to avoid junior employees from being laid off. Once the employee’s vacation request is granted, the Employer shall confirm his request in writing.
(ab) 3/52nds of In keeping with the earnings of that year Employer's vacation policy, employees who complete twenty-five (25) years of service after shall receive two (2) weeks in addition to their normal vacation entitlement. Each fifth (5th) year thereafter, an employee shall receive an additional two (2) weeks vacation in addition to their normal vacation entitlement. Current employees who, as at December 31st, 1999, have already received a bonus vacation related to twenty-five (25) years of service with the Company shall continue to receive the bonus vacation awarded at five (5) year increments thereafter. Employees who have not received any benefit under this provision on or prior to December 31st, 1999 shall not be eligible for such benefit in the future.
(c) An employee's anniversary date of latest hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment. Employees who transfer from or to any branch of Coca-Cola Bottling Company will maintain their seniority for the purpose of annual vacations only from the date of latest hiring.
(d) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five three (53) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the as an employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will shall receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive consecutive weeks vacation of fourteen (14) days with eighty (80) hours pay when at the rate they take were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
15.03 (e) Employees who are hospitalized have previously completed or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.subsequently complete three
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees
11.01 An employee who has received pay for at least an equivalent of two standard work weeks in a calendar month shall receive as vacation pay the monthly accrual for the period for which he is taking his vacation in accordance with the following: YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE MONTHLY ACCRUAL RATES Standard Work Week Percentage of Gross Earnings Worked Excluding Any Bonuses 40 Hours 35 Hours Less than three years of service [4 weeks] 13.33 hours 11.66 hours 8% Three complete years and less than eight years [5 weeks] 16.66 hours 14.58 hours 10% Eight completed years and less than fifteen years [6 weeks] 20.00 hours 17.50 hours 12% Fifteen completed years and less than twenty years [7 weeks] 23.33 hours 20.42 hours 14% Over twenty years [8 weeks] 26.66 hours 23.33 hours 16%
11.02 The Employer shall make a reasonable effort to grant an employee the period of vacation leave requested.
11.03 The number of employees who may be on vacation at any one time from a department shall be entitled to an annual determined by the Employer as operational requirements permit.
11.04 Vacation leave may be taken at any time during the year provided the employee has applied in advance on a vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:leave application form and such leave has been approved.
(a) 3/52nds Notwithstanding section 11.04, annual leave which is applied for by November 15 of the earnings previous year will be considered on the basis of that seniority. Annual leave applications received after November 15 will be considered as they are received and seniority will not be taken into account. For the purposes of this clause only, the vacation year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up shall be January 1st to and including five (5) completed years of service;December 31st.
(b) 4/52nds A single leave request in excess of six consecutive weeks received by November 15 of the earnings for previous year will be given special consideration. Seniority is the year commencing after five (5) completed years first consideration, but if such a large request cannot reasonably be balanced with the annual leave requests of service and each subsequent year thereafterother members in the same work group, up the portion of the request over the six weeks may have to ten (10) completed years of service;be adjusted.
(c) 5/52nds The employer will respond to such application for annual leave in a timely manner. 11.06
(a) Employees may request payout of accrued or carried over vacation leave in excess of a mandatory two week hold back, subject to the earnings after ten following:
(10i) completed years If at least one consecutive week of service and each subsequent year thereaftervacation has been taken in the previous six months, the hold back will be one week.
15.02 For other than full-time employees(ii) If two or more consecutive weeks of vacation has been taken in the previous six months, there will be no required hold back.
(iii) To ensure that the employee has received all vacation pay will be paid to employees earned on December 15th in each year unless qualified gross earnings including overtime, at the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion end of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per calendar year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period a computation shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacationmade on gross earnings worked, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment exclusive of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail bonuses in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeescurrent year as outlined in section 11.01.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall The vacation year is defined as May 1 to April 3D, and employees earn vacation credits in the following manner:
(b) An employee with less than one (1) year's service will accumulate vacation credits at the rate of eight (8) hours per completed month of service up to April 30th, to a possible maximum of eighty (80) hours. Vacation pay will be entitled calculated at the rate of 4% gross earnings for the preceding May 1 to an annual vacation after April 30. An employee with more than one (1) year of service but less than five (5) full years of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds prior to the first day of the earnings May of that year shall be entitled to 80.5 hours vacation. Pay will be calculated on the basis of 4% of gross earnings for the period.
