APPLICABILITY OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK. Employee acknowledges that he has received and reviewed the Employee Handbook as revised in November 2016. Employee agrees that the Employee Handbook shall fully apply to the employment relationship except as it has been modified by this Agreement.
APPLICABILITY OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK. The provisions of the CMH Employee Hospital Handbook, as amended from time to time, including but not limited to dress code provisions, shall apply to all members of the collective bargaining unit unless an express provision of this agreement is applicable and contrary to the provision the Handbook. The Employer shall provide any policy and/or handbook changes to the Field Organizer when employees are notified of the changes. Attendance and Tardiness Policy Appendix B Discrimination Policy Appendix C Spousal Equivalent Form Loan Forgiveness Appendix E Smoke Free Policy I. Purpose
APPLICABILITY OF EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK. The provisions of the CMH Employee Hospital Handbook, as amended from time to time, including but not limited to dress code provisions, shall apply to all members of the collective bargaining unit unless an express provision of this agreement is applicable and contrary to the provision the Handbook. The Employer shall provide any policy and/or handbook changes to the Field Organizer when employees are notified of the changes. Attendance and Tardiness Policy Appendix B Discrimination Policy Appendix C Spousal Equivalent Form Appendix D Loan Forgiveness Appendix E Smoke Free Policy This Agreement shall be effective March 1, 2024 and remain in full force and effect until midnight, February 28, 2027, and shall automatically renew itself from year to year thereafter, unless sixty (60) days prior to, February 28,2027 or sixty (60) days prior to any annual termination date thereafter, either the Employer or the Union serves written notice upon the other party of its desire to amend or terminate this Agreement. Upon the giving of such notice, negotiations on a new agreement shall begin promptly. I. Purpose


  • Employee Handbook Employee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of any employee handbook of Bank or its affiliates as may be in effect from time to time, except that in the event of a conflict between such employee handbook and the Agreement, the Agreement shall control.

  • Continuity of Employment This Option shall not be exercisable by the Grantee in any part unless at all times beginning with the date of grant and ending no more than three (3) months prior to the date of exercise, the Grantee has, except for military service leave, sick leave or other bona fide leave of absence (such as temporary employment by the United States Government) been in the continuous employ of the Company or a parent or subsidiary thereof, except that such period of three (3) months shall be one (1) year following any termination of the Grantee's employment by reason of his permanent and total disability.

  • XXXXXXXX FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRINCIPLES In accordance with the XxxXxxxx Fair Employment Principles (Chapter 807 of the Laws of 1992), the Contractor hereby stipulates that the Contractor either (a) has no business operations in Northern Ireland, or (b) shall take lawful steps in good faith to conduct any business operations in Northern Ireland in accordance with the XxxXxxxx Fair Employment Principles (as described in Section 165 of the New York State Finance Law), and shall permit independent monitoring of compliance with such principles.

  • Terms of Employment This Section 2 sets forth the terms and conditions on which the Company agrees to employ Executive during the period (the "Protected Period") beginning on the first day during the Term of this Agreement on which a Change of Control occurs and ending on the second anniversary of that date, or such earlier date as Executive's employment terminates as contemplated by Section 3.

  • Disclosure of Prior State Employment – Consulting Services If this Contract is for consulting services, A. In accordance with Section 2254.033 of the Texas Government Code, a Contractor providing consulting services who has been employed by, or employs an individual who has been employed by, System Agency or another State of Texas agency at any time during the two years preceding the submission of Contractor’s offer to provide services must disclose the following information in its offer to provide services. Contractor hereby certifies that this information was provided and remains true, correct, and complete: 1. Name of individual(s) (Contractor or employee(s)); 2. Status; 3. The nature of the previous employment with HHSC or the other State of Texas agency; 4. The date the employment was terminated and the reason for the termination; and 5. The annual rate of compensation for the employment at the time of its termination. B. If no information was provided in response to Section A above, Contractor certifies that neither Contractor nor any individual employed by Contractor was employed by System Agency or any other State of Texas agency at any time during the two years preceding the submission of Contractor’s offer to provide services.

  • Use of Employee Plan Assets (a) If assets of an employee benefit plan subject to any provision of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) are intended to be used by either party hereto (the “Plan Party”) in a Transaction, the Plan Party shall so notify the other party prior to the Transaction. The Plan Party shall represent in writing to the other party that the Transaction does not constitute a prohibited transaction under ERISA or is otherwise exempt therefrom, and the other party may proceed in reliance thereon but shall not be required so to proceed. (b) Subject to the last sentence of subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph, any such Transaction shall proceed only if Seller furnishes or has furnished to Buyer its most recent available audited statement of its financial condition and its most recent subsequent unaudited statement of its financial condition. (c) By entering into a Transaction pursuant to this Paragraph, Seller shall be deemed (i) to represent to Buyer that since the date of Seller’s latest such financial statements, there has been no material adverse change in Seller’s financial condition which Seller has not disclosed to Buyer, and (ii) to agree to provide Buyer with future audited and unaudited statements of its financial condition as they are issued, so long as it is a Seller in any outstanding Transaction involving a Plan Party.

  • Statement of Employment An employer shall, in the event of termination of employment, provide upon request to the employee who has been terminated a written statement specifying the period of employment and the classification or type of work performed by the employee.

  • Employment Policies The employment relationship between the parties shall also be governed by the general employment policies and practices of the Company, including those relating to protection of confidential information and assignment of inventions, except that when the terms of this Agreement differ from or are in conflict with the Company’s general employment policies or practices, this Agreement shall control.

  • TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT AND TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT 15 General 16 Employees on Daily Hire 17 Casual Employees 18 Employer and Employee Duties 19 Apprentices 20 Sham Contracting 21 Termination of Employment 22 Redundancy 23 Payment of Wages and Time Records 24 Superannuation 25 Insurance 26 Insurance – Minimum Cover / Minimum Benefits 27 Insurance – Employer Liability 28 Accident Makeup Pay 29 Compensation of Tools of Trade and Clothes 30 Application of Site Agreements / Inductions and off the job training / Local Labour – Visa Requirements 31 Hours of Work 32 Presenting for Work but Not Required 33 Overtime 34 Call Back

  • EQUALITY OF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY During the performance of any contract for financed in whole or in part by appropriation of the State of Delaware, the contractor agrees as follows: a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, age, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated equally during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, age, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training including apprenticeships. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, notices to be provided by the contracting agency setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. b. The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, or national origin. c. The term "contractor for public works" means construction, reconstruction, demolition, alteration, and/or repair work, maintenance work, and paid for in whole or in part out of the funds of a public body except work performed under a vocational rehabilitation program. The manufacture or furnishing of materials, articles, supplies or equipment is not a public work within the meaning of this subsection unless conducted in connection with and at the site of the public work.