ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer. (b) Upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work. (c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. (d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. (e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. (f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of: (1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or (2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date. (g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer. (h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid. (i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to. (j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations No later than February lst of each year the Employer shall post a Vacation schedule indicating whether or not a two (2) consecutive week Plant shutdown will be allocated to employees occur during the months of July and/or August specifying which two (2) weeks. In the event the Employer does not schedule a two (2) week shutdown then no later than February 15th of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacation on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by April 30th of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill employee and the required job functions needed Employer. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1) period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 15th and September lst of each year.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to five (5) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation each year with eighty (80) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from , whichever is the date an employee commenced workgreater.
(cd) Employees upon completion of four who have completed five (45) calendar years service with the Employer and up to ten (10) years as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks consecutive weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(de) Employees upon completion of who have completed ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer and up, as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with , whichever is the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationgreater.
(f) Any When an employee who has worked been paid a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payyear, which running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings eligible for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, vacations with pay as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rateabove set forth. An employee who has worked If less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year have been paid, the employee shall be paid vacation pay at entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary daterate only shall apply.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not been paid over fifteen hundred (1500) hours, he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), ) or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculatedcalculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages), and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. All full-time employees shall be entitled to a paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Vacations Upon completion of six (6) months' service in their first year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of five (5) working days which if taken, will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on deducted from their total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the EmployerCompany.
(b) Upon completion Each full-time employee who completes (1) year's service shall receive a paid vacation of ten (10) working days, subject to (a) above. Payment for such vacation shall be at current salary or four (4%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.02 All full-time employees shall be entitled to fifteen (15) working days paid vacation after three (3) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or six (6%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.03 All full-time employees shall be entitled to twenty (20) working days paid vacation after seven (7) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or eight (8%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.04 All full-time regular employees shall be entitled to twenty-five (25) working days paid vacation after fifteen (15) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or ten (10%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.05 All full-time regular employees shall be entitled to thirty (30) working days paid vacation after twenty-one (21) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or twelve (12%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.06 Employees desiring to take vacations in broken periods shall be entitled to take them in periods of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive week, two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive , three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationweeks, etc.
(d) 8.07 Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks select their vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees periods in order of seniority can choose which as defined in this Agreement; however, only one (1) vacation period they wish shall be selected by seniority until all employees in the signing group have selected one (1) period. Subsequently, all employees in the signing group who have chosen to have take their vacations in broken periods shall select in order of seniority for their a second vacation period and it is again for subsequent periods until all periods are chosen.
8.08 The Company will make every effort to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks fix vacation schedules by May 1st each year, giving consideration to the work schedule of the Company and the request of the employee.
8.09 Annual vacations will be entitled taken during the slower months of January through September, by seniority on a rotating basis allowing more than one off depending on business needs, and during October to have their December provided there is only one (1) full-time employee off.
8.10 Part-time pro-ration Part-time regular employees shall accrue a pro-rated vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks based on the following formula: The number of hours worked in the accrual year shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes divided by 2080 hours. The resulting fraction shall be multiplied by the number of working days vacation that is appropriate to split them upthe employee's service, in accordance to the above schedule.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will 7.1 An employee shall be allocated granted, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, an annual vacation with pay in the calendar year covered by this Agreement according to employees his/her aggregate credited service calculated as follows:
7.2 Employees in order the employ of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of Employer who have completed one (1) year of continuous service in that calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation with four percent pay.
7.3 Employees in the employ of the Employer who have completed three (4%3) years of their annual gross earnings for continuous service in the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation with pay.
7.4 Employees in the employ of the Employer who have completed seven (7) years of continuous service in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation with pay.
7.5 Employees in the employ of the Employer who have completed fifteen (15) years of continuous service in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks of vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationwith pay.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours 7.6 Employees in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two who have completed eighteen (218) years of continuous service in that calendar year shall receive five (5) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent and one (4%1) of the gross earnings he received while day vacation with pay.
7.7 Employees in the employ of the EmployerEmployer who have completed nineteen (19) years of continuous service in that calendar year shall receive five (5) weeks and two (2) days vacation with pay.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving 7.8 Employees in the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he who have completed twenty (20) years of continuous service in that calendar year shall receive five (5) weeks and three (3) days vacation with pay.
7.9 Employees in the employ of the Employer who have completed twenty-one (21) years of continuous service in that calendar year shall receive five (5) weeks and four percent (4%), ) days vacation with pay.
7.10 Employees in the employ of the Employer who have completed twenty-four (24) years of continuous service in that calendar year shall receive six percent (6%)) weeks vacation with pay.
7.11 Employees in the employ of the Employer and have completed twenty-seven (27) years of continuous service in that calendar year shall receive seven (7) weeks of vacation with pay.
7.12 Notwithstanding the schedule of vacation leave above noted, eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for vacation entitlement in the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation of termination shall be: an employee who has been paidgranted and taken vacation before the anniversary date when the employee commenced work, shall have the unearned portion of vacation leave calculated pro rata, deducted from his/her termination pay;
7.13 An employee's vacation period and pay shall be based on his/her standard work week and his/her standard rate of pay plus service pay as applicable.
(i) Prior 7.14 An employee shall not have the right to carry forward all or part of a vacation from one vacation period to another.
7.15 When a Statutory Holiday falls on a day of the scheduled vacation, an employee shall be entitled to an employee going on his additional day of vacation, the Employer shall furnish additional day or days to be granted at such time as may be agreed upon by the employee with a statement showing Fire Chief.
7.16 The Chief is to assume the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque sole responsibility for the appropriate vacation pay scheduling of vacations based on the employee is entitled topresent seniority policy.
7.17 All vacations granted in any given year shall be based on length of continuous service at work on the books of the Employer as a regular employee in the previous calendar year.
7.18 For the purposes of calculating vacations, one (j1) A Holiday list week of vacation will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order consist of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for seven (7) calendar days, a two (2) weeks week vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two of fourteen (214) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upcalendar days etc.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date service an employee commenced work.
shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of sixteen (c16) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with working days. Payment for such vacation period shall be at the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at employee's current wage rate or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for period in which they are receiving their vacationthe vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
(eb) Employees upon completion An employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation during the first year of eighteen (18) calendar years service service. Such vacation entitlement shall be determined on a pro rata basis consistent with the Employer time employed, and shall receive be taken at a time mutually agreed with the Federation.
(c) In the second and subsequent years, employees may take their entire vacation entitlement prior to the vacation being earned. If the employee leaves the employ of the Federation prior to the entitlement being earned, the employee shall reimburse the Federation for unearned annual vacation taken prior to separation, such funds to be deducted from any pay or benefits due upon separation.
(d) For the purpose of a vacation year, anniversary dates shall be used. An employee shall be permitted to carry forward up to five (5) weeks days vacation in from one anniversary year to the next provided they use that year and each year thereafter unused vacation within two (2) months after the anniversary date.
9.2 Each employee who completes five (5) years service shall receive twenty (20) working days paid vacation. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current wage rate or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
9.3 For each completed year of service in excess of five (5) years, each employee shall receive one (1) working day paid vacation, to a maximum of thirty two (32) working days.
9.4 Payment for which they are receiving vacation entitlements outlined in Articles 9.2 and 9.3 above shall be:
(a) 21 and 22 days -- ten percent (10%) of gross earnings or current wage rate, whichever is greater.
(b) 23 to 27 days inclusive -- twelve percent (12%) of gross earnings or current wage rate, whichever is greater.
(c) 28 days and over -- fourteen percent (14%) of gross earnings or current wage rate, whichever is greater.
(a) Senior employees will be given preference in the selection of vacation periods where the employee takes it in one unbroken period.
(b) Employees wishing to split their vacationvacation shall exercise seniority rights in the choice of the first vacation period.
(c) Seniority shall prevail in the choice of second vacation periods after all other first vacation periods have been chosen, and in subsequent vacation periods in like manner.
(d) The vacation schedule shall be circulated by the Federation prior to January 31st of each year, and the schedule completed by employees by March 31st.
(e) The approved vacation schedule will be posted by April 30th with a copy to the Xxxxxxx.
(f) Any For vacation requests not subject to the vacation schedule, the employee who has worked will make a minimum written request at least thirty (30) days prior to the vacation time desired. The Federation will respond within five (5) working days of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during receipt of the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary daterequest.
(g) In the event that An employee who does not exercise seniority rights by March 31st, in a calendar year, shall not be entitled to exercise those rights with respect to any vacation time previously selected by an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employerwith less seniority.
(h) In Upon two (2) week's written notice, a regular employee shall be entitled to receive, prior to commencement of vacation, any regular pay cheque that may fall during the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paidperiod.
(i) Prior An employee shall be permitted to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with use up to a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything maximum of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each yeardays per year as individual days of vacation. These The two (2) weeks days must be taken within the anniversary year. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
9.6 All employees re-entering employment with the Federation will receive credit for past service in determining their vacation entitlements after completing two (2) full calendar years after re-entry.
9.7 Vacation periods approved by the employer shall not be consecutive weeks unless changed except by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer, except in cases of emergency. In the event an emergency compels the employer to cancel the vacation, the employer shall reimburse any vacation expenses for which an employee wishes to split them upmay be liable.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 11.1 An Officer shall receive fourteen (a14) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' be paid for such vacation with on the basis of four percent per cent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced workwages earned in each year.
11.2 An Officer shall receive twenty-one (c21) Employees consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of four two (42) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three (3) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at on the basis of six percent per cent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationwages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service.
11.3 An Officer shall receive twenty-eight (d28) Employees consecutive day’s annual vacation upon completion of ten seven (107) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive four (4) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at on the basis of eight percent per cent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationwages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service.
11.4 An Officer shall receive thirty-five (e35) Employees consecutive day’s annual vacation upon completion of eighteen fifteen (1815) calendar years years’ service with the Employer Company. He shall receive five (5) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and each year thereafter at on the basis of ten percent per cent (10%) of their gross wages earned during his fifteenth (15th) and succeeding years of service.
11.5 An Officer shall receive forty-two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty-two (22) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve per cent (12%) of gross wages earned during his twenty-second (22nd) and succeeding years of service.
11.6 An Officer with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive an additional two per cent (2%) of gross wages earned during his thirtieth (30th) and succeeding years of service.
11.7 In all cases under Clauses 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6 above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year and is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro-rated in accordance with the vacation pay earned. Excepted from this is when an Officer is off on WCB benefits for up to one (1) year. In this instance he shall be entitled, at his election, to take the vacation time he would have otherwise earned without pay subject to the fact that any vacation pay entitlement would be that which had been accumulated before the commencement of WCB benefits and subsequent to such benefits coming to an end in the vacation year.
11.8 Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year.
11.9 The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, income tax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationperiod, at the same time an Officer receives his vacation pay.
