Changes in Job Content of an Existing Position. If the content of the existing position changes and the JJEC re- evaluates the position, the incumbent(s) may, if dissatisfied with the ratings, submit in writing, their reasons for disagreeing. This process may also be initiated by the Employer. The JJEC will address the appeal and their decision will be final and binding upon the Parties. Should the JJEC be unable to reach a decision on the appeal, it may be forwarded to the Board of Referees, which shall reach a decision on the appeal within thirty (30) days.
Changes in Job Content of an Existing Position. If the content of the existing position changes and the re-evaluates the position, the may, if dissatisfied with the ratings, submit in writing, their reasons for disagreeing. This process may also be initiated by the Employer. The will address the appeal and their decision will be final and binding upon the Parties. Should the be unable to reach a decision, the appeal may be forwarded to the Board of Referees. The parties agree appeals will be heard and resolved within three (3) months of submission.