Bonfires Sample Clauses

Bonfires. A burn permit is also required from Xxxxxx Township;
Bonfires. You or any member of your household or visitors must not light bonfires in your garden or in any communal area. Any fireworks must be used safely and in line with manufacturer’s instructions. Fire pits, barbeques, chimineas and braziers must be used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
Bonfires. Bonfires are not permitted. Fires must be contained within suitable incinerators and are permitted as long as wind direction takes any smoke away from surrounding houses. Fires must be attended to, at all times and extinguished before the ‘Plot Holder’ leaves the allotment gardens. Any fire must be lit with due consideration to our neighbours in surrounding roads and to other allotment Plot Holders.
Bonfires. 8.1 Bonfires may not be lit under any circumstances during the period 1 May to 31 September inclusive, out of consideration for other tenants and nearby residents. 8.2 Bonfires may be lit during the period 1 October to 31 April inclusive. The Tenant must compost as much garden waste created on the Allotment as possible. Any items which cannot be composted must be thoroughly dried out before burning, thus reducing smoke. 8.3 The Tenant must not allow any bonfire to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the occupiers of any other allotment garden or residents of any adjoining properties. 8.4 The Tenant must not light a bonfire within 10 metres of any perimeter fence or hedge. 8.5 Only vegetation from the Allotment may be burnt. The Tenant must not bring household waste onto the Allotment for disposal. 8.6 The Tenant must ensure that any bonfire is fully extinguished before leaving the Allotment.
Bonfires. Bonfires are a last resort for disposing of waste generated on a plot. Bonfires are permitted for the burning of dry, diseased plants, perennial weeds, stalks and prunings. Use of an incinerator or ‘burning barrel’ will be required for all bonfires. When leaving your plot after a bonfire ensure the fire is completely extinguished. Bonfires must never be left unattended. No bonfires are allowed from 1 April to 30 September inclusive except for contract and site improvements works. Bonfires are not permitted at any time for the burning of manufactured materials such as plastics and rubber (which give off toxic fumes that aggravate asthmatic and pulmonary medical conditions), these should be disposed of at the designated civic amenity site. Tenants should take into consideration local householders and whether people have windows open or washing on the line which is likely to be affected by smoke. Smoke from a bonfire, which could be a nuisance to neighbours by interfering with the use and enjoyment of their garden or property, or could affect the comfort or quality of life of the public, could result in action under the Environment Protection Act of 1990. Tenants who light a fire within 50ft (15.24m) of the centre of a highway may be guilty of an offence under the Highways Act 1980. MAMC reserves the right to prohibit bonfires on a specific plot and/or group of plots.
Bonfires. Plot holders may have bonfires to burn diseased plants and material which is difficult to compost, but may not burn material that may harm the soil i.e., no paint, bitumen (roofing felt), plastics etc. • A bonfire must not be allowed to create a nuisance to other tenants or neighbours. Please thing about the timing of your bonfire. Having a bonfire on a sunny bank holiday weekend is likely to cause more nuisance than at the end of a dull day in January. • The bonfire must be managed safely at all times and must be left in a safe condition when the plot holder leaves the site.
Bonfires. (a) Bonfires are permitted on the allotments at any time of day during the months of November through to and including February. Fires are prohibited at any other time. (b) Bonfires must be restricted to burning dry allotment waste only, with care being taken not to be a nuisance to neighbouring residents through excess smoke or smell. (c) Fires are only permitted where an appropriate garden incineratoris used. No ground fires are permitted.
Bonfires. 14.1. Tenants must comply with the Association’s Bonfire Policy. 14.2. The ARDAA does not accept any responsibility for Tenants who have fires on their plots.
Bonfires. The Tenant may have bonfires to burn diseased plants and materials which are difficult to compost within the confines of their plot subject to the following conditions: o Tenants should first consider alternatives to bonfires including re-cycling, composting and incinerator bins. o Please check thoroughly for small animals who may be hidden underneath the garden waste before lighting the bonfire. o No material must be burnt that may harm the soil eg paint, bitumen (roofing felt), plastics etc. o No materials for burning must be brought to the site only materials produced from the site may be burned. o The bonfire must be managed safely at all times and must be extinguished before the Tenant leaves the site. No bonfire must be allowed to create a nuisance to other Tenants or neighbouring properties. Please think of the timing of your bonfire, having a bonfire on a sunny weekend day is likely to cause more nuisance than at the end of a dull winter‘s day (also consider which direction the wind is blowing). o The Highways Act 1980 makes it an offence to light a fire and allow smoke to drift across a public highway where it could endanger traffic. o Complaints about bonfires are investigated by Leeds City Council’s Environmental Health Services which can result in legal action and termination of your allotment tenancy by Otley Town Council.
Bonfires. 8.1 Bonfires must only be started when absolutely essential. 8.2 Tenants must respect neighbours rights to not have smoke from fires drifting across their properties. 8.3 If a complaint is received then the fire must be immediately extinguished. 8.4 If a Council Officer Investigation identifies that fires are being created without good reason they will issue a warning to the relevant Tenant(s). 8.5 If after warning fires are not reduced then the Tenant will have their tenancy terminated. 8.6 Accelerants such as petrol, oil or paraffin must never be used. 8.7 The Council under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 are obliged to take formal legal action if they are satisfied that a nuisance due to smoke exists or is likely to occur or recur in its area. 8.8 It is an offence under the Highways (Amendment) Xxx 0000 to light a fire and allow smoke to drift across a road. 8.9 All Tenants must follow the rules and regulations of setting bonfires within the document ‘Other Useful Information.’