(f11.10 a) Any employee who has worked a minimum For vacation requests submitted prior to March 1st of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation paythat year, which an Officer shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2select the period(s) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior desirable to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or him/her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upon the basis of service seniority.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations The Employer shall post a blank holiday schedule on the Bulletin Board by February 15th of each year. The employees must have completed posting their vacation request before March 15th. Any employee not having posted his request by this date will be allocated assigned a vacation period by the Manager. Employees will be allowed to choose weeks in which General Holidays fall. The holiday schedule shall only contain the names of employees covered by this Agreement, who are members of the Union or who shall become members of the Union. This list shall also serve as the Seniority List.
(1) Each employee covered by this Agreement, in order of seniority based seniority, i.e. length of service, shall then choose the dates they desire to have as their vacation period.
(2) No other employees of the Employer shall be allowed to have their vacation period interfere with the vacation period of an employee covered by this Agreement.
(3) Once an employee establishes the dates for his vacation, the Employer may not alter those dates without the consent of the employee.
(4) The Employer shall specify on the following entitlement; provided that there are list how many employees available may take their vacation at any one (1) time, with no less than one (1) employee being permitted to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employertake vacations at any one (1) time.
(b) Upon completion of one (1) calendar year and up to four (4) continuous years as an employee, employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with eighty (80) hours' pay at their then applicable rate, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon Upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer and up to nine (9) continuous years as an employee, employees shall receive three (3) weeks consecutive weeks' vacation in that year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours' pay at their then applicable rate, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the that calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving their said vacation, whichever is the greater.
(d) Employees upon Upon completion of ten nine (109) calendar years service with the Employer and up to fifteen (15) years as an employee, employees shall receive four (4) weeks consecutive weeks' vacation in that year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours' pay at their then applicable rate, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the that calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving their said vacation, whichever is the greater.
(e) Employees upon Upon completion of eighteen fifteen (1815) calendar years service with the Employer service, employees shall receive one (1) extra day’s vacation each year to a maximum total of twenty- five (25) days after nineteen (19) calendar years as an employee. Employees shall receive five (5) weeks consecutive weeks’ vacation in that year and each year thereafter with two hundred (200) hours’ pay at their then applicable rate, or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the that calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving their said vacation, whichever is the greater.
(f) Any For the purposes of determining a calendar years employment to qualify an employee who for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the an employee's calendar year, or
(2) the weekly raterunning from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be eligible for vacations as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rateabove set forth. An employee who has worked If less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year have been paid, the employee shall be paid vacation pay at entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary daterate only shall apply.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of that an employee leaving leaves the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), ) or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), ) of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages) and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) 14.1. Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based granted on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by basis of years of service with the Employer. A calendar year will be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
14.2. In the first year of employment, employees will be credited with one (b1) Upon completion day of one vacation for each month of employment, to a maximum of two (2) weeks during that calendar year. Such vacation is to be taken within the period of January 1st of the year following the first year of employment through to December 31st of the next year. Vacation will be four percent (4%) of the gross wages paid to that employee in the portion of the year worked.
14.3. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one
(1) calendar year employees as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' ’ vacation with at four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
14.4. A calendar year shall be twelve Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed five (125) months from the date years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(d) 14.5. Employees upon completion of who have previously completed or subsequently completed ten (10) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
14.6. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed fifteen (e15) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive five (5) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
14.7. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed twenty (f20) Any years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred shall receive six (15006) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted weeks’ vacation during the at twelve percent (12%) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving said vacation.
14.8. Should a General Holiday occur while an employee is on vacation, the employee shall receive another day off with pay at the end of their vacation period, in lieu of said General Holiday. All available vacation weeks will be posted annually and be available by November 15th for the following year. Employees shall select their choice of vacation in order of seniority.
14.9. Employees will have the ability to change their vacation choice on a first come first serve basis, or
after the close of the bidding period, with two (2) weeks written notice to the weekly rateEmployer providing there are designated slots still available.
14.10. The following classifications will be recognized as separate groups for determining allocation of vacation: • Full-time • Part-time
14.11. Employees shall select vacation time in accordance with their seniority, as is applicablesubject however to the Employer’s right to limit the number of employees who may take vacations in any given week due to operational requirements.
14.12. Annual vacation will be taken within the calendar year.
14.13. Employees, based on at their option, shall have the Shop Work rateright to split their vacation into separate periods consisting of a minimum of one (1) week at a time. The Employer will do its utmost to co-operate with any employee’s vacation requirements in extenuating circumstances. If issues of overlap arise they will be identified at the time of booking vacation. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall employee’s vacation will not be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateunreasonably denied because of overlap with a more senior employee’s vacation.
(g) 14.14. In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is they are entitled to two (2) weeks weeks’ vacation, he he/she shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he they received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) 14.15. In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he they have had his their vacation he they earned for the previous year, he they shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), ) eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)) or twelve percent (12%) as the case may be, of his their pay for the year in which he ends his his/her employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the 14.16. Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the distribute vacation pay was calculatedthrough pay roll deposit twice annually, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which except by written request by the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled toemployee.
(j) A Holiday list 14.17. Despite Article No 1.9 former G4S employees hired after Jan 27, 2008 until Feb 14, 2008 will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upentitlement based on their classification seniority instead of “start date seniority” while remaining only in the ‘TAC’ classification.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than January 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March 31st. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill employee and the required job functions needed Employer. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1) period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 15th and September 1st each year.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of one original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) The Employer will grant vacations to all employees with pay as follows: 1 2 80 4% 2 3 120 6% 7 4 160 8% Effective March 1) calendar year employees , 1998 20 5 200 10% Employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) pay either at the rate of pay they are receiving at the date of taking their vacation for the number of hours to which they are entitled, or the applicable percentage of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is greater.
(d) Employees upon completion Absence due to any illness or authorized leave of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings absence will be deemed to be time worked for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationpurpose of vacation entitlement and pay.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any When an employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payrunning from anniversary date to anniversary date, which he shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings eligible for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, vacations with pay as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rateabove set forth. An employee who has worked If less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year are worked, the employee shall be paid vacation pay at entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary daterate only shall apply.
(gf) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hg) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not worked over fifteen hundred (1500) hours, he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), ) eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ih) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages) and shall include all overtime payment, commissions payment or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(ji) A Holiday list will be posted If employees do not later than March have the option to receive their vacations during the period May 15th to September 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their then such employee shall receive an additional vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upwith pay.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than February 15th of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March 15th of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by employee and the Employer. Wherever possible, vacations may be taken in one (1) unbroken period. All employees, employed for one (1) year or longer, shall be entitled to vacations. All earned vacations must be taken during the year of entitlement. Employees shall be entitled to two (2) weeks between May 15th and September 15th, it being understood that no more than one (1) employee may be off per classification, at one (1) time as determined between the employee and his Supervisor.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to four (4) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation each year with eighty (80) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from , whichever is the date an employee commenced workgreater.
(cd) Employees upon completion of who have completed four (4) calendar years service with the Employer and up to eight (8) years as an employee shall receive three (3) consecutive weeks vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(de) Employees upon completion of ten who have completed eight (10) calendar 8) years service with the Employer and over as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with , whichever is the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationgreater.
(f) Any Employees working less than sixteen hundred (1,600) hours in a year, as required in Article 15 (g) as a result of being absent on Workers' Compensation or illness shall receive the normal vacation provision they would otherwise be entitled to for that vacation year. They shall then be required to re-qualify by working the minimum hours (1,600) in the following year.
(g) When an employee who has worked been paid a minimum of fifteen sixteen hundred (15001600) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payyear, which running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be paid only at eligible for vacations with pay as above set forth. If less than sixteen hundred (1600) hours have been paid, the time vacation is being taken, employee shall be the greater of:
(1) entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year rate only shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateapply.
(gh) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hi) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not been paid over sixteen hundred (1600) hours, he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), ) or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ij) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculatedcalculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages), and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than April 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by May 1st of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill employee and the required job functions needed Employer. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1) period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 15th and September 1st each year.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment. The Employer shall pay annual holiday pay accrued during the year as a lump sum payment, once per year only. Accrual will begin in the first pay period after the collective agreement is ratified and pay out will be twelve months from that date for any holiday not taken during the year.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to four (4) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation with each year, based on four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive who have completed four (4) years and up to twelve (12) years as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight year, based on six percent (86%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have completed twelve (1812) calendar years service with the Employer and thereafter as an employee shall receive five four (54) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten year, based on eight percent (108%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any If the employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred completed six (15006) hours in his calendar year shall months service, they may take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
one (1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicableweek's vacation, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred four percent (15004%) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateof said employee's gross earnings.
(g) Absence due to any illness or authorized leave of absence will be deemed to be time paid for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
(h) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he he/she is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he he/she shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he he/she received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hi) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he he/she had his his/her vacation he he/she earned for the previous year, he he/she shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)as the case may be, of his his/her pay for the year in which he he/she ends his his/her employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ij) Prior to an employee going on his his/her vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of Every Employee who has completed one (1) year or more of continuous service with the Employer by December in any year of the Term of this Agreement shall be entitled to be absent from work during three (3) calendar weeks in each calendar year employees shall following such December and to receive two pay at basic rate equal to basic work week hours in effect immediately prior to the commencement of the Employee's annual vacation Six Percent (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (46%) of their annual gross earnings for the total wages the Employee earned in the immediate preceding calendar year to the calendar year for in which they are receiving their vacationthe vacation is taken, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. A calendar Notwithstanding Section hereof, any Permanent Employee who has completed four or more years of continuous service with the Employer by December in any year during the Term of this Agreement shall be twelve (12) months entitled to be absent from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of work during four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion following such December and to receive pay at basic rate equal to basic work week hours in effect immediately prior to the commencement of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks Employee's annual vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent Eight Percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the total wages the Employee earned in the immediate preceding calendar year to the calendar year for in which they are receiving their vacation.
the vacation is taken, WHICHEVER IS GREATER Notwithstanding Sections and hereof, any Permanent Employee who has completed nine (e9) Employees upon completion or more years of eighteen (18) calendar years continuous service with the Employer by December in any year during the Term of this Agreement shall receive be entitled to be absent from work during five (5) calendar weeks in each calendar year following such December and to receive pay at basic rate equal to basic work week hours in effect immediately prior to the commencement of the Employee's annual vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent Ten Percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the total wages the Employee earned in the immediate preceding calendar year to the calendar year for in which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateWHICHEVER IS GREATER.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. All full-time employees shall be entitled to a paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Vacations Upon completion of six (6) months' service in his/her first year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of five (5) working days which if taken, will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on deducted from his/her total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the EmployerCompany.
