CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. 1.1. SAP Analytics Cloud is available in the following editions: SAP Analytics Cloud for planning, professional edition; SAP Analytics Cloud for planning, standard edition; and SAP Analytics Cloud for business intelligence. The functions included in each of these editions and for specific data center locations are described in the feature scope description found in the Documentation. Each edition must be ordered separately on an Order Form. For purposes of this Supplement, the Cloud Service shall mean those editions specified in an Order Form./ SAP Analytics Cloud tersedia dalam edisi berikut: SAP Analytics Cloud for planning, professional edition; SAP Analytics Cloud for planning, standard edition; dan SAP Analytics Cloud for business intelligence. Fungsi yang termasuk dalam setiap edisi dan lokasi pusat data khusus dijelaskan dalam deskripsi cakupan fitur yang terdapat dalam Dokumentasi. Setiap edisi harus dipesan secara terpisah pada Formulir Pemesanan. Untuk tujuan Tambahan ini, Layanan Cloud berarti edisi tersebut yang ditentukan dalam Formulir Pemesanan.
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. 1.1. The Usage Metrics and additional terms of each of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition packages and optional add-ons are described in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Service, extended edition Service Use Description document found at xxxxx:// (“Service Use Description”)./ Metrik Penggunaan dan syarat-syarat tambahan dari setiap paket SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition dan add-on opsional dijelaskan dalam dokumen Deskripsi Penggunaan Layanan SAP S/4HANA Cloud Service, extended edition yang terdapat di xxxxx:// (“Deskripsi Penggunaan Layanan”).
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. 1.1. The Usage Metrics and additional terms of each of RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and experience management, and optional add-ons (“Cloud Services”) are described in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Service Use Description document available at xxxxx:// (“Service Use Description”)./ Metrik Penggunaan dan syarat tambahan dari masing-masing RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and experience management, dan add-on opsional (“Layanan Cloud”) dijelaskan dalam dokumen Deskripsi Penggunaan Layanan SAP S/4HANA Cloud yang tersedia di xxxxx:// (“Deskripsi Penggunaan Layanan”).
1.2. If a Customer subscribes to the RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud or RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and experience management Cloud Service, Customer will receive access to the following additional Cloud Services for no fee (collectively, “Bundled Cloud Services”):/ Apabila Pelanggan berlangganan Layanan Cloud RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud atau RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and experience management, Pelanggan akan menerima akses ke Layanan Cloud tambahan berikut tanpa dikenakan imbalan (secara bersama-sama disebut dengan, “Bundel Layanan Cloud”):
(i) each of the following Cloud Services for which Customer does not have an existing subscription: SAP Digital Supplier Network (Ariba Network); SAP Logistics Business Network, freight collaboration option; SAP Asset Intelligence Network;/ masing-masing dari Layanan Cloud berikut yang untuknya Pelanggan tidak memiliki langganan: SAP Digital Supplier Network (Ariba Network); SAP Logistics Business Network, freight collaboration option; SAP Asset Intelligence Network;
(ii) if specified in the Order Form, Cloud Platform (CPEA) Free Voucher; and/ apabila ditentukan dalam Formulir Pemesanan, Voucher Gratis Cloud Platform (CPEA); dan
(iii) for RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and experience management only, Qualtrics EmployeeXM for IT./ hanya untuk RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud and experience management, Qualtrics EmployeeXM for IT. Use of each Bundled Cloud Service is subject to the supplemental terms located at xxxx:// and the following limitations: Penggunaan setiap Bundel Layanan Cloud tunduk pada syarat-syarat tambahan yang ada di xxxx:// dan batasan berikut:
(i) for SAP Digital Supplier Network (Ariba Network), access do...
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. The Cloud Service supports customers automate the financial closing process and to trigger and report on closing procedures in connected accounting systems./ Layanan Cloud ini mendukung pelanggan untuk mengotomatisasikan proses penyelesaian pembiayaan (financial closing) dan memicu serta melaporkan prosedur penyelesaian (closing) dalam sistem akuntansi yang terhubung.
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. The Cloud Service supports customers to build intelligent bots which emulate human users and automate manual processes. The Cloud Service is a hybrid solution comprised of three components:/ Layanan Cloud mendukung pelanggan untuk membangun bot cerdas yang meniru pengguna manusia dan mengotomatisasi proses manual. Layanan Cloud adalah solusi hibrid yang terdiri atas tiga komponen:
1.1. Design the automation processes with Cloud Studio and Desktop Studio;/ Merancang proses otomatisasi dengan Cloud Studio dan Desktop Studio;
1.2. Orchestrate the automation processes with Cloud Factory; and/ Mengatur proses otomatisasi dengan Cloud Factory; dan
1.3. Execute the automation processes with the on-premise desktop agent(s)./ Menjalankan proses otomatisasi dengan agen(-agen) desktop on-premise.
