Award of Master Agreement(s Sample Clauses

Award of Master Agreement(s. Award shall be made to the offeror(s) whose proposal is the most advantageous to Oklahoma and NASPO ValuePoint Participating States, taking into consideration price and the other evaluation factors set forth in this request for proposals. A multiple award is highly anticipated. The Participating States reserve the right to award items separately or by grouping items, or by total lot.
Award of Master Agreement(s. Award shall be made to the offeror(s) whose proposal is the most advantageous to the State of Nevada and NASPO ValuePoint, taking into consideration price and the other evaluation factors set forth in this request for proposals. Upon award of contracts, proposal files are public records and available for review at the offices of the Lead State by appointment.
Award of Master Agreement(s. Award shall be made to the Offeror(s) whose proposal is the most advantageous to the State of New Mexico and NASPO ValuePoint, taking into consideration price and the other evaluation factors set forth in this Request for Proposal. Offerors within a competitive range to be established through the determination of natural break for each tier in the scoring of the evaluation factors may be considered for award.
Award of Master Agreement(s. It is anticipated that this RFP will result in multiple contract awards. The methodology or formula that will be used to determine the number of contract awards is: if the Offeror scores 750 points (combination of points earned from OEM Evaluated Qualifications, Product Evaluated Qualifications, and Cost Proposal Evaluation), the Offeror will be awarded a contract.
Award of Master Agreement(s. Award shall be made by Category to the responsive responsible Offeror(s) with the highest number of total normalized points for the Technical Proposal evaluation and the Cost Proposal evaluation combined. The Lead State anticipates and may elect to award multiple Master Agreements per Category in accordance with Idaho Code § 67‐9211. If an Offeror receives less than five hundred (500) points in a given Category, the Offeror will not be eligible to receive an award for that Category. If the Lead State chooses to award multiple Master Agreements, awards shall be prioritized according to the highest scoring Proposals in each Category. Notwithstanding Paragraph 13 of Attachment 6 ‐ Solicitation Instructions to Vendors, award of Master Agreement(s) will be made without regard to any preference for Idaho suppliers. Participating Entities, including the state of Idaho, may take local preferences into consideration when determining if they will enter into a Participating Addendum with a Contractor to which a Master Agreement has been awarded.
Award of Master Agreement(s. Award shall be made to the Offeror(s) whose proposal is the most advantageous to the State of Alaska, taking into consideration price and the other evaluation factors set forth in this solicitation. The awarded Contractor(s) will have a maximum of 60 calendar days after award to post their fully functional NASPO ValuePoint webpage on their company website. As soon as the fully functional website is posted, they must notify the Alaska Contract Lead who will then sign the Master Agreement and finalize the contract award. Failure to meet the 60-day requirement will be considered a default and may lead to cancelation of the award.
Award of Master Agreement(s. In order to be eligible for a contract award under this RFP a proposal must have a combined total score, of OEM, technical points, and cost points meeting the minimum threshold for award for the given Category as provided below: Unified Communications 500.0 166.7 666.7 466.69 Networking 500.0 166.7 666.7 466.69 Routers, Switches, Security, and Storage Networking 500.0 166.7 666.7 466.69 Wireless 500.0 166.7 666.7 466.69 Facility Management, Monitoring, and Control 500.0 166.7 666.7 466.69
Award of Master Agreement(sSubject to protests, if any, Enterprise Services and the ASB for each category will enter into a Master Agreement as set forth
Award of Master Agreement(s. Award shall be made to the responsive and responsible Offeror(s) whose proposal is the most advantageous to Michigan and the NASPO ValuePoint cooperative program, taking into consideration price and the best combination of the factors stated in section
Award of Master Agreement(sThe Award of the On-Demand Remote Interpreting (OPI and VRI) and Document Translation Contract shall be made to the responsible Offeror or Offerors whose proposal(s) is/are most advantageous to the Agency taking into consideration the following weighted evaluation factors. It is anticipated that this RFP will result in Master Agreement Awards to multiple Offerors based a ‘natural break’ in the scoring to determine the finalist Offerors for consideration of Award. It is within the Lead State’s discretion to increase/decrease the amount of finalists considered for Award, and/or to Award proposals whole or in part in order to meet all geographic areas and to meet the best interests of the Lead State, Participating States and NASPO ValuePoint. Please note, however, that a serious deficiency in any one criterion may be grounds for rejection and that the listing of cost as an evaluation factor does not require the Agency to select the Offeror who submits the lowest cost proposal. The Lead State shall have the right to obtain, from any and all sources, information concerning an Offeror, which is deemed pertinent to the RFP and to consider such information in evaluating an Offeror’s proposal. The following is a summary of items where Offerors can be awarded evaluation points. These weighted factors shall be used in the evaluation of the individual Offeror responses. In the initial phase of the evaluation process, the Lead State will review all Proposals timely