(b) Upon completion Each full-time employee who completes (1) year's service shall receive a paid vacation of ten (10) working days, subject to (a) above. Payment for such vacation shall be at current salary or four (4%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.02 All full-time employees shall be entitled to fifteen (15) working days paid vacation after three (3) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or six (6%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.03 All full-time employees shall be entitled to twenty (20) working days paid vacation after seven (7) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or eight (8%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.04 All full-time regular employees shall be entitled to twenty-five (25) working days paid vacation after fifteen (15) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or ten (10%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.05 All full-time regular employees shall be entitled to thirty (30) working days paid vacation after twenty-one (21) years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or twelve (12%) percent of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.06 Employees desiring to take vacations in broken periods shall be entitled to take them in periods of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive week, two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive , three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationweeks, etc.
(d) 8.07 Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks select their vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees periods in order of seniority can choose which as defined in this Agreement; however, only one (1) vacation period they wish shall be selected by seniority until all employees in the signing group have selected one (1) period. Subsequently, all employees in the signing group who have chosen to have take their vacations in broken periods shall select in order of seniority for their a second vacation period and it is again for subsequent periods until all periods are chosen.
8.08 The Company will make every effort to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks fix vacation schedules by May 1st each year, giving consideration to the work schedule of the Company and the request of the employee.
8.09 Annual vacations will be entitled taken during the slower months of January through September, by seniority on a rotating basis allowing more than one off depending on business needs, and during October to have their December provided there is only one (1) full-time employee off.
8.10 Part-time pro-ration Part-time regular employees shall accrue a pro-rated vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks based on the following formula: The number of hours worked in the accrual year shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes divided by 2080 hours. The resulting fraction shall be multiplied by the number of working days vacation that is appropriate to split them upthe employee's service, in accordance to the above schedule.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than January 15th of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee, in order of seniority based seniority, shall apply for his vacation on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by February 15th of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the employee and the Employer. The completed vacation schedule will be posted on the following entitlement; provided that there Union Bulletin Board. Vacations may be taken in one (1) unbroken period or split as the employee chooses, in periods of not less than one (1) week. The Employer may limit the number of employees on vacation to three (3). If shifts are being worked the number of employees available to satisfactorily fill off at any one time must be split between the required job functions needed by the Employershifts.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to three (3) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation each year with eighty (80) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from , whichever is the date an employee commenced workgreater.
(cd) Employees upon completion of four who have completed three (43) calendar years service with the Employer and up to eight (8) years as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks consecutive weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(de) Employees upon completion of ten who have completed eight (108) years and up to fifteen (15) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(ef) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have completed fifteen (1815) calendar years service with the Employer and up to thirty (30) years as an employee shall receive five (5) weeks weeks' vacation in that year and each year thereafter with two hundred (200) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(fg) Any Employees who have completed thirty (30) years and up as an employee who shall receive six (6) weeks' vacation each year with two hundred and forty (240) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or twelve percent (12%) of their annual gross earnings for the year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(h) Absence due to any illness or accident up to a period of three (3) months will be deemed to be time worked for the purpose of vacation pay and entitlement and pay.
(i) When an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen seventeen hundred and fifty (15001750) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payyear, which running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be paid only at eligible for vacations with pay as above set forth. If less than seventeen hundred and fifty (1750) hours are worked, the time vacation is being taken, employee shall be the greater of:
(1) entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year rate only shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateapply.
(gj) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hk) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not worked over seventeen hundred and fifty (1750) hours, he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), or twelve percent (12%), as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(il) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages) and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a separate cheque for the appropriate vacation pay to which the employee is entitled toentitled.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than December of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board in each Department and Branch and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by March of each year. The vacation list for the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed office will be posted December of each year, and each employee in order of seniority shall apply for vacation at a time same is desired. This list must be completed by February of each year. Such vacations shall be taken in one unbroken period unless requested by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of employee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1I) calendar period or split. Subject to operational requirement. The Employer may use a cutoff date of August of each year. This shall not prevent employees from taking their vacations prior to August of any year employees and if they do, they shall receive one (I) week's pay for each week of vacation, then on August the Employer shall calculate the employee's yearly earnings from the previous August and if the percentage is higher than the weekly earnings, the employee shall be paid the difference as set out herein. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (I)year and up to three (3)years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation with eighty (80) hours pay for the Warehouse and Drivers and seventy-five (75) hours pay for Office Personnel, at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater. A calendar year shall be twelve Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete three (123) months from the date years as an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) consecutive weeks vacation in that year of twenty-one (21) days, with one hundred and in each twenty (120) hours pay for the Warehouse and every year thereafter Drivers, and one hundred and twelve and one-half (1 hours pay for the Office Personnel, at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of 6%)of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
, whichever is the greater. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete seven (d7) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year of twenty-eight (28) days with one hundred and in each sixty (160) hours for the Warehouse and every year thereafter Drivers, and one hundred and fifty (I 50) hours pay for the Office Personnel, at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving their said vacation.
, whichever is the greater. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete twelve (e12) Employees upon completion or more years of eighteen (18) calendar years continuous service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that of thirty-five (35) consecutive days with pay during one (1)calendar year and each year thereafter at based on ten percent (10%) of their gross annual gross earnings or two hundred (200) hours pay for the Warehouse and Drivers, and one hundred and eighty-seven and one-half (187 hours pay for the Office Personnel, at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, whichever is the greater. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete eighteen (I 8) or more years of continuous service with the Employer shall receive six (6)weeks vacation of forty-two (42) consecutive days with pay during one (I) calendar year based on twelve percent (12%) of their gross annual earnings, or two hundred and forty (240) hours pay for which those personnel on a forty (40) hour week and two hundred and twenty-five (225) hours pay for the Office Personnel, at the rate they are were receiving at the date of taking their vacation.
, whichever is the greater. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete twenty-five (f25) Any or more years of continuous service with the Employer shall receive seven (7) weeks vacation of forty-nine (49) consecutive days with pay during one (1) calendar year based on fourteen percent (14%)of their gross annual earnings, or two hundred and eighty (280) hours pay for those personnel on a forty (40) hour week and two hundred and sixty-two and one-half (262 hours pay for the Office Personnel, at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, whichever is the greater. For the purposes of determining a calendar year's employment to qualify an employee who for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his an employee's calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payrunning from anniversary date to anniversary date, which he shall be paid only at the time vacation is being takeneligible for vacations above set forth, shall be the greater of:
less one hundred and thirty (1130) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings hours for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rateOffice Personnel. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) I In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) . In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)1 twelve percent or fourteen percent as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than April 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by May 1st of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill employee and the required job functions needed Employer. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1) period or split. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 15th and September 1st each year.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment. The Employer shall pay annual holiday pay accrued during the year as a lump sum payment, once per year only. Accrual will begin in the first pay period after the collective agreement is ratified and pay out will be twelve months from that date for any holiday not taken during the year.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to four (4) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation with each year, based on four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive who have completed four (4) years and up to twelve (12) years as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight year, based on six percent (86%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have completed twelve (1812) calendar years service with the Employer and thereafter as an employee shall receive five four (54) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten year, based on eight percent (108%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any If the employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred completed six (15006) hours in his calendar year shall months service, they may take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
one (1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicableweek's vacation, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred four percent (15004%) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateof said employee's gross earnings.
(g) Absence due to any illness or authorized leave of absence will be deemed to be time paid for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
(h) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he he/she is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he he/she shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he he/she received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hi) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he he/she had his his/her vacation he he/she earned for the previous year, he he/she shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)as the case may be, of his his/her pay for the year in which he he/she ends his his/her employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ij) Prior to an employee going on his his/her vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to. period after their return to work.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. All employees shall be entitled to a paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:
a) Upon completion of six (6) months service in his/her first (1st) year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of one
(1) week, which if taken, will be deducted from his/her total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the Company.
b) Each employee who completes one (1) years service shall receive a paid vacation of two (2) weeks, subject to (a) Vacations above. Payment for such vacation shall be a current salary or four per cent (4%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
Section 2 All employees shall be entitled to three (3) weeks paid vacation after two (2) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or six per cent (6%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
Section 3 All employees shall be entitled to four (4) weeks paid vacation after seven (7) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or eight per cent (8%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
Section 4 All employees shall be entitled to five (5) weeks paid vacation after twelve (12) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or ten per cent (10%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
Section 5 All employees shall be entitled to six (6) weeks paid vacation after seventeen (17) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or twelve per cent (12%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
Section 6 Part-time and casual employees vacation periods will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employerpro-rated as per this Schedule.
(b) Upon completion Section 7 Employees desiring to take vacations in broken periods shall be entitled to take them in periods of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive week, two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive , three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationweeks, etc.
(d) Section 8 Employees upon completion shall select their vacation periods in order of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation seniority as defined in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation paythis Agreement; however, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
one (1) vacation period shall be selected by seniority until all employees in the applicable percentage signing group have selected one (1) period. Subsequently, all employees in the signing group who have chosen to take their vacations in broken periods shall select in order of his annual gross earnings seniority for a second vacation period and again for subsequent periods until all periods are chosen. Unused vacation may be banked with prior approval, one (1) week maximum.
Section 9 The Employer shall post the calendar vacation schedule on or before November 1st of each year, or
. All employees will submit three (23) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work ratepreferences in writing by November 15th of that year. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred fails to submit the three (15003) hours during his calendar year vacation preferences by the deadline of November 15 shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned forfeit his/her seniority rights for the previous purpose of bidding on that vacation year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than February 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by April 15th of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill employee and the required job functions needed Employer. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1) period or split. However, the employees shall be limited to taking a maximum of three (3) weeks vacation at any one (1) time outside of the May 15th through September 1st period. If employees so choose their vacations must be given between May 15th and September 1st each year but such vacation time shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) weeks.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to two (2) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation each year with eighty (80) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from , whichever is the date an employee commenced workgreater.
(cd) Employees upon completion of four who have completed two (42) calendar years service with the Employer and up to eight (8) years as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(de) Employees upon completion of ten who have completed eight (108) years and up to fifteen (15) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(ef) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have completed fifteen (1815) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter shall receive five (5) weeks weeks' vacation in that year and each year thereafter with two hundred (200) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(fg) Any Absence due to any illness or injury will be deemed to be time paid for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
(h) When an employee who has worked been paid a minimum of fifteen twelve hundred and fifty (15001,250) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payyear, which running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be paid only at eligible for vacations with pay as above set forth. If less than twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) hours have been paid, the time vacation is being taken, employee shall be the greater of:
(1) entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year rate only shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateapply.
(gi) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hj) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not been paid over twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) hours, he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ik) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculatedcalculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages), and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based granted on the basis of following entitlement; provided that there are employees available reference years from January 1st to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the EmployerDecember 31st.