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. 1.1. The Usage Metrics and additional terms of each of RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition; RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, base; RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition and experience management; RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, premium, and the optional add-ons (“RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, PE”) are described in the RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition Service Description Guide document found at xxxxx:// services.html?tag=agreements:product-use-support-terms/service-description-guides&sort=latest_desc (“Service Description Guide”)./ Metrik Penggunaan xxx syarat-syarat tambahan dari setiap RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition; RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, base; RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition and experience management; RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, premium, xxx add-on opsionalnya (“RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, PE”) dijelaskan dalam dokumen Panduan Deskripsi Layanan RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition yang terdapat di xxxxx:// center/agreements/cloud/cloud-services.html?tag=agreements:product-use-support-terms/service-description- guides&sort=latest_desc (“Panduan Deskripsi Layanan”).
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. 1.1. The Cloud Service is available as a core product, plus additional add-on services. The Cloud Service functionality delivered is specified in the SAP Sales and Service Core Feature Specification document located at: xxxx:// Layanan Cloud tersedia sebagai produk inti, ditambah layanan add-on tambahan. Fungsionalitas Layanan Cloud yang diberikan ditentukan dalam dokumen Spesifikasi Fitur SAP Sales and Service Core yang terdapat di: xxxx://
1.2. Use of SAP Cloud Applications Studio is subject to the terms set forth in Attachment 1 to this Supplement./ Penggunaan SAP Cloud Applications Studio tunduk pada syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan dalam Lampiran 1 untuk Tambahan ini.
1.3. Customer may subscribe to test tenants that are described in the Documentation (each a “Test Tenant”) for non-productive purposes only. No more than fifty Users may access each Test Tenant./ Pelanggan dapat berlangganan penyewa tes yang dijelaskan dalam Dokumentasi (masing-masing disebut “Penyewa Tes”) hanya untuk tujuan nonproduktif. Tidak lebih xxxx xxxx puluh Pengguna dapat mengakses setiap Penyewa Tes.
1.4. SAP will provide storage for the Cloud Service up to ten gigabytes of disk storage space per User, not to exceed (a) 10 TB total storage for all Users, or (b) 250 million data records for all Users, whichever occurs first. Customer will reasonably cooperate with SAP to optimize Customer’s use of the Cloud Service, including the storage of Customer Data in the Cloud Service./ SAP akan menyediakan penyimpanan untuk Layanan Cloud hingga sepuluh gigabita ruang penyimpanan disk per Pengguna yang tidak melebihi (a) total penyimpanan 10 TB untuk semua Pengguna, atau (b) 250 juta catatan data untuk semua Pengguna, yang mana pun yang terjadi terlebih dahulu. Pelanggan akan bekerja sama secara wajar dengan SAP untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan Pelanggan atas Layanan Cloud, termasuk penyimpanan Data Pelanggan dalam Layanan Cloud.
1.5. SAP Sales and Service Core, private edition, includes a single production tenant within a dedicated multi- tenant system for single customer usage and customized maintenance windows./ SAP Sales and Service Core, private edition, mencakup penyewa produksi tunggal di dalam sistem multipenyewa khusus untuk penggunaan oleh pelanggan xxxxxxx xxx rentang waktu pemeliharaan yang disesuaikan.
1.6. I...
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. The Cloud Service provides a capability for agreeing terms and conditions for intercompany (especially related to non-trade transactions) and prepares journals for posting the receivables and payables to ERP./ Layanan Xxxxx memberikan kemampuan untuk menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan antarperusahaan (terutama yang terkait dengan transaksi non-perdagangan) serta menyiapkan jurnal untuk memposting piutang dan utang ke ERP.
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. The Cloud Service supports customers to monitor and report on data access, storage, movement, processing, and location in the public cloud platform, to create and enforce public-cloud data access, location, movement, and processing policies and to encrypt data in the cloud, depending on which Cloud Service Customer has subscribed to./ Layanan Cloud mendukung pelanggan untuk memantau dan melaporkan akses, penyimpanan, perpindahan, pemrosesan, dan lokasi data di platform cloud publik, untuk membuat dan memberlakukan kebijakan akses, lokasi, perpindahan, dan pemrosesan data cloud publik dan untuk mengenkripsi data di cloud, tergantung pada Layanan Cloud mana yang dilanggan oleh Pelanggan.
CLOUD SERVICE/ LAYANAN CLOUD. The Cloud Service is a public SAP cloud service that facilitates the messaging and message conversion of traceability data across the members of the pharmaceutical supply chain./ Layanan Cloud merupakan layanan cloud SAP publik yang memfasilitasi konversi pembuatan pesan dan pesan dari data yang dapat ditelusuri di seluruh anggota rantai pasokan farmasi.