Category I Leaves Sample Clauses

Category I Leaves. Long-term leaves of absence without pay in Category I may be granted for any of the following reasons:

Related to Category I Leaves

  • Employee Categories All employees fall into one or the other of four principal categories as outlined below.

  • Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.

  • Employment Categories (a) Employees under this Agreement will be employed in one of the following categories: (i) full-time; (ii) part time; or (iii) casual. (b) At the time of engagement an employer will inform each employee whether they are employed on a full-time, part time or casual basis. An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties that are within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training, consistent with the respective classification.

  • Bilingual Pay Where the Employer currently pays bilingual pay or bonuses, it shall continue to do so. The Employer retains discretion to initiate bilingual pay or bonuses. The minimum bilingual bonus or hourly equivalent is $25 per pay period. The Employer may not require an employee to use bilingual skills without paying the appropriate bonus or pay. This does not apply to employees where such skills are in the classification specification.

  • Paid Leaves A. A bank of ten (10) sick leave days per year shall be credited to each Kitchen Manager at the beginning of the yearly period of employment. Probationary employees who successfully complete their probationary period after the start of the work year shall be credited with a prorated number of sick leave days at the beginning of their non- probationary period. Employees who are promoted from ESP#1 to Kitchen Managers Association shall have accumulated sick leave days prorated based upon number of hours-worked in previous position. Total sick leave accumulation will be unlimited. Sick leave days may be used for personal illness of the employee or illness in the immediate family of the employee living in the same household and/or those critically ill family members who warrant immediate attention. B. Two (2) days of sick leave each year may be used as Business Days. All requests must be in writing except when an emergency situation prevails, approval may be obtained by telephone with a follow-up letter stating the date and reason for being off. Written requests for the day off must be received in the office of the Supervisor of Food Services at least three work days before the day the employee wishes off. Requests will be granted only when there is sufficient number of substitute employees to cover the workload. The day before and the day after a paid holiday or a scheduled vacation day cannot be used as a Business Day. C. Each employee shall be entitled to leave with pay without charge to his/her sick bank for death in the immediate family or immediate step family of the employee and/or spouse or the death of a person residing in the same household as the employee. The funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed three (3) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Immediate family shall mean mother, father, brother, sister, child, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild and grandparents. Immediate step family shall mean step-mother, step-father, step-brother, step-sister, step-child and step-grandchild. In the event of the death of a spouse, child or step- child, the funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed five (5) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Additional time beyond the three (3) or five (5) days, if granted by the employee’s immediate supervisor, will be charged to sick leave. The employer has the right to request and receive appropriate substantiation of attendance at the funeral and verification of residence of an individual residing in the household. Funeral leave may be granted to any Kitchen Manager in case of the death of a person whose relationship to the employee warrants attendance at the funeral. Time off for funerals may be granted before or after the fact by the Supervisor of Food Services. All approved absences caused by funerals will be deducted from the sick bank. D. Sick leaves days will accumulate but not be granted to probationary employees until employee is permanently assigned.

  • Category 2 Funds On sales of Class A shares and Class 529-A shares of Funds listed in Category 2 on the attached Schedule A that are accepted by us and for which you are responsible, you will be paid the same dealer concessions indicated above except as follows: Less than $100,000 3.00% 3.75%

  • Sick Leave Pool The purpose of the emergency sick leave pool is to furnish additional sick days for certified staff under the negotiated agreement. This leave can only be used during the school year after the teacher has exhausted all regular accumulated sick leave and discretionary leave. Leave will be granted for catastrophic illness or injury of the employee only, on a first-come, first-ask basis. The emergency sick leave pool will be funded by the days certified staff has over the 80-day maximum sick leave this is given to each employee on July 1 of each year. All days over the 80-day accumulated sick leave the employees receive will be put into an emergency sick leave pool with an accumulation not to exceed 80 days for the pool. The maximum number of emergency sick leave pool days that may be accumulated during the school year is 20 days. A written application along with a physician’s statement documenting the nature of the catastrophic illness or injury must be sent to the building principal. The Emergency Sick Leave Pool Committee will meet within 10 calendar days after receiving the application to consider the request. The application may be sent to the building principal before the employee’s regular sick leave ends. The Emergency Sick Leave Pool Committee will consist of six members. One member from each of the four schools (“Primary, Intermediate, Middle, and High School”) the Superintendent and the building principal from the building of the applicant. All members will meet to determine ach request; however, the committee member representing the same building as the applicant will not vote. The building principal and superintendent will vote in all cases. The committee members will serve for a period of two years. The Primary and Middle School members will be elected on even calendar years and the Intermediate and the High School members will be elected on odd calendar years. If a member of the committee leaves the employment of the USD 210 before the end of his/her term, the committee will appoint a new committee member form the affected building. The committee members will be in place by September 1 of each year. The emergency sick leave bank may not be used to cover employees who are receiving pay, salary protection payments, and disability insurance payments or are eligible to receive compensation from workers’ compensation or KPERS disability.

  • BEREAVEMENT/TANGIHANGA LEAVE 15.1 The employer shall approve special bereavement leave on pay for an employee to discharge any obligation and/or to pay respects to a deceased person with whom the employee has had a close association. Such obligations may exist because of blood or family ties or because of particular cultural requirements such as attendance at all or part of a Tangihanga (or its equivalent). The length of time off shall be at the discretion of the employer. 15.2 If bereavement occurs while an employee is absent on annual leave, sick leave on pay, or other special leave on pay, such leave may be interrupted and bereavement leave granted in terms of 15.1 above. This provision will not apply if the employee is on leave without pay. 15.3 In granting time off therefore, and for how long, the employer must administer these provisions in a culturally sensitive manner.

  • Classification Seniority Classification Seniority" is defined as the length of service in a specific job classification within the bargaining unit, beginning with the date an employee starts to serve a probationary appointment. Classification Seniority shall be interrupted only by separation because of resignation, discharge for just cause, failure to return upon expiration of a leave of absence, failure to respond to a recall from layoff, or retirement.

  • Paid Sick Leave For those jurisdictions that have passed or will pass legislation requiring Paid Sick Leave, Paid Sick Time will be billed back to Client at the straight-time bill rate for all hours taken by any Consultant assigned to Client. This section is not applicable until the effective date of such legislation has been reached.