Basic Account Information. You don’t have to create an account to use some of our service features, such as searching and viewing public Twitter profiles or watching a broadcast on Periscope’s website. If you do choose to create an account, you must provide us with some personal data so that we can provide our services to you. On Twitter this includes a display name (for example, “Twitter Moments”), a username (for example, @TwitterMoments), a password, and an email address or phone number. Your display name and username are always public, but you can use either your real name or a pseudonym. You can also create and manage multiple Twitter accounts, for example to express different parts of your identity.
Basic Account Information. If you choose to create a Twitter account, you must provide us with some personal information, such as your name, username, password, email address, or phone number. On Twitter, your name and username are always listed publicly, including on your profile page and in search results, and you can use either your real name or a pseudonym. You can create and manage multiple Twitter accounts. If you use Digits by Twitter, the contact information you provide to log in is not public. Some of our product features, such as searching and viewing public Twitter user profiles or watching a broadcast on Periscope’s website, do not require you to create an account. Contact Information: You may use your contact information, such as your email address or phone number, to customize your account or enable certain account features, for example, for login verification or Twitter via SMS. If you provide us with your phone number, you agree to receive text messages to that number from us. We may use your contact information to send you information about our Services, to market to you, to help prevent spam, fraud, or abuse, and to help others find your account, including through third-party services and client applications. You may use your settings for email and mobile notifications to control notifications you receive from Twitter. You may also unsubscribe from a notification by following the instructions contained within the notification or the instructions on our website. Your Discoverability privacy settings control whether others can find you on Twitter by your email address or phone number.
Basic Account Information. If you choose to create a Twitter account, you must provide us with some personal information, such as your name, username, password, email address, or phone number. On Twitter, your name and username are listed publicly, including on your profile page and in search results, and you can use either your real name or a pseudonym. You can create and manage multiple Twitter accounts. If you use Digits by Twitter, the contact information you provide to log in is not public. Some of our product features, such as searching and viewing public Twitter user profiles or watching a Periscope broadcast on Twitter, do not require you to create an account.
Basic Account Information. You don’t have to create an account to use some of our service features, such as searching and viewing public Twitter profiles or watching a broadcast on Periscope’s website. If you do choose to create an account, you must provide us with some personal data so that we can provide our services to you. On Twitter this includes a display name (for example, “Twitter Moments”), a username (for example, @TwitterMoments), a password, and an email address or phone number. Your display name and username are always public, but you can use either your real name or a pseudonym. If you choose to create a professional account, you must also provide us with your professional category, and may provide us with additional information, including street address, contact email address, and contact phone number, all of which will always be public. You can also create and manage multiple Twitter accounts1, for example to express different parts of your identity.
Basic Account Information. If you choose to create a LiveTube account, you must provide us with some personal information, such as your name, username, password, email address, and phone number. On LiveTube, only your username is listed publicly, including on your profile page and in search results, and you can use either your real name or a pseudonym. We display your full name alongside the content you submit through the LiveTube licensing platform, allowing publishers to credit you as the content creator. Please note that we do not verify the names provided by users, and you can choose to use a pseudonym if you prefer not to disclose your real name. LiveTube takes authenticity and truth on facts very seriously. To help our producers to identify reliable and trustworthy content, you can only use the LiveTube app as a registered user, and after you have provided and validated your email and mobile number. You can only create one LiveTube account for each email or mobile number.