(d) An employee with more than five (5) years of service after shall be entitled to 120.75 hours vacation. Pay will be calculated on the basis of 6% of gross earnings for the period. The third week's vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed by the employee and the employer. An employee with more than ten (10) years of service shall be entitled to 161 hours vacation. Pay will be calculated on the basis of 8% of gross earnings for the period. The third and fourth week's vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed by the employee and the employer.
(f) Each employee will receive a pay deposit each week for the hours they worked the previous week or the vacation hours which were used. Under no circumstance will anyone be given a manual cheque in advance of vacation pay. Employees will be paid weekly, including vacation. Employees are expected to use their vacation credits in the vacation year immediately following the one in which they are earned.
15.02 Where a public holiday falls within the employee's annual vacation, such employee shall be granted one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafteradditional day's vacation or pay in lieu thereof. Such additional day's vacation, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterif requested, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will may be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationarranged by mutual agreement.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use The choice of compassionate leave during their vacation period time shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent given to an employee according to seniority whenever possible, subject to the time usedoperational requirements of the business. Vacation lists will be posted and circulated in January. Employees must indicate their choice by February 1st, otherwise they will be assigned available vacation periods. The finalized vacation list will be posted on March 1st.
15.04 Vacations cannot Employees will be accumulated from one year permitted to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any use vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.for legitimate illness lasting four
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees (a) A regular employee who is not on a leave of absence without pay shall earn and be entitled to the following annual vacation:
(b) A regular employee who commenced employment prior to January 1, 1984 and who is not on a leave of absence without pay shall earn and be entitled to the following annual vacation:
(c) A regular employee who is not on leave of absence without pay shall be entitled to an three (3) additional days' vacation, to be taken between Christmas Day and New Year's Day, except for those employees whom the College requires to work during that time. In such cases, those days may be re-scheduled.
12.2 The annual vacation after entitlement will normally be taken during the current calendar year. However, under special and exceptional circumstances, the College may approve it being carried over to the next calendar year.
12.3 The annual vacation entitlement shall be scheduled and taken in blocks of not less than five (5) consecutive working days, except for five (5) days which may be scheduled and taken in blocks of less than five (5) days but not less than one (1) year day.
12.4 To facilitate the approval of employment with paya vacation request by the Manager or his delegate, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds "departmental" annual vacation schedules shall be completed by March 15 of the earnings year in which the vacation is scheduled to be taken. After the approval of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafterthese schedules, up seniority will NOT apply to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafterbump employees with lesser seniority.
15.02 For other than full-time employees12.5 Upon termination, all annual vacation pay entitlement earnings and accumulation shall be computed to the last day worked and any unused annual vacation entitlement shall be paid out in salary.
12.6 If a term employee becomes a regular employee and there is no break in employment services, for purposes of vacation entitlement, the original date of hire will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees 6.1 Vacation pay shall be entitled accrued for all employees covered by this Agreement, at the following rates:
(a) Employees with up to five (5) years service will be paid vacation pay at the rate of four percent (4%) of gross earnings.
(b) Employees with over five (5) and up to twelve (12) years service will be paid vacation pay at the rate of six percent (6%) of gross earnings.
(c) Employees with over twelve (12) years service, will be paid vacation pay at the rate of eight percent (8%) of gross earnings.
6.2 Employees covered by this Agreement shall receive time off for an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds Upon completion of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year year's service, and each subsequent year thereafter, thereafter up to and including five the third (53rd) completed years year of service;employment, employees shall receive two (2) weeks annual vacation.
(b) 4/52nds Upon the completion of the earnings for the year commencing after five three (53) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, thereafter up to ten the twelfth (1012th) completed years year of service;employment, employees shall receive three (3) weeks annual vacation.
(c) 5/52nds Upon the completion of the earnings after ten twelve (1012) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, employees shall receive four (4) weeks annual vacation.
