INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. (a) The University is committed to increasing employment and participation opportunities for Indigenous Australians and this objective forms part of the University’s commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous Australian people.
(b) The University will provide a supportive working environment for Indigenous Australians and ensure University policies, procedures and guidelines are formulated with the view of eliminating racism in the workplace and ensuring the University is culturally responsive and responsible.
(c) The University has an Indigenous Employment Strategy developed through a consultative process involving representatives from the University and the Indigenous community. The Indigenous Employment Strategy will provide the framework to deliver programs and strategies supportive of and relevant to Indigenous Australians in order to improve employment outcomes.
(d) The University will express a percentage target for increasing overall Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander employment in the Indigenous Employment Strategy. The aim of the target is to reflect the general principle that the workforce profile of the University will be a reflection of the diversity of the larger community profile in relation to Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander People.
(e) The University will take active measures to achieve the target contained in the Indigenous Employment Strategy which will be in accordance with those set out in the ISAG Guidelines, which is currently 3%, as amended from time to time.
(f) In addition, the VCP has established an Indigenous Advisory Committee that is responsible to the VCP for taking active measures to support the Strategy. The Indigenous Advisory Committee comprises members of the Indigenous community, members of the local community and members of staff. All indigenous members of staff are invited to participate in the Advisory Committee.
(g) The Committee will be responsible to the VCP for monitoring the employment and participation initiatives aimed at ensuring that the percentage of Indigenous Australian staff members at the University is at least that outlined in the University’s Indigenous Employment Strategy.
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. The parties acknowledge that the University is a leader of Indigenous employment in the higher education sector. The University employs 2,031 EFT staff in continuing and fixed term positions, with Indigenous employees representing 2.5% of EFT staff (as at August 2018). The University will use its best endeavours to ensure this figure of Indigenous employees will increase during the life of this Agreement.
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. (a) The parties to this Agreement note the University’s Mission Based Compacts Agreement with the Commonwealth Government (MBC Agreement). The MBC Agreement contains aspirational targets for number of indigenous academic staff, professional and technical staff and senior staff (Associate Professor and above), with specific performance indicators set annually until 2016. The University’s long term aspiration is to be truly representative of the community and greater Sydney population.
(b) Where the University is tracking below the aspirational indigenous employment targets in the MBC Agreement, it will meet with the Unions once per year upon request to discuss ways to increase indigenous employment within UNSW, in particular in positions which provide opportunities for genuine career paths.
(c) During the life of this Agreement, the University will:
(i) Continue to implement its Indigenous Employment Plan (the “Plan”);
(ii) Develop and maintain a consultative mechanism for maintaining effective links with Indigenous communities and agencies, and include an Indigenous staff member nominated by the Unions in any committee or like body which has the responsibility for monitoring or overseeing the implementation of the Plan;
(iii) Actively pursue the targets for increased Indigenous employment included in the present and any future Plan; and
(iv) Consult the Unions up to twice a year, upon request, about progress in developing or implementing the Plan and the above objectives.
(d) Leave for cultural duties may be accessed in accordance with clause 41 of this Agreement.
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. During the life of this Agreement, the University will:
(a) Continue to implement its Indigenous Employment Plan (the “Plan”), and develop a new Indigenous Employment Plan for the period at least of the nominal life of this Agreement;
(b) Develop and maintain a consultative mechanism for maintaining effective links with Indigenous communities and agencies, and include an Indigenous staff member nominated by the Unions in any committee or like body which has the responsibility for monitoring or overseeing the implementation of the Plan;
(c) Actively pursue the targets for increased Indigenous employment included in the present and any future Plan; and
(d) Consult the Unions up to twice a year, upon request, about progress in developing or implementing the Plan.
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. (a) The parties to this Agreement note:
(i) The development of the UNSW Indigenous Workforce Strategy (Strategy) to support UNSW’s aim to be recognised as the leading University for Indigenous researchers, Indigenous education and Indigenous workforce participation in Australia; and
(ii) The University’s aspiration over the life of this Agreement to make significant progress towards its 2025 target of being representative of the community and greater Sydney population by having 90 Indigenous academic and professional staff employed in the University at the expiry of this Agreement.
