Call Back Time Any employee called back to work after completion of his/her regular assignment shall be compensated for at least two (2) hours of work at the overtime rate, irrespective of the actual time worked.
Minimum Call-Back Time All employees who are called out and required to work in an emergency outside their regular working hours shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at overtime rates and shall be paid from the time they leave home to report for duty until the time they arrive back upon proceeding directly from work.
Call Back When a part-time employee meets the requirements to receive call-back pay in accordance with clause 28.01 and is entitled to receive the minimum payment rather than pay for actual time worked, the part-time employee shall be paid a minimum payment of four (4) hours pay at the straight-time rate.
Call Back Pay Employees who are called to report to work on their regular day off or that have been recalled to work after having left the Employer's premises, shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours of pay plus travel time at the regular rate of pay for actual hours worked or at the applicable overtime rate, whichever is greater. Employees who are currently guaranteed a minimum of pay greater than two (2) hours shall continue to be paid at the greater minimum. Should the employee be paid for at least eight hours, travel time shall not be paid.
Call Backs 9.1 Call-back occurs when the employee: (i) is called back to work after completing the day’s work or duty, and having left the place of employment; or (ii) is called back before the normal time of starting work and does not continue working until such normal starting time; Call-back is to be paid at the appropriate overtime rate (clauses 8.2.2 (c) and (d)) for a minimum of three hours, or for actual working and travelling time, whichever is the greater, except that call-backs commencing and finishing within the minimum period covered by an earlier call-back shall not be paid for. Where a call-back commences before and continues beyond the end of a minimum period for a previous call-back, payment shall be made as if the employee had worked continuously from the beginning of the previous call-back, to the end of the later call-back.
Total Contract Amount The contract total shall not exceed $2,500,000. Pricing shall be per Exhibit E attached.
Call-In A regular part-time or casual employee reporting to work at the call of the Employer for unscheduled work, except those on-call or on a call-back, shall be paid for all hours worked with a minimum of two (2) hours pay at their regular rate if the employee does not commence work, and a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the regular rate if the employee commences work.
Minimum Call-In Time 1. Any employee called in to work on a day when the employee is not scheduled to work, shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate of pay. 2. If an employee is assigned to work on a day when the employee is not scheduled to work, he/she shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate of pay.
Contract Amount Compensation amount(s), when stated in this Bid Specifications, shall not be construed as either the maximum or minimum amount which Department shall be obligated to accept as the result of this Bid Specifications or any Agreement entered into as a result of this Bid Specifications.
MINIMUM CALL-IN If a member is called in for extra work, they shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hour pay at their straight hourly rate.