15.02 6.3 For other than full-the purpose of determining a year's service, a year of service shall be calculated on the basis of twelve (12) calendar months from the employees date of hire.
6.4 The time of annual vacations shall be fixed by the Company, consistent with the efficient operation of the business. Preferences of vacation time shall be given to senior employees.
6.5 The Company shall schedule annual vacations so that all employees will receive their annual vacation in a continuous period. Should an employee elect to split his vacation into two separate periods, all the Company will accommodate the employee whenever it is possible to do so, provided the employee specifically request the Company to do so, in writing.
6.6 All vacation pay that has been accrued under clause 6.1 above, will be paid to employees the Employee on December 15th in each year unless every pay deposit, through the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstancesEmployer’s direct deposit system.
6.7 Employee’s choosing to schedule their vacations during prime time, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time July, August and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make Christmas shall only choose two (2) such requests per year based weeks. After all employees, in order of seniority, have had the opportunity to choose holiday’s in prime time, any remaining weeks shall be picked in a draft order. There will be a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the employees allowed to be on earnings to June 30thvacation at the same time. Full-time employees This will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationnot be inconsistent with current Company policy.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent 6.8 The Company may allow up to the time usedtwenty percent (20%) overlap for two (2) days in a week.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 13.01 For the purpose of determining an Employee's vacation entitlement and vacation pay, the Employee's anniversary date shall be used. The Employee shall take the vacation on or after the anniversary date except when mutually agreed between Employer and Employee, in writing.
13.02 The Employer shall provide each Employee at the beginning of each year a Vacation Request Form. The Employee shall have ninety (90) days (January 1st - March 31st) to complete the form and to return it to the Employer. Employees requesting to take vacation prior to March 31st shall be granted on a first come first serve basis. Employees shall receive written confirmation from the Employer that their holidays have been approved. This confirmation shall be presented to the Employee within thirty (30) days of receiving the Employee's request. The Employer may, by mutual agreement with the Employee, reschedule vacations due to operational emergencies. Vacation request forms not received by October 1st will result in the Employer scheduling the vacation time for such member or paying out their entitlement before the end of the year.
13.03 All Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after paid -vacation leave on the following basis:
(a.) If the Employee has completed six (6) months service they may take one (1) year weeks' vacation, based on four (4%) percent of employment with pay, calculated as follows:said Employee's gross earnings.
(ab.) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after An Employee who has completed one (1) years employment as of the Employee's anniversary date, shall receive and take a vacation that year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including thereafter of two (2) weeks with pay based on four (4%) percent of said Employee's gross earnings for the past year; except;
(c.) An Employee who has completed five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds employment as of the Employee's anniversary date, shall receive and take a vacation that year and each year thereafter of three (3) weeks with pay based on six (6%) percent of said Employee's gross earnings for the past year; except
(d.) An Employee who has completed twelve (12) years employment as of the Employee's anniversary date, shall receive and take a vacation that year commencing after five of four (54) completed years weeks with pay based at eight (8%) percent of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten said Employee's gross earnings for the past year.
(e.) 20 Years= 5 weeks (10) completed years % of service;gross earnings)
(c) 5/52nds 13.04 The Employer shall pay the vacation pay to the Employee on a separate deposit, designated as annual vacation pay, and shall include a statement showing the gross wages earned during the year, the percentage of entitlement, the number of weeks of entitlement, the date of the earnings after ten (10) completed years period of service vacation covered, and each subsequent year thereaftera complete list of deductions, if any.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all 13.05 Payment of vacation pay will shall be made no earlier than the last pay period prior to the Employees vacation, and shall be paid to employees no later than the last shift worked by the Employee going on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is takenvacation. In the case where the last shift worked is such circumstancesa day or time that the Employee cannot get to a bank during business hours, then payment shall be made one shift earlier.
13.06 An Employee leaving the employee will employ of the Employer for any cause whatsoever, shall receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion in accordance with said Employee's length of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationemployment, as provided for in this Article.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation (a) All full-time employees after one (1) year of employment continuous service shall receive two (2) weeks vacation with pay, calculated as follows:.
(ab) 3/52nds All full-time employees after three (3) years of the earnings continuous service shall receive three (3) weeks vacation with pay.
(c) All full-time employees after eight (8) years of that year continuous service shall receive four (4) weeks vacation with pay.
(d) All full-time employees after eighteen (18) years of continuous service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including shall receive five (5) completed years of service;weeks vacation with pay.
(be) 4/52nds On an employee’s twenty-fifth (25th) anniversary with the Co- operative, they shall receive an extra week of vacation for that year only. This will continue on the earnings for the year commencing after thirtieth (30th), thirty- fifth (35th) and every subsequent five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year anniversary thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make (f) The first two (2) such requests per year based on earnings weeks of vacations shall be scheduled from April 1st to June 30thSeptember 30th inclusive unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Co-operative and the employee. It is further agreed that the third (3rd), fourth (4th), and/or fifth (5th) week of vacation for employees entitled to same may be scheduled at the discretion of the Co-operative. Vacation entitlement will be scheduled by seniority in order of the length of continuous employment with the Co-operative. Full-time employees will receive select the first two (2) weeks of their vacations in order of seniority, followed by the part-time employees selecting their first two (2) weeks of vacation pay when in order of seniority. Full-time employees will then select as much of the balance of their entitlement as they take their vacationwish in order of seniority, followed by the part-time employees in order of seniority. Any remaining entitlement not scheduled by April 1st will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Any employee with five (5) or more weeks of vacation entitlement may schedule up to three (3) weeks consecutively during prime time (April 1st to September 30th).
15.03 Employees (g) For the purpose of vacation entitlement, a full-time employee means an employee, who are hospitalized or make use has completed one (1) calendar year of compassionate leave during their continuous service with the Co-operative, comprising of not less than two hundred twenty-five (225) days of actual work.
(h) The annual vacation period cut off for all employees shall be credited with extra April 30th. Employees are required to take the annual vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot which they are entitled and no carryover of vacation benefits will be accumulated allowed from one year to anotherthe next, except with the prior approval of the Co-operative’s Management.
15.05 When (i) Employees who have worked thirty (30) days but less than one (1) year who terminate their employment or go on leave for a statutory holiday occurs during period longer than one (1) month, will receive a vacation allowance to an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if amount equal to four (4%) percent of the holiday is one total salary and wages earned for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had no vacation allowance has been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminatedpaid. Employees entitled to two (2), the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agreethree (3), however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.four
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 Employees shall 14.01 All employees as of December 31st will be entitled eligible for the following vacation allowance and will be paid a percentage of their gross pay for all work performed up to an annual December 31st: Years of Service Number of Weeks % of Gross Pay 0 - 1 4% 1 – 3 2 4%
14.02 The vacation after one (1) year of employment with paywill run from January 1 to December 31.
14.03 Vacation earnings will be paid every Friday, calculated as follows:
(a) 3/52nds for the vacation earnings of the prior week. These earnings will be deposited by means of that year of service after one (1) year direct deposit into each individuals account. The employee may specify separate accounts for regular pay and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay. Vacation pay will be paid to earned on Statutory Holiday pay.
14.04 The scheduling of vacation times for employees shall be done on December 15th an annual basis and is the function of Management in each year unless keeping with the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion needs and dictates of the payment business. Employees normally will be given the choice as to the scheduling of time off for vacation. When more employees from a department request vacation at that the same time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will than can be allowed to make be absent, seniority shall govern the granting of vacation, first as to full week requests and then as to partial week requests. Seniority shall apply only to those requests submitted by the end of the working day, December 1st of the previous year. The Company shall return vacation requests to the employees within the following two (2) such requests weeks.
14.05 Should the Company decide on a summer shut down period, this period shall become the scheduled vacation period for all employees in the Bargaining Unit except those that the Company may request to perform work during the vacation shut down in order to meet the demands of business. The actual date of the plant shut down shall be posted on the bulletin boards by March 31 of the current year.
14.06 Employees entitled to vacations in excess of two (2) weeks per year based shall take the remainder at a time mutually satisfactory to the employee and the Company. The vacation calendar listing the vacation periods granted shall remain posted on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive the Plant bulletin boards until the end of the current vacation year.