(b) During the life of this Agreement, the University will:
(i) Work to implement the Strategy and actively pursue the targets for increased Indigenous employment included in the Strategy;
(ii) Establish a financial compact that will guarantee dedicated finding to be allocated each year to support the implementation of aims and initiatives associated with advancing Indigenous employment outcomes. The funding each year will be no less than $1.5 million to support new initiatives set out in the Strategy or to enhance expenditure on existing initiatives. A copy of the financial compact will be provided to the Unions;
(iii) Develop and maintain a committee to monitor implementation of the Strategy and include on the committee an Indigenous staff member nominated by the Unions;
(iv) Implement a number of initiatives to support Indigenous staff to complete PhDs at UNSW, including, where appropriate, workload relief and extended timeframes to complete (within any limits set by Government); and
(v) Meet with the Unions up to twice a year, upon request, to discuss progress in developing or implementing the Strategy and the above objectives.
(c) Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander staff are entitled to up to five days special paid leave to attend to Indigenous cultural/ceremonial obligations. Staff will provide appropriate documentation to their supervisor.
(d) An Indigenous Language Allowance will be payable to an Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander staff member who is competent to use an Indigenous language in accordance with the rates set out in Schedule 6.
(e) Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander staff who undertake a formal course of study with an approved higher education provider in an Indigenous Language will be entitled to reimbursement for course fees up to a maximum of $1,500 in any one calendar year, subject to provision of documentation of the successful completion of th...
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. The University has an Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander employment strategy which recognises that a supportive working environment for Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islanders requires the redress of racism, social injustice, exploitation and employment inequity. Reflecting the parties’ commitment to the principles of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander self-determination, social and restorative justice, and cultural affirmation, the University through implementation of the Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander employment strategy will:
(a) maximise staff development along with the transfer of job skills and information in order to increase Indigenous knowledge, independence, remuneration, job security and self sufficiency.
(b) increase, encourage and xxxxxx Indigenous employment and participation at all levels of work activity.
(c) maintain the Indigenous staff mentoring program and will make adjustments to the ordinary duties of Indigenous staff to facilitate their full participation in it. An Indigenous staff member will develop a performance development plan in consultation with his/her supervisor and with the participation of the Manager, Indigenous Employment if requested.
(d) facilitate and encourage the direct involvement of Indigenous staff in determining their own career strategies, goals and objectives.
(e) use its best endeavours to achieve the employment targets set out at clause 71.1 below across the full range of employment types and assist Indigenous staff in their training and career development in order to promote retention.
(f) assign responsibility to the University’s Indigenous Advisory Council to oversee fulfilment of these targets.
(g) assign a senior Indigenous position within the University with responsibility for Indigenous matters and to work with the Manager, Indigenous Employment.
(h) promote and encourage relevant cultural events within the Monash community and the provision of appropriate cultural training for staff working with Indigenous Australian staff members.
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. The University will implement and maintain the CSU Indigenous Employment Strategy (IES), or any successor strategy, and the IES Steering Committee during the life of this Agreement. To advance the employment circumstances of Indigenous Australians, the University also aims to:
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. 2.8.1 For the purposes of this clause “Aboriginal & Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander person” means a person of Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Island descent who identifies as an Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Island person and is accepted as such by his/her Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander community.
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. Goals: Secure LTU as an Employer of Choice: create an environment that is culturally inclusive, competent and secure, and one that empowers Aboriginal & Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander peoples Strategies Achievements / Progress Goal: Retain Talent: provide appropriate mechanisms and a supportive environment to retain Aboriginal & Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander staff
INDIGENOUS EMPLOYMENT. The University is committed to increasing employment and participation opportunities for Indigenous Australians and this objective forms part of the University’s commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous Australian people. The University will provide a supportive working environment for Indigenous Australians and ensure University policies, procedures and guidelines are formulated with the view of eliminating racism in the workplace and ensuring the University is culturally responsive and responsible. The University has already developed and implemented an Indigenous Employment and Participation Strategy through a consultative process involving representatives from the University and the Indigenous community. In addition, the VCP has established an Indigenous Advisory Committee that is responsible to the VCP for taking active measures to support the Strategy. The Indigenous Advisory Committee comprises members of the Indigenous community, members of the local community and members of staff. All indigenous members of staff are invited to participate in the Advisory Committee. The Committee will be responsible to the VCP for monitoring the employment and participation initiatives aimed at ensuring that the percentage of Indigenous Australian staff members at the University is at least that outlined in the University’s Reconciliation Action Plan.
8.1.1 Indigenous language allowance A staff member who has a recognised proficiency in any one of the Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander languages and is required to use the recognised language as a position requirement will be paid an allowance as specified in Schedule 2. Indigenous language means a recognised proficiency in any one of the Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander languages.