(b) Upon completion Employees who as of January 1st of the current year have completed less than one (1) calendar year employees of service shall receive one (1) day of vacation per full month of work, up to a maximum of two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks of vacation with at four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar reference year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of who have completed or subsequently complete one (1) year as an employee shall receive two (2) weeks’ vacation at four percent (4%) calendar of their annual gross earnings for the reference year for which they are receiving their vacation.
d) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete five (5) years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar reference year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(de) Employees upon completion of ten who have previously completed or subsequently complete twelve (1012) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar reference year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(ef) Employees upon completion will not be called out to work during their scheduled week(s) of eighteen vacation. The vacation weeks shall be considered seven (187) calendar years service with consecutive days according to the Employer employees work schedule.
g) Should a General Holiday occur while an employee is on vacation, the employee shall receive five (5) weeks vacation another day off with pay, in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) lieu of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationsaid General Holiday.
(fh) Any employee who has worked a minimum Vacation lists will be posted on October 1st, of fifteen hundred (1500) hours the previous year in his calendar year which it is to be taken. Employees shall take his allotted vacation during designate their choice of vacation, in order of seniority, by November 15th of the twelve (12) month period following his anniversarysame year. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves fails to designate their choice of vacation by the employ bid deadline, i.e., November 15th, vacation time for said employee shall be allocated at the discretion of the Employer. The Employer before he is entitled shall post the completed vacation schedule by December 1st of the previous year with a copy to the Union and it shall remain posted for the vacation year.
i) A Union Shop Xxxxxxx will be selected by the Union office and will assist in the construction of the vacation schedule.
j) Employees will have the ability to change their vacation choice after the close of the bidding period, with two (2) weeks vacationwritten notice to the Employer, he shall receive four percent providing there are requested slots still available, and the change would not adversely affect operations. Vacation weeks that become available for whatever reason after the bids close, will be awarded in seniority order to employees who have a written vacation change request on file with the Employer at the time said weeks become available. Vacation weeks not filled consistent with the foregoing will be closed for change requests fourteen (4%14) days in advance of the gross earnings he received while said vacation week.
k) Vacation pay shall only be paid out in the employ conjunction with actual vacation approved or can be requested with minimum fourteen (14) days prior with written notice to Employer. Employees can request all of their vacation monies accrued once every six months of the Employercalendar year.
(hl) In The Company may limit the event number of an employee leaving the employ employees who can be on vacation to a maximum of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for rounded up to the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paidnext whole number. The number can be greater if the operation permits, and at the Company’s own discretion.
m) Annual vacation will be taken within the period of January 1st to December 31st of each year.
n) Employees, at their option, shall have the right to split their vacation into separate periods consisting of a minimum of one (i1) Prior week at a time. The Employer will do its utmost to an co-operate with any employee’s vacation requirements in extenuating circumstances. If the issues of overlap arise they will be identified at the time of booking vacation. An employee’s vacation will not be unreasonably denied because of overlap with a more senior employee’s vacation. Three (3) days overlap will be considered acceptable.
o) The Employer shall pay vacation pay through pay roll deposit on the regular payday as if the employee going had worked, or the employee may request vacation pay be paid on his the regular payday immediately preceding the commencement of the vacation, the with two (2) weeks written notice to Employer prior to such payday.
p) The Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her their vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime paymentpayments, commissions commissions, or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(jq) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so In the event that employees in order an employee leaves the employ of seniority can choose which period the Employer before they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be are entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) calendar year employees as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with at four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) . Employees upon completion of who have previously completed or subsequently complete four (4) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date, prior to receiving their said vacation.
. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete eight (d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar 8) years continuous service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the that calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date, prior to receiving said vacation. Employees at their vacation.
option shall have the right to split their vacation into separate periods, consisting of a minimum of one (e1) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with week at a time. However, the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks will do its utmost to co-operate with any employee's vacation in requirements where extenuating circumstances exist. For the purposes of determining a calendar year's employment to qualify an employee for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any when an employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred one thousand (15001000) hours in his an employee's calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payrunning from anniversary date to anniversary date, which he shall be paid eligible for vacations as above set forth. If on leave of absence, but excluding sickness or compensation, vacation pay shall only be at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the percentage rate applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the to such employee that year and not on weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rateearnings. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) . In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
. The employee must request vacation pay three (i3) Prior weeks prior to an employee going on his the scheduled vacation, and the Employer shall pay such vacation pay by direct deposit on the regular pay period. The Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated and shall include all overtime paymentpayments, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax. Annual vacation must be taken between April and March of the current contract year, and also a cheque may not be carried over to the following year. Vacation lists shall be posted February of each year, and employees shall designate their choice of vacation time before April If an employee fails to designate his choice of vacation time on such listing, while posted, vacation time shall be granted in seniority by the Employer. The Employer shall post the final vacation schedule by May and it shall remain posted for the appropriate balance of the year. Once posted, this vacation pay schedule will not be altered unless mutually agreed to between the Employer and the employee is entitled toconcerned. No more than one person may be away on vacation from the base at any one time unless by mutual agreement subject to operational requirements.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. All employees shall be entitled to a paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:
8.01 [a] Upon completion of six [6] months' service in his/her first year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of five (a5) Vacations working days which if taken, will be allocated deducted from his/her total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the Company. [b] Each employee who completes one [1] year's service shall receive a paid vacation of ten [10] working days, subject to [a] above. Payment for such vacation shall be at current salary or four percent [4%] of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.02 All employees shall be entitled to fifteen [15] working days paid vacation after two [2] years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or six percent [6%] of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.03 All employees shall be entitled to twenty [20] working days paid vacation after seven [7] years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or eight percent [8%] of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.10 All employees shall be entitled to twenty-five [25] working days paid vacation after twelve [12] years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or ten percent [10%] of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater. All employees shall be entitled to thirty [30] working days paid vacation after seventeen [17] years' service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or twelve percent [12%] of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater. Employees desiring to take vacations in broken periods shall be entitled to take them in periods of one [1] week, two [2] weeks, three [3] weeks, etc. Employees shall select their vacation periods in order of seniority based on the following entitlementas defined in this Agreement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of however, only one ([1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' ] vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year period shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while selected by seniority until all employees in the employ of signing group have selected one [1] period. Subsequently, all employees in the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he signing group who have chosen to take their vacations in broken periods shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees select in order of seniority can choose for a second vacation period and again for subsequent periods until all periods are chosen. The vacation schedule shall be posted in January of each year, and employees will be allowed one [1] week to make their selection as per Section 7, above. The Company will make every effort to fix vacation schedules by March 1st each year, giving consideration to the work schedule of the Company and the request of the employee. The Employer shall pay the employee the annual vacation pay to which period they wish to have for he/she is entitled on their vacation and it is to regular pay day. Vacations must be completed taken not later than April lstone [1] year after the entitlement is earned. All employees eligible for Should the employee fail to select, prior to June 30 of the vacation year, the Employer may assign the employee to a period of two ([2) ] weeks of vacation time. A part-time or casual employee's vacation period will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them uppro-rated as per this schedule.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. For each of the first nine (a9) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order years of seniority based on service, as calculated under the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion provisions of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at Article six percent (6%) of their annual gross his total earnings for during the current calendar year, to be paid to him at the time of layoff; or if the employee so elects, to be paid to him as vacation pay during the following calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
when he may take a vacation not exceeding three (d) Employees upon completion of ten (103) calendar years service with weeks. For the Employer shall receive four tenth (410th) weeks vacation in that and up to and including the seventeenth (17th) year and in each and every year thereafter at of service, as calculated under the provisions of Article eight percent (8%( 8 % ) of their annual gross his total earnings for during the current calendar year, to be paid to him at the time of layoff; or if the employee so elects, to be paid to him as vacation pay during the following calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18when he may take a vacation not exceeding four ( 4 ) calendar years service with weeks. For the Employer shall receive five eighteenth (518th) weeks vacation in that and up to and including the (25th) year and each year thereafter at of service, as calculated under the provisions of Article ten percent (10%) of their annual gross his total earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation paycurrent calendar year, which shall to be paid only to him at the time of layoff; or if the employee so elects, to be paid to him as vacation is being takenpay during the following calendar year when he may take a vacation not exceeding five (5) calendar weeks. For the (26th) and subsequent years of service, shall be as calculated under the greater of:
provisions of Article twelve percent (112%) the applicable percentage of his annual gross total earnings for during the current calendar year, or
to be paid to him a t the time of layoff; or if the employee so elects, to be paid to him as vacation pay during the following calendar year when he may take a vacation not exceeding six (26) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work ratecalendar weeks. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred is paid his ,vacation entitlement at time of layoff shall not be entitled to a paid vacation during the following calendar year. Employees while on Long Term Disability will not accrue vacation entitlement. ARTICLE ANNUAL VACATIONS and shall not apply to part-time or relief employees referred to in Schedule of this Agreement. Vacation entitlement for such employees shall be in the amounts specified in Article (1500) hours a), or as applicable, to be paid at the end of the calendar year or at time of termination, whichever first occurs. An employee to whom Article applies, who becomes a regular full-time employee shall not be entitled to a paid vacation during his the calendar year following that for which he was paid vacation entitlement under the provisions of Article Vacations shall be granted at such time as is mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Employer. Preference in choice of vacation period shall be accorded the employee with the greatest seniority. Vacations earned during the vacation year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while taken in the employ calendar year immediately following and cannot be postponed without the written consent of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlemententitlements; provided that (Provided there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer).
(b) Upon completion of one (1) calendar year and up to three (3) years as an employee, employees shall receive earn two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation entitlement with eighty (80) hours pay at the scheduled rate of pay they were receiving at the time of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four who have previously completed or when they subsequently complete three (43) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee, and thereafter as an employee, shall receive earn three (3) weeks vacation in that year entitlement with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours pay at the scheduled rate of pay they were receiving at the time of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten who have previously completed or when they subsequently complete seven (107) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter as an employee, shall receive earn four (4) weeks vacation in that year entitlement with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours pay at the scheduled rate of pay they were receiving at the time of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have previously completed or when they subsequently complete twelve (1812) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter as an employee, shall receive earn five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter entitlement with two hundred (200) hours pay at the scheduled rate of pay they were receiving at the time of taking their vacation, or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(f) Any Employees who have previously completed or when they subsequently complete eighteen (18) years as an employee who and thereafter as an employee shall earn six (6) weeks vacation with two hundred and forty (240) hours pay at the scheduled rate of pay they were receiving at the time of their vacation, or twelve percent (12%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, which greater.
(g) For the purposes of determining a years employment to qualify an employee for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that when an employee has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the an employee's calendar year, or
(2) the weekly raterunning from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be eligible for vacations as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rateabove set forth. An employee who has worked If less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year are worked, the percentage only shall apply. Absence by reason of accident or illness shall be paid counted as hours worked in the intervening years between an employee's first year and final year of employment for a period not to exceed seven hundred and fifty (750) hours if the employee has less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours of work in that year to qualify for a vacation pay at the applicable percentage rateherein stipulated. Such In any year where an employee may claim his has not qualified for a full vacation pay at as a result of accident or illness, he will still be credited with a year of service to determine future vacations. Fifteen hundred (1500) hours shall constitute a year's service, but no employee will be permitted to accumulate more than one (1) year of service, or any time after his anniversary dateadditional fraction thereof in any single calendar year.
(gh) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, vacation he shall receive four percent (4%) of the this gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hi) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the an Employer after he has had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), or twelve percent (12%), as the case may be, of his gross pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ij) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, vacation the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly basis) and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(jk) A Holiday holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st lst each year so that employees in order of seniority seniority, can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and vacation, it is to be completed not no later than April lstlst each year. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th July lst and September 15th August 31st each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upthem.
(l) Employees entitled to three (3), four (4), five (5), or six (6) weeks vacation will be required to take their 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th week outside the restricted holiday period as set out in this paragraph in order of seniority. Employees entitled to three (3), four (4), five (5), or six (6) weeks vacation shall be entitled to take their vacation in one consecutive stretch providing they take such holidays outside of restricted holiday period.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than March 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by April 15th of each year. The Employer may designate the following entitlement; provided that there are number of employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed absent at any one (1) time. Such vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the sole right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one
(1) period or split. However, if employees decide to split their vacations, each section must not be less than one (1) full week. If employees so choose, their vacations must be given between May 1st and September 15th of each year, excluding the last two (2) weeks of September. (See Letter of Understanding attached.)
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to two (2) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation with eighty (80) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from , whichever is the date an employee commenced workgreater.
(cd) Employees upon completion of four who have previously completed or subsequently complete two (42) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee shall receive three (3) consecutive weeks vacation in that year of twenty-one (21) days with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(de) Employees upon completion of ten who have previously completed or subsequently complete seven (107) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks of twenty-eight (28) days vacation in that year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the that calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving their said vacation, whichever is the greater.
(ef) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have previously completed or subsequently complete seventeen (1817) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee and thereafter as an employee shall receive five (5) weeks of thirty-five (35) days vacation in that year and each year thereafter with two hundred (200) hours pay at the rate they would receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are of service dating from their anniversary date prior to receiving their said vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during , whichever is the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dategreater.
(g) For the purposes of determining a calendar year's employment to qualify an employee for vacations and vacation pay, the parties agree that when an employee has been paid a minimum of sixteen hundred (1600) hours in an employee's calendar year running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be eligible for vacations as above set forth.
(h) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hi) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ij) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, calculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages) and shall include all overtime payment, commissions payment or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(jk) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that Part time employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will shall be entitled to Vacations based on the calendar years of service they have their with the Employer, regardless of the hours they work in each or any calendar year during this employment. Their vacation between June 15th pay shall only be calculated on the percentage basis and September 15th each year. These two entitlement as set out in Sections (2c), (d), (e), and (f) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upherein.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will The Unlicensed employee shall receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation and shall be allocated to employees in order paid annual vacation pay of seniority based on four (4) percent gross wages earned during each year until eligible for the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employerincreased benefits.
(b) Upon An employee shall receive twenty-one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation years of service with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationCompany. A calendar year He shall be twelve paid for such vacation on the basis of six (126) months from the date an employee commenced workpercent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) year of service.
(c) Employees An employee shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of four seven (47) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (38) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationservice.
(d) Employees An employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four percent of gross wages earned during his fifteenth (415th) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationservice.
(e) Employees An employee shall receive forty-two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of eighteen twenty-two (1822) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive five be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (512) weeks vacation in that percent of gross wages earned during his twenty- second (22nd) year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationservice.
(f) Any An employee who has worked a minimum with thirty (30) years of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year service with the company shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
receive an additional two (2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours percent of gross wages earned during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary datethirtieth (30) and succeeding years of service.
(g) In all cases under (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) above, if the event that an Unlicensed employee leaves the employ of the Employer before has worked less than a normal year and he is not entitled to two (2) weeks vacationthe full annual vacation days allowed, he they shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while be in the employ of the Employeraccordance with his vacation pay earned.
(h) In Annual vacations may be taken in conjunction with time off but shall be taken during the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for ) months following the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paidservice was rendered.
(i) Prior Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to an the employee going on the pay day prior to his vacation, . The dollar value shall be shown on the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation employee's monthly pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled tostatement.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will An employee shall be entitled to have select the period desirable to him for his vacation period on the basis of seniority with the Company, subject to the Company having the right to approve the vacation schedule as a whole.
(k) For the purpose of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited as a result of wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowances and the previous vacation pay.
(l) Employees terminating their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks employment shall be consecutive weeks unless an paid all vacation pay due them, up to the date of leaving, calculated in accordance with Section (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (k).
(m) Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, the employee wishes shall have the option of taking his vacation pay without taking vacation days, subject only to split them upthe provisions of the Canada Labour Code.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based granted on the basis of calendar years of service with the Company. A calendar year will be from January to December of each year. Employees commencing employment with the Company between the dates of January and June will have January in the year in which employment commenced, as their anniversary date for accumulating calendar years of service for vacation entitlement purposes only. Employees commencing employment with the Company between the dates of July Iand December will have January in the year following entitlement; provided that there are commencement of employment, for their anniversary date for accumulating calendar years of service for vacation entitlement purposes only. In the first year of employment, employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of will be credited with one (1) day of vacation for each month of employment, to a maximum of ten days during that calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' year. Such vacation with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for is to be taken in the period between January 1st and December in the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from following the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion commencement of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversaryemployment. Vacation pay, which shall pay will be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while wages paid that employee in the employ portion of the Employeryear worked.
a) Two (h2) In weeks vacation with pay after the event completion of an employee leaving each calendar year of service with the employ of Company. Payment for such vacation shall be in the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive amount equal to four percent (4%)) of the gross wages paid that employee during the year in which the employee qualifies for such vacation, or All employees who have completed five (5) years of continuous service with the Company, shall receive in the next succeeding year of employment and each succeeding year thereafter, three (3) weeks vacation, with pay in an amount equal to six percent (6%)) of the gross wages paid that employee during the year in which they qualified for such vacation, or Employees who have completed ten years of continuous service with the Company, shall receive in the next succeeding year of employment, and each succeeding year thereafter, four (4) weeks vacation, with pay in an amount equal to eight percent (8%)) of the gross wages paid that employee during the year in which they qualified for such vacation. Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of continuous service with the Company, or shall receive in the next succeeding year of employment, and each succeeding year thereafter, five (5) weeks vacation, with pay in an amount equal to ten percent (10%), ) of his pay for the gross wages paid that employee during the year in which he ends his employment they qualified for which no such vacation. Employees will not be called out to work during their scheduled of vacation. The vacation has been paid.
week shall be considered seven (i7) Prior to consecutive days commencing hours Sunday and ending hours Saturday. Should a General Holiday occur while an employee going is on his annual vacation, the Employer employee shall furnish the employee receive another day off with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how in lieu of said General Holiday. It is understood that employees will be given access to the full year (January to December 31) for vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled topurposes.
(ja) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each To preclude the loss of vacation time during the year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks taken, vacation lists will be posted on November of the year immediately preceding the year in which it is to be taken. Employees shall designate their choice of vacation time prior to January of the year in which the vacation is to be taken. To ensure that overlapping of vacations does not occur, vacations shall be taken from Sunday through Saturday, regardless of the employee's days off. no overlapping occurs, the employee will be allowed to take vacation between scheduled days off. In the event an employee fails to designate their choice of vacation on such listing while posted, vacation time for said employee shall be allocated at the discretion of the Company. The Company shall post the completed vacation schedule by January and it shall remain posted for the balance of the year. Based on the number of employees actually working within each classification, the total number of employees in each classification who may be allowed to be off on vacation at any one time shall be determined pursuant to the following formula: Total of Employees actually employees employees employees employees employees blocks of thereafter Total of Employees in the classification who be off on vacation at one time employee off employees off employees off employees off employees off Annual vacation shall be allotted before General Holidays, and classification seniority shall prevail. Employees shall take their annual vacation within the calendar year they are entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upthe said vacation.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will The Unlicensed employee shall receive fourteen (14) consecutive days annual vacation and shall be allocated to employees in order paid annual vacation pay of seniority based on four (4) percent gross wages earned during each year until eligible for the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employerincreased benefits.
(b) Upon An employee shall receive twenty-one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation years of service with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationCompany. A calendar year He shall be twelve paid for such vacation on the basis of six (126) months from the date an employee commenced workpercent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) year of service.
(c) Employees An employee shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of four seven (47) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (38) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationservice.
(d) Employees An employee shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four percent of gross wages earned during his fifteenth (415th) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationservice.
(e) Employees An employee shall receive forty-two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of eighteen twenty-two (1822) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive five be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (512) weeks vacation in that percent of gross wages earned during his twenty-second (22nd) year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationservice.
(f) Any An employee who has worked a minimum with thirty (30) years of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year service with the company shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
receive an additional two (2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours percent of gross wages earned during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary datethirtieth (30) and succeeding years of service.
(g) In all cases under (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) above, if the event that an Unlicensed employee leaves the employ of the Employer before has worked less than a normal year and he is not entitled to two (2) weeks vacationthe full annual vacation days allowed, he they shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while be in the employ of the Employeraccordance with his vacation pay earned.
(h) In Annual vacations may be taken in conjunction with time off but shall be taken during the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for ) months following the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paidservice was rendered.
(i) Prior Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to an the employee going on the pay day prior to his vacation, . The dollar value shall be shown on the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation employee's monthly pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled tostatement.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will An employee shall be entitled to have select the period desirable to him for his vacation period on the basis of seniority with the Company, subject to the Company having the right to approve the vacation schedule as a whole.
(k) For the purpose of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited as a result of wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowances and the previous vacation pay.
(l) Employees terminating their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks employment shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes paid all vacation pay due them, up to split them upthe date of leaving, calculated in accordance with Section (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (k).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. An Officer shall receive fourteen (a14) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation of service with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings the Company and for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationeach succeeding year. A calendar year He shall be twelve (12) months from paid for such vacation on the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion basis of four (4) calendar percent of gross wages earned in each year. An Officer shall receive twenty-one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of six (6) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive thirty-five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three (3) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for on the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion basis of ten (10) calendar percent of gross wages earned during his fifteenth (15th) and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive forty two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty-two (22) years of service with the Employer Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (12) percent of gross wages earned during his twenty-second and succeeding years of service. An Officer with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive four an additional two (42) weeks vacation in that percent of gross wages earned during his thirtieth (30th) and succeeding years of service. In all cases under (a), (e) and above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year and is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be prorated in each accordance with the vacation pay earned. Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual shall be paid to the Officer on the pay-day prior to his vacation. Vacation pay shall not be used to offset red-days while an Officer is employed except by mutual agreement with the Officer who shall be obliged to advise the Guild. The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, incometax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for the calendar year period, at the same time an Officer receives his vacation pay. An Officer shall be entitled to select the periods desirable to him for which they are receiving their vacation.
his vacation periods on the basis of his seniority with the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approve the over-all vacation schedule. The Officer's request will not be unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowance, previous vacation pay and engine servicing pay. An terminating his employment shall be paid all vacation pay due him up to the date of leaving, calculated in accordance with Sections (a), (e) Employees upon completion ), I When a statutory holiday occurs in a vacation period the provisions of Article shall apply. An Officer who has been laid off and is re-employed by the same employer within eighteen (18) calendar years service with months of the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) date of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which layoff shall be paid only at granted the time same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the layoff. Where an Officer is being taken, scheduled or elects to retire within any given year such an Officer shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their utilize all vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them upallowances accrued during the year of retirement including the immediate preceding year should he so choose.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations Vacation will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based granted on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by basis of calendar years of service with the Employer. A calendar year will be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
(b) Upon completion For existing employees who were on payroll as of April 1, 2012, January 1 '1 of the year in which they commenced employment will be their anniversary date for accumulating calendar years of service for vacation entitlement purposes only.
c) Employees on the payroll after April 1, 2012, and who commence employment with the Employer between the dates of January 1 '1 and June 301h, will have January 1 '1 in the year in which employment commenced, as their anniversary date for accumulating calendar years ofservice for vacation entitlement purposes only.
d) Employees on the payroll after April 1, 2012, and who commence employment with the Employer between the dates of July 1 st and December 31st, will have January 1" in the year following commencement of employment as their anniversary date for accumulating calendar years of service for vacation entitlement purposes only.
e) In the first year of employment, employees will be credited with one (1) day of vacation for each month of employment, to a maximum oftwo (2) weeks durin� that calendar year. Such vacation is to be taken within the period of January 1 st to December 31' of the year following the first year of employment. Vacation will be four percent (4%) ofthe gross wages paid that employee in the portion of the year worked.
f) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) calendar year employees as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' weeks vacation with at four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve .
g) Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete three (123) months from the date years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(dh) Employees upon completion of ten who have previously completed or subsequently complete seven (107) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(ei) Employees upon completion of eighteen who have previously completed or subsequently complete eleven (1811 ) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(fj) Any employee who has worked a minimum Employees will not be called out to work during their scheduled week(s) of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation. The vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which week shall be paid only at considered seven (7) consecutive days according to the time vacation employees work schedule.
k) Should a General Holiday occur while an employee is being takenon vacation, the employee shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation receive another day off with pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his end of and consecutive with the vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateperiod, in lieu of said General Holiday.
(gI) In the event that an employee leaves the employ Vacation lists will be posted on September 1 51h, of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lsttaken. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled Employees shall designate their choice ofvacation, in order of seniority, prior to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each November 1 5th of the same year. These two (2) weeks In the event an employee fails to designate their choice of vacation by the bid deadline, vacation time forsaid employee shall be consecutive weeks allocated at the discretion of the Employer. The Employer shall post the completed vacation schedule by December 1 st of the previous year and it shall remain posted for the vacation year. Once posted, this vacation schedule will not be altered unless an employee wishes mutually agreed to split them upbetween the Employer and the employee(s) concerned.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will All employees shall be allocated entitled to employees a paid vacation in order of seniority based on accordance with the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.schedule:
(ba) Upon completion of six (6) months service in his/her first (1st) year of employment, an employee shall be entitled to receive a paid vacation of one
(1) week, which if taken, will be deducted from his/her total entitlement for that year. Such vacation shall be taken at a time mutually agreed with the Company.
b) Each employee who completes one (1) calendar year employees years service shall receive a paid vacation of two (2) consecutive weeks' , subject to (a) above. Payment for such vacation with shall be a current salary or four percent per cent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for period in which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.02 All employees shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive entitled to three (3) weeks paid vacation in that year after two (2) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or six per cent (6%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.03 All employees shall be entitled to four (4) weeks paid vacation after seven (7) years service and every in each year thereafter thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or eight per cent (8%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.04 All employees shall be entitled to five (5) weeks paid vacation after twelve (12) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or ten per cent (10%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.05 All employees shall be entitled to six (6) weeks paid vacation after seventeen (17) years service and in each year thereafter. Pay for such vacation shall be at the employee's current salary or twelve per cent (12%) of gross earnings for the period in which vacation was earned, whichever is greater.
8.06 Part-time and casual employees vacation periods will be pro-rated as per this Schedule. Payment shall be based on the above years of service and percentage associated with each entitlement. Ie: an employee after 2 years of service shall be entitled to (3) weeks’ vacation of their part time shift or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paidwas earned, whichever is greater.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. An Employee shall receive fourteen (a14) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation of service with four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings the Company and for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationeach succeeding year. A calendar year He shall be twelve (12) months from paid for such vacation on the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion basis of four (4) calendar percent of gross wages earned in each year. An Employee shall receive twenty-one consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of six (6%) percent of gross wages earned during his second (2nd) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive twenty-eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7)years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight (8%) percent of gross wages earned during his seventh (7th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive thirty-five (35)consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three (3) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for on the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion basis of ten (10%) calendar percent of gross wages earned during his fourteenth (14th) and succeeding years of service. An Employee shall receive (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty-two (22) years service with the Employer Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve (72%) percent of gross wages earned during his twenty second and succeeding years of service. An employee with thirty (30)years of with the Company shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight an additional two percent (82%) of their annual gross earnings wages earned during his thirtieth andsucceedingyears of service. An Employee shall be entitled to select the periods desirable to him for his vacation periods on the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion basis of his seniority with the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. The Employee's request will not be unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, previous vacation pay. An Employee who has been laid off and is re-employed by the same Company within eighteen (18) calendar years service months of the date of lay-off shall be granted the same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the lay-off. As a general rule vacation pay is not to be used to offset red days while an Employee is employed except by mutual agreement with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee Employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at obliged to advise the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateGuild.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. An Officer shall receive fourteen (a14) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' be paid for such vacation with on the basis of four percent per cent (4%) of their gross wages earned in each year. An Officer shall receive twenty one (21) consecutive days annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees vacation upon completion of four two (42) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three (3) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at on the basis of six percent per cent (6%) of their gross wages earned during his Second and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive twenty eight (28) consecutive days annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees vacation upon completion of ten seven (107) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive four (4) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at on the basis of eight percent per cent (8%) of their gross wages earned during his seventh and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive thirty five (35) consecutive days annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees vacation upon completion of eighteen fifteen (1815) calendar years service with the Employer Company. He shall receive five (5) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and each year thereafter at on the basis of ten percent per cent (10%) of their gross wages earned during his fifteenth and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive forty two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty two (22) years of service with the Company. He be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve per cent (12%) of gross wages earned during his twenty-second and succeeding years of service. An Officer with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive an additional two per cent of gross wages earned during his thirtieth and succeeding years of service. In all cases under and above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year and is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro rated in accordance with the vacation pay earned. Excepted from this is when an Officer is off on benefits for up to one year. In this instance he shall be entitled, at his election, to take the vacation time he would have otherwise earned without pay subject to the fact that any vacation pay entitlement would be that which had been accumulated before the commencement of benefits and subsequent to such benefits coming to an end in the vacation year. Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to the Officer on the pay day prior to his vacation. Vacation pay shall not be used to offset red days while an Officer is employed except by mutual agreement with the Officer who shall be obliged to advise the Guild. The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, income tax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payperiod, which shall be paid only at the same time an Officer receives his vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work ratepay. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year Officer shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their select the periods desirable to him for his vacation between June 15th periods on the basis of his seniority with the Company, and September 15th each yearhis vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. These two (2) weeks shall The Officer's request will not be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.unreasonably denied. The Company will provide the Officer with written confirmation of his vacation request no later than two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than February 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his or her vacations on such list at a time same is desired, and such request must be completed by April 15th of each year. Once such list is completed, vacations shall not be altered except by mutual consent of the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill employee and the required job functions needed Employer. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period unless requested by the Employeremployee who shall have the right to decide whether their vacations shall be in one (1) period or split. However, the employees shall be limited to taking a maximum of two (2) weeks' vacation at any one (1) time unless mutually agreed to the parties.
(b) Upon completion An employee's anniversary date of original hiring shall be used as the date to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) Employees who complete one (1) calendar year employees and up to two (2) years as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation each year with eighty (80) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from , whichever is the date an employee commenced workgreater.
(cd) Employees upon completion of who have completed four (4) calendar years service with the Employer and up to nine (9) years as an employee shall receive three (3) weeks weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter twenty (120) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation, whichever is the greater.
(de) Employees upon completion of ten who have completed nine (109) calendar years service with the Employer as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks' vacation in that each year with one hundred and in each and every year thereafter sixty (160) hours' pay at the rate they were receiving at the date of taking their vacation, or eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with , whichever is the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationgreater.
(f) Any Absence due to any illness or injury will be deemed to be time paid for the purpose of vacation entitlement.
(g) When an employee who has worked been paid a minimum of fifteen twelve hundred and fifty (15001,250) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation payyear, which running from anniversary date to anniversary date, he shall be paid only at eligible for vacations with pay as above set forth. If less than twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) hours have been paid, the time vacation is being taken, employee shall be the greater of:
(1) entitled to vacations as above set forth, however, the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year rate only shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateapply.
(gh) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks weeks' vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(hi) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, and has not been paid over twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) hours, he shall only receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), or eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)as the case may be, of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(ij) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculatedcalculated (i.e. on a percentage basis or weekly wages), and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value received from the Employer on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. An Officer shall receive fourteen (a14) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' be paid for such vacation with on the basis of four percent per cent (4%) of their gross wages earned in each year. An Officer shall receive twenty one (21) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of two (2) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of six per cent (6%) of gross wages earned during his Second and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive twenty eight (28) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of seven (7) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight per cent (8%) of gross wages earned during his seventh and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive thirty five (35) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of ten per cent (10%) of gross wages earned during his fifteenth ( and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive forty two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty two (22) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve per cent (12%) of gross wages earned during his twenty-second and succeeding years of service. An Officer with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive an additional two per cent (2%) of gross wages earned during his thirtieth and succeeding years of service. In all cases under and above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year and is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro rated in accordance with the vacation pay earned. Excepted from this is when an Officer is off on benefits for up to one (1) year. In this instance he shall be entitled, at his election, to take the vacation time he would have otherwise earned without pay subject to the fact that any vacation pay entitlement would be that which had been accumulated before the commencement of benefits and subsequent to such benefits coming to an end in the vacation year. Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to the Officer on the pay day prior to his vacation. Vacation pay shall not be used to offset red days while an Officer is employed except by mutual agreement with the Officer who shall be obliged to advise the Guild. The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, income tax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationperiod, at the same time an Officer receives his vacation pay. A calendar year An Officer shall be twelve (12) months from entitled to select the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion periods desirable to him for his vacation periods on the basis of four (4) calendar years service his seniority with the Employer shall receive Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. The Officer's request will not be unreasonably denied. The Officer will make his request in writing and the Company will provide the Officer with written confirmation or denial of his vacation request no later than three (3) weeks after the request has been made. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowance, previous vacation pay and engine servicing pay. An Officer terminating his employment shall be paid all vacation pay due him up to the date of leaving, calculated in that year accordance with Sections and When a statutory holiday occurs in each a vacation period, the provisions of Article shall apply. An Officer who has been laid-off and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for is re-employed by the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the same Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of within eighteen (18) calendar years service with months of the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) date of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which layoff shall be paid only at granted the time same vacation entitlement as he possessed immediately prior to the layoff. Where an Officer is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar scheduled or elects to retire within any given year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year such an Officer shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their utilize all vacation between June 15th and September 15th each allowances accrued during the year of retirement including the immediate preceding year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up, should he so choose.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will be allocated to employees No later than February 1st of each year, the Employer shall post a Vacation list on the Bulletin Board, and each employee in order of seniority based shall apply for his/her vacations on such list at a time same is desired and such request must be completed by March 1st of each year. If an employee has not entered his/her vacation request by March 1st, the following entitlement; provided that there are employee shall be considered to have relinquished any rights his/her seniority would have given him/her with respect to vacation scheduling. Vacations shall be taken in one (1) unbroken period except for one (1) week of entitlement which may be split and taken in one (1) day increments if an employee so requests. If employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed so choose, their vacations must be given between May 15th and September 1st each year. Once such list is completed, vacation periods cannot be altered by the EmployerEmployer without the consent of the affected employee(s). Employees may change their vacation period with a minimum of two (2) weeks notice to the Employer but the change cannot affect any other employees who have scheduled their vacation and/or banked time in the desired period.
(b) Upon completion The calendar year shall be used to calculate an employee's vacation entitlement and payment.
(c) No more than a total of thirty percent (30%) of full-time employees shall take their vacation and/or banked time at the same time.
(d) Employees with less than one (1l) calendar year employees of service shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with be entitled to four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for holiday pay as required by the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced workBritish Columbia Annual Holiday Act.
(ce) Employees upon completion Each employee with one (l) year or more continuous service shall receive a vacation of two (2) weeks with pay at his/her regular pay rate.
(f) Each employee with three (3) or more years continuous service shall receive a vacation of three (3) weeks with pay at his/her regular pay rate.
(g) Each employee with nine (9) years or more continuous service shall receive a vacation of four (4) calendar years service weeks with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter pay at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationhis/her regular pay rate.
(dh) Employees upon completion of ten Each employee with sixteen (1016) calendar years or more continuous service with the Employer but less than twenty (20) years shall receive four (4) weeks a vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation with pay at the applicable percentage his/her regular pay rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the Each employee with (20) years or more of continuous service but less than twenty-one (21) years shall receive a statement showing the period for which the vacation of five (5) weeks and one (1) day with pay at his/her regular pay rate. Each employee is receiving his with twenty-one (21) years or more of continuous service but less than twenty-two (22) years shall receive a vacation of five (5) weeks and two (2) days with pay at his/her regular pay rate. Each employee with twenty-two (22) years or more of continuous service but less than twenty-three (23) years shall receive a vacation pay, how the of five (5) weeks and three (3) days with pay at his/her regular pay rate. Each employee with twenty-three (23) years or more of continuous service but less than twenty-four (24) years shall receive a vacation of five (5) weeks and four (4) days with pay was calculated, and at his/her regular pay rate. Each employee with twenty-four (24) years or more of continuous service shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything receive a vacation of a monetary value on which the employee has to six (6) weeks pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation at his/her regular pay the employee is entitled torate.
(j) A The occurrence of a General Holiday list will during the annual holiday of one (l) employee shall entitle him to one (l) extra day off with pay.
(k) Vacations must be posted not later than March 1st taken each year so that employees and vacations not used in order one (1) year must be used by the end of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each February of the following year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. 16.01 All employees shall receive Annual Vacations in accordance with the following:
16.02 If the employee has completed six (a6) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon completion of months' service they may take one (1) calendar year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with ’ vacation, based on four percent (4%) of their annual said employee's gross earnings.
16.03 An employee who has completed one (1) year's employment as of the employee's Anniversary Date, shall receive and take a vacation that year and each year thereafter of two (2) weeks with pay based on four percent (4%) of said employee's gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an past year; EXCEPT
16.04 An employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of who has completed four (4) calendar years service with year's employment as of the Employer employee's Anniversary Date, shall receive and take a vacation that year and each year thereafter of three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at with pay based on six percent (6%) of their annual said employee's gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.past year; EXCEPT
(d) Employees upon completion of 16.05 An employee who has completed ten (10) calendar years service with years' employment as of the Employer employee's Anniversary Date, shall receive and take a vacation that year and each year thereafter of four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at with pay based on eight percent (8%) of their annual said employee's gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationpast year.
16.06 Effective November 1, 2019, an employee who has completed twenty (e20) Employees upon completion years' employment as of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer employee's Anniversary Date, shall receive five (5) weeks and take a vacation in that year and each year thereafter at of five (5) weeks with pay based on ten percent (10%) of their annual said employee's gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their past year.
16.07 The Employer shall pay the vacation pay to the employee on a separate cheque, designated as Annual Vacation Pay, and shall include a statement showing the gross wages earned during the year, the percentage of entitlement, the number of weeks of entitlement, the date of the period of vacation covered, and a complete list of deductions, if any.
16.08 Payment of vacation pay shall be made at least seven (7) days prior to the employee's vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. 16.09 An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous yearany cause whatsoever, he shall receive four percent (4%)vacation pay in accordance with said employee's length of employment, six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay as provided for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paidthis Article.
(i) Prior to 16.10 Should a Statutory Holiday occur on a normal work day while an employee going is on his annual vacation, the Employer he/she shall furnish the employee receive an additional day off with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) 14.1. Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based granted on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by basis of years of service with the Employer. A calendar year will be from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
14.2. In the first year of employment, employees will be credited with one (b1) Upon completion day of vacation for each month of employment, to a maximum of two (2) weeks during that calendar year. Such vacation is to be taken within the period of January 1st of the year following the first year of employment through to December 31st of the next year. Vacation will be four percent (4%) of the gross wages paid to that employee in the portion of the year worked.
14.3. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently complete one (1) calendar year employees as an employee shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' ’ vacation with at four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
14.4. A calendar year shall be twelve Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed five (125) months from the date years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
(d) 14.5. Employees upon completion of who have previously completed or subsequently completed ten (10) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive four (4) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
14.6. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed fifteen (e15) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years continuous service with the Employer and thereafter, as an employee shall receive five (5) weeks weeks’ vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their said vacation.
14.7. Employees who have previously completed or subsequently completed twenty (f20) Any years continuous service and thereafter, as an employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred shall receive six (15006) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted weeks’ vacation during the at twelve percent (12%) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving said vacation.
14.8. Should a General Holiday occur while an employee is on vacation, the employee shall receive another day off with pay at the end of their vacation period, in lieu of said General Holiday. All available vacation weeks will be posted annually and be available by November 15th for the following year. Employees shall select their choice of vacation in order of seniority.
14.9. Employees will have the ability to change their vacation choice on a first come first serve basis, or
after the close of the bidding period, with two (2) weeks written notice to the weekly rateEmployer providing there are designated slots still available.
14.10. The following classifications will be recognized as separate groups for determining allocation of vacation: o Full-time o Part-time
14.11. Employees shall select vacation time in accordance with their seniority, as is applicablesubject however to the Employer’s right to limit the number of employees who may take vacations in any given week due to operational requirements.
14.12. Annual vacation will be taken within the calendar year.
14.13. Employees, based on at their option, shall have the Shop Work rateright to split their vacation into separate periods consisting of a minimum of one (1) week at a time. The Employer will do its utmost to co-operate with any employee's vacation requirements in extenuating circumstances. If issues of overlap arise they will be identified at the time of booking vacation. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall employee’s vacation will not be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary dateunreasonably denied because of overlap with a more senior employee’s vacation.
(g) 14.14. In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is they are entitled to two (2) weeks weeks’ vacation, he they shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he they received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) 14.15. In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he they have had his their vacation he they earned for the previous year, he they shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), ) eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%)) or twelve percent (12%) as the case may be, of his their pay for the year in which he ends his his/her employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the 14.16. Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the distribute vacation pay was calculatedthrough pay roll deposit twice annually, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which except by written request by the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled toemployee.
(j) A Holiday list 14.17. Despite Article No 1.9 former Group 82 employees hired after Jan 27, 2008 until Feb 14, 2008 will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each yearentitlement based on their classification seniority instead of “start date seniority” while remaining only in the ‘TAC’ classification. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes Former Group 82 employees hired after January 27, 2008 until February 14, 2008, will maintain their vacation entitlement based on their overall seniority even if they move to split them upanother classification. If they change classification, they will, for all other purposes, go to the bottom of the seniority list for their new classification.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will All employees shall receive annual vacations in accordance with the following:
10.01 Vacation year – Shall be allocated defined as the period of January 1st to employees in order December 31st
10.02 On January 1st of seniority each year the Company shall give an employee an annual vacation based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(ba) Upon completion of Employees who have not completed one (1) calendar year’s employment on January 1st of any year employees shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' have their vacation with and vacation pay based on four percent (4%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees upon completion of four (4) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive three (3) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten (10) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive four (4) weeks vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent (10%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work ratepro-rated accordingly. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred completed six (15006) hours during his calendar months of employment prior to January 1st of any year shall be paid may take one (1) weeks’ vacation with pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, he shall receive based on four percent (4%) of the gross employee's earnings.
(b) Employees who have completed one (1) year of service on their anniversary date of hire in any year shall receive and take a vacation of two (2) weeks with pay based on four percent (4%) of the employee's earnings he received while at their regular classified rate of pay.
(c) Employees who have completed four (4) years of service on their anniversary date of hire in any year shall receive and take a vacation of three (3) weeks with pay at their regular classified rate of pay based on six percent (6%) of the employee's earnings.
(d) Employees who have completed ten (10) years of service on their anniversary date of hire in any year shall receive and take a vacation of four (4) weeks with pay based on eight percent (8%) of the employee's earnings at their regular classified rate of pay.
(e) Employees who have completed fifteen (15) years of service on their anniversary date of hire in any year shall receive and take a vacation of five (5) weeks with pay based on ten percent (10%) of the employee’s earnings at their regular classified rate of pay.
(f) Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of service on their anniversary date of hire in any year shall receive and take a vacation of six (6) weeks with pay based on twelve percent (12%) of the employee’s earnings at their regular classified rate of pay. Where any employee has been absent from work for any reason during the Vacation year, the employee may receive the full vacation time referenced with the vacation pay pro-rated accordingly when considering the length of the absence. Employees may request in writing, any accrued vacation pay in excess of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) up to two (2) times per calendar year. Any such request must be made not less than two (2) weeks prior to the desired pay date and be shall paid by separate cheque. The percentage calculation shall be made after the last pay period of each vacation year and any outstanding vacation pay shall be paid out, by separate cheque, in the second pay period of the new vacation year.
10.03 In the event an employee leaves the employ of the Employer.
(h) In Company and has taken his vacation entitlement, the event of an Company has the right to recoup any vacation monies paid to the employee leaving the employ in excess of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (1010%),or twelve percent (12%), ) of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been employee’s gross earnings paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation10.04 On or about October 1st of each year, the Employer shall furnish post a notice at each location advising the employees of the upcoming vacation confirmation interview. On November 1st the employer shall post a confirmation interview schedule and commence interviews being completed no later than November 30th. In the event an employee is absent or otherwise unavailable during the confirmation period, the employee with a statement showing shall have the right to submit their desired vacation period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, by written request. The written request must be submitted by November 1st and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, an employee’s vacation request(s) and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees preference in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.accordance with Article
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. (a) Vacations will All employees shall receive annual vacations in accordance with the following:
10.01 Anniversary date – The employee’s anniversary date of hire.
10.02 Vacation year – Shall be allocated defined as the period of January 1st to employees in order of seniority December 31st.
10.03 Each Vacation year an employee shall be entitled to receive annual vacation based on the following entitlement; provided .
(a) Those employees, other than Part-time who have not completed one (1) year’s continuous service on January 1, shall have their vacation time calculated on a prorated basis using two (2) week’s vacation. Such prorated vacation time may be used after January 1 in that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill calendar year. Vacation pay shall accrue at the required job functions needed by the Employerrate of 4% of gross earnings.
(b) Upon completion of one Employees after completing their first (1), second (2) calendar and third (3) year employees of continuous service on their anniversary date shall receive and take a vacation of two (2) consecutive weeks' vacation with four percent (weeks in that calendar year. Vacation pay shall accrue at the rate of 4%) % of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced workin each year.
(c) Employees upon completion of four during their fourth (4), fifth (5), sixth (6), seventh (7) calendar years and eighth (8) year of continuous service with the Employer on their anniversary date shall receive and take a vacation of three (3) weeks vacation in that year and calendar year. Vacation pay shall accrue at the rate of 6% of gross earnings in each and every year thereafter at six percent (6%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationyear.
(d) Employees upon completion of ten during their ninth (9), tenth (10), eleventh (11), twelfth (12), thirteenth (13), fourteenth (14) calendar years and fifteenth (15) year of continuous service with the Employer on their anniversary date shall receive and take a vacation of four (4) weeks vacation in that year and calendar year. Vacation pay shall accrue at the rate of 8% of gross earnings in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationyear.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen during their sixteenth (16), seventeenth (17), eighteenth (18), nineteenth (19), twentieth (20), twenty-first (21), twenty-second (22), twenty-third (23), twenty-fourth (24) calendar years and twenty-fifth (25) year of continuous service with the Employer on their anniversary date shall receive and take a vacation of five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter calendar year. Vacation pay shall accrue at ten percent (the rate of 10%) % of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacationin each year.
(f) Any employee who has worked Employees during their twenty-sixth (26) year or greater of continuous service on their anniversary date shall receive and take a minimum vacation of fifteen hundred five (15005) hours weeks in his that calendar year shall take his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversaryyear. Vacation pay, which pay shall accrue at the rate of 12% of gross earnings in each year. Vacation pay shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual calculated on gross earnings for but not including meal and safety allowances and tools and educational expenses. Incremental increases in the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based vacation pay rate shall commence on the Shop Work rateemployee’s anniversary date. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid vacation pay at the applicable percentage rate. Such employee All employees may claim his request their accrued vacation pay at any time after his anniversary datesubject the to payroll submission deadlines. Continuous service in this clause shall mean employment without a termination by the employee or Employer. An employee may request to use vacation time in place of time missed due to shortage of work, recognized Disability claim, inclement weather or a plant closure.
10.04 The Employer will set by January 2, the maximum numbers of employes off on an annual vacation at any one time for;
(ga) In Drivers – on a plant/work group basis
(b) For all other employees – on a work group basis
10.05 The period for employees to make their vacation request will be January 2 to the event that an employee leaves end of February. Only written vacation requests will be accepted. The Employer shall approve the employ of individual vacation requests by seniority, work groups, and relief coverage. By March 17 the Employer before he is entitled will review the vacation requests and identify the conflicts, and then such conflicts will be resolved by the Employer. All vacation requests received on or after March 1 will be granted on a first come first served basis for:
(a) Drivers – on a plant/work group basis
(b) For all other employees – on a work group/relief coverage basis.
10.06 During the period commencing from June 1st through to August 31st, any vacation taken during this period will ordinarily be to a maximum of two (2) weeks vacationper employee. Employees entitled to three (3), he shall receive four percent (4%) or five (5) weeks' vacation as per the above, shall take no more than two consecutive weeks during June, July and August unless the plant/work group’s allocation is not used. The minimum vacation block shall be 1 week.
10.07 When a general holiday falls in the employees approved vacation week, then by mutual agreement by the Company and employee, the last day normally worked the preceding week or the first day normally worked the following week shall be observed as a vacation day. Where the employee elects to forgo this vacation day and work, they shall be paid at their straight time rate for that day. This day’s pay shall not be used to attract overtime or other premiums.
10.08 Any employee wishing to change their vacation request after March 17 may do so subject to availability and mutual agreement between the Employer and employees.
10.09 Employees can request vacation pay but they eventually must take the actual time off. Employees must use their outstanding vacation from the previous year by March 1 of the following year.
10.10 The term “gross earnings” as used for the calculation of vacation pay, as described within this Collective Agreement, shall include all earnings he received while in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his entitlement years described above, except safety equipment allowances and meal allowances but include annual vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how received during the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled toentitlement year.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
ANNUAL VACATIONS. An Officer shall receive fourteen (a14) Vacations will be allocated to employees in order of seniority based on the following entitlement; provided that there are employees available to satisfactorily fill the required job functions needed by the Employer.
(b) Upon consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of one (1) calendar year employees 1)year of service with the Company and for each succeeding year. He shall receive two (2) consecutive weeks' be paid for such vacation with on the basis of four percent per cent (4%) of their gross wages earned in each year. An Officer shall receive twenty one (21) consecutive days annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation. A calendar year shall be twelve (12) months from the date an employee commenced work.
(c) Employees vacation upon completion of four two (42) calendar years of service with the Employer Company. He shall receive three (3) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at on the basis of six percent per cent (6%) of their gross wages earned during his Second and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive twenty eight (28) consecutive days annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(d) Employees vacation upon completion of ten seven (107)years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of eight per cent (8%)of gross wages earned during his seventh and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive thirty five (35) calendar consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of fifteen (15) years service with the Employer Company. He shall receive four (4) weeks be paid for such vacation in that year and in each and every year thereafter at eight percent (8%) on the basis of their annual gross earnings for the calendar year for which they are receiving their vacation.
(e) Employees upon completion of eighteen (18) calendar years service with the Employer shall receive five (5) weeks vacation in that year and each year thereafter at ten percent per cent (10%) of their gross wages earned during his fifteenth and succeeding years of service. An Officer shall receive forty two (42) consecutive days annual vacation upon completion of twenty two (22) years of service with the Company. He shall be paid for such vacation on the basis of twelve per cent (12%) of gross wages earned during his twenty-second and succeeding years of service. An Officer with thirty (30) years of service with the Company shall receive an additional two per cent (2%)of gross wages earned during his thirtieth and succeeding years of service. In all cases under and above, if the Officer has worked less than a normal year and is not entitled to the full annual vacation days allowed, they shall be pro rated in accordance with the vacation pay earned. Excepted from this is when an Officer is off on benefits for up to one (1)year. In this instance he shall be entitled, at his election, to take the vacation time he would have otherwise earned without pay subject to the fact that any vacation pay entitlement would be that which had been accumulated before the commencement of benefits and subsequent to such benefits coming to an end in the vacation year. Vacation pay shall be accumulated throughout the year and shall be paid to the Officer on the pay day prior to his vacation. Vacation pay shall not be used to offset red days while an Officer is employed except by mutual agreement with the Officer who shall be obliged to advise the Guild. The Company shall provide vacation pay information, including amount, income tax deducted, period covered and gross earnings for the calendar year period, at the same time an Officer receives his vacation pay. An Officer shall be entitled to select the periods desirable to him for which they are receiving their vacation.
(f) Any employee who has worked a minimum his vacation periods on the basis of fifteen hundred (1500) hours in his calendar year seniority with the Company, and his vacation periods may, at his discretion, be combined with time off, subject to the Company having the right to approve the overall vacation schedule. The Officer's request will not be unreasonably denied. For the purposes of this Article, the term "gross wages" shall take include all monies credited including wages, overtime, excessive hours, subsistence allowance, previous vacation pay and engine servicing pay. An Officer terminating his allotted vacation during the twelve (12) month period following his anniversary. Vacation pay, which employment shall be paid only at the time vacation is being taken, shall be the greater of:
(1) the applicable percentage of his annual gross earnings for the calendar year, or
(2) the weekly rate, as is applicable, based on the Shop Work rate. An employee who has worked less than fifteen hundred (1500) hours during his calendar year shall be paid all vacation pay at due him up to the applicable percentage rate. Such employee may claim his vacation pay at any time after his anniversary date.
(g) In the event that an employee leaves the employ date of the Employer before he is entitled to two (2) weeks vacationleaving, he shall receive four percent (4%) of the gross earnings he received while calculated in the employ of the Employer.
(h) In the event of an employee leaving the employ of the Employer after he had his vacation he earned for the previous year, he shall receive four percent (4%), six percent (6%), eight percent (8%), or ten percent (10%), of his pay for the year in which he ends his employment for which no vacation has been paid.
(i) Prior to an employee going on his vacation, the Employer shall furnish the employee accordance with a statement showing the period for which the employee is receiving his or her vacation pay, how the vacation pay was calculated, and shall include all overtime payment, commissions or anything of a monetary value on which the employee has to pay income tax, and also a cheque for the appropriate vacation pay the employee is entitled to.
(j) A Holiday list will be posted not later than March 1st each year so that employees in order of seniority can choose which period they wish to have for their vacation and it is to be completed not later than April lst. All employees eligible for two (2) weeks vacation will be entitled to have their vacation between June 15th and September 15th each year. These two (2) weeks shall be consecutive weeks unless an employee wishes to split them up.Sections and
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement