Proposal Evaluation. (1) [Insert DB Contractor process for evaluating bid proposals]
Proposal Evaluation. Proposals will be evaluated and scored by an evaluation team using the criteria specified in RFP Supplement C – Proposal Evaluation Criteria. Compiled scores from all eligible proposals will form the basis for recommending a contract award.
Proposal Evaluation. City reserves the right to secure additional information from the Offeror in various forms and to award based on submitted information.
Proposal Evaluation. All proposals in response to this RFP will be evaluated in a manner consistent with the Utah Procurement Code, Administrative Rules, policies and the evaluation criteria in this RFP. Offerors bear sole responsibility for the items included or not included within the submitted proposal. Each area of the evaluation criteria must be addressed in detail in the proposal. Each product category will be awarded separately. Offeror’s may respond to one or any of the product categories. The Lead State reserves the right to very that Offeror’s proposal meets the required mandatory minimums and technical requirements.
Proposal Evaluation. A selection committee will evaluate and score, according to weighted schedule listed below, each responsive proposal as follows:
A) Relevant business experience at operating an airport parking management operation and financial qualifications - 100 points
B) Thoroughness of proposal to meet the requirements of the Commission - 100 points
C) Proposed management fee - 300 points
D) Proposed operating budget (pro forma) - 300 points • While the financial performance of the parking program is a high priority for MBS, there is also a qualitative aspect to the management of the parking program. Proposers are encouraged to submit “proposed” budgets that are realistic, achievable, and represent the most efficient way to meet the terms and conditions of the contract. The Commission will evaluate the proposed budget in the context of other comparable programs to determine the probability of the budget providing the most cost-effective quality program that the Commission expects.
E) Proposed revenue (cash and credit cards) management plan and suggestions on how to increase net revenue to the Commission exclusive of parking rates - 100 points
F) Materiality of exceptions noted to the sample contract - 100 points
G) Total - 1000 points The top ranked proposer with whom a contract can be agreed to will be recommended to the Commission for the award of the Contract. The Commission will select a proposal that in the Commission's sole judgment deemed most advantageous for the public and the Commission and its determination shall be final.
Proposal Evaluation. A Sourcing Team will perform the evaluation of proposals. This process will take place as quickly as possible subsequent to the Closing Date as listed in the Schedule of Events above. During this time, the Procurement Manager may initiate discussions with Offerors who submit responsive or potentially responsive proposals for the purpose of clarifying aspects of the proposals. However, proposals may be accepted and evaluated without such discussion. Discussions SHALL NOT be initiated by the Offerors.
Proposal Evaluation. The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of proposals and are listed in the order of importance.
Proposal Evaluation. (a) The DIR RCARO will submit the TP request proposals to the RCA PAC to review and evaluate the proposals against the agreed criteria and respond by a specific date;
(b) The RCA PAC shall conduct the evaluation whenever possible using electronic communication and may seek expert input as required on the technical assessment of the proposals.
(c) The RCA PAC must complete the evaluation by the specified time and submit a consolidated report with comments and recommendations on the proposals to the DIR RCARO for review by the RCARO SAC.
(d) The proposals together with the SAC’s review and related documents will be presented to the NRs at a NRM or GCM for their approval.
Proposal Evaluation. Should an error be discovered in the estimated quantities during the advertisement period, every effort will be made to issue an addendum correcting the discrepancy. If, in the opinion of the County Engineer an addendum cannot be issued prior to the filing of the proposals, the County reserves the right to evaluate the proposals based on the known quantities at the time the proposals are opened.
Proposal Evaluation. An Evaluation Committee will perform the evaluation of proposals. This process will take place as indicated in the sequence of events, depending upon the number of proposals received. During this time, the Procurement Officer may initiate discussions with Offerors who submit responsive or potentially responsive proposals for the purpose of clarifying aspects of the proposals. However, proposals may be accepted and evaluated without such discussion. Discussions SHALL NOT be initiated by the Offerors.