14.07 For the purpose of computing vacation pay, the vacation pay when they take their vacation.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period year shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent from anniversary to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation anniversary of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesemployee's individual seniority.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 17.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual earn vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated pay as follows:
(a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one less than seven (17) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service, 3/52 of gross earnings;
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five seven (57) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten and including the completing of thirteen (1013) completed years of service, 4/52 of gross earnings;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten thirteen (1013) completed years of service up to and each subsequent year thereafterincluding twenty (20) years of service, 5/52 of gross earnings;
(d) after twenty (20) years of service, 6/52 of gross earnings.
15.02 For other 17.02 Employees shall be entitled to annual vacation leave as follows:
(a) less than full-time employeesseven (7) years of service, all vacation pay will be paid an annual leave of three (3) weeks;
(b) after seven (7) years of service up to employees on December 15th in each year unless and including the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstancescompletion of thirteen (13) years of service, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion an annual leave of the payment at that time four (4) weeks;
(c) after thirteen (13) years of service up to and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two including twenty (220) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacationyears of service, an annual leave of five (5) weeks;
(d) after twenty (20) years of service, an annual leave of six (6) weeks.
15.03 17.03 Employees who are hospitalized become ill or make use of require compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time usedused by supplying appropriate evidence of such need.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 17.04 When a statutory holiday as outlined in Article 16 occurs during an employee’s vacationvacation period, the Employer shall grant an extra dayday consecutive with the employee’s vacation regular vacation. Payments shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been workingin accordance with payments under Article 16.
15.06 If 17.05 Vacation schedule forms shall be posted by April 1 of each year. Employees shall indicate their preference by April 15 and the Employer shall approve the schedule by May 1. In case of conflict, the senior employee(s) will be given priority over junior employee(s).
17.06 When employment of an employee is terminatedterminates, the Employer shall pay, in addition to all other amounts due the employee, all vacation pay himearned but not received.
17.07 Vacation pay will be paid to all employees on each pay cheque through the regular payroll process or, if requested by the employee, the Employer will bank vacation pay for payouts at a time or times as directed by the employee.
17.08 Where an employee has not used all of his/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list leave with pay, the employee shall be submitted entitled to carry over up to fifteen (15) days to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation datesfollowing fiscal year. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must Carry over beyond fifteen (15) days shall be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employeesby mutual consent.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 15.01 6.1 An employee who has completed the service requirements listed below shall be granted a vacation and receive vacation pay as follows: ServiceRequirements Length of Vacation Computation of Vacation Pay 1 year 2 weeks 4% of wages earned since previous vacation 3 years 3 weeks 6% of wages earned since previous vacation 8 years 4 weeks 8% of wages earned since previous vacation 15 years 5 weeks 10% of wages earned since previous vacation 20 years 6 weeks 12% of wages earned since previous vacation 25 years 7 weeks 14% of wages earned since previous vacation
(a) Employees shall receive their vacation entitlement in a consecutive two (2) week period; an additional week(s) may be entitled taken concurrently except when the efficient operations of the Club would be adversely affected.
(b) If the Club requires an employee to change an annual approved and assigned vacation after period, the employee shall receive one (1) year week of employment with vacation pay, calculated in addition to their regular entitlement, for each disrupted week of vacation.
(a) Annual Vacation will be assigned based on Seniority to be booked by December 31st the previous year. Annual vacation schedules will be placed on the bulletin board no later than November 15th. After December 31st those employees who have not recorded their choice of vacation time will not be able to exercise seniority rights for vacation purposes. The approved and assigned vacation schedule will be posted on January 15th, and each employee will receive written confirmation of their approved vacation.
(b) Selection of vacation time shall be by seniority in the classification subject to (a) above.
(c) Except as followsoutlined in Article 6.4 (b), no vacation pay shall be paid for vacation time not taken.
(d) By mutual agreement, employees may carry over one week of vacation time into the next vacation year. Such extended vacation must be fully taken during that following year.
6.4 Vacation pay shall be paid out at the following times:
(a) 3/52nds Full-time employees shall receive their vacation pay at the beginning of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service;their vacation; and
(b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service;
(c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter.
15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will shall receive their vacation pay when they take their vacationon January 31st of each year.
15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used.
15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another.
15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working.
15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned.
15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement