Assistant Principal Allowance Sample Clauses
Assistant Principal Allowance. In addition to the salary earned as a teacher, each Assistant Principal shall receive an allowance of seventeen thousand four hundred ninety-four ($17,494).
Assistant Principal Allowance. Assistant principals' allowance shall be fifty per cent (50%) of the principal’s allowance. The minimum allowance for assistant principal will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the principal allowance.
Assistant Principal Allowance. In addition to their salary in clause 3.1, each assistant principal shall receive fifty per cent (50%) of the allowance paid to the principal. The minimum allowance for assistant principal allowance will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the principal allowance.
Assistant Principal Allowance. An Assistant Principal shall be paid one half (½) of the Principal's allowance for that school as calculated under Article 4.1.2, except as may be provided under Article 4.2.1. The minimum allowance for Assistant Principal will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the Principal allowance.
Assistant Principal Allowance. Assistant Principals shall be paid seven point seventy- five (7.75%) of their position on the salary schedule, plus a per pupil amount of Eleven Dollars and Forty Three Cents ($11.43) based on the enrolment at the Effective September 1, 2019, the minimum allowance for Assistant Principal allowance will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the Principal allowance
Assistant Principal Allowance. The assistant principal’s allowance payable shall be one-half (½) the allowance payable pursuant to clause 4.2.1. Where there is more than one assistant principal, a sum equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of that payable pursuant to clause
4.2.1 shall be divided between the incumbents in the ratio of their responsibilities. The minimum allowance for assistant principal allowance will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the principal allowance.
Assistant Principal Allowance. In addition to the salary earned as a teacher, each assistant principal shall receive an allowance of; Effective until June 9, 2022 Assistant Principal Allowance Effective June 10,2022 (0.50 % Increase) $ 17,581 Effective September 1, 2022 (1.25% Increase) $ 17,801 Effective September 1, 2023 (2.00% Increase) $ 18,157
Assistant Principal Allowance. The administrative allowance of an Assistant Principal shall equal one half of the Principal’s administrative allowance. Effective September 1, 2019, the minimum allowance for Assistant Principal allowance will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the Principal allowance.
Assistant Principal Allowance. Assistant Principals' Allowances shall be fifty percent (50%) of the Principal’s Allowance. Effective September 1, 2019, the minimum allowance for Assistant Principal will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the Principal allowance.
Assistant Principal Allowance. Assistant principals shall be paid seven point seven-five per cent (7.75%) of their position on the salary schedule, plus a per pupil amount of; Effective until June 9, 2022, eleven dollars and forty- three cents ($11.43) based on the enrolment at the school the assistant principal is assigned as of September 30th of the current school year. Effective June 10, 2022, zero-point five per cent (0.50%) increase, eleven dollars and forty-nine cents ($11.49) based on the enrolment at the school the assistant principal is assigned as of September 30th of the current school year. Effective September 1, 2022, one point two-five per cent (1.25%) increase, eleven dollars and sixty-three cents ($11.63) based on the enrolment at the school the assistant principal is assigned as of September 30th of the current school year. Effective September 1, 2023, two per cent (2.00%) increase, eleven dollars and eighty-six cents ($11.86) based on the enrolment at the school the assistant principal is assigned as of September 30th of the current school year. The minimum allowance for assistant principal allowance will be adjusted in accordance with current proportionality to the principal allowance.